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Most people do not consider the algal species as a valuable beings in the community.

Its discovery is one

of the trash to treasure scientific discovery ever made on. Many are unaware on how to utilize it for
numerous purposes. For example, Algae can be used in biofuel and feeding aquatic organisms. Algae
have different uses for human and for the environment. It is considered as one of the most important
organisms in the world because they can be used in different methods and in different products and
they are the ones that supplies 70% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. It can be used as fuel source, in
food supplements, fertilizer and even pollution control. Algae as a source of fuel, it can be used to make
Biodiesel, Bioethanol and it can also produce large amount vegetable oil compared to terrestrial crops
that were grown with the same purpose. Algae biofuel is seen to be more favorable as it is one of the
sustainable sources of biodiesel. As mentioned earlier, it can also be used in food supplements. Algae is
a complete protein with essential amino acids and it also contains high levels of simple and complex
carbohydrates which gives additional energy to the body. It has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and
trace elements in naturally-occurring synergistic design. Lastly, algae are also playing a role in pollution
control. One of the problems that the earth is facing right now is the improper waste disposal and
improper utilization of raw materials. One of the purpose of algae is to lessen the amount of toxic
chemicals and be used in wastewater facilities. In this research study, it aims to have the algae grow in
population for the said reasons. For the amount of light energy to be more controllable, LED lights or
Light Emitting Diodes are to be of use to alter the sources of light. This study has been instigated by
previously conducted studies. Algae have different uses in for humans and for the environment. It is
considered as one of the most important organisms in the world because they can be used in different
methods and in different products and they are the ones that supplies 70% of the oxygen in the
atmosphere. It can be used as fuel source, food supplements, fertilizer and even pollution control. Algae
as fuel source, it can be used to make Biodiesel, Bioethanol and it can also produce large amount
vegetable oil compared to terrestrial crops that were grown with the same purpose. As mentioned
earlier, it can also be used in food supplements. Algae is a complete protein with essential amino acids
and it also contains high levels of simple and complex carbohydrates which gives additional energy to
the body. It has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in naturally-occurring
synergistic design. Lastly, algae also has a role playing in pollution control. One of the problems that the
earth is facing right now is the improper waste disposal and improper utilization of raw materials. One
of the purpose of algae is to lessen the amount of toxic chemicals and be used in wastewater facilities.



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