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Fly over

Congestion is inseparable from highway traffic, since Road is a land transportation

infrastructure covering all parts of the road, including auxiliary buildings and equipment
intended for traffic, located on the ground, above ground level, below ground level and / or
water, as well as on the water surface, except railroads, lorries, and cable roads. congestion
can be ubiquitous because of the density of the population and also the capacity of the road
body that does not meet. However, if we explore there are various ways to parse congestion
such as: installation of apill at the intersection, phase setting, limitation of the number of
vehicles, the construction of flyovers and much more. Of the various congestion solutions,
the most useful is the fly over.

Fly Over is a road built not a float avoiding areas / areas that always face traffic
congestion problems, passing railway crossings to improve traffic safety and efficiency. Fly
over is a highway equipment to overcome obstacles due to conflicts in intersections, through
difficult slums or through swamps. Some of the positive things gained with Fly over
development are solving mobility and accessibility problems to improve traffic performance,
due to increased speed traffic on Fly over because usually the number of access overpass
limited, so merging conflicts and diverging conflicts are reduced on ramp in or out and
smooth resulted in a decrease exhaust emissions, because vehicles that ramp up at low speed
will higher than running at higher speeds.

The construction of a fy over may be cheaper compared to the loss of traffic

congestion downtown is actually still questioning the process of calculating the figure of this
loss. "But the social vulnerability that appears under fy over, should be counted as well as
post development losses.Fly over we can not be equated with conditions fy over in another
city.In Bandung, for example, because the characteristics of the area around the fy over in the
two places was very much different, also can not be equated with the city of Jogja because its
function is also different from the desired function in this city.

So the utilization of fly-over is useful with the aim of reducing congestion on

highways, railroads. From the same thing is also useful because it can overcome the
accumulation of vehicles on a road segment. Hopefully in Indonesia requires for the
manufacture of fly over on a road segalan and in areas that are often exposed to congestion.

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