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School of Criminology



Police Ethics and Human Relation

Ethics and Values Ethics and Values (2%)

 Foundation of Police Ethics;  Identify police values and its concept;

 Ethics and the National Police (.4%)
Organization;  Knowledge of Professional conduct and
 Police Community Relation: Concepts ethical standards; (.4%)
and Structure; and  Learn Police Community Relations; and
 Police Community and Human (.4%)
Relations.  Identify and apply the various police
community (.8%)


Republic Act No. 6713 February 20, 1989


Section 4. Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees..

(B) The Civil Service Commission shall adopt positive measures to promote (1) observance of these
standards including the dissemination of information programs and workshops authorizing merit increases
beyond regular progression steps, to a limited number of employees recognized by their office colleagues to
be outstanding in their observance of ethical standards; and (2) continuing research and experimentation on
measures which provide positive motivation to public officials and employees in raising the general level of
observance of these standards.

Section 5. Duties of Public Officials and Employees. - In the performance of their duties, all public officials
and employees are under obligation to:

1) Act promptly on letters and requests.

2) Submit annual performance reports.
3) Process documents and papers expeditiously.
4) Act immediately on the public's personal transactions.
5) Make documents accessible to the public.

Section 7. Prohibited Acts and Transactions. - In addition to acts and omissions of public officials and
employees now prescribed in the Constitution and existing laws, the following shall constitute prohibited
acts and transactions of any public official and employee and are hereby declared to be unlawful:

1) Financial and material interest.

2) Outside employment and other activities related thereto.
a. Own, control, manage or accept employment as officer, employee, consultant, counsel,
broker, agent, trustee or nominee in any private enterprise regulated, supervised or licensed by
their office unless expressly allowed by law;
b. Engage in the private practice of their profession unless authorized by the Constitution or law,
provided, that such practice will not conflict or tend to conflict with their official functions; or

c. Recommend any person to any position in a private enterprise which has a regular or pending
official transaction with their office.
 These prohibitions shall continue to apply for a period of one (1) year after resignation,
retirement, or separation from public office, except in the case of subparagraph (b) (2)
above, but the professional concerned cannot practice his profession in connection with
any matter before the office he used to be with, in which case the one-year prohibition
shall likewise apply.
Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential information.
a. To further their private interests, or give undue advantage to anyone; or
b. To prejudice the public interest.
 Any violation hereof proven in a proper administrative proceeding shall be sufficient
cause for removal or dismissal of a public official or employee, even if no criminal
prosecution is instituted against him.
 Private individuals who participate in conspiracy as co-principals, accomplices or
accessories, with public officials or employees, in violation of this Act, shall be subject to
the same penal liabilities as the public officials or employees and shall be tried jointly
with them.
 The official or employee concerned may bring an action against any person who obtains
or uses a report for any purpose prohibited by Section 8 (D) of this Act. The Court in
which such action is brought may assess against such person a penalty in any amount not
to exceed twenty-five thousand pesos (P25,000). If another sanction hereunder or under
any other law is heavier, the latter shall apply.
3) Solicitation or acceptance of gifts.

As to gifts or grants from foreign governments, the Congress consents to:

a. The acceptance and retention by a public official or employee of a gift of nominal value
tendered and received as a souvenir or mark of courtesy;
b. The acceptance by a public official or employee of a gift in the nature of a scholarship or
fellowship grant or medical treatment; or
c. The acceptance by a public official or employee of travel grants or expenses for travel taking
place entirely outside the Philippine (such as allowances, transportation, food, and lodging) of
more than nominal value if such acceptance is appropriate or consistent with the interests of
the Philippines, and permitted by the head of office, branch or agency to which he belongs.

Section 11. Penalties. –

(a) Any public official or employee, regardless of whether or not he holds office or employment in a
casual, temporary, holdover, permanent or regular capacity, committing any violation of this Act shall
be punished with
 a fine not exceeding the equivalent of six (6) months' salary or suspension not exceeding one
(1) year, or removal depending on the gravity of the offense after due notice and hearing by
the appropriate body or agency.
 If the violation is punishable by a heavier penalty under another law, he shall be prosecuted
under the latter statute. Violations of Sections 7, 8 or 9 of this Act shall be punishable with
imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or a fine not exceeding five thousand pesos
(P5,000), or both, and, in the discretion of the court of competent jurisdiction, disqualification
to hold public office.
(b) Any violation hereof proven in a proper administrative proceeding shall be sufficient cause for
removal or dismissal of a public official or employee, even if no criminal prosecution is instituted
against him.
(c) Private individuals who participate in conspiracy as co-principals, accomplices or accessories, with
public officials or employees, in violation of this Act, shall be subject to the same penal liabilities as
the public officials or employees and shall be tried jointly with them.
(d) The official or employee concerned may bring an action against any person who obtains or uses a
report for any purpose prohibited by Section 8 (D) of this Act. The Court in which such action is
brought may assess against such person a penalty in any amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand
pesos (P25,000). If another sanction hereunder or under any other law is heavier, the latter shall


 the study and philosophy of human conduct, with emphasis on the determination of right or wrong,
the basic principles of action, with reference to a particular person, profession, etc.
 the search for knowledge of general principles; the study of elements, powers, or causes and laws that
explain facts and existences. The study of human behavior, ethics, morals and character.
 understanding acquired through experience, study, learned, discover or perceived.
 the ability to discern that is true or right to make sound judgments based on such discernment.
 (Common sense) An accumulated body of knowledge as in philosophy, science, etc. A god’s gift
given to human being.

1) Neglect of duty or non-feasance
a. Absence without official leave
b. Without sufficient excuse
c. Disregarding legal obligation to perform

2) Irregularities in the performance of duty

a. Improper performance
b. Engage in illegal gambling activities
c. Cahoots with syndicated organized crimes/criminals
3) Misconduct of malfeasance
a. An act of wrong doing
b. Ignorance of the law
c. Malice, ignores or abuse of powers
d. Improper or unlawful conduct
4) Incompetency
a. Lack of adequate ability and fitness
b. Incapacities to perform the duties as Peace Officer
5) Oppression
a. Unlawful execution
b. Excessive use of authority
c. Depriving an individual of his liberty or property against he will
d. Exercise of unlawful powers of other means
6) Dishonest
a. Concealment or distortion of truth
b. Malversation of public funds
7) Disloyalty to the government
a. Abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the government of the Philippines
b. Advocating the overthrow of the government
c. Coup d’etat
8) Violation of Law
a. Presupposes conviction or renunciation of crime penalized under RPC.
b. Committed any crimes punishable by RPC

 The PNP shall enforce the law, prevent and control crime, maintain peace and order, and ensure
public safety and internal security with the active support of the community.

 We are committed to the vision of professional, dynamic and highly motivated PNP, supported by a
responsive community, regarded as one of the most credible national institutions and ranked among
the best in Asia.


 I believed in God, The Supreme Being, The Great Provider, and the Greater of all men and everything
dear to me.
 I believe that respect for authority is a duty.
 I believe in self-les love and service to the people.
 I believe in the sanctity of marriage and family life.
 I believe in the responsible dominion and stewardship over material things.
 I believe in the freedom of truthfulness.


 I will love, serve God, my country and people
 I will uphold the Constitution and obey legal order of the duty constituted authorities;
 I will oblige myself to maintain a high standard of morality and professionalism;
 I will respect the customs and traditions of the police service; and
 I will live a decent and virtuous life to serve as an example to others.


 An law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard life and property;
to protect the innocent against deception, weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful
against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all men, to liberty, equality and

 I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all maintain courageous calm in the face of
danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful of the welfare of the others.
Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the
laws of the land and regulation of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or
that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in
the performance of my duty.

 I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendship to
influence my decision; with no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I
will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill-will, never
unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities in return.

 I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and I accept it is a public trust to held
so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or
bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with legally authorized
agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.

 I know that I alone and responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take
every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. I will
constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideas, dedicating myself before God to chosen
profession Law Enforcement.


The following are the canons of police ethics:

1) Primordial Police Responsibility

 The primary objective of police is the prevention of crime, policemen knew too well that he has
committed his life to defend and protect the rights of the citizen and uphold the law at all cost.

