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formation of iodobenzene from arenediazonium salts and i5-phosphorins (4)

iodide ions, with the h3- and h5-phosphorin respectively
( 1 ) (1 mmol) is dissolved in a mixture of dry benzene
(15 ml) and the desired alcohol (10 ml). Reaction and work-
B' up of the likewise strongly colored I-alkoxy-1'-phos-
phorins (4)were as above.

Received: September 11, 1972 [Z 717b IE]

German version: Angew. Chem. 84,1146 (1972)

1 ArN20Uf4e

[l] K . Dimroth, N . G r e s H.Perst, and F . W Szauber, Angew. Chem 79,
58 (1967); Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. 6, 85 (1967).
[2] K . Dimroth and W Sriide, Angew. Chem. 80, 966 (1968); Angew.
Chem. internat. Edit. 7, 881 (1968).
[3] K . Dimroth, A . Hettche, W. Stiide, and F . W. Steuber,Angew. Chem.
81, 784 (1969); Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. 8, 770 (1969).
Ar OR' [4] G. Miirkf, A . Merz, and H. Rausch, Tetrahedron Lett. 1971, 2989.
[5] If. Kanter, Diplomarbeit, Universitat Marburg 1972; H. Kanter
(4) and K. Dimroth, Angew. Chem. 84,1145 (1972); Angew. Chem. internat.
Edit. If, 1090 (1972).

Table 1. Compounds prepared (3a), p b ) , and (4a)-{4n}

OR' Ar RZ R4 R6 Yield M.p. ["C]

[%I [a1
43 130-132
41 221 -223
47 135-1 36
53 123-124
21 137-139
33 121-1 23
8 134-136
59 147- 149
24 171-172
64 149-151
23 203-205
4s 198-200
35 217-219
12 249-251
3.5 231-239
33 158-- I 60

[a] Analytically pure substance, yield not optimized

[b] Cyclohexyloxy.
[c] 2-Methyl-4-nitrophenyl.
[d] 2'-Methyl-4-nitro-4-biphenylyl.

in place of the readily polarizable and oxidizable iodide. Tetranitrosylchromium [Cr(NO)4]1"1

The composition of the new compounds was confirmed by
By Max Herberhold and Abbas Razavi"'
elemental analyses and spectroscopic data. I-Methoxy-
1,2,4,6-tetraphenyl-h5-phosphorin has already been pre- Attempts to prepare the binary nitrosylmetal compound,
pared by Mark1 et u Z . [ ~ ' from 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium Cr(NO),, have so far failed"]. This mononuclear complex
tetrafluoroborate with phenylphosphane and methanol. is the last missing member in the isoelectronic series of
uncharged, tetracoordinated carbonyl-nitrosyl complexes,
Compounds ( 3 4 and (3b) appear to be of special interest
the so-called pseudo-carbonylnickel series :
since they number among the first I-fluoro-hs-phospho-
rinsf5].For instance, ( 3 4 gave the following NMR data
in C,D,: 'H-NMR (TMS internal standard): besides the
multiplet of aromatic protons a quartet at 6 = 8.01 ppm
(2H, 3,_,=33 Hz; 3,-,=6 Hz). "F-NMR (CFC1, We have found that Cr(NO), is formed when a slow stream
internal standard): S=25.6 ppm (sextet, .JF-,=1115 Hz; of NO is drawn through an irradiated solution of Cr(CO),
.JF-H = 5.5 Hz); P-NMR (85%H,PO,external reference): in a hydrocarbon solvent (n-pentane, n-hexadecane, ben-
6=48.98 ppm (2m, Jf_,=1113 Hz). zene). The reaction can be followed by IR spectroscopic
measurement of the decrease in intensity of the C-0
I -Aryl-1 -jluor0-2,4,6-trisubstituted,
I5-phosphorins ( 3 ) stretching vibration of Cr(CO), (mode F,,, 1986 cm- in
Compound ( I ) (1 mmol) is dissolved in dry dimethoxy- n-pentane). According to the IR spectra, the unknown
ethane (20 ml). (2) (1 mmol) is then added portionwise to
the stirred and cooled reaction mixture. The deeply colored [*I Doz. Dr. M. Herberhold and DipLChem. A. Razavi
Anorganisch-chemisches Laboratorium der
fluoro-h5-phosphorins (3) formed with evolution of N, Technischen Universitat
can be isolated by preparative layer chromatography with 8 Miinchen 2, Arcisstrasse 21 (Germany)
benzenebight petroleum (1 : 1) on silica gel, and recrystal- [**I These investigations were supported by the Deutsche For-
lized from methanol or ethanol. schungsgemeinschaft and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.

