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Step 2 - Create value from technologic innovation

Present by:

Luz Angélica Ramírez Rodríguez

Fernando Murcia

Miguel Antonio Solano

Maria Jose Sanchez

Julio Cesar González

Curse Tutor

GRUPO: 212032A_614



October de 2019

In times as competitive as the current ones, companies are able to grow by some

element that differentiates them from the competition, it is not being the best but the only

one that satisfies a certain need, or expectation of superior quality. With technological

innovation, we must obtain this sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors, it

cannot be relegated to support levels but can be integrated into the company's global

strategy, as Porter (1990) indicates: "The competitiveness of a nation depends on the ability

of its industry to innovate and improve. The company obtains a competitive advantage

through innovations "... This is the case of Apple, which stands out for presenting constant

modifications: In quality, elegance and simplicity of use; satisfying every day more needs

of its customers. With this philosophy, Apple has created innovative products such as the

iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.

Likewise, companies must devote resources to technological innovation, whose

ideas and projects will have a great impact, giving solution to operational tasks (which do

not generate value), developing new products in synergy with specialists, and new ways of

doing things. (processes - business model). Finally, the technological innovation applied by

companies must be translated with tangible results (business value), as indicators of the

value perceived by the client, monthly income, and annual profitability.


Assess the appropriateness of different valuation methods, recognizing market

conditions for technologic innovations-

Developing a negotiation of technologic assets from products, processes, and

systems innovation, with the aim of achieving the organization social and business


Justification´s Statistical Data chart per student (Activity 6)
Justification´s Statistical Data
Student name Luz Angelica Ramirez
Statistic No 1 The survey, also carried out by ANDI, shows that companies have
Digital been transforming their interest in the appropriation of technology,
transformation innovation and automation of processes to accelerate execution times.
Statistic No 2 This publication allows to know real cases that applied technological
Technological solutions motivating competitiveness. These companies were
solutions for Bancomistro, BCI Ingeniería, RUNT, Aqueduct of Bogotá and
competitiveness: Universidad de la Salle, among others, identify the phenomenon as the
cases of digital fourth industrial revolution
transformation in (COLOMBIA DIGITAL, 2019)
Statistic No 3 “Bogotá, January 25, 2019. The National Government sanctioned the 1951
Colombia will have law of 2019, which gives way to the transformation of Colciencias in the
for the first time in Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - CTeI -, whose purpose
its history a Ministry will be to promote the promotion of knowledge, productivity and the
of Science, contribution to the development and competitiveness of the country, as
Technology and well as building a more equitable society. ”
Innovation (COLCIENCIAS, 2019)

Justification´s Statistical Data
Student name Fernando Murcia
Statistic No 1 Some studies explain the relationship between strategy and value
Strategy and value generation from a multidimensional perspective (Rashidirad, Salimian,
generation in Soltani and Fazeli, 2017); However, the adoption of different
Colombian strategies produces different results (Muñoz, 2016). Despite the
companies that above, other research agrees that the strategic emphasis should be
provide services examined according to the relative performance of the company and
the context in which it operates, in order to make decisions about the
allocation of resources with respect to the creation or capture of value
(Han, Mittal and Zhang, 2017). On the other hand, Quesada and
Meneses (2011) affirm that strategic management directly influences
business success and value creation processes.
Confecámaras (2016). Nacimiento y supervivencia de las empresas en
Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Confecámaras.
Statistic No 2 The Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of
Colombia is a leader Colombia (MinTIC) certified more than 37,000 Colombians in digital
in IT and business skills in the third quarter of 2017, which added to the field of
services innovative developers in the software development sector.
Procolombia. https://www.investincolombia.com.co 2018
Statistic No 3 The global consultant PWC has again associated this year with the
Who will win the local information technology organization CINTEL to recognize the
Digital Colombian companies that have achieved the most in regards to
Transformation of business transformation.
the Year Award in
Colombia at The winners of this second annual award will be announced next week
Andicom 2018? during Andicom 2018, the largest ITC and innovation conference in
Colombia, in four different categories: Digital transformation in large
companies, Digital transformation in small and medium enterprises
(SMEs), Digital transformation with social impact and digital
Andicom 2018

Justification´s Statistical Data
Student name Maria Sanchez
Statistic No 1 Las prioridades al invertir en tecnologías son principalmente la
automatización de procesos en un 82,8 por ciento y la
Obligada reducción de costos en un 57,8 por ciento.
transformación digital https://www.dinero.com/tecnologia/articulo/la-
en Colombia transformacion-digital-en-colombia-segun-softland/265177

Statistic No 2 Con el apoyo de Google, IBM, Mercado Pago y la Cámara

El BID y MinTIC Colombiana de Comercio Electrónico, 300 empresarias se
promueven la capacitaron en habilidades digitales a través del taller ‘Mujeres
transformación digital Empresarias Liderando la Era Digital’, que se llevó a cabo el
de empresas pasado jueves 6 de diciembre en Bogotá.
colombianas lideradas https://mintic.gov.co/portal/604/w3-article-
por mujeres 81510.html?_noredirect=1
Statistic No 3 Colombia es un ejemplo en la Región por ofrecer uno de los
mejores servicios de energía. Las reglas claras, un crecimiento
El sector eléctrico de la demanda que asegura el retorno de las inversiones y un
colombiano, atractivo modelo de negocio en permanente evolución son el secreto
para la inversión y del éxito de este sector.
comprometido con un https://www.dinero.com/tecnologia/articulo/la-
futuro innovador transformacion-digital-en-colombia-segun-softland/265177

Research Justification chart (Activity 7)

It is concluded that creating value from technological innovation prepares the

company to face the future: the service experience changes, the products are transformed,

the designs or models of what is now a trend and tomorrow they go out of style, but the

Technology is increasingly new, and companies that work hand in hand with technological

innovation know that this is the best way to prepare to face the changes of the future. In

addition, it adds experience and learning to all members of the company.

GHEŢA, I. M. (2017). Theoretical and Methodological Considerations Regarding the
Evaluation of Intangible Assets. (pp 373–376). Contemporary Readings in Law &
Social Justice, 9(2). Retrieved from

Mc Manus, J. P. (2012). Intellectual Property : From Creation to Commercialisation: A

Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers. 16. Valuation of Intellectual
Property. Oak Tree Press. Retrieved from

Cohen, J. A. (2005). Intangible Assets : Valuation and Economic Benefit (pp 84-87).
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Retrieved from

Triana Ortiz, K. (15,06,2017). Valuation Methods. [Video]. Recovered from:


Passov, R. (2003). How Much Cash Does Your Company Need? Harvard Business
Review, 81(11), 119–128. Retrieved from

Kuada, J. E. (2012). Research Methodology : A Project Guide for University Students (pp
59-60). Frederiksberg C [Denmark]: Samfundslitteratur Press. Retrieved from


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