2) Limitation of Police Authority

 Policeman as an upholder of the law must know its limitation upon him in enforcing the law, thus:
a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have placed upon him.
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government which gives no person or
group of person, absolute power.
c. He must insure that he does not pervert its true character.

3) Knowledge of Law and other Responsibilities

a. The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to the principle of the laws which he is
sworn to applied
b. He will make certain of his responsibilities in the particular field of enforcement, seeking
aid of his superior in matters technically or in principle are not clear to him.
c. He shall make special effort to fully understand his relationship with other law enforcement
agencies, particularly on matters of jurisdiction both geographically and substantively.

4) Use of proper means to obtain proper ends

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to have strict selection of methods in
discharging the duty of his office
b. Violation of law or disregard of public safety and property on the part of the officer are
intrinsically wrong. They are self-defeating if they instill in the public mind and a like disposition.
c. The employment of illegal methods, no matter how worthy the end, is certain to encourage
disrespect for the law and its officers, If the law is to be honored, it must first be honored by those
who enforce it.

5) Cooperation with Public Officials

a. The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the performance of
authorized duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.
b. He shall be meticulous, however, in assuring himself of property, under the law of such
actions and shall guard against the use of his office or person whether knowingly or in any
improper or illegal action.
6) Proper Conduct and Behavior
a. The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an upholder of law.
b. Police laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either disrespect for the law or
seeking to gain special prevail, cannot but reflect upon in the policeman and the police service.
c. The community and the service require that the policeman leads the life of decent and honorable
person, following the career of policeman gives him no special pre-requisite.

7) Conduct toward the Community

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to the community.
b. He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to instill respect for its
c. He shall conduct his official life in a manner that will inspire confidence and trust.
d. He will neither overbearing nor subservient, as no individual citizen has no obligation to stand in
awe of him or fight to command him.
e. He will do neither from personal preference or prejudices but rather a duly appointed officer of
the law discharging his sworn obligation.

8) Conduct in Arresting Law Violation

a. Policeman shall use his powers of arrest in accordance with the law and with due regard to
the rights of the citizen concerned.
b. He shall, at all times, have a clear appreciation of his responsibilities and limitation
regarding the detention of the accused.
c. He shall conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility of having to use
d. He shall cultivate a dedication to the people and the equitable upholding of the law whether
in the handling of the accused or law abiding citizen.

9) Firmness in refusing gifts or favors

a. Policeman representing the government bears heavy responsibility of maintaining, in his
conduct, the honor and integrity of all government institution.
b. He shall guard against placing himself in a position in which the public can reasonably
assume that special consideration is being given.
c. He shall be firm in refusing gifts, favors or gratitude, large of small, which can be the
public mind, be interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the discharge of his duties.

10) Impartial Presentation of Evidence

a. Policeman shall concern equally in the prosecution of the accused of the defense of the
b. He shall ascertain what kind of evidence and shall present such evidence impartially and
without malice.
c. He shall ignore social, political and all other distinction among the person involved,
strengthening the tradition of the reliability and integrity of an officer’s word.
d. He shall be mindful that in many situation be is the sole impartially testimony to the facts
of the case.

11) Attitude toward Police Profession

a. Policeman shall regard the discharge of his duties as a public trust and recognize his
responsibilities as a public servant.
b. He shall strive to make the best possible application of science to the selection of the crime and in
the field of human relation.
c. He shall strive for effective leadership and public influence in matters affecting public safety.
d. He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his office, and hold police work to be an
honorable profession rendering valuable service to his community.
e. Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level of knowledge and
competence that is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duty. The acquisition of
knowledge is a never – ending process of personal and professional development that should be
pursued constantly.


The following professional police principles:

1) Prevention of Crime and Disorder

 The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder as an alternative to the
repression of crime and disorder by police force and severity of legal punishment.
2) Cooperation of the Community
a. The police must secure the willing cooperation in the voluntary observance of the law to be able
to secure and maintain the respect and support of the community.
b. The ability of the police to perform their duty is dependent upon community support of police
existence, actions, behavior and the ability of the police to secure and maintain community and
3) Unreasonable Force reduces Community Cooperation
 A police officer will never employ unnecessary force or violence and will use only such force in the
discharge of duty as is reasonable in all circumstances.
 Force should be used only with the greatest restraint and only after discussion, negotiation and
persuasion have been found to be inappropriate or ineffective. While the use of force is occasionally
unavoidable, every police officer will refrain applying the unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering
and will never engage in cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment of any person.
4) Use of reasonable force when persuasion is not sufficient
a. The police should use reasonable force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or
to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advise and warning is found to be
insufficient to attain police objectives.
b. No violence or unnecessary force shall not be subject to any greater restraint than is necessary for
his detention.
5) Impartial Enforcement of Laws
a. The police seek and preserve community favor, not by catering to community opinion, but
constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial enforcement of laws, without regard to the justice
and injustice of the substance of particular laws.
b. Impartial enforcement of laws on all individual members of the society without regard to their
race of social standing.
6) The Community are the Police
a. The police at all times should maintain relationship with the community that gives really to the
historic tradition that the police are the community are the police.
b. The police are the only members of the community who are paid to give full time attention to
maintain peace and order which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of community
7) Police should not usurp judicial power
 The police should always direct their actions strictly toward their functions and never appear to usurp
the powers of judiciary by averaging individuals of the state of authoritative judging guilt or
punishing the guilt.
8) Rules of engagement impartially observed]
 The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder until totally eradicated, not by
evidence of police present and action in dealing with the community
9) Reduction of crime and dishonor
 Policeman engaged in anti-crime operation must always consider the safety and security of who
might be caught in the crossfire or arm encounters.

a. The use of force including firearms is justifiable only by virtue of the doctrine of self-defense and
defense of a stranger. Nobody, including the policeman and other law enforcement authorities, is
above the law.
b. The use of force, especially firearms, should be applied only as a last resort, hen all other peaceful
and non violent means has been exhausted.
c. The use of force, especially firearms, should be confined only in the lawless elements and the
responding PNP unit. This is inherent in the police service in which the profession, the armaments
and safety life of every PNP members are dedicated to the protection and safety of the people.
10) Police Discretion
 A police officer will use responsibly the discretion vested in the position and exercise it within the
law. The principle of reasonableness will guide the officer’s determinations and the officer will
consider all surrounding circumstances whether any legal action shall be taken.


General Purpose
 This manual prescribes the Ethical Doctrine for the Philippine National Police. Its purpose is to
provide moral and ethical guidance to all PNP members.

Scope and Limitation

1) The Ethical Doctrine was culled from the PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical
Standards (COPCES) with inception of additional and related principles. This manual contains
policies. This manual contains policies Principles. Guidelines and sanctions. All geared towards the
internalization of normal values and service dedication. This Doctrine consists of seven chapters
similar to the provisions of the PNP COPCES. The adoption of the PNP Code of Conduct as an
Ethical Doctrine reinforces the former as effective instrument in the moral values internalization in
the PNP.
2) The Ethical Doctrine applies to both uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP, unless
specified otherwise.
3) This Ethical Doctrine is in accordance with the PNP Fundamental Doctrine and the Code of
professional Conduct and Ethical Standards.

Recommended for Changes

 Any suggested revision or comment should be forwarded to the Chief, Philippine National Police
Attn: Director Directorate for Human Resources and Doctrine Development.

Declaration of Policy
 All members of the Philippines National Police shall abide, adhere to and internalize the provisions
of this Ethical Doctrine. Towards this end, a truly professionalized and dedicated law enforce shall be
developed in promoting peace and order, ensuring public safety and enhancing community
participation guided by the principles that a public office is a public trust and that all public servants
must, at all times, be accountable to the people. They shall serve with utmost responsibility, integrity,
morality, loyalty and efficiency with due respect to human rights and dignity as hallmark of a
democratic society. They shall, at all times, support and uphold the Constituted, near faithful
allegiance to the legitimate government, respect the duly constituted authority and be loyalty to the
police service.


