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Regeneration of Human Limbs

© 2014 All rights reserved*

by Judith Mann
Co-Founder End The Pain Project, Member IASP & MITERNET, Independent Scholar

Can a human being regenerate an arm or leg in a way similar to how a

newt regenerates an eye or a zebrafish, a tail fin replacement? What
tells our body to grow or to stop growing? Is information to regenerate
limbs buried at a seemingly inaccessible sub-conscious level? Can we
retrieve methods of access to allow this information to be conveyed on a
cellular level?

The capacity to regenerate is one of the most fundamental features of

living organisms. Regeneration reveals that in some sense, organisms
have a wholeness that is more than the sum of their parts. Parts can be
removed and yet wholeness can be restored.

And yet, though our bodies regenerate skin and some organs every
twenty-eight months and lost fingertips can be regrown naturally by a 6-
month-old baby, the possibility to regenerate complete human limbs has
truly not presented itself until fairly recently.

Now there are breakthroughs in the scientific disciplines of human adult

stem cell harvesting, replication and therapies, 3-D printing utilizing
stem cell 'ink' blobs to form living organs, new surgery techniques and
revived spiritually-oriented practices and devices to draw upon.

This paper proposes that based on these scientific breakthroughs, it is

possible to generate either a completely functioning limb or to
successfully join a fully functioning replicated limb to the body of an

a) an individual amputee capable of establishing conscious

communication with the DNA of his or her stem cells;
b) the entrainment of the amputee's mind with that of a highly
conscious and skilled facilitator to visualize the end result;
b) the stimulation of the person's stem cells with custom tone
frequencies that are partially derived from analyzing the person's voice;
c) mirror image procedures and electro-magnetic photographic
d) application of consciousness-driven states of being.
Proper stimulation of stem cells to regenerate limbs is at stake here. We
have conceived a method to stimulate stem cells to regenerate human
limbs just as a salamander "does" its tail.

A. Setting The Stage

1. Morphic Fields And Morphic Resonance

The premise of regenerating a missing limb in a human is inspired by

Rupert Sheldrakes's theory of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance.
Matter comes into being through a field that forms matter, somewhat in
the way that a field around a magnet arranges iron particles into a
distinct pattern. In Presence of the Past, Sheldrake suggests

“Morphic fields are non-material regions of influence extending in space

and continuing in time. They are localized in and around the systems they
organize. When any particular organized system ceases to exist, its
organizing field disappears from that place. But in another sense, morphic
fields do not disappear: they are the potential organizing patterns of
influence, and can appear again physically in other times and places,
wherever and whenever the physical conditions are appropriate. When
they do so, they contain within themselves a memory of their previous
physical existences.

The process by which the past becomes the present in morphic fields is
called morphic resonance. Morphic resonance involves the transmission of
formative causal influences through both time and space. “ (1)

In living organisms, morphogenesis, which describes the creation of

form in nature, is organized by fields.

“These fields inform and organize the development of the entire universe
as well as biological entities and are capable of guiding the process of
regeneration after damage.”2

Thus, the morphic fields of perception, behavior and mental functions

are connected to brain activity but do not emerge from the brain.
Morphic fields are far more extensive than brains.

Sheldrake explains

“The idea of morphic resonance enables memory to be understood in

terms of direct causal influences from an organism's own past. This
therefore provides a radical alternative to the conventional theory that
habits and memories are somehow stored as material 'traces' in the
nervous system.” And by inference, material 'traces' in the brain.” (3)
Research on brain activity by Walter Freeman reveals complex patterns
of activity in large populations of neurons. (4) There are no fixed
representations, only localized images which seem to carry a relation, a
“causal” connection to material objects in the external world. As such
common sense calls them meanings and they depend on intentions,
which are often unconscious.

As morphic fields impose order and pattern, they bring in the notion of
“causality” between mind and matter, intention and real objects.

As “laws in the making”, they are not endangered by the problems of

mental causation,(5) but rather inspired by the thinking of Charles
Sanders Peirce (6).1

Moreover, these fields seem to contain an inherent memory that

becomes perceptible by means of morphic resonance. A body is in
resonance with its morphic field which stabilizes its structure.

2. Our Claim

We claim that the morphic field as well as the resonance can be

"perceived" by attention, but that they have "realities" of their own.

