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A Division of the Set Point Technology Group

How does oil work?

This bulletin looks at the role of
By John S. Evans, B.Sc. oil in reducing the harmful forces
of friction.


riction is a ubiquitous part of
our daily lives. Walking, An understanding of friction will
writing, opening doors and be helpful as a starting point.
drawers and driving to work all Friction can be defined as the
involve energy being expended in resistance encountered when one
Oil order to overcome friction. body moves relative to another
Although friction is generally body with which it is in contact.
reduces thought of as a negative mechani-
the harmful cal characteristic (approximately The laws and
20% of a car's energy is spent in coefficient of friction
forces of overcoming friction) it must be
remembered that without it we The basic laws of friction were
friction. would not be able to walk and the 'sensed' by Leonardo da Vinci but
brakes on our cars would not were not studied scientifically
work. until the 18th century by Coulomb
and Amontons, which led to the
Friction is usually seen as a definition of three laws:
mechanical problem and the force
necessary to overcome it has long The first law states that the force
interested engineers. When man of friction that exists between two
invented the wheel it enabled him surfaces is directly proportional to
to move weights around with far the perpendicular pressure
less expenditure of energy than if between them. In order to slide a
they were dragged from A to B. metal cube of mass M across a
What he had in fact done was to table, a tangential force, F, must be
replace sliding friction with applied. If M is doubled then F
rolling friction which has a much must also be doubled to get M to
lower value. move.



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be interpreted as saying that bod-
ies at rest tend to stay that way
unless acted upon. This means that
the initial energy required to get
the metal block to start moving
(overcome static friction) is higher
than the energy required to keep it
moving (overcome dynamic fric-
Diagram 1 tion). Once the initial energy has
been expended to overcome the
static friction, the coefficient of
The second law states that the friction settles down to a constant
force of friction is independent of value equal to the dynamic fric-
the surface area of M in contact tion. Thus frictional drag is lower
with the surface over which it is once a body is in motion.
being made to slide. If M were to
have an oblong cross section, it Causes of friction
would not matter whether the larg-
er or smaller surface area was Surfaces that appear smooth and
placed on the table; the force of shiny to the naked eye will show
friction, or the force required to peaks and furrows when examined
Frictional move both blocks, would remain with a microscope or even a mag-
the same. Diagram 1 illustrates nifying glass. This does not mean
drag is this point. that the component has been poor-
lower ly machined but that components
The third law says that the force manufactured to prescribed toler-
once a of friction is dependent on the ances may still have fairly rough
nature and state of the surfaces. surfaces at microscopic level (see
body is Smooth surfaces generate less Diagram 2).
in motion. friction than rough surfaces.
When two surfaces are brought
The first law can be restated as the into contact, it is the tips of the
ratio between F and M for a par- peaks that actually touch, meaning
ticular system is constant and F/M that large areas of the surfaces
is known as the coefficient of never come into contact. For
friction. This coefficient can be example, the contact area of two
easily measured by using gravity flat steel surfaces subjected to a
to make a metal block slide across pressure of 0.5 kgcm -2 is about
a surface. Although the mass can 1/40 000th of the apparent surface
be weighed and the force to get it area. The size of the contact area
to move easily determined, inertia not only depends on the surface
causes problems. area and roughness but also on the
load acting on the two surfaces.
Newton's first law of motion can The peaks where contact actually
takes place are called asperities.
SURFACE MAGNIFIED Because it is the asperities that
touch and because they make up a
very small surface area, very high
pressures and temperatures are
achieved which can cause metal
deformation and cold welding to
take place. When the surfaces slide
Diagram 2 over each other, microscopic

welds are produced between peaks of the points of contact are actual-
which, due to the relative motion, ly zero and this results in rolling
are then torn apart. friction. It should, however, be
noted that rolling friction is
The laws of friction apply to one always accompanied by some slid-
clean metal surface sliding over ing friction.
another. The laws break down
when thin metal films or oxidised Two main types of rolling friction
surfaces are considered. They also exist. The first is where large tan-
do not apply to very hard surfaces gential forces are experienced as
(eg. a diamond) or very elastic in the case of a car wheel in con-
surfaces (eg. rubber) where the tact with the road which generates
contact area no longer depends on considerable sliding forces. The
pressure. second is where minimal tangen-
tial forces are present as is the
Friction and wear case with a ball or roller bearing.
This is sometimes known as free
Whenever friction is overcome, rolling.
the dislocation of surface material
generates heat and this frictional Studies show that elastic deforma-
heat can be highly destructive to tion of the roller and the surface
metal surfaces and cause wear to occurs and this gives rise to the
The take place. resistance to motion (friction) that
is encountered. The energy
harmful Additionally, when there is solid returned to the system when the
friction (as opposed to fluid fric- deformation returns to normal is
effects tion) wear will also take place. less than the energy required to
of friction Material is lost due to the cutting cause the deformation. This excess
action of opposing asperities and energy is lost as frictional heat.
cannot be to the shearing of microscopic
welds. In extreme cases the com- Tests show that rolling friction is
over- bination of high frictional temper- not influenced by the presence or
emphasised. atures, welding and shearing can absence of a lubricant. However,
cause complete seizure of moving lubrication is still important in this
parts. situation because the elastic defor-
mation of the surfaces introduces
The harmful effects of friction sliding friction which can be
cannot be overemphasised. The reduced by the introduction of a
job of the engineer and particular- lubricant to convert solid friction
ly the lubrication engineer is to into fluid friction.
control friction: to increase it
where it is needed and to decrease
it where it will cause damage.
Lubrication reduces friction by The friction that exists between
replacing solid friction with fluid two bodies in relative motion
friction. involves an appreciable energy
loss which needs to be minimised.
Sliding and rolling friction This is achieved by feeding lubri-
cants between these sliding sur-
When one body slides over anoth- faces which replace solid friction
er, the force of resistance encoun- with fluid friction which can be far
tered at the points of contact is smaller.
known as sliding friction. If a
ball or cylinder were to roll over a A lubricant must possess two
metal surface, the relative velocity basic properties: some degree of