 The police service is the noble profession which demands from its members specialized knowledge
and skills, as well as high standards of ethics and morality. Hence, the members of the PNP must
adhere to and internalize the enduring core values of love of God, respect for authority, selfless love
and service for people, sanctity of marriage and family life, responsible dominion and stewardship
over material things, and truthfulness.


 The deployment and employment of PNP personnel require the organization and its members to bare
their stand on the following basic issues:

1) PNP Image

 The image of any organization affects the esprit d’ corps, morale and welfare of members, and sense
of pride to the organization. Thus, all members of the PNP should act in a manner that would reflect
best on the PNP and live by the PNP’s core values.

2) Career Management, the key to Professionalism

 The proper implementation of the PNP’s Career Management will greatly enhance the personnel
professionalization process with regards to procurement, training, promotion, assignment, placement,
awards and retirement. The PNP shall formulate a stringent policy and strictly implement the human
resources development system, compatible to the equitable distribution of procurement, fair
promotion, rationalized approach in assignment, skill development, immediate grant of reward and
award, and decent living upon retirement.

3) Police Management Leadership

 The effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial capabilities and competent
leadership of the men and woman who runt he PNP organization. These attributes must therefore be
one of the primary base for consideration in the selection of personnel for employment and
deployment purposes.
4) Equality in the Service
 There shall be judicious and equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one’s worth in the police
service. The problem on inequity thru class orientation and factionalism, both real and perceived,
premised on favored assignment, inequitable opportunity of training, unfair granting of promotion,
and untimely awarding of achievements, will create an atmosphere of demoralization. The result is
inefficiency and lack of teamwork to the detriment of the organization. It behooves, therefore, on the
PNP leadership to address the situation. The civilian character of the organization requires adherence
to the rule on merit and fitness system and dissociate the above process from class orientation and
5) Delicadeza
 In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP, all members must have the
moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored principle of delicadeza.
6) Police Lifestyle
 The PNP shall promote and maintain a lifestyle for its members which the public will find credible
and respectable. The public expects a police officer to live a simple and dignified life. They must free
from greed, corruption and exploitation.
7) Political Patronage
 PNP members shall inhibit themselves from soliciting political patronage on matters pertaining to
assignment, award, training and promotion.
8) Human Rights
 PNP members shall respect and protect human dignity and man’s inalienable rights to life, liberty and
9) Setting Example
 All PNP members shall set good example to their subordinates and follow and good example from
the superiors.


 PNP members shall perform their duties with integrity, intelligence and competence in the application
of specialized skills and technical knowledge with excellence and expertise.


1) Commitment to Democracy
 Uniformed PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values and
maintain the principle of public accountability. They shall at all times uphold the Constitution and be
loyal to our country, people and organization, above their loyalty to any person.
2) Commitment to Public Interest
 PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above personal interest. All government
properties, resources and powers of their respective offices must be employed and used effectively,
honestly and efficiently, particularly to avoid wastage of public funds and revenues. PNP members
must avoid and prevent the “malversation” of human resources, government time, property and
3) Non-Partisanship
 PNP members shall provide services to every one without discrimination regardless of party
affiliation in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
4) Physical Fitness and Health
 PNP members shall strive to the physically and mentally fit and in good health at all times. Toward
this end, they shall undergo regular physical exercises and annual medical examination in any PNP
Hospital or Medical facility and actively participate in the Physical Fitness and Sports Development
Program of the PNP.
5) Secrecy Discipline
 PNP members shall guard the confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized
disclosure, including confidential aspects of official business, special orders, communications and
other documents, roster or any portion thereof, contents of criminal records, identities of persons who
may have given information to the police in confidence and other classified information or
intelligence material.
6) Social Awareness
 PNP members and their immediate family members shall be encourage to actively get involved in
religious, social and civic activities to enhance the image of the organization without affecting their
official duties.
7) Non-Solicitation of Patronage
 PNP members shall seek self-improvement through career development and shall not directly or
indirectly solicit influence or recommendation from politicians, high-ranking government officials,
prominent citizens in their behalf. Moreover, they shall advise their immediate relatives not to
interfere in the activities of the police service particularly in the assignment and reassignment of
8) Proper Care and Use of Public Property
 PNP shall promote and maintain sense of responsibility in the protection proper care and judicious
disposition and use of public property issued for their official use or entrusted to their care and
custody just like “a good father of the family”. When the Commander/Director is relieved from his
post, all properties/equipment belonging to the government must be turned-over to the incoming. A
committee for the purpose shall be proper. Hence, it s a taboo for outgoing Commander/Director to
detach remove and bring home or to his new assignment properties which do not personally belong to
9) Respect for Human Rights
 In the performance of duty, PNP members shall respect and protect human dignity and uphold the
human rights of all persons. No member shall inflict, instigate or tolerate extra judicial killings,
arbitrary arrests, any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and
shall not invoke superior orders or exceptional circumstances such as a state-of war, a treat to
national security, internal political instability or any public emergency as a justification for
committing such human rights violation.
10) Devotion of Duty
 PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm
determination, and manifest concern for public welfare, and shall refrain from engaging in any
activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as public servants.
11) Conservation of Natural Resources
 PNP members shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological
balance and posterity as these are the inalienable heritage of our people.
12) Discipline
 PNP members shall conduct themselves properly at all times in keeping with the rules and regulations
of the organization.
13) Loyalty
 PNP members shall be loyal to the Constitution and the police service as manifested by their loyalty
to their superiors, peers and subordinates as well.
14) Obedience to Superiors
 PNP members shall obey lawful orders of and be courteous to superior officers and other appropriate
authorities within the chain of command. They shall readily accept whenever they are assigned
anywhere in the country. Therefore, it is a taboo for any personnel to petition in court or in any public
forum his assignment.
15) Command Responsibility
 In accordance with the Doctrine on Command Responsibility, immediate Commanders/Directors
shall be responsible for the effective supervision, control and direction of their personnel and shall
see to it that all government resources shall be managed, expended or utilized in accordance with
laws and regulations and safeguard against losses thru illegal or improper disposition.


 Ethical Standards shall refer to established and generally moral values. Ethical acts to be observed are
the following:

1) Morality
 PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and decency and shall set good examples for
others to follow. In no instance during their terms of office, among other things, shall they be
involved as owners, operators, managers or investors in any house of ill-repute or illegal gambling
den or other places devoted to vices, nor shall they patronize such places unless on official duty, and
tolerate operations of such establishment in their respective areas of responsibilities. They shall be
faithful to their lawfully wedded spouses.
2) Judicious Use of Authority
 PNP members shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty.
3) Integrity
 PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in
accordance with the provision of RA6713 and other applicable laws.
4) Justice
 PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of others so that they can fulfill their duties
and exercises their rights as human beings parents, children, citizens, workers, leaders, or in other
capacities and to see to it that other do likewise.
5) Humility
 PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the master of the people
and toward this end they should perform their duties without arrogance. They shall also recognize
their own inadequacies, inabilities and limitations as individuals and perform their duties without
attracting attention or expecting the applause of others.
6) Orderliness
 PNP members shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing tasks assigned to them to minimize
waste in the use of time money and effort.
7) Perseverance
 Once a decision is made PNP members shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even in the
face of internal or external difficulties and despite anything in which might weaken their resolve in
the course of time.


 The PNP adopts generally acceptable customs and traditions based on the desirable practice of the
police service. These shall serve to inspire PNP members as the organization endeavors to attain its
goals and objectives.


 Established usage or social practices carried on by traditions that have obtained the force of law.
 Bodies of beliefs, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation to generation with the
effect of an unwritten law.
 A manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others.
 A formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper to special occasion.
Social Decorum
 A set of norms and standards practiced by members during social activities and other functions.


