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Vicar of God and Other Lies

The Pope holds the Title Vicar of God or Vicar of Christ,

where Jesus was God on earth. Vicar means to stand in
place of. Thus the Pope stands in place of God, while God is
not on earth and if God ever returned to earth, well God
help him is all I have to say. In terms of Law what this has
done is forced all the Common Wealth Countries and many
others to come under the authority of the Pope. I would
also assume Islamic Countries as well for Allah is written on
the Pope’s chair and Muhammad was a Cardinal in the
Catholic Church that went about setting up Islam. I think
mainly so they could play the Christians off the Muslims. Hard to have a Crusade if everyone is the same
I would think.

The Pope is not standing in for God at all in fact he stands in place for LORD God, who is Lucifer the
demonic devil that they worship in their Satanic High Masses every Sunday. If you read Genesis chapter
1 you will discover that God created us as equals to him and in fact part of him. We are all one in God.
Take a look at Genesis 1:26-28:

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I would suggest that you burn this paragraph into your lifetime memory if you can. This is who God is in
terms of the Bible. Genesis 2 talks about LORD God and LORD God is not God. To be blessed is to be
without sin and to be holy. Thus whatever law you may be accused of breaking, according to God you
are not accountable for it as you have been blessed by God. Now compare this with the Koran where it
says in the first book second line that Allah is merely a LORD of the Worlds, he is not God. God did not
create worlds, because God does not create anything that is not real or based in truth. What you will
find with LORD God, the Pope and the Koran, is that they are based on worlds of fiction. A world is
fiction the earth is real. What they did was overlay a fictional based world upon the earth and put
names on everything and everyone and then said that the names belong to them, them being the Rulers
of the world. This way they are not violating God’s claim upon the earth and his creations, they are only
claiming ownership over the names they attach to that which was created by God.

Of course 99.999% of the general population is unaware of this trick and they go along with it. Plus they
are given a lifetime of conditioning and fear mongering that they must follow what the people in
authority say or they will get into trouble. These authority figures are nothing more than a bunch of low
life usurper parasite; that see you as their slave and nothing more. So with that set aside let’s move
onto the Preamble of Canada. “Canada was founded upon the Supremacy of God and Rule of Law.”
God is supreme so we should look at the Bible first to see what God had to say before we can apply any
law is my argument in all this in terms of Law within something called Canada. However LORD God
actually allows himself to be called God in numerous places throughout the Old Testament and you have
to read it carefully to see that it is really LORD God and not God being talked about. The same goes in
the New Testament with JESUS in that he is not referring to God, he refers only to LORD God if you put
things in Context with what was stated in Genesis 1:26-28. So much for Christianity, but I am not writing
this to knock Religion. Testament means testimony and thus everything within the Bible is said to be
absolutely true. However in general authority figures are only allowed to interpret the “true” meaning
of the Bible, because of their advanced education and Ordination in many cases.

So in terms of Canadian Law the Pope stands in place

of God via his Title Vicar of Christ or Vicar of God. Thus
the Pope is God until the real God appears from
somewhere, God help him. So church Cannon Law is
the Basis of all law on the earth. Before there were
Countries the Pope held title to the earth and still does
but extends lesser titles to others. Because LORD God
owns the earth and the Pope stands in place of LORD
God, Lucifer, he charges taxes to everyone else for use
of the land. Why, well if again you read Genesis
Chapter 2 you will find that LORD God created Adam
and Eve as his property and enslaved them in the
Garden of Eden. When they woke up to the fact they
were enslaved he had to remove them from the
Garden of Eden and let them go free upon the earth,
where they fended for themselves. So now LORD God
uses intimidation, Kidnapping, torture and in some
cases murder if compliance is not gained to bring us God’s
creations under his authority, through what is commonly called a Promise to Appear.

Of course the Pope sees us as his slaves and it is okay to steal from his slaves and do whatever he wants
to them. This is only magnified in the Crusades and the two world wars. Lucifer does not care what
Religion you believe in, just that he gain your compliance to allow him to cause you harm and suffering
through what is called the Justice System. In fact if you speak with Lawyers, Judges, Crown Prosecutors
etc., they will tell you that they are Secular and all this Religion stuff is not considered to be part of Law.
Well what was the Bishop of Canterbury doing during the Coronation Ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II
then? Oh I forgot, the Judge does not pledge his true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In
fact we really don’t know what their Oath is in Canada, because they won’t show us their oaths. They
rather arrest us and drag us out of there court before they do that, saying we are in Contempt for
asking, because we are challenging the authority of the Court? What kind of crap is that do you think?
Then you read the Confession of Faith of 1646 which regulates the Queen in her Capacity of Queen and
it is entirely about God and Religion. You will notice Section 19, Of the Law of God, is not about God at
all, it is about LORD God, the usurper of God’s authority on earth. Another section you might take note
of Section 22, Of Lawful Oaths and Vows.

