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Expressions of Causes and Effects

The most common linking words of causes and effects are as follow:
Causes Effects
a. Coordinating Conjunction : for a. Coordinating Conjunction : so
b. Subordinating Conjunction : because, b. Conjunctive Adverbs : therefore, thus,
since, as hence, consequently
c. Prepositional Phrase : because of, due to c. Prepositional Phrase : as a result, as a

Expressing Causes
a. Coordinating Conjungtion : for
For is used to express causes. It is used to combine two independent clauses. We need
comma before “for”.
The people prefer to live in village, for it is comfortable and peaceful.
Independent clause Independent clause

b. Subordinating Conjunction : because, since, as

Because, since, and as are synonyms. They have no differences. However, since and as
are more formal than because.
Reza does not go to school because/since/as he is sick.
Independent clause Dependent clause
If the dependent clause (subordinate clause) comes in the beginning of the sentence, the
subordinate clause and the independent clause will be separated by comma (,).
Because/since/as Reza is sick, he does not go to school.
Dependent clause Independent clause

c. Prepotitional Phrase : because of, due to

Because of and due to are synonyms. In sentences, bacuase of and due to are followed
by gerrund or noun phrases.
Many students love Riki because of/due to his kindness.
Independent clause Noun phrases
Because of/due to Riki’s kindness, many students love him.
Noun phrases Independent clause

The picnic is cancelled because of/due to raining.

Independent clause Gerrund
Because of/due to raining, the picnic is cancelled.
Gerund Independent clause
Expressing Effects
a. Coordinating Conjungtion : so
So is used to express effects. It is used to combine two independent clauses. We need
comma before “so”.
Rio studied well last night, so he did the test easily.
Independent clause Independent clause

b. Conjunctive Adverbs : therefore, thus, hence, consequently

Conjunctive adverbs are used to join two independent/main clause. We use semi-colon
in writing. We can also use full-stopped if the clause is long.
My parents have important business; therefore, they cannot come to school.
Independent clause Independent clause

His father had passed away. Consequently, he has to work hard to help his mother.
Independent clause Independent clause
Therefore, thus, and hence are synonyms. However, hence and thus are more formal than
therefore and the use of hence and thus are restricted to a very formal and scpecific
Rifki’s research has finished. Hence, he has to arrange the report as his responsibility.
Independent clause Independent clause

c. Prepotitional Phrase : as a result, as a consequence

As a result and as a consequence are synonyms. In writing, they will followed by cluases.
He drove the car carelessly. As a result, he got an accident.
Independent clause independent clause

The sanitation is so bad. As a consequence, health problems happen in the environment.

Independent clause independent clause

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