fluidity to spread over the surfaces The lubrication regimes that will
and adhesive power to allow the be considered here are: boundary
fluid to remain in place during lubrication, mixed film lubrication
motion. Oils are particularly well and hydrodynamic lubrication
suited to this job. which includes elastohydrodynam-
ic lubrication (EHD).
When an oil is fed in between two
moving surfaces it causes them to Boundary lubrication
separate and in doing so eliminates
the solid friction that exists Three parameters need to be con-
between them. Unfortunately vis- sidered when looking at the vari-
cous drag (fluid friction) exists in ous lubrication regimes. They are:
the oil so that friction can never be the load placed on the surfaces, the
totally eliminated but it can be speed at which they are moving
greatly reduced. The oil can cause relative to each other, and the vis-
the surfaces to separate in a num- cosity of the lubricant.
ber of ways and, when this is not
completely possible, friction is still Viscosity is a very important prop-
kept to a manageable level. erty of a lubricant and will be


is the study A USEFUL analogy when look-
ing at the different types of lubri-
and a car is driving at high speed
on a flat stretch of freeway and
of the cation is to consider a car driving the brakes are suddenly applied,
along a road in different condi- then the wheels will lock and the
interaction tions. car will aquaplane. This is like
of surfaces ■ When driving on a dry road,
hydrodynamic lubrication - the
tyres skim along the surface of
in relative there will be maximum friction the water without touching the
between the tyre and road surface road, with minimal wear to the
motion to and, if the brakes are applied, tyres. All braking is done by the
each other. then there will be the shortest
possible stopping distance with
bodywork and braking distance is
dependent on how quickly the
the maximum wear to the tyres bodywork comes into contact
(and road surface). This equates with something immovable
to no lubrication at all. (crashes).

■ If there has been a light show- ■ If, under the same conditions,
er and there are puddles on the the car has ABS brakes then
road and the brakes are applied, something akin to mixed film
there is insufficient water on the lubrication exists. The brakes and
road to lift the tyres off the sur- wheels are pulsed, allowing them
face but there is enough water to to brake through the water sur-
pool into low spots, preventing face and touch the road in short
maximum contact between the bursts. Sometimes boundary
surfaces. This is like boundary lubrication takes place, some-
lubrication where braking and times hydrodynamic. Braking
tyre wear will occur, but less than distance is longer than in the case
would occur on a dry road and of boundary lubrication and some
with longer braking distances. wear to the tyres occurs, but
hopefully the car's bodywork
■ If there has been a downpour does not come into play.

defined at this point as a fluid's Boundary lubrication can be sub-
resistance to flow at a particular divided into: oily lubrication, anti-
temperature. Fluids that have high wear lubrication and EP (extreme
viscosities do not flow easily pressure) lubrication.
(such as molasses) - high viscosity
oils are sometimes referred to as 1. Oily lubrication takes place
'thick' oils. Fluids with low vis- through two distinct mechanisms:
cosities flow easily (such as
water) - low viscosity oils are ■ Physical adsorption, whereby
sometimes referred to as 'thin' oils. oil molecules and compounds
blended into the oil are attracted
It is important to remember that electrostatically to metal surfaces
when an oil is heated up, its vis- and form bimolecular layers due
cosity will decrease. In other to the polar nature of these com-
words, it will 'thin out'. Likewise pounds.
the viscosity will increase as the
temperature decreases and the oil ■ A chemical reaction also takes
will 'thicken up'. Because of this place causing certain compounds
an oil's viscosity must always be in the oil to attach themselves
accompanied by the temperature chemically to the metal surfaces.
at which the measurement was This allows very thin films, usual-
made for it to mean anything. ly only one or two molecules
Viscosity thick, to form and help reduce
In a situation for ideal lubrication friction whilst not totally separat-
is a fluid’s the viscosity and the speed should ing the metal surfaces (see
be high and the load low. If this Diagram 3).
resistance were always the case then lubri-
to flow at a cated surfaces would always be 2. Antiwear lubrication occurs
separated and only fluid friction because of the presence of chemi-
particular would come into play. cal compounds in the oil that are
Unfortunately we do not live in an specifically designed to react with
temperature. ideal world and this is not always metal surfaces and form a protec-
possible. tive layer. The melting point of
these compounds is fairly low and
In the case of a plain bearing and a is below the temperature at which
journal there will be a small EP compounds are effective.
amount of lubricant between the Antiwear additives are sometimes
mating surfaces. However, referred to as mild EP additives.
because of the load and zero speed
on start up, the lubricant film will 3. EP lubrication is required
not completely separate the bear- where high pressures and hence
ing from the journal. In this situa- high temperatures are encoun-
tion the asperities will break tered. This is achieved by the
through the lubricant film and addition of compounds that con-
make contact; this is known as tain phosphorus and sulphur that
boundary lubrication. All is not react with the metal surfaces to
lost, however, and the situation is form compounds such as iron sul-
far better than if no oil were pre- phide which has a high melting
sent at all. Typically, the coeffi- point and low shear strength. In
cient of friction of unlubricated other words, they make the metal
metal surfaces ranges between 1.5 surfaces slippery.
and 0.5. With boundary lubrica-
tion it is between 0.1 and 0.02.