As Lynne McTaggert suggests

“Perception occurs on a fundamental level of matter – the netherworld of

the quantum particle. We didn’t see objects per se, but only their
quantum information and out of that construct our image of the world.
Perceiving the world is a matter of tuning into the Zero Point Field where
the energy present is in the emptiest state of space at the lowest possible
energy, out of which no more energy can be removed.” (7)

Projection takes place through perceptual felds extending beyond the

brain, connecting the animal with that which is seen. Vision is rooted in the
activity of the brain but is not confned to the inside of the head.
Sheldrake suggests that the formation of these felds depends on the
changes occurring in various regions of the brain as vision takes place,
infuenced by expectations, intentions and memories. The projection isn't
just analogous to a hologram, it actually is a feld phenomenon.

Sheldrake explicitly endorses Peirce's line of thought and we agree with him.
3. Regeneration

Sheldrake holds that the capacity to regenerate is in fact one of the

most fundamental features of organisms.

Regeneration reveals in some sense, that organisms have a wholeness

which is more than the sum of their parts. Apart from effects of self-
healing like wounds that close as long as they are not too big, or
infections that are fought by our immune system on a bigger scale, even
body parts can be removed and wholeness restored through vibrational
stimulation of the holographic aspects of stem cells.

B. Theory

1. The Hologram

According to Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a quantum hologram is a model of how

reality works (8).

Mitchell states that we can think of an organism’s quantum hologram as

its nonlocal information store in the Zero Point Field that is created from
all the quantum emissions of every atom, molecule and cell in the
organism. Every objective or physical experience, along with every
subjective experience is stored in our own personal hologram and we
are in constant resonance with it.

Quantum emissions from bio-matter, such as a stem cell, inherit

information about the entire organism as stem cell research has shown

We do not claim that stem cells are more 'holographic' then other cells.
But obviously they can arrive at the pluripotent stage, which means
they have the potential to develop into all kinds of different cells and
hence, also into all of the components of a limb. A normal mature cell
cannot do this.

Cells contain DNA and have the ability to work in harmony with other
groups of cells to create blood, bones, muscle tissue, etc. The body can
be seen as an immense electromagnetic field, which interacts in a still to
be explained way with its morphogenetic field which unfolds formative
influences by resonance.
Instructive patterns about growth and development are determined by
the DNA of a particular person. DNA holds records of both physical
makeup known as phenotypes, which determine skin color, eye shape
and color, hair texture, etc. and psychological characteristics that are
inherited by offspring from parents and ancestors. Written as powerful
instructions to the cell, they describe proteins.

We do not want to argue against free will by stating that all actions of a
human being are completely determined by DNA and the physical make
up of the human mind/brain system. But clearly, DNA does store
“psychological” properties and behavioral predeterminations that by and
large are acquired by every individual of the species through social
interaction and other ontogenetic influences.

The fact that living cells in any organism evolve and grow from more
simple stem cells, implies an informative process throughout the
organism and its composite parts, with an associated instantaneous
exchange of information through 'phase conjugate adaptive resonance',
known as PCAR. It is possible that cells use sound to communicate with
each other instead of or concurrent with, electro-chemical reactions.

Edgar Mitchell explains PCAR, as

“how the brain acts as an information receptor utilizing adaptive

resonance with a specific range of EM frequencies (e.g. wavelengths) in
its input path. The input signals received are a representation of the
external object resonating with similar virtual signals generated (output)
by the brain. This sets up a resonance condition which may be interpreted
as a standing wave between the object and the brain. The input signal is
really the quantum emission spectrum of the object being perceived.

Like all holographic processing, the associative pattern that is created

facilitates retrieval of information in a resonant loop utilizing the
overlapping reference signals of quantum emissions from the external
PCAR is a resonance process that enables the perceiving organism’s
brain structures to perform pattern classification and recognition of the
resonating signals. As an example, think of bats, dolphins, whales that
use sonar to send out signals and receive reflections back to locate
targets. PCAR is the brain analog of that process.

Thus some information about the entire organism is carried in the

quantum emissions from its parts and stored in the Zero Point Field, the
quantum vacuum state with the lowest possible energy. Generally, it
contains no physical particles.

Each of us has our own unique resonant frequencies or our unique

quantum hologram which acts as a "fingerprint" to identify our non local
information stored in the Zero Point Field. Since the event history of all
matter is continually broadcast non-locally and stored in the quantum
hologram, the quantum hologram can be viewed as a three dimensional
vista evolving in time which fully describes everything about the states
of the object that created it. Not only do we each have our own unique
quantum hologram, but it is also possible for others to tap into parts of
it through resonance.

