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** What Women ACTUALLY Need & Want From Men **

In our current society, men have been entirely confused & misguided around how to really
step to a woman from a place of integrity. He has been blinded to her deepest essence of what
she truly desires from him. He has been instructed with all types of childish nonsense which
he must bring to women in order to "get her". This is a gigantic issue which has distorted the
male/female dynamic on the planet, and in turn our health and happiness.


*Welcome to this gigantic article. Id like to preface this by stating that the following sharing
is to point out the reality of what is going on right now on the planet when it comes to
relating, and how our general fear of our own humanness has us adopt a wide variety of
dysfunctional behaviours, beliefs and patterns around intimacy. This is what I will speak to, as
without our awareness to it, nothing can be shifted. I bounce around a bit as i shift from
different aspects, so stay with me, it has its purpose.

My intention is also to share with my fellow brothers my vast experiential understanding of

what is truly going on for women right now, so that he can start to develop a more integral
plane of empathy and understanding for his beautiful opposite and counter-part.

For the women, my intention is that you feel seen, heard, and lovingly supported in all of the
places you long to be met. Thank you for your constant trust and support in me as a man,
thank you for sharing so intimately with me your world and your experience of it - and for
your never-ending support in what I stand here for.

Finally, in no way am I going to be supporting the bullshit social narrative of either genders in
this post. So if you are attached to anything PC culture, this article will be lethal for you. If
you are going to start reading this, I advise you to read it in full. Otherwise you will miss the
complete transmission. Thank you.


Lets jump right in shall we, and look at what women want, or better yet, what we think
women want.

Mans Confusion

The first main issue that arises when it comes to the courting process, is that men learn to play
games(badly) with women(who are naturally much more adept), in order to bait her &
convince her into sex and attraction with shiny treats; further fuelling the "little princess"
epidemic & keeping powerful embodied womanhood stunted. All the while castrating himself
in the process. He first met these "games" as a young boy, through his relationship with his
mother, as a way to get his needs met. Similar to how a young girl learns. We are trained to
play games, via parental figures who play their own.

When a young boy becomes sexually developed enough to the point that he feels pulled to
sex, his own social circle begins to dictate the appropriate ways to approach this desire. It is
rarely healthy and clear. It is shrouded in secrecy and shame...which only accompanies that
which is apparently not ok.

After some time he investigates deeper into other ways he can get his desires met, rather than
coming clean and announcing his totally uninhibited love and acceptance for the opposite sex
and how lovely woman makes him feel.

He wants to be a seducer, a pick-up-artist, a player, a super spiritual tantra man, and learns all
of the techniques that he has been sold by other men; who have not yet fully-matured, healed
or even developed as males. He trusts these man-boys and believes their self-proclaimed
prophecies of being the worlds greatest ladies men.

These unequipped mentors regurgitate on to him wounded nonsense, that only serves to
weaken and confuse him more, whilst simultaneously being bombarded by the PC social
narrative. It also harms the woman, as his techniques and manipulative ways of engaging
mangles her ability to trust, love and revere the masculine in its truest healthiest form.

Time goes by and the male becomes a bigger male, but thats about it. He stays internally
retarded in relation to his sex energy, and his expression/embodiment of it.

Womans Experience

Meanwhile for the woman, she meets and experiences so many of these disingenuous males
from such an early age(right back to her father in many cases), she assumes that this is what a
man is - a creature who continuously breaks his word, who must manipulate to get his needs
met, and use her in order to validate his own masculinity - whether it is via his nice-guy act,
or bad-boy bravado.

She lives her life as a woman who has had no felt sense understanding/experience of what a
good man feels like, moves like, & communicates like. This is quite detrimental to her
expansion and growth, as without a healthy version of the directive energy present in her life,
she finds it incredibly challenging to stay clear and at ease in her body.

She loses touch with the love of her own femininity & where it lives inside of her, because it
has become unsafe for her to be in it, with such unaccountable men (& women) in her

In turn, she becomes more neurotic and backed-up energetically & sexually(especially if she
is still partaking in mediocre sex), continuously subscribing to allusive fairytales in relatings,
and projecting them onto the next male who shows up. It's a clusterfuck of unclarity and

She eventually closes down her heart and body to further protect herself from the sloppiness,
roaming through relationships and sexual experiences which have very little depth and
connection. She no longer reveres her sex. Instead she uses it in the only seemingly positive
channel she can find; as a manipulation tool, to wrap weak under-developed men around her
finger, requesting him to now feed all of her childish disconnected wants. Bitterness ensues.

