Taller Segunda Lengua

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Second language workshop

Hi students: this little exercise contains three points.

1) Choose a caricaturist from the ones that are presented below, search their carttonns in internet
and choose the caricature that you liked. Explain in a paragraph why you liked it.

o Matt Davies. Estados Unidos

o Joe Sacco. Malta
o David Pope. Australia
o Mohamed Sabaaneh Palestina
o Manel Fontdevila. España
o Plantu. Francia
o Joep Bertrams. Holanda
o Chappatte. Pakistán
o Satish Acharya. India

2) Watch the video and explain (in two paragraphs) what is the purpose of education according to
N. Chomsky

Link of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9aalxJGy_Y

3) Regardez la vidéo seulement jusqu'à la 13éme minute, puis répondez aux questions suivantes

- quelle est la condition féminine?

- Que pensez-vous du travail domestique qui n'est pas payé aux femmes?

lien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN20Qb9wMD8

Nota: usted puede responder en inglés, en francés o en castellano.

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