The holographic part, which is a physical record of interference patterns

in all fields can give rise to an entire original image. This is key to the
regeneration of a phantom limb employing stem cells.

2. Phantom Limbs

A phantom limb is defined by Sheldrake as the sensation experienced

within that an amputated or missing limb is still attached to the body
and is moving appropriately with other body parts. (9) It may also be
defined outwardly through advanced electromagnetic imagery as a
photon emanating field, part of the original blueprint set by the body.
The body image and phantom limbs persist indefinitely.

Morphic fields underlie the extended mind. They coordinate sensation

and action, bridge the sensory and motor regions of the brain and
coordinate a nested hierarchy of lower-level morphic fields, right down
to those that organize the activity of particular nerve and muscle cells.
Sheldrake's theory supports the possibility of a fully functioning
regenerated limb or the surgical connection to a regenerated

A field brings about material effects while the system is tuned into it. If
the tuning is changed, other fields come into play and the original field
'disappears'. It appears again when the body re-enters a state similar to
that in which the field was expressed before, such as when the
amputated limb was a functioning part of the body. The field then
becomes present again through morphic resonance.

Sheldrake sees the capacity to regenerate is in fact one of the most

fundamental features of living organisms. Regeneration reveals that in
some sense, organisms have a wholeness that is more than the sum of
their parts. Parts can be removed and yet wholeness can be restored.

C. Components of Phantom Limb Regeneration

1.Tail fin regeneration holds a key to regrowing limbs

Prof. Kryn Stankunas of the University of Oregon Institute of Molecular

Biology,(10) found that when a tail fin of a Zebrafish is amputated, fully
mature cells with specific tasks, that remain at the site of the
damage/amputation, reverse developmental age in a process known as
de-differentiation and become progenitor cells. These cells hold the
potential to grow by cell divisions to replace everything that is lost. The
second job of the cells then, is to turn back into all the functional,
organized cells for tissues, bones, nerves, blood, etc.

A specific pathway secretes a protein called 'Wnt', which induces the

cells to leave an organized system and migrate into the regenerating

Local 'Wnt' production at the tip of the regrowing fin maintains a pool of
dividing bone progenitor cells until the fin is fully replaced. The second
pathway,'BMP', then converts the progenitor cells back into mature bone
that forms the bony rays of the fin.

The two molecular pathways work in concert, cross-communicating to

keep the regenerative process in balance and in the correct sequence.
'Wnt' and 'BMP' play different roles and must act in a specific order. The
complexity of the molecular communication seems to indicate that
directing this process is an innate intelligence, a consciousness so to

Though the process for the Zebrafish takes about two weeks leaving no
trace of the amputation, the process for a human will take considerably
longer as human cells have lost these abilities. We have to ask, “How we
can regain these abilities”? Utilizing belief, intent and focus in tandem
with visualization and aural techniques, experiments can lead to de-
differentiating the mature cells of a human at the point of amputation.

2. Importance of the Wnt Signaling Network

Mayumi Ito, Assistant Professor of Dermatology in the Ronald O.
Perelman Department of Dermatology at NYU School of Medicine and
team, have discovered an important clue in the biochemical chain of
events that unfolds in the wake of a fingertip amputation. (11)

A population of self-renewing stem cells in the nail matrix, a part of the

nail bed rich in nerve endings and blood vessels that stimulate nail
growth depend upon the 'Wnt signaling network', the same family of
proteins that play a crucial role in hair and tissue regeneration, to
regenerate bone just beyond the amputated fingertip of genetically
engineered mice. “Amputations of this magnitude ordinarily do not grow
back,” says Ito.

3. Other Stem Cell Developments

Going beyond the use of embryonic stem cells for organ repair and
replication, which carry an ethical and legal burden, adult cells can now
be taken from the skin of a donor and reprogrammed as pluripotent
embyronic stem cells.

A. Dr. Robert Lanza (12) and a team lead by Dr. Kwang-Soo Kim at
Harvard University, reported a safe method for generating induced
pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Human iPS cells were created from skin
cells by direct delivery of proteins, thus eliminating the harmful risks
associated with genetic manipulation. This new method provides a
potentially safe and non-controversial source of patient-specific stem
cells for translation into the clinic.