The following are customs on courtesy in the PNP:

1) Salute
 is the usual greetings rendered by unformed, members upon meeting and recognizing person entitled
to a salute.
2) Salute to National Color and Standard
 Members stand at attention and salute the national color and standard as these passes by them or
when the national color is raised or lowered during ceremonies.
3) Address/Title

 Junior in rank address senior members who are entitled to salute with the word “Sir” or “Ma’am”. All
Commissioned Officers shall be addressed sir or ma’am by Police Non-Commissioned Officers and
Non-Uniformed Personnel.
4) Courtesy Calls
 The following are the courtesy calls:
a. Courtesy Call of Newly Assigned/Appointed Member
 PNP members who are newly appointed or assigned in a unit or command call on the chief of the
unit or command and other key personnel as a matter of courtesy, as well as for accounting,
orientation and other purposes.
b. Christmas Call
 PNP members pay a Christmas Call on their local executives in their respective areas of
c. New Year’s Call
 PNP members pay a New Year’s call on their commanders and/or key officials in their respective
areas of responsibility.
d. Promotion Call
 Newly promoted PNP members call on their unit head. On this occasion, they are usually given
due recognition and congratulations by their peers for such deserved accomplishment.
e. Exit Call
 PNP members pay an exit call on their superiors in the unit or command when relieved or
reassigned out of the said unit or command.
f. Courtesy of the Post
 The host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the command or unit.
g. Rank Has-Its-Own Privilege (RHIP)
 PNP member recognize the practice that different ranks carry with them corresponding privileges.


1) Flag Raising Ceremony

 PNP members honor the flag by boisting it and singing the National Anthem before the start of the official
day’s work.
2) Flag Lowering Ceremony
 At the end of the official day’s work, the PNP members pause for a moment to salute the lowering of the
3) Half-Mast
 The flag is raised at haft mask in deference to deceased uniformed members of the command.
4) Funeral Service and Honors
 Departed uniformed members, retirees, war veterans or former PC/INP members are given vigil,
necrological services and graveside honors as a gesture of farewell.
5) Ceremony Tendered to Retirees
 In recognition of their long, faithful and honorable service to the PNP, a testimonial activity shall be
tendered in their honor
6) Honor Ceremony
 Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are rendered to visiting dignitaries, VIPs, PNP Officers with the
grade of Chief Superintendent and above AFP officers of equivalent grade, unless waived.
7) Turnover Ceremony
 the relinquishment and assumption of command or key position is publicly announced in a turnover
ceremony by the outgoing and incoming officers in the presence of the immediate superior or his
representative. Outgoing Commander/Director should not leave his post without proper turnover. Turn-
over includes turnover of properties/equipment, human and material resources.
8) Wedding Ceremony
 During marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is conducted with participants in uniform and swords
9) Anniversary
 The birth or institutional establishment of a command or unit is commemorated in an Anniversary


The following are police customs on social decorum:

1) Proper Attire
 PNP members always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with occasion.
2) Table Manners
 PNP members observe table etiquette at all times.
3) Social Graces
 PNP members conduct themselves properly in dealing with people during social functions.
4) Uniform/Appearance
 The public looks upon the PNP members as distinctively a man among men. It is a welcome sight when
PNP members wear their uniform properly wherever they may be. Bulging stomach is a taboo in the
uniformed service. Since disciplined PNP members are best exemplified by those who are neat in
appearance and wearing the prescribed uniform, they must therefore observe the following.
a. Wearing of prescribed uniform
b. Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulations
5) Manner of Walking
 Every PNP member is expected to walk with pride and dignity.


1) Visiting the Sick

 Immediate Commanders or available officers of the unit visit PNP members who are sick in the hospital,
their residence or any place of confinement in order that their needs are attended to.
2) Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members
 A survivor officer is designated whenever PNP members die, to render maximum assistance to their
bereaved family unit all benefits due shall have been received.
3) Visiting the Religious Leaders
 PNP Officers visit religious leaders in their areas of assignment to establish and maintain rapport and
cooperation between the different religious leaders and the PNP.
4) Athletics
 PNP members indulge in physical activities to ensure that there proper physical appearance and bearing
are maintained with the waist line measurement always smaller than the size of his chest and in
conformity with the standard set forth by the organization.
5) Happy Hours
 Usually on Friday or any other day suitable for the occasion, PNP members gather together at their PNP
club for a light hearted jesting or airing of minor gripes.

The following are police tradition:

1) Spirit Beliefs
 PNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving person. They attend religious services together
with the members of the family.
2) Valor
 History attests that the Filipino law enforcers have exemplified the tradition of valor in defending the
country from aggression and oppression and protecting/preserving the life and property of the people.
They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their countrymen whom they have pledged to serve.
3) Patriotism
 The PNP members are traditionally patriotic in nature. They manifest their love of country with a pledge
of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the constitution.
4) Discipline
 The discipline of PNP members is manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and thorough and
spontaneous actions towards attainment of organizational objectives guided by moral, ethical and legal
5) Gentlemanliness
 PNP members are upright in character, gentle in manners, dignified in appearance, and sincere in their
concern to fellowmen.
6) Word of Honor
 PNP members word is their bond. They stand be and commit to uphold it.
7) Duty
 PNP members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants who perform their
tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and if-sacrifice. They shall readily accept assignment anywhere
in the country.
8) Loyalty
 PNP members are traditionally loyal to the organization, country and people as borne by history and
9) Camaraderie
 The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization, extending to the
people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members deep committed and concern for one another.


 a civil organization whose members are given special legal powers by the government and whose
task is to maintain public order and to solve and prevent crimes; or group of persons established,
maintained and organized for keeping order, safety, protection of lives and for properties and
detection of crimes.


 the public or society in general; it refers to the civilian populace in cities, municipalities or public in
general, and shall be used interchangeably with public, citizenry, society, or private sector.

Police Ideal
 it refers to the expected standard of perfection or excellence in the personal, and professional conduct
of every member of the police; or the expected essence of perfection, sympathetic, courteous
intelligent, honest, and in control of his emotions and temper, at all means. It also includes courage
and highest sense of dedication to duty.
Personal Media
 it is the means of communication used by the police as it deals with the community such as the use of
rallies, meetings, speeches, and house to house visits to the community.
 is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the national and local
governments (1987 Phil. Constitution); sometimes referred to as the local community.
 any information or publicity put out by an organization (i.e., police) or government to spread and
promote a policy, idea, doctrine, or cause.
Police Community Relation
 the sum total of dealings between the police and the people it serve and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.

The need for the Police Community Relation

 Some people are apathetic to the programs of the police because of the reported involvement of some
of the officers and members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to criminal activities and
irregularities in law enforcement.
 Hence, the PNP needs to strengthen its police community relations activities.

What is Community Relation?

 In the police, community relations may mean the total dealings of the police organization as it
immerse itself to the community it serves. On the other hand, Agas in his handbook, Notes on Police
Community Relation, stated that “community relation is like a three-legged stool, each leg of an
equal importance in holding the stool upright. One leg is public relations in its traditional sense.
Another leg is community service. The third leg is community participation, and this is the total
community relations job that is being emphasized today in police and community relations program.”

The Bases of Police Community Relations

 In the democratic concept of policing-the police is the people and the people is the police, which
means that every police officer is mandated to protect lives and properties, preserve peace and order
and prevent crimes and other civil disturbances. However, his performance of duty is governed by the
Constitution and other laws and statutes such as the preservation of the basic human rights and
observance of the due process of law.
 In addition, every police officer is a public servant and his office is a public trust. Therefore, the
police officer is obliged to conduct himself in the community according to the standers of conducts
and ethics of his organization, the police organization. Furthermore, he should in mind that his
authority to enforce the law comes from the people’s mandate.

What are the Principles of Community Relation?

The Principle of community relation are the following:
1) Community Support must be maintained
2) Community Resentment must be avoided
3) Community Goodwill must be developed
4) Community must be kept informed
What are the Objectives of Police Community Relation?
from the viewpoint of the police, Police Community Relation aims to:

1) Maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community for the police.
2) Obtain cooperation and assistance.
3) Develop public understanding, and support and appreciation for the service of the police.
4) Create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of the public.
5) Facilitate law enforcement and compliance.
6) Build public opinion in favor of the Police.
7) Achieve the Police purpose or preserving the peace, protection of life and properly, and the
prevention of crime.

What are the types of Police Community Relations?