I know i know, it doesn't sound pretty at all does it?...rather morbid in fact... but it's real, and
that is the only thing I am concerned with sharing; what is real right now.
This reality is what I must see daily with many of the wonderful women who come to see me
for the work I do, but also out in the world, everywhere. This misalignment is everywhere.

If every man could wake-up to the profoundly destructive impact that he not showing up real
and clear in his life has, Im sure things would shift rapidly, and love could live here in a far
greater way.

What Do Women Want From Men?

As I previously mentioned: "Men have been entirely confused about how to step to a woman,
and the deepest essence of what she truly desires from him."

Over the last 10 years working with, supporting and assisting thousands of women from all
over the world, it has become profoundly clear what a woman not only wants from man, but
absolutely needs from him...and its not what you may assume...


She needs your PRESENCE!

Thats pretty much it in its deepest form.

Woman fundamentally wants 1 main cornerstone principle from man (whether she even
realises it or not): his full, steady, fierce, loving presence. His presence - She wants your

Everything else you attempt to do or be, when it is detached from your presence, is absolutely
worthless, because you have not brought yourself forward to her. Without your
presence...You are not even there. Meaning a whole load of other shit fills the space.

Male presence is deeply healing and nourishing for woman, her heart, and her sex. It's how
man loves, through his presence.

Do I need to say it again? I will anyway, incase you missed it - Men, she wants your
PRESENCE! She craves it! It initiates so much aliveness in her being. It feeds her. It sparks
her. It makes her dance and melt simultaneously.

Its always funny how when some women hear me say this, they will roll their eyes. This is a
woman who has not actually ever been made love to by an embodied man - One who has
done his work. This is the woman who has been so unmet by the machismo/nice-guy culture,
that she finds it self-affirming, supportive and protective to adhere to the "I don't need no
man" movement.

Its similar to a man who has only ever experienced women to be pseudo-masculine / spoiled-
little-princesses. He assumes woman is only that thing - So he ends up missing the power that
resides in a woman who has reached a place of heart embodiment, her unconditionality. He
misses all the beautifully nourishing gifts which reside there, and dismisses woman before he
has ever had the pleasure of meeting one.

It's easy to feel like you don't need something, when you have never truly experienced it.
Why Being Present Is So Difficult For Man

I know, it sounds almost too simple and easy right? Just be present. Well, kind of...

You see, to be fully with her in presence, will take a lot of courage for a man. Because his
presence, firstly, exposes himself!

All of his fears, insecurities, shame, lack of self-worth. It will all be felt when he moves into

His presence gives him zero games and tricks to lean on. He is wide open and fully visible to
her; the one whom he has spent his life trying to be something for. The one who he is starved
of love for. The one who birthed him - Not his actual mother in this sense, but woman, in her
vast collectivity.

When man becomes truly present with woman, he becomes present with the magnificent force
that brought him into this life. The one which held him, nursed him, cared for him. The one
which innately feels like the warmest, safest, most nourishing place in this life available to

When a man becomes present with her, he feels that deep reverence and awe he has for
woman, and what she is to and for him. This is utterly terrifying, because what the fuck is he
supposed to do with all of that energy? With all of that love? With all of that fragility and
vulnerability he feels come up with her? And what about that beautiful erection that has rose
up to meet her? the one that he is embarrassed and ashamed about? It all runs so deep you see.

He was never told about any of this, because the men before him were also confused and
terrified - Never instructed how to communicate himself. This is so much much of the work
that I do with men, its mentoring. Whereas with women its all energywork to reconnect her to
the depths of her womanhood. We need different things, because we function differently.

Out of his total confusion - man shuts down his own internal female so he no longer has to
feel stuff. He hardens up and becomes detached.

Now he looks to control her, because if she was let free, he would be forced to feel again. He
would be forced to accept he has absolutely no control over any of this...and that, is terrifying
for his little boy who feels weak.

So to the women, I share this partly for you, so you can hear the depth of the internal
obstacles that men are met with, simply when it comes to being an authentic and embodied
man infront of you. You are super beautiful, magnificent and powerful. You put us here.
Unless a man really does his inner god-work he will be always attempting to reach out and
take from you. This is the pattern for him. Because without you, where the fuck is he
supposed to get his love from?

The Power Of The Embodied Man

To go slightly deeper for a moment - When a man does do his work and develops himself
spiritually, he then rises in his role.
He arrives to a matured place of being. This man comes to her with understanding and access
to his truest power, penetrating her with his godliness - nourishing, protecting, and seeding an
oasis of bliss within her. Opening her to more of her capabilities and life essence. She longs to
be penetrated by his god consciousness. She longs to feel it flow through her, seeing her,
illuminating her - boiling her waters of transformation.