B. Dr. Shinya Yamanakam (13), of Institute for Integrated Cell-Material

Sciences, Kyoto University and his staff are widely credited with being
the first to hit on the idea of reprogramming adult cells to behave as
stem cells. The crux of his idea was to add genes called master
regulators to the skin cells’ chromosomes. These genes can change the
cell’s behavior by turning other genes on and off.

C. James A. Thomson, University of Wisconsin is one of the first

scientists to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Also successfully
turned adult skin cells into the equivalent of human embryonic stem
cells without using an actual embryo.(14)

D. Dr. Doris Taylor of Texas Heart Institute has developed an empty

protein scaffold, a pig's heart, that is ready to be injected with a
transplant recipient's stem cells so that a new heart, one that won't be
rejected, can be grown.

The 'ghost heart' is injected with hundreds of millions of blood or bone-

marrow stem cells from a person who needs a heart transplant, place it
in a bioreactor box with artificial lungs and tubes that pump oxygen and
blood into it, and wait as the ghost heart begins to mature into a new,
beating human heart. (15)

E. Researchers from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh have created a 3-

D cell printer that emits living embryonic stem cells. The printer is
capable of printing uniform-size droplets of cells gently enough to keep
the cells alive and maintain their ability to develop into different cell
types. The new printing method could be used to make 3D human
tissues. Building whole organs is the long-term goal. This implies the
possibility of attaching a fully functional limb composed of matured stem
cells donated by the recipient, which reduces the chances of rejection by
the body. (16)

F. Dr. Anthony Atala's state-of-the-art bio engineering lab grows human

organs, from muscles to blood vessels to bladders and more. He works
with a bioreactor that preheats to 98.6 F and a machine that "prints"
human tissue. (17)

In a nutshell, stem cell research has reached a level where correct

application of formative information to grow is now available.

4. DNA

DNA in our cells is always 'listening' for 'instructions'. A part of our DNA
is always "listening' for changes in our consciousness. It is possible for
consciousness to heal and change chemistry just through intent.

DNA activates a process within the cellular structure that begins self-
correction, altering the electric and magnetic structures of certain
minute processes in the body. The results can be seen daily in people
willing themselves to stay alive, though not officially recognized. There
is nothing stronger than human will and intent.

A facilitator, usually a trained therapist, assists the person to activate

his/her consciousness to increase efficiency, allowing the DNA to
activate itself in the ways it knows are needed and communicate this to
the body.

Intent brings our concepts to a higher level, letting the DNA choose
groupings and energies to work with. We can view our bodies as large
transformers filled with wireless information transmissions via the
pathway of DNA confluence.

David Gibson, a healing sound scholar trained as a physicist, finds it

interesting that our DNA contains genes that are made up of different
combinations of letters A, C, G, and T, representing the four nuclotide
bases of a DNA strand — adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. Each
of these nucleotides are also specific frequencies, core frequencies that
make up all of the music in the DNA.

Occasionally, more than one of these nucleotides will occupy one spot on
a particular section of DNA, creating a timbre or harmonic structure.
And the second strand of DNA has the opposite sequence of frequencies
creating a play of musical intervals at every step of the DNA. (18)

5. The Biofield

In The Biofield Hypothesis,(19) Beverly Rubik, PhD, sees the human

body as a holistic living system, exchanging energy and information with
the environment. Information is neither energy nor matter in itself, but
simply its carrier. Information exists only in relationship and like energy,
always involves at least two entities, a sender and a receiver.
Information conveys meaning, although the meaning to the organism
may be on a cellular level.

Just as a holographic plate (20) distributes information throughout a

hologram, the Biofield conveys information throughout the body and is
central to integration and regulation of the body’s biochemistry and
physiology. It is an ultra weak field of standing waves forming the
energetic anatomy.

At extremely low levels, the energy content of an applied signal is even

less than the random energy of molecular motion at body temperature.
This means that such extremely low-level fields cannot act energetically
on organisms, because the energy content is negligible. They are acting

A widely used application is pulsed magnetic stimulation at 7 Hz, useful

to promote bone tissue regeneration. This noninvasive treatment for
bone fractures has been approved for more than 20 years by USFDA.
But the Biofield is more than electromagnetism, as it involves a non-
physical/mental component carrying the information of intention and the
psychic realm. Rubik suggests that consistent with ancient wisdom,
subtle bodies of the human that lie beyond the physical body entrain
realms of mind, soul and spirit.