Metal repelling solid friction is very high but is
gradually replaced with fluid fric-
tion as the journal begins to turn.
Mixed film lubrication occurs
when boundary lubrication is
reduced but the mating surfaces
are not quite separated and are
supported by a full film of lubri-
cant (see Diagram 4).
Metal surface
Hydrodynamic lubrication
Metal attracting
In theory the journal should be
located coaxially with the bearing.
However, in practice, this does not
happen unless the load is extreme-
Diagram 3 ly small or the shaft is mounted
vertically. In practical cases there
Mixed film lubrication is an appreciable load on the oil
film and the journal cannot rotate
The coefficient of friction in a coaxially to the bearing.
plain bearing is related to the load
Fluid on the bearing, the speed at which As speed increases a wedge is
it is turning and the viscosity of formed between the converging
friction the oil that is lubricating the sys- surfaces through which the oil is
increases tem. forced as it is entrained by the
rotating shaft. At this point the
as speed Assuming the viscosity remains fluid has a greater velocity, and
constant throughout (as will the hydrodynamic pressure is created
increases. load) then the coefficient of fric- which counterbalances the load
tion will vary with the change in and keeps the mating surfaces
speed. On start-up the speed is low apart.
(zero) so that the coefficient of
friction will be high but will Under this type of lubrication
decrease as the speed increases. regime the coefficient of friction is
The graph below illustrates the reduced to the order of 0.005. It
relationship where initially the will be noted from the graph that
the minimum friction is achieved
just before the onset of hydrody-
namic lubrication. It is at this
 point that solid or static friction is
replaced by fluid or kinematic
friction. Unlike solid friction, fluid
friction is dependant on speed and

gradually increases as the speed


N Elastohydrodynamic
P lubrication (EHD)
SPEED The surfaces in relative motion
Boundary Semifluid Hydrodynamic lubrication that require lubrication that have
lubrication lubrication been considered so far have had
the same geometry, that is they fit
Diagram 4 together like two spoons. In the

case of a ball or roller bearing, the Hertzian pressures and the point or
contact area between the mating line of contact of the roller is
surfaces is vanishingly small. With known as the Hertzian region.
a ball bearing in a race, the area of These high pressures cause both
contact is a tangential point and, the roller and the race to elastical-
with a roller bearing, a tangential ly deform to a small degree which
line. Remember that pressure is spreads the pressure over a small
defined as force over area and in but finite area. Oil is drawn into
this situation the area is very the Hertzian region by hydrody-
small. With normal loads in roller namic forces and when subjected
elements, pressures of 1.5 Gpa to these Hertzian pressures the vis-
(1,5 million kilopascals) can be cosity increases (reversibly) dra-
reached. Under these conditions matically and has the consistency
both the roller elements and the oil of window putty. It is this increase
behave in a non-Newtonian fash- in viscosity that enables the oil to
ion (see Newtonian fluids section lubricate under these extreme con-
on back page). ditions and this lubrication regime
is known as elastohydrodynamic
These high pressures are known as lubrication.

is defined
as force
over area.



Pressure distribution over contact.

Diagram 5

NEWTONIAN fluids (including
lubricating oils) behave in the
following way: Consider any
fluid between two parallel
plates of area A and separated
by a distance H. One plate is
held fixed whilst the other
moves with velocity V. As it
moves it carries the layer of
fluid touching it, which in turn
carries along the layer of fluid
closest to it and so on. The layer
of fluid adjacent to the station-
ary plate will also be stationary
so that the velocity of the differ-
ent layers of fluid will vary The constant of proportionality
between 0 and V if there is lam- () is the viscosity of the fluid
inar flow. The force required to and represents the resistance to
Lubricants cause this flow is given by the flow at a particular temperature.
following equation: It is dependant on the nature of
convert the fluid and the temperature
F = AV/H only.
solid friction
fluid friction. John Evans is the diagnostic
manager: mobile equipment for Produced by the
the Wearcheck Division of Set Wearcheck Division of
Point Technology.
Set Point Technology
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