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To check the locked Dentacoins use Ethereum Wallet or MyEtherWallet and DENTACOIN TIMELOCK ADDRESSES

Year Address Amount % transfered

1. Watch contract.
2018 0x3668F174859271c88537d633a2Cac59de26B0641 121777777777 1,9 %
2. Contract name: Dentacoin TimeLock 20xx
3. Choose contract address -> 2019 0xf20fC45f6e6204C3C0a97da219D714937CA7321D 182666666666 2,9 %
4. Copy and paste JSON:
2020 0x1b6F112B2C6fbe28Cf9394B64f493E0ffeb5c020 243555555555 3,8 %

2021 0x3d666A7932De1F34121F768fd1Ed27386E84A422 304444444444 4,8 %

[ { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "lockTime", "outputs": [ { "name": "",
"type": "uint256", "value": "" } ], "payable": false, "type": "function" }, 2022 0x572f457882102FfeaaC4121338Ced3E94A006Cdc 365333333333 5,7 %
{ "constant": false, "inputs": [], "name": "withdraw", "outputs": [], "payable": 487111111111 7,6 %
2023 0x2FD80316c6271CbeF643742A3CA8265cF6ab4480
false, "type": "function" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "startTime",
2024 0x5fd371718415DaB653D42cc65105AF88dB0205de 608888888888 9,5 %
"outputs": [ { "name": "", "type": "uint256", "value": "" } ], "payable": false,
"type": "function" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "owner", 2025 0xf1EAB24B40C0D040ccfD1d3BbB3419003074E3D9 547999999999 8,6 %
"outputs": [ { "name": "", "type": "address", "value":
2026 0xEa63C813253E1d30b74A1f46E76a67D499B6d4C8 487111111111 7,6 %
"0xd560be7e053f6bdb113c2814faa339e29f4a385f" } ], "payable": false,
2027 0x2a1bb55f021d40d98f937665b42e69f4be7cc8f9 487111111111 7,6 %
"type": "function" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "tokenAddress",
"outputs": [ { "name": "", "type": "address", "value": 2028 0xA407A4f537e0Ee4936e3Fc32DB64914d4d5d3f43 365333333333 5,7 %
"0x08d32b0da63e2c3bcf8019c9c5d849d7a9d791e6" } ], "payable": false,
2029 0x3572DE393113A3b4faCDB12deE3e92733058EF67 304444444444 4,8 %
"type": "function" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "year", "outputs":
[ { "name": "", "type": "uint256", "value": "" } ], "payable": false, "type": 2030 0x22877c076B09A65dbB865b4a29e5436231634Fc4 121777777777 1,9 %

"function" }, { "inputs": [], "payable": false, "type": "constructor" }, 2031 0xE3345eb610C2F3B0d9884A4784B0e980eA420dA3 121777777777 1,9 %
{ "payable": true, "type": "fallback" } ]
2032 0xbBaf33931dbCFcE91337986f5B953e555DFA0526 121777777777 1,9 %

2033 0x864F9244aF3aBeB595c8d825861E3767FE3849DC 121777777777 1,9 %

2034 0xb8e6Eae57A926b393C3d040CF3F4f9f663c6C487 121777777777 1,9 %

2035 0x0e5a15e153Bd89C113A6e8fb3d14A99004C9CD94 121777777777 1,9 %

2036 0x0d4346f96B7512222448bAD36AC01709634f76B0 121777777777 1,9 %

2037 0x1c6A6cdEE958F3FeF8A9c9ccC9f49649aF9311C1 121777777777 1,9 %

2038 0xA5d2CC94C9251c92C29126C6869E111F8D0a1275 121777777777 1,9 %

2039 0x977a1A431c94d0725E06eAE00F5e33f0F8666274 121777777777 1,9 %

2040 0x918cddD8394bDb7C258bAc66E3DBa4f47078BE87 121777777777 1,9 %

2041 0xa3f9Fe2E8bf25E48E5098cBd48b16B88e7D4742A 121777777777 1,9 %

2042 0xC8C1a15d6Be8eC0c923a3D251AB85935223d2105 121777777777 1,9 %

2042/Rest 0x24f4F418adc1007F90763a47493aDe189DeFD7Ed 309015856340 4,8 %

Total 6397904745213 26

Total transfered 6397904745213

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