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ULAB 2122

Job Opportunities Among Disabled People


Nasrun Wajihah Binti Azharis A17HA0119 (017-2609516)
Syahnaz Binti Khairul Anuar A17HA0258 (011-26393959)
Chew Xiao Shian A17HA0022 (012-2896910)
Job Opportunities Among Disabled People – Final Term Paper

Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for a job is unable to find
it. (Investopedia, n.d.) Unemployment commonly happen to people with disabilities. Individuals
with disabilities are someone that share much practically speaking with non-incapacitated people
yet has a physical or mental hindrance that has a generous impact on their capacity to complete
ordinary everyday exercises (Heron and Murray, 2003). There are a few types of disabilities such
as hearing disability, visual disability, physical disability, learning disability, and speech disability.
Data has proven that the employment-population for persons with disability in 2017 were 453,258
persons. The highest recorded number which is was 35.2 per cent are categories in physically
disability, followed by learning disability category which was 34.8 per cent, visually disability
category as 8.9 per cent and for hearing disability category recorded as 7.6 per cent. The lowest
recorded number which was 0.5 per cent are category as speech disability as per registered (Social
Statistics Bulletin Malaysia, 2018). Hence, it is evident that the job opportunities for the disabled
community should not be taken lightly. As this paper looks into the factors and outcome of low
employment among disabled people, a few solutions are also presented to curb the issue.

There a various main causes of low employment among disabled people, to give an
example, workers fear of having the need to provide extra supervision (Peck and Kirkbride, 2001,
p. 71-75. Sometimes, this is significantly more inconspicuous and can be more hard to overcome
than other work related concerns as the employers are worried about the exceptional consideration
that may should be dedicated to workers with disabilities. As a results, They are concerned about
the measure of time the manager would need a commitment to a disabled employees and in this
way keep them from their different obligations and potentially to spending more money on training

The next reason is the fear of loss of productivity faced by the employer. (Peck and
Kirkbride, 2001, p. 71-75). Now that, employers are concerned with having disabled employees
that might potentially affect their company’s productivity as it may due to less capable in terms of
skills, having lower competency and efficiency. Because of this, it would cause a difficulty to cope
with other employees.
And lastly, another cause of low employment among disabled people is fear of damaged
goods (Peck and Kirkbride, 2001, p. 71-75). Most employers make a move on strategic agreement
as a business proposal. When in general rules, employers won’t search for the charitable side while
considering a strategic agreement of business proposal. Therefore, companies would prefer not to
be included with things that could risk the productivity of the business. At the point when
representatives talk about employing individuals with disabilities, they may specify that they
contract from a specific enlistment pool since it's the right thing to do. Thus, they making this
statement since they comprehend the business explanations behind procuring individuals with
disabilities, not to a noble cause they have undertaken. Therefore, it is an advantage placement
professional market of people with disabilities.

While the first effect of low employment among disabled people is prejudice and
discrimination in society. This lead to a segment of employment and earning gaps is presumably
because of lower profitability related with numerous of disabilities people (Baldwin, 1997).
Therefore, prejudice and discrimination also plays a role in the employment rate and earning gaps
for the disabled community. As prescribed by the finding that the compensation holes are higher
for people who have disabilities that evoke the most adverse mindsets (Baldwin, 1997).

A further effect on the low employment among disabled people is social isolation. Due to
that, most disabled persons who faced unemployment in general tend to live alone, and are less
inclined to associate with companions outside the home or to be engaged with get-togethers.
(Harris and Associates, 2000). For this reason, the low asset levels and more big isolation add to
bring down life fulfillment levels (Harris and Associates, 2000). As a consequences, “Not having
work implies managing without a portion of the basics you need and settling on your sense of pride
when another person offers to get them for you.” (Disabled worker, 2000).

Fall in social capital also is one of the causes of low employment among disabled people.
Unemployment may furthermore make greater gaps between individuals with and without
disabilities, yet additionally increase the gaps in social and psychological measures. Hence, when
people with disability are unemployed, they’ll be missing out on jobs that mostly involve
cooperations with associates or individuals from general society, which will cause an increase in
social isolation and a decrease in social capital (Putnam, 2000). This resulted in, employment
regularly increases civic abilities and exposure to political enlistment and has other resources and
mental impacts that can make greater the probability of political involvement (Schlozman et al.

Despite the effects of low employment among the disabled community, there are a few
solutions available to curb the issue. Firstly, full-scale inclusion initiatives should be launched for
people with disabilities (Barker, R. et al, 1953). To elaborate, the persons with disabilities will
have equivalent access to public facilities, services, public transport, education, employment,
information, communication, technology, cultural life, amusement and leisure as indicated by a
disabled-friendly organization in Malaysia. In addition, companies and the public should join
hands and create awareness from companies and public as well, for normal requirements of an
individual with disability to participate fully in the community as well been recognized and treated
with dignity. Lastly, the Government and voluntary organizations should offer similar advantages
and equivalent opportunity for progression and socially responsible in term of employment to
disabled workers to develop skills, experiences, and face practical obstacles.

Secondly, every member of society should develop and support the understanding of
disabled people. Overall, work performance of disabled workers, to give an instance their abilities
skills and potentials in accomplish their task that have an effect on companies’ outlook. For
example, giving encouragement for the work performance of disabled workers abilities in
performing their task. Government to work on putting up a strong talent base that comprise people
with disabilities positions have similar advantages and equivalent chance for development and
socially responsible in term of employment to disabled workers to develop skills, education and
experience level. In this era of globalization, disabled people are required for a reasonable job and
treat them justly with the ‘ordinary’ candidates as including them in the community.

In a nutshell, people with disabilities are continuing to grow in numbers, to an extent where
they should not be ignored or seen as further problems in the future. They should be given
equivalent employment-related services and opportunities to break the common barriers that
occurred among them. Persons with disability essentially possess of human rights simply like any
ordinary person, while they also rightfully earn the acceptance and courtesy as they can convey
their focal point when it comes to communicating with other people, conscientious and
trustworthiness, and overall good work ethics.

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