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What I have learned from the topics being discussed:

Behaviorism is the stimulus and response a learners response to stimuli can be reinforce to positive or
negative feedback. Ivan Pavlov was known from his work “Classical Conditioning”, he is a Russian
Psychologist. He made the dog as his example for his experiment that whenever he brings food for the
dog , they would salivate and every time that the dog saw him there’s always an anticipation from the
dog that there is a food ready for them to eat that made them salivate or drool. So based from his
example using the animal, the food was the stimulus and salivation or drooling is the response. Principles
of learning should apply equally to different behaviors and to a variety of animal species this is on the
assumptions that humans and other animals learn in similar ways. Behaviorism advances the idea that
when a cue or stimulus in the environment is presented the individual makes a particular response to
that stimulus that leads to change in behavior. Learning is promoted by environmental factors like
reinforcements, feedback, practice or repetitions. Classical conditioning is a learning process associated
with reward and punishment. The 3 primary fundamental laws of Thorndike’s theory: 1. Law of readiness
2. Law of exercise, the habitual and continuous exercise leads to positive effect and 3. Law of effect.
Behaviorism focus on the external, observable behavior. Reinforcement is the key.

Neo Behaviorism is a behavior that cannot be fully understood. The four conditions are 1.) Attention is
the listening to acquire knowledge 2.) Retention is remembering 3.) Motor Reproduction is the ability to
demonstrate through action 4.) Motivation is the inner desire that drives the person to success.
Modeling teaches new behavior influences by learned behavior. According to Tolman learning is the
cognitive process. According to Bandura’s learning that individual can learn through observation and
through social interaction.

Cognitive Constructivism is mental action in acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought it
is also the internal construction of knowledge . Gestalt theory emphasizing sensory wholes or perception
and dynamic nature of visual perceptions. Kurt Lewin, “ Life Space” an individual has inner and outer
forces that affect his perception. Both of them uses Social Learning that the focus is in the mind not
what you see in the eyes. There are bases of Groupings according to Gestalt: 1.) Proximal that is
according to nearness 2.) Similarity is based on some similar characteristics of function 3.) Closure is
according to complete identity (ex. Shapes etc.) 4.) Simplicity is the smoothness or texture of object.
Schema is the building blocks of knowledge. Accommodation means no existing knowledge. Iconic
representation is through models and pictures while Symbolic representation is through symbols.
According to Piaget’s theory : 1.) Sensory motor means learning through environment from 0-2 years
old, a learner can identify himself differently 2.) Pre- operational from 2-7 years old a child can
distinguish an object through different features of the objects 3.) Concrete operational stage from 7-11
years old a child acquires different experiences and 4.) Formal operational stage is the adulthood stage
where in each individual knows how to analyze things even if its abstract they already have the capacity
to differentiate things. In cognitive model there is the stimulus and process mentally so there is a change
in behavior from negative and positive experiences.

Multiple Intelligences (MI) includes : intra-personal, naturalist, spatial, musical, logical reasoning,
interpersonal, bodily kinesthetic and linguistic. As educators we already have this intelligence skills all we
have to do is to strengthen this ability. Our definite role as teachers with regard to this different
intelligences and learning and thinking styles of our future students is to plan activities and strategies
that we will use in order for our students to become successful and to achieved the goals that we expect
inside our class. Able to clasp differentiated activities and approach that we are going to use on our
students. There are students who are learning through auditory and visuals as teachers we need to be
creative and use our critical thinking skills in order for us to provide the needs of our students for them
to learn effectively.

Socio Constructivism is the learning though cognition, the learners can easily adopt new learning
through their environment and through interaction with the people around them. In the field of
education socio constructivism helps the students to develop their skills, widen their understanding,
making them active in decision making, boost their confidence through team or group work and we also
need to consider the learning style of our students for them to be motivated in gaining information.

There’s a lot of informations to consider in becoming a good and effective teacher in the future. I am
now learning how to consider others and now encourage to widen my intelligence skills because I am
going to face the new generations called millennials.

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