1092 Angew. Chem. inrernar. Edit. / Vol. I1 (1972) 1 N o . 12

compound Cr(CO),(NO),, which could conceivably occur From purely formalistic considerations the central metal
as an intermediate of the photoinduced nitrosylation, is not in Cr(NO), can be assigned an oxidation state of -1V if-
formed in noticeable amounts ; furthermore, recarbonyl- as is usual-the nitrosyl ligand is considered as a NO’
ation of the dissolved Cr(NO), by C O gas cannot be cation. Actually, the effective charge on the chromium
achieved under the reaction conditions. should deviate very little from zero because of strong back-
bonding. In any case, Cr(NO), is an interesting counter-
Cr(NO), dissolves in hydrocarbons to give intense reddish
part to the paramagnetic, tetracoordinated Cr+’“ com-
brown solutions, which absorb over the whole range of the
plexes (such as e.g. Cr[CH,C(CH,),],[’], Cr[l-norbor-
visible spectrum. In n-hexane solution, absorption maxima
nyl],[’], Cr[CH,Si(CH,),],[9J, Cr(OR), (R = tert-
were recorded at x 750 nm (log E % 1.85), x 555 ( x 2.80),
alkyl[lOslllor Si(C,H5)3[111),and Cr(NR,), (NR,=dial-
458 (3.29), and ~290(3.61);a further maximum occurs
kylarnido)[”], to which a tetrahedral or pseudotetrahedral
below 220 nm (log E > 4.7).
structure has also been ascribed. It can be assumed that a
Formulation of the new complex as “Cr(NO),” is sup- whole series of complexes of the general typeCr(NO).L,,-.,
ported by the following facts : exists (n=0-4; L=univalent, anionic ligand without
1. Satisfactory elemental analyses (Cr, N) have been obtain- hydrogen atoms, e.g. neopentyl, tert-alkyl, trialkylsilyl-
methyl, tert-alkoxy or dialkylamido). Of this series, both
ed, even though the air-sensitivity and high volatility of
the compound present considerable problems.-2. The the end members (Cr(NO), and CrL,) and the mononitros-
complex is diamagnetic (‘H-NMR).-3. The highest
ylchromium(1n) complexes Cr(NO)L, (L = e.g.
peak in the mass spectrum corresponds to m/e=172, as “ICH(CH3)2] 2 , “Si(CH3)312 OCH(CH312, OC(CH 313)

would be expected for Cr(N0): ; in addition, the mass are already known[’31; according to an X-ray structure
spectrum contains peaks for all the fragments expected to analysis Cr(NO)[N(Si(CH,),),], has a pseudotetrahedral
occur by successive loss of NO ligands : Cr(N0,)’ (142), structure with a linear CrNO group[’41.
Cr(N0): (112), Cr(NO)+ (82), Cr+ (52). All these frag- The synthesis of transition metal-nitrosyl complexes by
ment ions show the characteristic isotopic pattern of photoinduced nitrosylation of carbonylmetal compounds
chromium.-4. The IR spectrum in the range 4000 to can be applied to other systems. Thus Mn,(CO),, is con-

