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Madrasah Aliyah (MA) At-Taqwa Telutu Jaya

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

َْ ‫صلْةْ ْوْال‬ َْ ‫ْوْال‬.‫ن‬ ّْ ْ‫الدي‬
ّْ ْ‫ وّْْب ّْه ْنسْتْ ّْعيْنْ ْعْلْىْأْمْوْ ّْر ْالدْنْيْاْو‬,ْ‫ب ْالْعْالْ ّْميْن‬ َْ ّ ْ ْ‫الْحْمْد‬
ّْ ْ‫لِلّ ْر‬
ْ,ْ‫ْخات ّمْالنَبّ ّيين‬,ْ‫ىّْللاْعْلْيْ ّهْوسْْلَم‬
َْ َ‫ّْللاّْصل‬ َْ ‫ْوْعْلْىْرْسْوْ ّل‬,ْ‫اءْوْالْمْرْسّْْليْن‬ ّْ ْ‫افْالْلْنّْْبي‬ّْ ْ‫عْلْىْأْشْر‬
.ْ‫ْأْ َْماْبْعْد‬.‫ْوعلىْآ ّل ّهْوصح ّب ّهْأجم ّعين‬,ْ‫و ّإم ّامْالمرس ّلين‬
Honorable, all headmaster of Senior High School.
Honorable all the judges.
Honarable, all the teachers and my beloved friends.
All praises and thanks due to Allah SWT for all enjoyments Who has given us. Who
gives us His guidance and mercy, give us His bounties and blessings, so until now we are still
given the full blessing of happiness, so that why we can gather in this place in a healthy state and
we can attend and participate in this program.
Praise and salutation upon him, our prophet Muhammad Saw. the last messenger, the best
figure of this universe. Who has brought us from the darkness to lightness.
In this great moment, I’d like to say thank you very much to the protocol, who has given
me this opportunity to deliver my speech on the tittle : “Obligation to seek knowledge”.
Dear the audiences.
In Al-qur’an or in Hadith, science and knowledge takes the highest place then others.
Even Allah is known as Al-alim, Who knows all of thing. A famous Muslim poet stated that the
strength of one nation depends on its knowledge and science. Nowadays, the strength doesn’t
depend on the strength of our body or property anymore, but it has already on science. The
slaves who take the highest rank in the view of Allah are those who have good knowledge.
Now let’s talk about education. As we know that in our religion, Allah commands us to
study as much as possible. For beginning, we can see that in Al-qur’an surah Al-alaq verse 1:

ْ١ْ‫ٱ ۡقرْۡأْبّْٱ ۡس ّْمْربّكْٱلَذّيْخلق‬

which has meaning “Read it”.ْThis verse showed us how important the education
is, because read is the basic of study. By reading, we can learn about so many things in our life
and all of things in this world.
Today, there are so many ways to learn about things. We are really helped by technology.
Besides book, news paper, magazine, and television, now we have internet. We can search any
information using this facility. As young generation, we have a lot of dream and ambitions to
achieve. But we need facility to make it happen. We are lucky because the government has made
program for education that we know as “School Operation Fund”. This program not just releases
Madrasah Aliyah (MA) At-Taqwa Telutu Jaya

us from the high of school cost. It also gives us scholarship. The government has made so many
regulations to show their concern on education.
Inside the law about national education system chapter 5 verse 1 states that:
“Every citizen has same right to get quality of education”
Islam also doesn’t regard the gender in seeking knowledge. All Muslims, either men or
women, have been given same chance to study and improve their knowledge. Rasulullah saw

ّْ ْ‫طْلْبْْال ّْعلْ ّْمْفْ ّْريْضْةْْعْلْىْك‬
Both of them have a similar tendency to invite us to understand that education is
something what must get a really serious attention from us, no matter male or female.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Every year, we celebrated the Kartini’s day. Kartini is one of amazing and inspiring
figure for woman. She showed us no matter what, education must go on. In the middle of
colonization and limitation of everything, she still studies. And now, the freedom and
emancipation that every woman feels is because of Kartini.
Another chapter in Al-qur’an is in surah Al-mujadalah verse 11:

ْ١١ْ‫ْمنك ۡمْوْٱلَذّينْْأوتواْٱ ۡل ّع ۡلمْْدر َٰج ٖۚت‬

ّ ‫لِلْٱلَذّينْْءامنوا‬
َْ ‫ي ۡرفعّْٱ‬
“Allah will raise those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees”
Knowledge can lead us to find out what have never been known before. With good
knowledge, our nation will be respected by other nation. So, the decision is in our hands. The
future of a nation depends on its young generation.
Wise man says: “Hang your ambition as high as the sky”. Start it with dreams, then fight
to achieve them. Because the poorest people are those who do not have a dream.
That’s all from my speech. I hope it could inspire and motivate us as a young generation
to study and seek knowledge seriously.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

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