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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bolbok Integrated National High School
Bolbok, Lipa City
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of
how world literature and other text types
serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving
conflicts among individuals or groups; also how
to use strategies in critical reading, listening,
viewing, and affirmation and negation markers
to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous
Performance Standard The learner proficiently delivers an
argumentative speech emphasizing how to
resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.

I . Learning Competencies

 EN10LT-11c-13.9: Give technical and operational definitions.

 EN10LT-11c-2.2: Explain how elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words.
2. Attain the values and qualities in the speech.
3. Show appreciation about human solidarity.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Values Education for Human Solidarity
By Lourdes R. Quisumbing

 Copy of the speech

 Visual aids
 Marker
 Laptop
 Television
Curriculum Guide (May 2016) pp. 223 of 244
English Learner’s Material for Grade 10 pp. 148
III. Procedure
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Cleanliness

Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Activity
Analyze the puzzle. Arrange the pieces Human Solidarity
puzzle to form an image.

Class what image was formed after you

the pieces of puzzle?

Solidarity- it refers to the ties in society that

people together as one.

Today we are going to watch a video

about speech which is entitled “ Values
for Human Solidarity” by Lourdes R.

But before watching a video, let us first

give the meaning of unfamiliar words that we
will be
encountered while watching a video.
Expand your vocabulary

Supply the missing letters to complete the

missing word on the meaning.

a. Solidarity A feeling of unity between people who have

the same interest and goals.

b. Imperative It is an expressing a command in a forceful

and confident way.

c. Globalization The act or process of globalizing: the state of


d. Humanity The quality of being human.

e. Detrimental It cause a damage or injury.

f. Genocide The deliberate of killing people who belong
to particular racial, political, or cultural group.

g. Liberalization To become less strict.

h. Intrinsic It belongs to the essential nature of a thing.
i. Prejudice An unfair feeling of dislike for a person or
group because of race, sex and religion.

j. Inevitable Something that you cannot avoid.

This time let us watch the video of the

speech entitled Values Education for Human

2. Analysis
a. Who is the speaker in the Lourdes R. Quisumbing

b. What are the values you Peace, kindness, honesty, faith, camaraderie,
remember from the speech? and respect.

c. What is the fundamental Values education because it seems that

approach to achieve human solidarity is far from being true.
human solidarity? But there is hope. And this hope lies in
the hands of the youth who embrace the good
things of values education can offer. If all
things will be applied into reality, human
solidarity is not impossible at all.
d. What do you think is the
purpose of the The purpose of solidarity is to build our
solidarity? movement and to embody our mutual care and
concern for justice.

3. Abstraction
Explain how human solidarity looks like
based on its description?

4. Application
The class will be grouped into four.
Each group will be given a task that they need
to accomplish.

Group 1. Make a slogan about the

lesson you have got from the speech.

Group 2. Draw an image of human


Group 3. Make a short skit on how you

will show the values or qualities from
the speech.

Group 4. Make a yell that best describe

human solidarity.

5. Valuing

“ Languages connect us and break Communication makes our lives lighter, that’s
down barriers when we unite to nurture why we are blessed by having languages to
the best in us and help each other form communication to one another



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