800 cm- contains only one strong absorption (1721 cm- verted stepwise into red Mn(CO),NO, green Mn(CO)(NO),,
in n-pentane), which can be assigned to the asymmetric and finally into a new nitrosylmangenese complex, which
N r O stretching vibration (mode F,) in a tetrahedral is green and very volatile ( v ( N E 0 ) 1666 cm-’ in tetra-
complex[21. Two additional bands appear at 650 and hydrofuran). Similarly, the know complexes Fe(CO),(NO),

496 cm- (in Nujol)13]. and (a-C,H,)V(CO)(NO),1’51 are formed when solutions
We assume, on the basis of these finding, that the reddish of Fe(CO), and (n-C,H,)V(CO),, respectively, are irra-
brown complex of the composition Cr(NO), is isoelectronic diated in solution and simultaneously treated with gaseous
and isostructural with the colorless complex Ni(CO),.
N 0.
A tetrahedral molecule of this type possesses only four
IR-active fundamentals, which belong to the triply degen-
erate representation F,[’]; three bands (~(NzEO),,, A stream of purified N O is passed through a solution of
v(Cr-NO),,, and G(Cr-N-O),,) appear in our IR spectra, Cr(CO), (220mg; 1 mmol) in n-pentane (300ml) which
the fourth (S(ON-Cr-NO),,) should lie below 100 cm-’. is irradiated with a high-pressure mercury arc (Hanovia
The two vibrations v(Cr-NO),, and G(Cr-N-O),, are L-450 W) until the strong IR absorption of Cr(CO), has
presumably strongly coupled, and the correbponding completely disappeared (ca. 2 hours). The intense reddish
bands at 650 and 496 cm- ought to be considered as ab- brown solution is filtered in a nitrogen atmosphere and
sorptions of mixed character. The comparatively high evaporated at normal pressure to about 30 ml; the remain-
frequencies of these absorptions indicate a strong Cr+NO ing solvent is removed in a high vacuum at -78°C. The
back bonding; similar IR frequencies (646 and 556 cm- ‘)I4] extremely volatile complex, Cr(NO),, can be isolated as a
have been reported for the tetrahedral ion [Fe(C0),l2- brownish black solid (m. p. 38-39°C in a nitrogen-filled
(cf. Ref. [ S ] ) , which is again isoelectronic with the pseudo- capillary) and purified by multiple sublimation at low
carbonylnickel series. temperature: final yield ca. 50% (80-90 mg).

Received: October 3,1972 [Z 720IEl

0 German version : Angew. Chem. 84, 11 SO (1972)

[I] Cf : 8. F. G.Johnson and J . A . McClecerry, Progr. Inorg. Chem. 7,

277 (1966); W P. Griffiirh, Advan. Organometal. Chem. 7, 211 (1968).
[2] D. M . Adanis: Metal-Ligand and Related Vibrations. Edward
Arnold, London 1967, Chapt. 3, p. 84, 120.
[3] Raman investigations are rendered difficult because of the intense
It is tempting to extrapolate the valence force constants color of the complex.
k(N-0) of the carbonyl-nitrosyl complexes[‘’ Co(CO),NO [4] W F . Edgell, J . H U E J . Thomas, H . Lehman, C. Angel/,and G . Asaro,
(14.6 mdyn/A), Fe(CO),(NO), (14.1), and Mn(CO)(NO), J. Amer. Chem. SOC.82,1254 (1960).
(13.7) and to predict a k(N=O) value of ca. 13.2mdyn/A [5] H . Stammreich, K . Kawai, E: TacarPs, P . Krumholz, J . Behmoiras,
for Cr(NO),. However, just how problematic such an and S. Brit, J. Chem. Phys. 32, 1482 (1960).
extrapolation can be is indicated by a comparison of the [6] C. G . Barraclough and J . Lewis, J. Chem. SOC. 1960,4842.
valence force constants k(C-0) of the same compounds : [7] W Mowat and G. Wilkinson, J. Organometal. Chem. 38, C35
extrapolation of the k(C-0) values from the series (1972).
Mn(CO)(NO), (17.6 mdyn/A), Fe(CO),(NO), (17.1) and [8] B. K . Bower and H . G. Tennent, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.94, 2512
Co(CO),NO (16.5) yields for the end member Ni(CO), a
[9] G . Yagupsky, W Mowat, A. Shortland. and G . Wilkinson, Chem.
value of ca. 15.9 mdyn/A2 which deviates considerably from Commun. 1970,1369; W Mowat, A. Shortland, G. Yagupsky, N . J . Hill,
the value of 17.4 mdyn/A found experimentallyr6]. M . Yagupsky, and G. Wilkinson, J. C. S. Dalton 1972, 533.

Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. Vol. 11 (1972) 1 No. 12 1093

[lo] N . Hagihara and H . Yamazaki, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.81, 3160 ( 2 . 6 ) , 3 5 ~ 1 ~(7.8);
+ 3 7 ~ 1 0 +(II.I), 3 5 ~ 1 (32.8);
0 ~ ~37c1+
(1959); H. Yamazaki and N . Hngihara, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 81,
(0.6), 37Cl+ (2.8), H3,C1+ (2.4), ,'Cl+ (8.9); HF' (2.Q
821 (1960); Chem. Abstr. 56, 1589 (1962).
F + (2.2); O + (1.5).-I9F-NMR (CFCl, as external
[ll] E . C. Alyea, J . S. Basi, D.C. Bradley, and M . H . Chisholm, J. Chem.
SOC.A 1971, 772. standard): &,,-253 ppm. The vibration spectra are
[I21 J . S. Basi and D. C . Bradley, Proc. Chem. SOC. (London) 1963. given in Table 1 along with a tentative assignment of the
305; J . S . Basi, D. C . Bradley, and M . H . Chisholm, J. Chem. SOC. bands assuming C, symmetry for the molecule. We are of
A 1971, 1433. the opinion that our assignment of the bands is more
[13J D.C. Bradley and C . W. Newing, Chem. Commun. 1970,219. probable than that by Bougon et ai. assuming C,, sym-
[I41 D. C. Bradley, M . B. Hursthouse, C. W Newing, and A. J . Welch, metry.
J. C. S . Chem. Commun. 1972, 567.
[15] E. 0.Fischer, R . J J . Schneider, and J . Miiller, J. Organometal. We have studied the reactions of ( I ) both with Lewis
Chem. 14, P4(1968); E. 0. Fischer and R. J . J . Schneider, Chem. Ber. 103, acids and with Lewis bases. Reaction with AsF,, SbF,,
3684 (1970). and SiF, affords the white salts [C10F2]+ [AsF6] -,
[CIOF,]' [Sb,F, ,]-, and [ClOF,]; [SiF,]'-, the first
two ofwhich can also be prepared from [C10F,]i[SiF6]Z-
by reaction with AsF, and SbF, respectively at room
Reaction of CIF, with OF2:Preparation and temperature with removal of SiF,. The Raman spectra
Properties of Chlorine Oxide Trifluoride and the of the salts containing the [ClOF,]+ ion are in complete
Existence of Chlorine Oxide Pentafluoride"] agreement with those given in the literature[31. The
hexafluoroarsenate and the new hexafluorosilicate may be
By Klaus Ziichner and Oskar Glemser[*I quoted asexamples. Raman spectrum [cm- '1 of [ClOF,] +:
Irradiation of a gaseous mixture of ClF, and OF, in [ClOF,]' [AsF6]- (values in brackets: cf. Ref. [3]):
a quartz flask leads to formation of white crystalline v1 1335 (1332), v1 1325 (1321); v, 763 (760); v3 513
[ClOF,]: [SiF6I2-, which melts under its own vapor (511); v4 410 (408); v, 747 (725); v6 not observed.
pressure at 50.5"C and dissociates into ClOF, and SiF,, [C1OF,]i[SiF6I2-: v1 1333, v1 1324; v, 728; v3 521;
both of which can be detected in the gaseous phase by vq 428 ;v, not observed ;v6 383.
IR and mass spectrometry. Subsequent cooling leads to Reaction of ( I ) with fluoride ion as Lewis base leads to
reformation of [ClOF,]; [SiF,]'-, which is also formed formation of the hitherto unknown oxotetrafluorochlorate
from ClOF, and SiF, at room temperature. ion [C10F4]- :
Chlorine oxide trifluoride CIOF, ( I ) , which was recently
prepared via another route[21[**],was characterized by
elemental analysis, mass, IR, Raman, and I9F-NMR
ClOF, + CsF -20 "C
C S +[CIOF,]'

