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Crime against women is a common problem of many countries in the world. The
wrong perspective about women is one of the reason why the number of victims significantly
increase from time to time. Word ‘crime’ itself has many definitions and also determine the
solutions that are considered. Many of these interpretations has lead to the unfair solutions
taken for the women. A surprising fact state that most women had experienced various kind
of violence in their lives. It can be a reflection that crime among women should be the top
ten for the worldwide concern. But, what is the most influential factors of the crime against

As a society, we have a general perspective of something, moreover the issue has been
the worldwide concern, including crime among women. It is common assumption that the
way women dressed is a primary factor that caused sexual violence against women. By
wearing shorts and sleeveless shirt in public has lured the perpetrator to stare or even touch
her intimate part of body. The stereotype about women, for example, women are weak
creatures, also boost the confident of perpetrator to carry out the crime. He will assume that
if he did the sexual violence to her, she will not have strength to resist or simply report the
crime to the police. Another common assumption about the main factor that lead crime
among women is the way that she behaved to another person. For instance, if the women
have cheerful, active, and friendly attitude, the perpetrator will assume that she was being
flirty and coquettish, and create bad image to the women and think that it is okay to touch
her body.

But if we look closer, first factor that lead people to the violence among women are
most women think that sexual abuse done by her intimate partner is an interpersonal private
matter between intimates. These women may be experiencing this crime again and again not
because she likes it or she is helpless and fails to follow through. Next factor is the trauma she
had experienced from the recent violence that make her to look inadequate and weak and
most organizations think that it was considered only necessary if the victim has serious
injuries because of that crime. Unconsciously pornography taught by other people can also
lead to the mind set that women are there for exploitation and to fulfilling men’s sexual
demands. These factors have not been blown up before even though these are the main
factors of the increase of crime among women nowadays.

We are aware of the factors that lead crime among women nowadays. However, we
as a human being have responsibility to stop and prevent the crime. The best way to choose
is to assume the victims as our daughter, mother, or even ourselves. One powerful movement
can save many lives.

We use many ways to gain the information according to the topic which is the factors
that lead crime among women nowadays. First of all, we learned how to search the topic on
the various sources using advance search to lead us find more accurate information based on
the topic. Starting with part A, we learned to find the concept of the topic which is ‘crime’
and ‘women’ and find the synonym from each word to get more information. The alternative
words we find from ‘crime’ are ‘violence’ and ‘outrage’ which help us to get more knowledge
about the topic. For the word ‘women’, we get ‘female’ and also ‘girl’ which lead us to many
relevance resources. After that we organize the world and came up with a search key word
(crime OR violence OR outrage) AND (women OR female OR girl).

After knowing how to find the relevance information, we proceeded to part B. We

searched the information through the Pendeta Discovery by accessing it through University
of Malaya library website (http://umlib.um.edu.my) and clicked on the Pendeta Discovery
option menu. We managed to find two books and one thesis each from different library but
still relevant to our topic.

After finished with part B, we proceeded to part C. We were assigned to search for
eight records from the online databases that have been subscribed by University of Malaya.
We must find the full-text database in order to get full information about the article. The
online data bases can be accessed by logging in to the library portal with our identification
number given. We clicked on the online databases menu options and chose the information
from 4 different databases.

We were asked to search for articles using search engines and trustworthy website on
the part D. Using the search statement, we searcher the information using google and got
one news and two personal articles from world famous organization.

For part E, we collected all the records from part B to D and provided citations for each
record. We compile them as an alphabetical order and checked it using EndNote. We also
wrote an introduction relevant with our topic from the information we found on the records.

A) Discuss the factors that lead to crimes among women

B) Discuss the cases of crimes among women
C) Discuss the solutions to eradicate crimes among women

Violence against women is a major public health problem and a violation of

women's human rights. One out of three women all over the world has struggled either
sexual or physical crimes on their life. The perpetrators of this crime are came from
intimate partner or somebody they already know. These crimes can negatively effect their
mental, physical, and reproductive health, and may increase the infection of HIV. Women
and men are most likely to perpetrate or experiencing violence because of low education,
history of child abuse, and exposure about the violence from the mother. To achieve the
change, we should end the discrimination, improve women to access paid employment,
and developing country’s plan about reducing crimes against women. (World Health
Organization, 2017)

the main factors that can lead crime against women is nothing what is mentioned in
the paragraph above. One of the concerning fact that lead the crime is that most women have
been planted in their mind that the sexual abuse done by her partner is an interpersonal
private matters between them. In some cases, the women who are forced to do the
intercourse by their partner, although she does not want to do it, will assume that it is a form
of an affection create by her partner. In fact, not many women know that it is one kind of
sexual violence. Another surprising factor that has a role on the increase of the number of
crime among women is the trauma she had been suffering from the recent sexual abuse that
make her to be judged as a weak and inadequate person. This case lead to another continuous
problem she will encounter and put the victim in even worse condition. The most
heartbreaking factor is that there is wrong knowledge has been taught from generation to
generation. Many children were taught unconsciously that women were there for
exploitation by men. For instance, there is a case that a husband wants to teach his son about
sex education by showing them magazines and videos, instead of being taught to respect
other women or start to make a relationship, the children assumed that women are things
for exploitation. (Hannah, 1996)

Concerning about the increase of violence against women, international criminal law
has responsibility to incorporate concepts of human rights law under the human right
instruments to add some more points to protect girls and women for instance Convention on
the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women and the Declaration on the
Elimination of Violence against Women. These can develop with the goal of the state member
to protect the female in their jurisdictions, apply to human rights violations in both public and
so-called private spheres. The international law protections are called for the expansion of
the purview not only to include gender as a recognized category along with national, ethical,
racial, or religious group, and also include human right violations in the private sphere of
family and other intimate relations along with human right violations in the public sphere of
national and international relations. (Riane, 2015)

Bradby, H. (1998). Defining violence: understanding the causes and effects of

violence. Aldershot: Avebury.

Riane, E. (2015). Can international law protect half of humanity? A new strategy to
stop violence against women. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace
Research, 7(2), 88-100. doi:doi:10.1108/JACPR-12-2013-0036

World Health Organization. (2017, November). Violence against women. Retrieved

from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs239/en/

Violence against women is not only one serious problem but this crime also can bring
various kind of problems such as human rights and public health. It is important to know the
real factors that lead to crime among women. The general knowledge about this crime is so
different and have an opposite view if we look closer and study deeper.

The stereotype about women and the mindset of the women rule in life unconsciously
boost the perpetrator to do the crime. The majority of women nowadays if they experiencing
the mild crime, such as catcalling, will think it is a normal thing and will not take an action
about that. Next factor is the misunderstanding about the tradition in some places lead the
crime among women become a common thing. The wrong way to teach children about sex
education also create the wrong point of view about women.

The improvement on the crime and human rights justice especially among women and
children has a big role to reduce the violence against women. Education to understand the
main causes of this violence and to involve their peers and family to avoid the crime is also
important. Make an organization to support the victims and against the crime can decrease
the number of crime among women and reduce the victim’s trauma about the recent crime.

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