6. Role of The Mirror Image

We take the role of traditional mirror therapy to relieve phantom pain

one step further. To prepare the amputee for eventual regeneration of
the missing limb, the amputee undergoes a 30-day course of two
fifteen-minute sessions a day watching movements of the undamaged
limb as a mirror image.

The mirror reflection of the intact limb tricks the brain into “seeing” the
amputated limb as an intact limb. The brain then reprograms itself
through repetitive feedback, so that the neurons stop misfiring. Brain
maps are remodeled and a new neural pathway created. The brain
regards the virtual reality stimulus of the mirror image as being real.
This mirror image conforms to and reinforces the original blueprint of
the body with four intact limbs, two arms with complete hands and two
legs with complete feet.

This reprogramming of the mirror image as an intact limb, along with

repeated viewing of a photographic image of the photon outline of the
phantom limb, sets the visual stage for vibrational stimulation of the
stem cells. The photographic image of a photon limb “blueprint” has
been successfully achieved with the PIP system invented by Dr. Harry

According to Joseph Chilton Pearce in “The Biology of Transcendence”,

(21) the first imperative of nature is simple as rain and as natural: no
model, no development.

7. Belief, Intent and Focus

Mutual belief, intent and focus of a dyad patient-facilitator play a

crucial part in regenerating a healthy limb. The profound portion of
the human healing system can only be discovered through a
conscious process. A belief must be established that honors and
develops the body's 'knowing'. The body 'knows' what the intent is
and the intent starts a process that begins self-correction.

Philosopher-composer, Dane Rudhyar states in "The Astrology of

Personality", that this ability can be developed when emotions and
will are poured into a visualized mental image.(22)
Rudhyar further compares this latent ability to the power in a seed to
replicate and provide a pattern for the future growth of a generic
archetype in its various forms.
Humans have the power to bring forth such a demonstration as long as
a) it is true for all participants and b) thought forms are not
undermined with doubt, negating rationalism, or interfering conscious or
unconscious waveforms that distract concentrations.
This power to shape and direct energy depends on what is visualized,
what is affirmed, and the level of consciousness of the persons involved.
Intention creates effect that is heard and received.
Nothing miraculous is ever contrary to Nature's laws. Rather, they are
the fulfillment of the human potential, just the wise use of nature to
fulfill the power to bring forth forms in the right way and time.
Lynne McTaggart, author of 'The Intention Experiment' (23), states
“perhaps our intentions also operate as highly coherent
frequencies, changing the very molecular makeup and bonding of
matter. Like any other form of coherence in the subatomic world,
one well-directed thought might be like a laser light, illuminating
without ever losing its power.”

To facilitate the process, the dyad drops negative emotions and

thoughts that would impede the positive energetic flow of their joint
beliefs, focus and intent through the use of such energetic
psychology techniques as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or
TAT and advanced sound frequency techniques.

Often, when one person is sending focused intention to another,

their brains appear to be entrained. Entrainments result from tiny
exchanges of energy between two systems that are out of phase,
causing one to slow down and the other to accelerate until the two
are in sync. Once entrained, the two send out a stronger signal
than they do individually, an amplified signal so to speak.

In “The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The

Transferred Potential” 1994 (24), Dr. Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum
studied human brains to verify if the brain has a macroscopic
quantum component. Pairs of subjects were allowed to interact and
then separated inside semi-silent Faraday chambers 14.5 m apart
where their EEG activity was registered. Only one subject of each
pair was stimulated by lOO flashes. When the stimulated subject
showed distinct evoked potentials, the non-stimulated subject
showed "transferred potentials" similar to those evoked in the
stimulated subject. Control subjects showed no such transferred
potentials. The transferred potentials demonstrated brain-to-brain
nonlocal EPR correlation between brains, supporting the brain's
quantum nature at the macrolevel.

Dr. Grinberg's theory is of a 'neuronal field' created within the brain

which interacts with what he called the Source Field, the pre-space
structure that all space, time, matter, energy, biological life and
consciousness emanates from.

As a holographic, non-local lattice, the neuronal field activates a

partial interpretation perceived as an image. Only when the brain-
mind system is free from interpretations do the neuronal field and
the Source, become identical. In this situation, the perception of
reality is unitary, without ego and a lack of ego or any duality. A
feeling of an all-embracing unity, pure consciousness and luminosity
is perceived.