spectra'"]. Mass spectrum (rel. intensity in %): 37C10Ff The bands in the Raman spectrum [cm- '1 of the [ClOF,] -
(30), 3 5 ~ 1 0 ~(100);
; 3 7 ~ 1 ~(0.8),35~1~:
; (2.8); 37c10~+ ion were assigned, by analogy with the assignment of the
(25.6), 3 5 ~ 1 0 (78.9);
~ + 3 7 ~ 1 0 : (IA), 3 5 ~ 1 0 : (2.2); 3'c1~+ bands in the Raman spectrum of XeOF4[41,as follows:

Table 1. Vibration spectra of CIOF, (1)

-~ ~

Raman (liquid) [cm-'1 IR (gaseous) [cm-'1 Assignment

1370 W
1233 m P 1226 S
1216 m
1165 W
1155 W
980 W
900 W
730 Sh, w
695 S P 697 Sh, m
- (684) [a1
668 Sh, m dp? 6 76 VS
498 Sh, w P 500 m
46 7 VS P 478 m
406 w p'! 400 W

320 W dP 325 m
230 m dP 230 W

[a] Determined from combination vibration

v1 1202(w); v2 455 (vs); v3 410 (s); v4 349 (vs); v, - ;v6 285

[*] Prof. Dr. 0. Glemser and Dip].-Phys. K. Ziichner
Anorganisch-chemisches Institut der Universitat (m); v7 - ; v8 - ; vg 204 (w).
34 Gottingen. Hospitalstrasse 8-9 (Germany)
If the photochemical reaction of ClF, and OF, is carried
[**I Note added in proof (26. Oct. 72): In the meantime a series of out in a nickel vessel fitted with sapphire window the
reports on CIOF, have been published : D. Pilipooich, C . B. Lindahl,
C . J . Schark, R. D. Wilson, and K . 0. Christe, Inorg. Chem. 11, 2189 principal product is ClOF, ( I ) ; small amounts of CIOF,
(1972); D. Pilipouich, H. 61. Rogers, and R. D. Wilson, ibid. 11, 2192 (2) are also formed, but this could not be isolated in pure
(1972); K . 0. Christe and E. C . Curtis, ibid 11,2196 (1972); C . J . Schack, form. The mass spectrum (negative ions!) of the reaction
C . B. Lindahl, D. Pilipouich, and K . 0. Christe, ibid. 1 1 , 2201 (1972);
product contains the fragments 37C10F4, 35C10F,,
K . 0. Christe, C . 3. Schack, and D. Pilipouich, ibid. 11, 2205 (1972);
K . 0.Christe and E. C . Curtis. ibid. 11, 2209 (1972); K . 0. Christe. 37C10F;, and 35C10F;, which can originate only from
E . C. Curtis,and C. J . Schack, ibid. 1 I , 2212 (1972). ( 2 ) , since the spectrum of pure (1) does not contain

1094 Angew. Chem. internat. Edit. 1 Vol. I1 (1972) / N o . I.?

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