VII. No man may vow to do any thing forbidden in the Word of God,

I think that about sums it up, but the law makers in Parliament, MPs, all swear to bear their true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, which would bring them under this section of the
Confession of Faith, whereas the Judges and most of the Sheriffs don’t. Isn’t it neat how the Sheriffs in
the Court along with the Crown Prosecutor and others all bow to the Judge as they worship him or her?
It is sick beyond belief and shows completely where their loyalties lie.

So what needs to be done? Well that is a complicated issue to say the least. My last article called, Life
without Law I explain what we must do to secure a future under God rather than under Lucifer or Satan
as it were. With all authority comes the right to make use of force to protect that authority. Because
we have a bunch of usurping creeps around us, it may come to the fact that we may have to use force to
remove them from our lives. It is not something I wish to do or anyone else for that matter, but it is
time that we start doing things in contrary to what a very few people in positions of apparent power
have been bullying us into doing for a very long time. We need to come together as communities and
create a world based upon truth and freedom for all. Those that wish to enslave us must be rounded up
and questioned and taught that we are all equals in this Universe and no one has the right or authority
to enslave anyone. Then put them into a monitoring situation where they can be free but under our
thumbs if they try to harm or enslave others. Once they have earned our trust then we can let them go
on their own. It is a matter of educating and healing those who feel the strong need to harm or enslave
others. The rest is easy.

In terms of having to make an appearance in Court, it is

the Crown Prosecutor that is desperate to drag the issue
before the Court to begin with. So write a letter or get
on the phone with the Crown Prosecutor handling the
case you are apparently involved with and sit down and
discuss the issues I have been talking about in this and
other letters. Ask the Crown if they are merely usurping
the power of God or do they have a bonifide true claim
that they have authority higher than God? As they are
only making use of names within a world of fiction, they
have no claim over you a man created as male or female by God, as per Genesis 1. Also do not sign
anything if you can absolutely help it. Why? Because it is a confession that you are operating under
their authority and not yours, plus it also means that by thy hand though has become one of us, to know
good and evil, and thus LORD God’s slave (Lucifer/Satan). If they threaten to hold you for a long time,
start asking questions upon them concerning their claim of authority to do so. Make clear that you
know their scam and will share it with the other inmates if you are detained any longer. What they do
with your signature is plunder the public trust for millions of dollars if not more, so realize that it is a
complete scam and remember who you are. If you have no conviction about whom you are and why
you came to earth, then they will certainly hand you a conviction at the end of their Kangaroo court/
High Mass Sacrifice session with you, to appease Lucifer their God. All commercial Law is based upon
the Talmud; you might want to spend a little time researching that beauty, based on master slave
relations. You also do not want them to say a name meaning that it is you, you always want to talk
about the fictional entity as in third person. You do not have a name in truth only the fictional entity
called a person does. So do not let them address as having a name always correct them and tell them,
with like I see Judy could have done that or John would never have done this or that. I don’t have a
name, names are merely hearsay and if I were to have a name I am sure God would have given me one.

Also keep in mind that you have only agreed to show up in “court” settle the charges according to law
and not plea to charges, you are there to settle the charges. You never agreed to any kind of trial, so
don’t make a plea for one silly. If the Judge enters a plea on your behalf of not Guilty, tell the Judge that
he/she now assumes all liability for the Charges. Also it does not say who’s court your are suppose to
appear in, so it may as well be God’s court as you are on the earth right? If it says the Provincial Court of
whatever ask if the court is situated on the earth or not? If it isn’t then where is it? If it is show me your
bonifide true claim that you have more authority than God you should ask the Judge or Crown prior to
going to any court. All Courts they make use of are Free Masonic Courts where the Judge is seen as
being Lucifer, that is why they bow to him, to appease him. It does not say by whose law and you have
your authority from God in Genesis 1 as having dominion over all the earth. To say the Court Room is
not upon the earth is a fraud; they rather like to say it resides in fiction like Vancouver or Toronto. Ask
the Crown to prove that the court exists upon the earth and if it does, then your law is all that matters
and issue your orders to the Crown Prosecutor as a living thing that moveth upon the earth. Order that
the charges be withdrawn and any convictions be expunged as everything they have sits upon the earth;
the world as they call it is simply an overlay upon the earth and is all fiction.

If they insist that they are Secular and Religion does not matter, then simply ask show me that you
created this planet we call earth and I’ll leave you alone, otherwise you have no authority to do anything
on this planet without the creator’s say so. Show me the claim you have over me and the origin of the
authority to make such a claim. It cannot come from a fiction such as Canada because it does not exist
in reality. If you say that is your authority then let me face the one who holds the claim. Canada cannot
face me as it is a fiction so your claim is a fraud.

I know it is much easier said than done, but if you read through my articles and Book, The Extortion
System of the Ruling Elite, it becomes incredibly obvious what is happening is all based upon fraud and
lies. So perhaps I cannot solve all the wows of the world today, but I can at least give you a starting

rob hay


May 8, 2010

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