The Basic elements of police community relation include the following:

Functions of PCR Master Plan

1) Formulates Police Community Relations (PCR) plans, programs, and policies geared towards enhancing
community and citizen’s participation in support of the operational plans of the Philippine National Police;
2) Exercises primary staff supervision in the planning, direction, coordination, supervision and monitoring of all
programs and activities pertaining to Public Information that enhances Police Community Relations (PCR)
3) Develops plans and programs designed to generate and shape good public perception towards the government
in general and the PNP in particular
4) Conducts studies and researches to assist national policymakers in developing laws, plans and programs that
are community based, service oriented and gender sensitive, and are geared towards the maintenance of peace
and order and the enhancement of public safety;
5) Forges relationship with communities and assists other government agencies and Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs) in the conduct of community mobilization activities contributory to the maintenance of
peace, order and safety; and
6) Conducts coordination and liaising, and appropriate policing work for foreign nationals and cultural
minorities, living, in transient or doing business in the Philippines

 a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships
and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to
public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.
 Community policing is comprised of three key components:

1) Community Partnerships Collaborative partnerships between and among other law enforcement agencies
and the individuals and organizations they serves to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in
the police as follows;
a. Other Government Agencies; d. Private Businesses; and,
b. Community Members/Groups; e. Media.
c. Nonprofits/Service Providers;

2) Organizational Transformation. The alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and

information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem solving.
a. Agency Management
1. Climate and culture 5. Strategic planning 8. Transparency
2. Leadership 6. Policies 9. Organizational
3. Labor relations 7. Organizational Structure
4. Decision-making evaluations
b. Geographic assignment of officers
1. Despecialization 2. Resources and finances
c. Personnel
1. Recruitment, hiring, and selection 3. Training
2. Personnel supervision/evaluations
d. Information Systems (Technology)
1. Communication/access to data 3. Problem Solving
2. Quality and accuracy of data

 The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to
develop and rigorously evaluate effective responses.

a. Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems.

b. Analysis: Researching what is known about the problem.
c. Response: Developing solutions to bring about lasting reductions in the number and extent of
d. Assessment: Evaluating the success of the responses.
e. Using the crime triangle to focus on immediate conditions (victim/offender/location).

 Community Policing also revolves around the basic principle that the ―Police are the Public and the
Public are the Police‖ (Principle #7, Sir Robert Peel, Founder of the British Police system). It is a
policing concept that requires every member of the community to exercise self policing, restrain other
members against doing things that may harm each other, and require other members to conduct
themselves in an orderly interaction. Requiring community members to follow certain orderly
interaction means specific obedience to a set of rules or common beliefs and aspirations with the

 It is necessary, therefore, that the basic policing in the community should focus on the core concept of
Police Community Relations. A policing concept that wins the trust, confidence and support of the
people in the community such that policing becomes a norm and not just obedience to a set of rules.
When community policing becomes a way of life in the community, then there will be no more need
for organizations to police the community.

Two -Prong Strategy of the Revised PCR Master Plan

1) Internal Targets

a. Integrated Transformation Program

 The PNP Integrated Transformation Program is our roadmap to a more responsive, transformed
PNP. The program presents a comprehensive approach to reform the PNP with its honest-to-
goodness assessment of its present institutional framework, policies, systems, structures, and
procedures. Its vision, goals, and targets as well as its specific programs, projects and activities
were actually formulated to support the achievement of the overall reform objective for the entire
criminal justice system to be able to provide speedy, impartial, and accessible justice. The design
of the program also aims to achieve the PNP reform goal of enhancing delivery of public safety
services within the context of an improved public trust and confidence in our criminal justice
b. Capability Building and Advocacy Program
 The Capability Building and Advocacy Program is designed to effectively develop the lower
commanders and Chiefs of Police as organizing catalysts through internalization of the
Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) philosophy. It includes Information Operation (IO)
efforts and advocacy to influence other members of the organization in the QUAD concept of
police operations. Activities include developing PCR/COPS skills such as conduct of PIO
Courses, Effective Writing seminars, PCR courses, Basic Information Operation Courses, Radio
Reporting, Social Ethics, Photography, BPAT, Disaster Management trainings and other PCR
related trainings.
c. Economic Welfare Development Program
 these are activities that cater to the needs of the PNP personnel through cooperative development
and livelihood skills seminar, police entrepreneurship and police productivity projects. Day Care
centers are programmed to be established initially in all PROs/NSUs while PNP Cooperatives are
being organized in as many police units as possible.
d. Socio-Cultural, Education, Health, Sports, Environment and other Programs
 These are activities that cover the set-actualizing need of our personnel to develop a positive
behavior towards work. This portrays the human side of law enforcement. Activities will include
school grants, special trainings, sports activities, religious and health programs. Activities will
also include environmental protection, culture and arts, GAD programs and other related socio-
cultural activities.

2) External Targets

a. Service Oriented Program

 The PNP is mandated under RA 8551 as a Community and Service-Oriented Agency. Activities
include all the services provided by the PNP such as security, maritime, road safety, air safety,
health care and public safety. Projects such as the PNP Text 2920, response to emergency 117,
Medical and Dental Outreach, Tourist Oriented Police, CRAC, WCCD, Police Assistance Center,
Disaster Relief Operations, Environmental protection, Clean and green, etc will be continuously
b. Public Community Safety Program
 These are Crime prevention activities that ensure security, community protection and provide
public safety. Activities include church-based protection and family crime prevention programs,
house visitation, production/dissemination/ distribution of Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) materials on Crime Prevention Tips, BPAT activities, forging of peace
agreements, settlement of disputes, and activities to increase awareness on accident prevention,
fire prevention, environmental protection, coastal resources management.
c. Institutional Development Support Program
 These activities implement the foundation role of networking, establishing linkages and
interacting. Coordinating with different government agencies or private institutions in support of
national, economic and political objectives, and also to generate support and community
participation to PNP programs.
d. Community Information/Education Program
 These are activities designed to disseminate timely and relevant information to the community,
improve image and credibility and provide a psychological environment to support PNP activities
on internal and external targets. It utilizes various forms of media to destroy the will of the
criminals to continue with their anti-social behavior or criminal activities. Activities include
appearances in radio and television programs, dissemination of press releases, and
production/distribution of journals, digest, flyers, pamphlets and other informative materials.
e. Economic Welfare Development Program
 These are activities designed to help provide alternative source of income through livelihood
skills development, cooperative development projects, and other livelihood trainings in
coordination with government agencies/institutions. It aims to improve the quality of life of the
community and help poverty alleviation programs of the government through the National Anti-
Poverty Commission (NAPC). These programs for External Targets will make the community
satisfied which will result in their changed perception of the PNP. This will propel them to work
and become partners of the PNP in its various anti-crime and development programs.

Evolution of PCR Policy Plans

1) Organizational Plan “SAMBAYAN”

 This Organization Plan aims to generate community partnerships and forge a united front for the
promotion of peace and order.

 It is designed to unify and harmonize the efforts of all PCR units and to encourage broad networking,
coordination and integration of all related undertakings within the PNP, LGUs, various sectoral
groups and people’s organization.

 The PNP shall organize several sectors of the community as united action against criminality, and
shall address the organizational efforts of the communist terrorist and any perceived threats in the
community. Since the enemy effort uses the sectoral organizational approach to mobilize the
communities, the PNP shall necessarily organize sectors of society to correspond to their effort.

Why Public support is needed?

 Public support is needed to make it easier for the police to accomplish their task successfully.

 This is a program designed to make the public aware of what the agency is doing, why is it doing,
and how it contributes to the welfare of the community.
What are the Types of Public Relation?


 Familiarizing the public with the true nature of police operations. This includes:
a. Mobile Vans
 Variety of displays and exhibits of police equipment, which help to explain to the public, what
the police do and how they do it.
b. Displays and Exhibits
 Set up in department stores, shopping centers, and other public locations are popular ways in
which the police can bring their messages to the public.
c. Information Materials
 Distribution of pamphlets or brochures designed to explain their services to the public.
d. Open House
 Public tours facility conducted during certain times of the year such as police week, or law
observance week.
e. Public Speakers
 Providing speakers for various types of public gatherings such as civic clubs, businessmen,
associations and social groups.
f. Ride Along
 Permits number of the community, to ride in a police car with an officer and observed field

 providing the public with information which is directly related to the interest and needs of the
community. This includes:
a. New Arrivals
 making some members of the community feel at home in their new surroundings.
b. Traffic Advisory Reports
 coordinate with the media in announcing important traffic matters such as road accidents,
highway construction and traffic congestion.
c. Informational Bureaus
 Information about such things as renewal of driver’s license, payments of utility bills,
availability of legal services and other items.
d. Informational Brochures
 provide the public with booklets, pamphlets and other types of publications, which contain
information of community interest.


 promoting programs which are designed to create a more favorable public image of the police. This
can be achieved through:
a. Citizens awards c. Recruit Visitation Programs
b. Police Color Guard d. Community Events
a. Police Citizens Luncheons e. Gifts Packages
b. Operational Handshake

What are the duties of the Public Relation Officer?

