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Responsible Use of ICT and

Social Media for Students

1. What are these Guidelines 4. Some important ‘Dos’

about? I have computers and other ICT tools to help
them learn. I should treat ICT and the CEDP
These guidelines support safe and responsible network as tools to be shared for the common
use of Information and Communication good.
Technologies (ICT) and social media - see
definitions in Responsible Use of ICT and Social When I use ICT I should:
Media Procedures.
use the computer or mobile device to
Number 2. To whom do these for my learning
Guidelines apply? keep my password safe
Implementation date
These guidelines apply to all students and their study and research for information
19 June 2012
parents when: relevant to my subjects
Service area
Strategic Accountabilities using ICT provided by the school use the files, programs, internet or
email shown by my teacher
Location when using the school's network
Public look after the technology and related
when accessing social media area
Head policy
Student Policy (being drafted) They are intended to be used as a teaching tool ask the teacher if I'm not sure how to
about safe and mature digital citizenship. use ICT

3. What is the purpose of tell the teacher if I learn something

school-based ICT
ask for permission if I'm unsure about
The purpose of ICT at CEDP schools is to: sharing information with people over
the internet
enhance student learning opportunities
complete tasks and assignments set by
promote student achievement my teacher

support student - school use my CEDP provided

communication username, password and email
account when accessing the CEDP

Responsible Use of ICT and Social Media Students – Guidelines June 2012 Licenced under NEALS - 1
Respect others:
use the network to download pictures,
share the computers and resources so movies or music for personal use
everyone can learn
copy other people’s work and pretend
write the author’s name when I use that it's my own
information and pictures from the say anything untrue about others
bring computer software from home
treat others the way I'd like to be without permission
share my full name or send their photo
Keep safe online: without permission

keep my password safe and secret - share other people's full name or send
even from friends their photo without permission

tell the teacher if I see something that I change any computer or network
think is naughty or makes me feel security settings
grant access to unauthorised users
tell the teacher if I come across
something inappropriate bully, harass, make derogatory or
untrue remarks that embarrass others
use the files, programs, internet or
email as shown by my teacher spam or mass mail

ask the teacher for permission to use inspect, modify, distribute or copy any
my own USBs or storage devices data, files or software (apps) that is
owned by the CEO or school

use the network to download images,

movies, music or applications for
personal use

use other peoples accounts to access

ICT services

upload information to the internet that I

do not have permission to use (eg
music in videos)

permit apps or sites to gather

5. Some important ‘Don’ts’ information about me (eg contact
details, location information) without
I should never use ICT or the CEDP network teacher approval
disrespectfully, dishonestly or unlawfully. For
example I should never: 6. Monitoring
say or do things that I wouldn't like The classroom teacher can usually see how
others to do or say to me students use ICT to help us with our learning.
Authorised CEDP staff may also monitor
use social networking (like Facebook, use of ICT, the network and social media by
Beebo, Twitter, YouTube) unless members of CEDP. They do this to make sure
guided by my teacher that:

use social networking until I am 13 students' learning is supported by

years old or have the teacher's relevant, engaging, accessible,
permission challenging and holistic practices

access sites meant for people in older CEDP's responsibilities towards

age groups than me students and others are fulfilled in
accordance with law and Church
give my password to anyone except teaching
their parents or teacher

Responsible Use of ICT and Social Media Students – Guidelines June 2012 Licenced under NEALS - 2
7. Consequences
If I break these rules:
8. Agreement
I may not be allowed to use the
computer or ICT Student

my teacher may tell the principal or my I have read and understand the rules for using
parents the school's ICT

school code of behaviour and Student Student name:

Wellbeing Procedures may apply
Student signature:
In some cases the Suspension,
Transfer, Expulsion and Exclusion Date: __________
Guidelines may apply.
(If you are under the age of 18, a parent or
guardian must also read and sign this
8. Relevant documents agreement.)

Student Policy (in progress) Parent

Communications Policy (in progress)
Responsible Use of ICT and Social As the parent/carer of this student, I have read
Media - Procedures the Responsible Use of ICT and Social Media
Responsible Use of ICT and Social Procedures and these Guidelines. I understand
Media Staff - Guidelines that school supplied ICT are educational
Anti-bullying Policy resources provided to enhance the education of
all children at [name of school]. I recognise that
Suspension Transfer Expulsion and
the school will use its best efforts to supervise
Exclusion Procedures
children in their use of educational resources. I
Complaint Handling Policy and
also recognise that it is impossible to completely
restrict access to controversial materials. I hereby
Countering Discrimination Harassment give permission for my child to be given access to
and Bullying Procedures and
ICT by the school, including access to email and
Guidelines the internet.
Procedural Fairness - Guidelines
Privacy Procedures Parent name:
Privacy Guidelines
Work Health and Safety Signature:

Date: __________

Responsible Use of ICT and Social Media Students – Guidelines June 2012 Licenced under NEALS - 3

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