The computer scientist, Ramez Naam, introduced the use of an EEG

cap to link brains with willing intent through a magnetic stimulator
that can send a magnetic pulse from the facilitator to the amputee.

It was the opinion of Andrija Puharich, M.D., LLD, that “the

quantum orbital electron stability so induced further acts by
building and maintaining the proper types of water protonic
structures favorable to Direct Brain Perception. The techniques he
cited (25) all act to quench the electronic noise of the neuronal
system. The self-imposed dissociative techniques act to shift
attention to the para-neural information system, peri-neural water:
glia cell system.

When the slow oscillations of this system dominate the electrical

activity of the brain, alpha waves, in the frequency range from 8 to
14 Hz, the protons of the water structure are receptive to similar 8
Hz signals, at a distance. The best example of this phenomenon is
the synchrony of alpha waves in identical twins by Direct Brain
Action and Direct Brain Perception, or more scientifically, proton
resonance at-a-distance between two brains.
The unique feature here is that protons are not to be thought of as
points of energy in space, but rather as ELF energy systems whose
magnetic waves mushroom out over regions of space. ELF are
extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation waves with
frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz. “

Puharich explains DBA, Direct Brain Action, as the power of a

person to induce a physical action-at-a-distance without the use of
any known transducers, such as the muscular system. One common
manifestation of DBA is in the phenomena of healing. Frequency
plus intention equals the healing energy behind the sound.

Puharich studied a healer, Mrs. H., who uses non-contact hand

passes over a patient. When her hands passed over the TIO to Cl
vertebrae of the patient's spine, the normal asynchronous EEG
waves showed an immediate and repeatable high amplitude alpha
wave synchrony of about 8Hz. He concluded that non-contact
healer's manual passes over a patient induce a short range
magnetic transmission to the hydrogen bond water protons of the
brain, causing them to precess in the frequency range from 7 to 14

If the proton is in fact the universal carrier of information, it would

not only encode this information in quantum magnetic moments,
precession frequencies, and quantum electro-dynamic resonances,
but must logically do work at a distance.

Puharich raises the possibility of the weak interaction between

proton spin couplings, proton magnetic moment couplings and
gravity waves showing in-phase locking at frequencies that are in
the physiological range, i,e. From 2Hz to 30KHz, accounting for

Psychologist William Braud conducted studies that found that the

success of sending intention to human blood cells is also linked to the
sun when it produces high geomagnetic activity, known as 'sun spots'.

Returning to McTaggert, she goes one step further and views intention
as part of a vast energetic relationship involving the sun, atmosphere,
earthly and circadian rhythms.

The facilitator needs to shed the personal ego during the process,
making a conscious attempt to get out of the way to gain access to a
cosmic, nonlocal entity of true consciousness. Being part of the larger
whole becomes a 'given'.

The time-frame in which this can be accomplished varies, depending

upon the nature and depth of locked-in emotional cellular history that
includes traumas, PTSD and genetic issues.

Another method used successfully by Alvaro Pasual-Leone, MD, of

the Harvard Medical School (Walsh & Pascual-Leone, 2003), and
Allan Snyder, PhD, of the University of Sydney (Evans, 2007) is
repetitive Trans-Cranial Magnetics (TCM), which retards left
prefrontal cortex functioning in order to unleash dormant mental

8. Brain Wave Entrainment

A third method is brainwave entrainment, the process of guiding

brainwave activity into a desired state by allowing it to follow the
frequency of an audio signal. Every state of mind is accompanied
by a certain set of brainwave frequencies representing the electrical
activity in the brain. The entrainment might use Isochronic tones,
Binoral beats or a mix of both, depending upon the mind state of
the amputee.

Isochronic tones shape brainwave patterns with sounds by pulsing

the tones at the desired frequency. The audio signal is the same in
each ear, but the volume is turned up and down at the desired
frequency, lets say, 7 times per second. This results in a distinct
pulsing rhythm in the audio, and even though the conscious mind
cannot follow the rate of 7 pulses every second, the brain hears it
and follows.
Binaural beats are tones set at 7Hz or below. Although the ears
can't hear a tone at 7Hz, If a tone of 400 Hz is delivered to the left
ear and a tone of 407 Hz delivered to the right ear, the brain will
the create a 3rd tone from the difference between the beats at 7Hz.
Even though this 7Hz tone is nothing more than an electrical signal
originating inside the brain, it can still be heard as if it were an
audible tone. The brain will then entrain to that frequency,
According to the author of The Twelve Layers of DNA (28), Lee
Carroll, DNA attracts information transmitted outside of space and
time and passes it on to our consciousness. This process of hyper-
communication is most effective in a state of relaxation. Trauma,
worry or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper-
communication and may render the information to be totally
distorted and useless.