1) To evaluate public opinion and attitudes with respect to the police, methods and personnel of the
police station.
2) To advice the police station commander with regard to the public relations aspects of few or revised
department programs, policies, procedures and activities.
3) To plan and to carry out programs aimed at keeping the public informed on police activities.
4) To provide staff supervision of all police activities that may influence public support.

Foundation of Public Relations

 they are basically founded on the GOLDEN RULE:
 “do not do unto others what you do not want others unto you.”
 in addition, public relations are founded on the following:
a. Give before you seek to get c. See the other person’s side
b. Give what is due to others. d. Respect, so you would be respected.


 As individuals, police officers shall develop personal relationship with the public which is divided
into the following categories:

1. Domestic Relations

 this consist of a person’s dealing with his family, parents and immediate relatives, with
whom he has to have good relationship in order to develop a respectable family prestige as
well as cordial community relations.
2. Neighborhood Relations
 this consist of a person’s dealing with neighbor who constitute a vital link to good
reputation in the community
3. Community Relations
 this is made up of person’s dealing with the citizens of the community, city or town where
a person likes. These also include his membership or contributions to civil undertakings
and his membership or contribution to the organization or community associations in the
4. Church Relation
 this consists of a person’s dealing with religious affiliation that is necessary for the
stability of moral principles.
5. Government Relations
 this is made of the dealings, which a person has with the government and its various
instrumentalities. The recognition of government authorities, its laws and ordinance, as
well as other public responsibilities, are significant phases of an individual public


 All police shall adhere to the following in the performance of their duties:

1. Police shall be habitually courteous. They shall recognize their responsibilities as public
servants and shall be particularly attentive to citizens who seek assistance or information or
who desire to register complaints or give evidence.
2. They shall accept their responsibility to the public by being punctual in their engagements and
expeditions in the performance of their duties.
3. They shall regard their office s a public trust , and in the discharge of their duties, be
constantly mindful of their primary obligation to serve the duties, be constantly mindful of
their primary obligation to serve the public efficiency and effectively.
4. They shall administer the law in a just, impartial and reasonable manner: not accord to some,
more reasonable manner: and shall not accord to some, more treatment than to others. They
shall recognize the limitations of their authority and at no time to use the power of their office
of their own personnel advantage.
5. They shall be true to their obligation as custodian of public properly and shall bear in mind
that the misuse and waste of money from the public treasury is bad.
6. They shall not limit their effectiveness in the administration of their office by accepting
tokens of gratitude, or by giving preferential treatment to certain corporations with whom they
may have official dealings.
7. They shall cooperate fully with all other public officials to the end that the safety and general
welfare of the public will be assured. They shall not permit jealousies or personal differences
to influence their cooperation with other agencies.
8. They shall add their effectiveness by diligent study and sincere attention to improvement.
They shall welcome the opportunity to disseminate practical and useful information relating
to matters of the disseminate practical and useful information relating to matters of the
public’s safety and welfare.
9. They shall not conduct their public and private life that the public will regard them as a
example of stability, fidelity and morality.
10. They shall bear faithful allegiance to their government, and be loyal to their profession. They
shall accept, as a sacred obligation their responsibility as citizens to support the Constitution
of the Philippines: as a public official, consider the privilege of defending the principles of
Liberty as define din our Constitution and law. This is greatest honor that may be bestowed
upon any man.
 In PCR, the police is not actually dealing with a single community but rather to various communities
with distinct characteristics. These communities could be categorized into External and Internal


Police Personal Appearance

 A police officer’s personal appearance squeaks well his department. To ensure positive opinion to his
department or organization, he should observe the following:
a) He shall be properly attired and equipped whenever he appears before the public.
b) He carries with him only the prescribed regulation weapons and other related items.
c) He shall dress moderately and of good taste if and when they must wear civilian clothes.
d) He must maintain good posture and grooming.
e) He must see to it that his uniform is clean and properly maintain.
Police Satisfactory Uniform
 A satisfactory uniform, comfortable for the officer and pleasant to the eye is important. Attractive
snappy uniforms influence the moral of the policeman as well as the “Esprit de Corps” of the entire
police force.
 A policeman should be kept in a condition of good health and cleanliness and not to be permitted to
become wrinkled or stained. Should have at least two uniforms to facilitate and maintain cleanliness.
Police Personnel Cleanliness
 Personal cleanliness is very important in dealing with the community. Hence, a policeman should:
a) Be required to shave daily and to have their hair cut regularly.
b) Have frequent bath.
c) Have clean fingernails and other parts of the body.
Periodic Inspection
 These factors of personal appearance and their effect on the community justify among others, the
periodic inspections of the force. Attention should be given in such inspections not only to hearing,
address and equipment, but also on the aspect of personal cleanliness just mentioned.
Policeman Mental Attitude
 The attitude of police officer is quite important as his physical condition and appearance because it
determines his conduct and reaction to the community. His attitude is reflected in his financial
expression, voice, word used and actions. Therefore:
a) He must be friendly and show willingness to serve.
b) He must not forget that he is a Public servant, appointed for the role purpose of serving the
c) He must not give an impression of haughtiness, aloofness, officiousness or condescension.
d) He must refrain sarcasm and flippancy.
e) He must develop pride in his organization.
f) He must be proud that he is an officer and conduct himself with the dignity of that officer.
Policeman Habits and Conversation
a) Police officer must avoid subjects of smutty or questionable nature.
b) Police officer must establish habits of conversation, which are pleasing to the listeners and
avoid giving offense of the subject matter or the method
c) He must watch his diction and his English; he should test the fails of sloppy habits of speech.
The attitude of Police officer is quite important as his physical.
d) Should keep his hands out of his pockets, whether engaged in conversation or otherwise.

Although these items may seem of little consequence, and perhaps in more fundamental analysis may be
relatively unimportant but most policeman are judged by their language and conversation.

Policemen Personal Habits

 The personal habits of the individual police officer strongly influence the attitude of the community
towards the police. Thus:
a) He should avoid restless habit such as tapping his finger or feet, whittling or other evidence of
b) He should not permit himself to develop such unpleasant personal habits such as, hawking
and spitting, smoking while on duty in public place.
c) He should not smoke when speaking to a citizen. Smoking habits that are offensive to the
public should not be permitted whether on the street or headquarters.

Policemen should avoid Evil Doings

The policemen must not only avoid evil, he must also avoid the appearance of evil. Thus:
a) He should be careful to avoid questionable associates and to spend spare time and obtained
his recreation in the company of those whose character and reputation and irreproachable.
b) He must avoid controversial questions, those dealing with religion, politics and the laws.
c) He must avoid domestic difficulties more assiduously than the average citizen.
d) He must abstain from drinking intoxication beverage to excess.
e) He shall not buy nor use or process smuggled products.
f) He shall avoid accepting any fees, rewards or gifts of any type, for any service rendered in the
performance of his duty other than his authorized salary or shall use his position for material
g) He should avoid “bad habits” celebrating Christmas, New Year and other occasion by firing
their guns.


 It was mentioned that the appearances of a police station/headquarters influence the attitude of both
the police and the community. This can be further attained by the observance of the following

Appearance of Police Station

 The station/headquarters must have a business like appearance, unsightly trash eliminated; thus, the
police station/headquarter must have the following appearance:
a) Must have presentable view inside or outside.
b) Must possess a well keep office that is worthy of the discipline of its force, honor ideas of
Law enforcers.
c) Must be strict in anti-littering/smoking campaign in the building or grounds and police
equipment shall be maintained properly
d) Trashcan shall be available and comfort room shall be clean and free from foul odors.
e) Must be identifiable and desk shall bear the name of the policemen for public convenience
and information.