He assists and supports her in the activation and opening of her heart, sex and body. He pulls
her deeply back down into her body. He holds her fully accountable for what is real and never
supports even an inch of bullshit in her. He loves fiercely. He showers her with his divine
electricity, and reinvigorates every cell in her being, feeding her internal goddess - She then
pulls him back home, to the womb-space, and drenches him in her unconditional love. Union.

You get all that?

Back To The Practical

With all that being said, it is not as easy as "just be present" for a man. Because It takes all of
his commitment to self, to healing all of his own wounds, without mommy.

In a society that encourages men to perform, dance, dazzle, and impress women - stripping
himself all the way back to the foundation is the most terrifying thing imaginable for him;
because he too has been wounded by distorted & dysfunctional feminine energy in his life, all
the way back to his mother.

The beautiful thing is, for men, we heal through figuring out how to be, and how to STAY
present, with whatever happens to be there.

Thankfully, her nature is in direct support of your presence, as she needs to feel you be totally
there WITH her. Feeling her. Penetrating her. Piercing her with your consciousness, so she
even has something of integrity to open and respond to.

If you cannot feel her, she cannot trust you, period.

Presence, and to whatever level the man has acquired the ability to be in it, is the depth at
which she will be met & aroused. Presence is how a man holds a woman. It´s how he makes
love to her. It´s how he fucks her.

(As a sidenote, not every woman is at a time in her life/growth where she can actually handle
a mans full presence, as consciousness tends to light upon and expose everything which is not
wanting to be seen right now. Some women who at this moment feel the craving to stay stuck
in child-mode, or a woman who has been deeply mishandled and abused by males, will
rightfully avoid anything that even resembles the male form looking to connect deeper... as if
it was the plague, because she dare not risk being seen by what has caused her so much hurt in
the past. A man of clarity & understanding will be patient & recognise this, and he will
support her, at her pace, through his loving-care for her healthy womanhood.)

Presence Is the Soil

When people are asked what women truly want from a man, you will get many opinions, from
the superficial to the more foundational - which all have their own merits. Qualities such as
safety, trustworthiness, authenticity, honesty, attractiveness/sexiness, respect, money, an
exciting lifestyle etc will all come up frequently.

In my extensive experience over the years working with & supporting women and the
feminine energy, it is very clear that in most cases, a woman has very little understanding of
what she wants logically, but she knows how it FEELS in her body and in her heart.

Much of what she expresses verbally may be things that society has told her she ought to
want; detached from her truest voice.

Because modern day man has made very little effort to tune in and hear her underneath the
words, she must attempt to communicate this feeling logically in a male way, which lacks so
much of the necessary flavour and nuances that she feels through on a moment to moment

She compromises her nature, in a desperate attempt to be understood - which achieves the
opposite outcome.

This is one of the main issues which arises through 2 complimenting opposites attempting to
be more like the other. We leave our own house, we separate from our power.

In an embodied and healthy society, we would learn to show-up and communicate effectively
from our own nature without ever leaving our house... while fully supporting, respecting, and
seeking to understand more of the beautiful differences which exists in the other. Without
demanding they be more like us.

She will list off a whole bunch of things she wants attempting to hit the nail on the head. A
man who understands the feminine principle will feel underneath the words and see where
they are emanating from. The under-developed man will only hear her words, and then utterly
compromise his own nature by going out and attempting to be her words, for her. But this
misses the truth entirely. She in no way wants you to go and do that. She needs you here.

Now, I totally understand how what I just shared can be taken in a multitude of ways, and
how it can often offend and infuriate people who are attached to certain belief systems around
men and women. Thankfully I don't care.

Not out of malice, but because I must see women and men coming to me on a daily basis who
have been so chewed up by lies. So mishandled by egoic complication.

I am here for whats natural. I am here for what is true, what is real, and this is what has been
made deeply apparent to me, endlessly, over the previous years working with thousands of
women, and men. Its not even my opinion - Its simply the way life works. All im doing is
reporting back, directly from the horses mouth.

All the qualities listed above, around what we assume a woman wants - These are not things
you must go out and attempt to get, or find. These are some of the beautiful flowers that
naturally sprout-up out of a mans loving presence with a woman. He doesnt even need to
leave the room.
In the "male dating advice" realm, he attempts to learn how to act-out these qualities, as
techniques to attract her, without ever meeting the foundational presence required to even
show up as an embodied man with her. He spends his time attempting to display certain traits,
without ever actually being in touch with them.

I really hope this was of benefit to you. Keep it simple, bring it back home

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