9. Visualization

a) Mirror Therapy procedures, which prepare the brain to

override the image of an amputated limb with an image of a
complete limb through repeated movements.

b) The dyad repeatedly envisions the regeneration of the limb in

specific detail as it is unfolding, the amputee engaging with kinesthetic
sensations to carry the phantom limb to a future reality of wholeness.
Our energetic bodies or templates are completely thought responsive.

c) Supplementation by electromagnetic or Kirlian photos of the

original healthy limb as a template or visual 'lock-in' to the energetic
reality of the phantom limb.

10. Aural Stimulation

Aural frequencies can stimulate and draw upon the body's surplus
of stem cells.

a) Create wave frequency compositions that combine Alpha

waves as retrievers, Theta waves as carriers, and Gamma waves,
which have been linked with the ability to process large amounts of
information in relatively small amounts of time.

Alpha is often associated with the ability to learn, process, store

and recall large amounts of information quickly and efficiently.

Theta is best known as the brain wave state of dreaming sleep or

deep unconscious, but it is also associated with a number of other
beneficial states, including increased creativity, some kinds of
super learning, increased memory abilities, and what are called
integrative experiences, in which we make broadly-based positive
changes in the way we see ourselves.

Critical and often self-sabotaging filters of the left brain are

bypassed in a Theta state so that in terms of making positive
changes in beliefs or habit patterns, a lot of work gets done very
b) The amputee's voice is recorded using vocal profiling
software. This voiceprint is analyzed for prominent note tones. The
print is then transferred to other software to record its frequencies.

David Gibson, author of “The Complete Guide To Sound Healing”

believes that this prominent or home note is the most important
frequency in our system. It is the frequency or pitch that we are
tuned to. When this note is played, it can entrain us into a state of
peace or rest (28). When you find the frequency of something and
vibrate it there, it feeds that thing energy (29).

c) The specific voice tone frequency of the amputee is

combined with tuned crystal tone frequencies in exact Fibonacci
ratio, the difference between these two frequencies creating a third
frequency in the brain that can be heard, known as a Binaural beat.
Binaural beats within the Alpha range at 7 Hz, stimulate the brain
into activity.

First discovered by Nicola Tesla in 1899, the exact Fibonacci ratio of

three frequencies is required for the reverberatory formation of resonant
standing waves. Once the formation of resonant standing waves occurs
within a resonator by three frequencies in exact Fibonacci relationship
with one another, a wide range of harmonics and subharmonics are also
produced, forming a multi-frequency field of acoustic resonance in
relationship to each other.

David Gibson states that “This is why a timbre, made up of multiple

frequencies, is quite a bit more powerful than a frequency because we
have now musical intervals between each of the frequencies creating a
complex chord. Furthermore, all of these different musical relationships
add up to create one massive chord, or energy field.” (30)

This interaction of sound waves of various frequencies occurs naturally

and can then be used to stimulate stem cells so that they can carry out
the task of connecting the physical body and its repair service to the
energetic field of the phantom limb. The energetic field is where a
memory for re-growth is stored and is aware that our bodies have a
surplus of stem cells for healing and replication that can be drawn upon.
Resonate the frequency of a cell and it opens up that cell to receive

Dane Rudhyar states “What is important is the relationship between

vibrations and tones. The quality of the livingness of tones counts.” (31)
The regeneration stimulator in all of us lies deep in the theta level. While
we are all able to use this regeneration stimulator at the automatic
level, it would seem to take very deep nonlocal theta meditation to
'localize', expanding alpha actions to bridge from mind to matter. The
stimulator would then be under voluntary control and can purposely
direct one's own undifferentiated stem cells to accomplish the
regeneration of the limb.

Recently released Magnetoencephalographic studies (32) by Drs.

Catherine Kerr, Stephanie Jones and Christopher Moore of the
Contemplative Studies Initiative at Brown University, show that people
who have been trained in mindfulness meditation have quicker and
larger changes in alpha wave amplitude when they shift focus.