Policeman at Station/Headquarters
 The policemen station/headquarters should not only maintain a high standard of efficiency, but it
should give an appearance of efficiency.
 This is created by a business like attitude and conduct on the part of the policemen. Thus, the
policemen must avoid the following attitude:
a) Policeman should not roughhouse among themselves in public view.
b) They should restrict their activities to the assembly room or those sections of the station
reserved for their rest of reaction. Otherwise the public may conclude that they are lofting
while on duty.
c) He shall not in the station/office or elsewhere while on duty, drink any intoxicating liquor or
take prohibited drugs or report to duty under the influence of liquor or prohibited drugs; or
habitual drunkard to the prejudice of his duty.
d) Police should not indulge in loud , boisterous talk that can be heard by the public.
e) They should avoid an appearance of idleness and create an impression of business like


 This Plan sets forth the concept of operation, operational guidelines and tasks of all PNP units/offices
for a deliberate, synchronized, and concerted effort to inform the public of the activities, programs
and accomplishments of the PNP.
 It is aimed at regaining the trust, support and cooperation of the citizenry in contributing to the
attainment of the national government’s goal of a STRONG REPUBLIC. This Plan is also aimed at
the development of a favorable public attitude towards the government and the deepening of public
appreciation to the growing political, social and economic dimension of national security.
1. Public Information Program- This is designed to bridge any communication gap between police
and public. This is the basic among the first four programs of community relation.
a. Duties of Public Information Officers:
i. He must be kept well-informed so that he will understand and appreciate the complexities of
police work and the good service the police render to the community.
ii. He must be informed that the greatest number of the police in the community shall benefit as
much as possible, by using mass and personal media.

2. Activities implemented by Public Information Officer:

a. Inform the barangay officials regarding trends and other police community problems
b. Police station commanders assign a place in police station for barangay leaders so that they can work
together and provide coordination.
c. Produce and distribute brochures, advising the people on how to protect themselves in their homes
and premises.
d. Conduct environment sanitation seminars.
e. Conduct troop information or educational and historical lectures in all units’ officers of police district.
f. Police officers deliver Lectures and Public appearance to hear civic group and civic organizations.
g. Discuss with high school students and parents and or teachers association about drug abuse
prevention control.
h. Conduct cleanliness, saturation or information drive where notices of such deficiencies are issued.
i. Establish police counseling centers in zones/barangays to provide to barangay leaders on crime
prevention and control.
j. Conduct of barangay tanod seminars.

3. Public Relation Program – this is designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between the
police and the community.
a. Duties of Public Relation Officers – he shall:
i. Regularly issue press releases concerning police activities which are of public concern.
ii. Evolve and conduct public rotation program to promote and closer relations between the
police and the community.
iii. Build good image through actual commendable performance, without inefficiency and
iv. Evaluate public opinion and attitude with respect to the policies methods, personnel of the
police station.
v. Plan and carry out programs aimed at keeping the public informed on police activities.

Activities Implemented by Public Relations Officers:

a) Conduct face-to-face communications including dialogue with the public.
b) Attend social cultural activities of the barangay, such as birthdays, weddings baptismal
parties, wake and others.
c) Render all possible assistance, especially to the men folk in enabling them obtain the
means of productive endeavors and discourage them from loitering in the street, or
engaging uneconomic activities such as illegal gambling and others.
d) Whenever feasible, he shall promote and actively participate in the establishment of
free medical and dental civic action with special attention to the community.

b. Activities Implemented by a Civic Action officers:

i. Assist National Red Cross on blood donation campaign by exerting extra effort in appealing
to barangay officials.
ii. Conduct free medical and dental civic action community.
iii. Conduct free de worming of affected children in depressed areas.
iv. Assist citizens in case of transportation strike and other similar cause.
v. Develop and maintain cleanliness and beautification of surroundings.
vi. Attend to backyard gardening, tree planting projects.
4. Psychological program – This is designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby
insuring and facilitating the attainment of police objectives. This program is designed to influence the
opinions, emotions attitude and behavior of the community so that they will behave in a manner
beneficial to the police, either directly or indirectly. It will condition the citizenry to adhere to the laws of
the land and dissuade them in committing crime. These may be in spoken, written, pictorial or musical
Duties of Psychological operation officers- he shall:
a. Strive to mold the youth into useful and law abiding citizens, thereby minimizing their chances to
engage in the criminal activities and preventing them from being influenced by the misguided
elements of society.
b. Be adequately prepared to articulate on the gains achieved by the government in formal or informal
gathering so that they can develop unity and cooperation among people and neutralized any smear
campaign being wage by the elements hostile to our government.
c. Develop attitude of deep concern for the individuals in his area of operation instead of being
indifferent to their problems.

d. Be instrumental in the development of civic mindedness among the criminal offenders under his
custody by providing examples why crime does not pay.

Activities implemented by Psychological operation Officer:

a. Conduct seminars for barangay officials, police civic relation officers, and school officials to enable
them to understand home defense activities.
b. Promote seminars among barangay leaders regarding community relation activities.
c. Identify income-generating projects/activities.


What is Police Information and Education?

 These are communication activities utilizing the various forms of media. These geared toward
creating consciousness and awareness among target audience on facts and issues vital to the
development of an efficient, respected, and supported police force. The two major components are:

1. Community Information
 these are activities utilizing the various forms of media directed towards the public at large.
These are designed to increase the public’s consciousness and knowledge of facts and issues
for purpose of enhancing law enforcement , counter insurgency and crime prevention efforts,
increasing crime solution efficiency to include weakening of the will of criminal elements
and insurgents and enlightening other groups of individual critical to the government in
general and the police organization in particular.
2. Institutional Information
 these are activities utilizing the various forms of Media directed towards the public at large
designed to generate trust, confidence and popular support for the police organization or
simply enhancing public perception and knowledge about the police as an institution of the
What does it mean by Police Community Affairs?
 These are the activities outside law enforcement but which necessities PNP support and or
participation. The end ultimately contributes to better appreciation and an enhanced support to the
police organization in whole in part by the populace. The three major sub-components are:

1. Community Assistance and Development- these are under taken upon the initiative of the police
unit or personnel for the purpose of enhancing life as a means of drawing the support,
appreciation and support of the public towards the police organization. Examples are:

a. Skills, Livelihood, and Cooperative Development.

b. Sports, and Socio-Cultural development
c. Medical and Dental Outreach Services.
d. Tree Planting
2. Community inter-Relation – these are under taken upon the initiative of other government
agencies, non-governmental organization, and or individual citizens whereby a police
organization or personnel actively contributes time, money and or services as a means of drawing
the support, appreciation, and cooperation of the public towards the police organization in a
whole in or part.
3. Community Organization and Mobilization- these are activities revolving around the
accreditation of existing groups or creation of new ones with the end in view of having allies
within various sectors in the community who could be tapped to assist in the conduct of law
services, community works and the like.

3. LOI 22/09 “BAYANIHAN” (Barangay Peacekeeping Operations)

 The Philippine National Police (PNP) recognizes the role of the Barangay Tanods, Bantay Bayan,
Civilian Volunteer Organizations, Barangay Auxiliaries, Non-Government Organizations and other
People’s Organization that can be utilized as Force Multipliers in the fight against criminality,
insurgency and terrorism. These organizations are also able partners in the development of the

community.Executive Order No. 546 authorizes the PNP to deputize the Barangay Tanods as force
multiplier in the implementation of the peace and order plan subject to the concurrence of the
appropriate Local Chief Executive through the Local Peace and Order Council (LPOC).It is along
this line that a peacekeeping concept responsive to the unique criminality and peace and order
condition of the Philippines has been crafted and adopted. The concept shall basically entail PNP
members to lead in the fight against all forms of criminality issues/concerns distinct to their area of
responsibility, to include insurgency problem, through active citizen’s involvement and community
 The basic concept of Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPKO) is through the employment of
Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATs). The BPKO shall be the PNP’s ―catch-all strategy in
the maintenance of peace and order. The BPATs shall be composed of different sectors in the
community as force multipliers.