Their experiments published over the last few years showed that alpha
rhythms in the cortex correlate with sensory attention, and that the
ability to change brain wave patterns and regulate localized alpha
brainwaves on a millisecond scale is more distinct in people who have
had standardized mindfulness training than in those who have not.

The team investigated what brain mechanisms can create this prominent
alpha rhythm and how to mediate its impact on sensory processing. The
model simulates the electrical activity of neural networks and makes
very specific predictions about how this rhythm is generated.

11. Concluding remarks

We believe the ability to regenerate limbs exist in all human beings, but
has not been tapped prior to this writing, because the catalytic elements
necessary for the successful growth and functioning of regenerated
human limbs were not fully identified.
This paper's goal is that of gaining some understanding of the
foundation and combined methods necessary to obtain complete
regeneration of a human limb.
This can be accomplished through a network of interdisciplinary
undertakings within an initial Anecdotal Study leading to a Controlled
Study involving a large sample of amputees.

© May 2014 All rights reserved

*This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written
permission of Judith Mann
Contact: info@endthepainproject.org

(1) Sheldrake, Rupert, Presence of the Past, Park Street Press; 4th Edition, 2012. p. 81

(2) Ibid, pg.278

(3) Ibid, pg 145

(4). Freeman, Walter, How Brains Make Up Their Minds Columbia University Press, 2001

(5)Davidson, Donald , Mental Causation, 1970

(6)For the metaphysical footing of evolving formative patterns in the universe, embracing both
biological and/or conscious “entities”, see Charles S. Peirce, Law of Mind, 1892, Evolutionary
Love, 1893, Collected Papers Vol.2 and his manuscripts on Logic from 1908,: MS 801, 609,
612, 806. For a good overview of the present philosophic debate of mental causation see
http://www.informationphilosopher.com/presentations/Milan/papers/mental causation and

(7) McTaggert, Lynn The Intention Experiment, Free Press, 2007, pp. 20 & 91

(8) http://journalofcosmology.com/Consciousness149.html; The Quantum Hologram

And the Nature of Consciousness, Journal of Cosmology, 2011, Vol. 14.

(9) Sheldrake, Rupert, Presence of the Past, Park Street Press; 4th Edition, 2012

(10) http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2014-01/uoo-zff013014.php


(12) http://www.robertlanza.com/

(13) http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/science/11prof.html?pagewanted=all

(14) http://stemcells.wisc.edu/node/217

(15) http://www.texasheartinstitute.org/Research/RegenerativeMedicine/

(16) http://www.livescience.com/26865-3d-printed-embryonic-stem-cells.html

(17) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SfRgg9botI

(18) The Complete Guide To Sound Healing, David Gibson, p.3, www.SoundHealingCenter.com

(19 The Biofield Hypothesis: BiophysicalBasis and Role in Medicine, The Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine (vol.8,no.6,2002,pp.703-717)

(20) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffraction_gratin

(21) Joseph Chilton Pearce, The Biology of Trascendence, Park Street Press, 2002, pg.101

(22) The Astrology of Personality, Dane Rudyhar, Doubleday ,1970

(23) The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart, Free Press, 2007

(24) The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The Transferred Potential, J.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum, M. Delaflor, L. Attie, and A. Goswami, Physics Essays vol 7, # 4, 1994

(25) E L F Magnetic Model of Matter & Mind; the 0rigin of Life & the Art of Healing:
Theory, Experiments and Proofs. Andrija Puharich, M.D., February 1987 (pg 27)

(26) William Braud, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_R-F7z02nY

(27) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcranial_magnetic_stimulation

(28) The Twelve Layers of DNA, Lee Carroll, Platinum Publishing House, 2012

(29) The Complete Guide To Sound Healing, David Gibson, p.35, www.SoundHealingCenter.com

(30) Ibid p. 36

(31) http://www.khaldea.com/rudhyar/

(32) Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 13 February 2013 | doi:

10.3389/fnhum.2013.00012 Mindfulness

I owe much to those who have believe in and support this thesis aimed
at manifesting the regeneration of human limbs. Very special thanks to:
Susan Blanchard
Stephen Bruno
Dr. Brian Dailey
Diane Dreizen
Linda Elliot
David Gibson
Marion Kaselle
Maureen Kelly
Paul Mann
Thomas Marschner
Sandra McKensie
Dr. Harry Oldfield
Rob Rao
Prof. Jack Semura
Diana Welch

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