 They shall be under the supervision and control of the lowest PNP unit in the locality known as the
Police Community Precincts. The BPATs, as the main actors, shall conduct community-based
activities and information campaign in support of the PNP’s anti-criminality effort, internal security
operation, and disaster management and control program.

 A Barangay Peacekeeping Desk (BPDs) shall also be established at the City and Municipal Police
Stations (CPS/MPS) and at the PCPs or Kababayan Centers, where local residents and police officers
in the areashall meet regularly to discuss peace and order problems, formulate solutions, and discuss
other matters of common interest.

 The general concept of Barangay Peacekeepingis to involve the Barangay Officials, Tanods, CVOs
and other Force multipliersin the task of crime prevention, control and suppression in partnership
with the PNP from the provincial down to the community precincts level and the Local Government
Executives and Heads of concerned Agencies.

The BPATs shall function according to the following components:

a) law enforcement;
b) community organization (united front against criminality);
c) disaster management and response activities;
d) environmental protection; and
e) on-the-spot barangay conflict resolution (support to Barangay Justice System)
 Any case that will require hearing or falls within the auspices of the Barangay Justice System shall be
referred to it and subsequently reflected in its logbook. Cases which need police intervention must be
acted upon by the police immediately.

 The organizational structure of the police-community precincts shall facilitate the rendering of direct
assistance and service to the people by line elements. Command of line elements shall be as close as
practicable to the people. In rural areas where there are no PCPs or Kababayan Centers, BPDs shall
be at the Barangay Halls and shall be visited on a regular basis by designated Police Supervisors and
lead the force multipliers on carrying out their daily duties and functions as mentioned

SALAAM Police Center and Counter Radicalization

 Another important aspect in the PNP’s PCR plan is to oversee foreign nationals’ and cultural
minorities’ concerns, especially in the aspect of safety and security. This is the main reason for the
creation of the Salaam Police Center and Counter Radicalization.

a) Undertake close monitoring, networking and liaising activities with Muslim communities in
addressing terrorism and lawless violence in their respective areas to ensure respect of cultural
diversity and cooperation;
b) Conduct training, seminars and continuing education to the Muslim and Non-Muslim PNP personnel
in terms of counter radicalization and deradicalization efforts of the PNP to include Muslim elders,
Ulama and Muslim scholars;
c) Conduct information dissemination about Muslim beliefs, culture and traditions to Non-Muslim PNP
personnel, students from different levels and the tri-media thru dialogues, radio guesting, school
visitations and flyers distribution to promote harmony and awareness;

d) Serves as coordinating body among the regular PNP operating units, different Salaam Police Offices
in the ground, and AFP units in the conduct of police operations against Muslim personalities or in
Muslim communities including arrest, investigation, and filing of cases to safeguard the proper
implementation of law and observance of human rights;
e) Enhance linkages with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and the Muslim-Christian
communities to ensure effective community partnership in addressing terrorist threats and violence;
f) Strengthening of theSalaam Police Center to operate with autonomy as a separate unit, similar to the
setup of HRAO and WCPC, with appropriate personnel, logistical, and financial capability;
g) Allow the Muslim police officers to wear veil or ―Hijab‖, long skirts and pants as well as male
police officers to wear jogging pants during athletics, to hide their―aurat (private parts;
h) Increase the number of police personnel assigned at the Salaam Police Center in order to be more
effective in their basic police service, and encouraging the assignment of new recruits to the Salaam
Police Center after basic training with the permanency of assignment depending on their
i) Formulate specific PNP policy raising the consciousness of its personnel in the religious, social,
cultural aspects of the Muslims which are sensitive to Islam faith and which could build significant
development in peace process; and
j) Close coordination with the Office of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos for the Muslim
PNP personnel to participate on the Hajj mission subject to availability of funds.

2. Important Terminologies
a) Saalam is Arabic word which means peace.
b) Salaam Policerefers to a Muslim police officer assigned at the Salaam Police Center or Salaam
Division of DPCR
c) Salaam Police Center is the operating unit of the Salaam Police.
d) Salaam Division is an operating division of DPCR under a Muslim Officer which also undertakes
staff function for DPCR.
e) Mosque/Masjeed is a building of worship of the Muslims.
f) Madrasa is theIslamic School of the Muslims.
g) Imamis the Muslim religious leader or priest.
h) NCMF refers to the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos

B. The Attributes of a PCR Man

 The PCR man is the role model in the community. The community looks upon him with respect,
learns from him how to respect the laws, and cooperates with him because what he is doing is for the
good of the community. He renders impartial enforcement of the law because the community knows
that he represents the law. By his mere presence, the community is assured of the absence of crime
and disorder.
 To command this kind of perception and earn the respect of the community, he must therefore display
the following attributes:

1) He is the father to all the kids–Discipline in the community starts from homes where the father of the
family sets house rules which every member has to follow. Fathering however can no longer be felt
by the kids the moment they leave their respective homes for school or elsewhere. The community
police therefore supplements this fathering vacuum in the street. The PCR operator should show
concern for the kids he meets in the street like every father does. He asks the kids how well they are,
how they fared in school, give them guidance not to cut classes, study their lessons, be courteous to
elderly and their teachers, offers assistance to intervene when abused by their parents or siblings. In
short, when the kids can’t find somebody to ally with him, it is not the peers or the destructive gangs
in the street that the kids should seek for support. The police should intervene in this dysfunction
before a child seeks somebody else for support.

2) He is a friend to the working adults–The police in the neighborhood is a dependable ally of the
working sector of the community who leaves their homes unattended and at the mercy of burglars
and brigands. The police makes a round and checks homes if they are properly secured, if kids or
elderly were left alone and sees if they may need some help from the appropriate agencies.

3) He is the loving son to the elderly–He is a policeman in the neighborhood who visits elderly who
normally need some attention. He visits the sick elderly and those living alone, and sees that the
appropriate agencies in the government like the DSWD are attending to their needs. He takes
conscious efforts to bring food when needed during the visit, or takes time to bring the visited elderly

for medical check- up to a government hospital, run errand to call the attention of the nearest kin, or
takes the elderly for a joy ride or walk in a public park.

Comprehensive PCR Plans

 The two major components of the plan are Internal Reform and Gaining of Institutional Support.
 Both aims to improve the image of the PNP and re-assure the general public that they can depend on
the police organization to be their protector and guardian in order to hasten and facilitate community
mobilization for anti-crime efforts.


AGM -Anti-Government Movements DPCRISO-Internal Security Operation

BADAC-Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council LCEs-Local Chief Executives
BJS-Barangay Justice System LGUs-Local Government Units
BPAT-Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team LPOC-Local Peace and Order Council
BPDs-Barangay Peacekeeping Desks MOA-Memorandum of Agreement
BPKO-Barangay Peacekeeping Operations MOU-Memorandum of Understanding
CAD, DPCR-Community Affairs Division, DPCR NGOs-Non Government Organizations
COPS-Community-Oriented Policing System PAGs-Private Armed Groups
COV-Community Organization Volunteer P/CPSC-Provincial/City Public Safety Company
C/MPS-City/Municipal Police Stations PCPs-Police Community Precincts
CTM-Communist Terrorist Movement PID, DPCR-Public Information Division, DPCR
CVO-Civilian Volunteer Organization POP-Police Operational Procedures
DPCR-Directorate for Police Community Relations PPD, DPCR-Plans and Programs Division, DPCR
FJGADD, DPCR-Family, Juvenile, Gender and RPSB-Regional Public Safety Battalion
Development Division SPC, DPCR-Salaam Police Center, DPCR
GAD-Gender and Development TRO-Temporary Restraining Order
IORC, DPCR-Information Operation Research Center,

RA 8551
Organizational Plan “SAMBAYAN”
LOI 22/09 “BAYANIHAN” (Barangay Peacekeeping Operations)
LOI 20/04 (Salaam Police Center)
Revised PCR Master Plan
PNP Communication Plan “Santinig”
LOI Tamang Bihis
Sir Robert Peel’s Principles of Law Enforcement (1829)


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