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Regardless of whether your business operates seasonally or year round,

marketing all year long is an absolute necessity in order to ensure​continuous

brand awareness. After all, you never know when your customers will be
looking to make a purchase. Companies that market themselves successfully
understand that this doesn’t happen by accident.

We understand that creating​a year long marketing plan may seem like a
daunting task, so we have outlined a process for creating quarterly marketing
initiatives that are more manageable and allow you to adjust to continuously
improve results.
T here Is No O f f -Seaso n


Defining Achievable Goals

Creating a well-defined marketing plan is essential to your success. This plan should cover one year of
business and should have clearly defined goals and cite specific examples of success. Dividing your goal
into more approachable quarterly initiatives will allow you to create a manageable plan of action, be more
agile in your execution, and test new methods for reaching your audience.

Keep Your Plan Simple and Team Informed.

There are many people, resources, and key components that must come together to get the most out
of your efforts. Keep your quarterly plan simple. Limit the number of moving parts and then focus on the
details. Once completed, it is important to share your plans with everyone involved. The plan might seem
to be filled with valuable (and sometimes private) information, but communication is essential to aligning
all the elements of execution. It is important for everyone to know the goal and what they need to do to
achieve that goal.

Time Is On Your Side, Use It To Your Advantage.

Timing is everything. Approach your marketing plan with a goal and vision for the year, and then break
it up into approachable, quarterly chunks. This allows your company to be more agile as trends change,
markets fluctuate, and new resources become available. Throughout the changing seasons, you can
market to specific needs of your audience in a timely manner. You can also adjust your budget for
more or less visibility during your busy and slow times of year. And with all the changes in the technical
landscape throughout the year, you will surely need to make adjustments to your quarterly plans to
coincide with new digital marketing trends.

Keep Stats & Play To Your Proven Strengths.

All good marketing plans should include a way of tracking success. As the year unfolds you will be able
to see what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your plan accordingly each quarter. Successful efforts
that can not be measured will be short-lived. You’ll want to be able to reverse engineer your successful
campaigns to fully understand how your company really connects with its key audience.

Remember to keep it simple and execute consistently. Create your

plan ahead of each quarter and stick to it. Track the results, make
adjustments, and then repeat. Keep the members of your team
informed and continuously remind them of the company goals and how
important they are to achieving them.

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Work Smarter & Harder

Your quarterly marketing plan begins with a goal. The quickest way to defining your goal is by
understanding your company. Achieve your goal by creating a strategy and using specific tactics
to execute on it each quarter. Each strategy should be derived from your company’s strengths and
weaknesses. The most effective strategies also help your company stand out in the marketplace. When
defining your goal, first begin by clarifying your company’s purpose. Then examine how it relates to your
audience, competitors and current market trends.

Play To Your Biggest Fans.

Understanding your audience takes a lot of time and effort, but this is the key to effective
communication. Knowing what to say, and knowing how, when, and where to say it is of utmost
importance. Create a tone of voice document that clearly communicates your brand’s promise. This will
help keep your message consistent across a myriad of scenarios. Learning to relate to your audience on
a personal level will be key in keeping them engaged year round and especially during slower seasons in
your market.

Know Your Competition.

Know your competitors, but most importantly what makes you different. Find the gaps in their offerings
and their approach to the market. See where you can fill the voids. You don’t always need to be better,
just different (but it helps to be better too). Look for opportunities that are overlooked by competitors
and find a way to turn them into sales.

Be An Innovator.
Following market trends will help you spot existing opportunities and even create new ones. It will also
help you understand the best ways to reach your audience. Using a combination of proven and new
methods for reaching your audience is great way to expand your reach without risking too much time
or money. Create measurable values that demonstrate how effective each method is at achieving your
strategy’s objectives, and use that data to adjust your strategy each quarter.

Once you understand your audience, competitors, and industry trends, you’ll
know you’ll know what success looks like. Compare your knowledge of the
competitive landscape against your company’s purpose and look for an edge.
Develop a clear strategy and use the tone of voice document to decide the most
effective ways to communicate to your audience as you execute your tactics.

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T here Is No O f f -Seaso n



Use the Right Gear

Your newly developed strategy should include a list of tactics to achieve your quarterly objectives. A new
web experience, content marketing, video content, social media, and email campaigns are great examples
of effective quarterly marketing tactics. Your brand’s message and its audience should be deciding factors
when choosing which tactics to employ. You should even take into consideration the time of year when
planning to reach out your audience. Certain content is often better received in certain context. This is
especially true in digital marketing.

Know What You’re Up Against.

There are an infinite amount of tactics to choose from. It’s important to understand the differences in
reach and value per impression when choosing your tactics. This is a numbers game, but it doesn’t have
to be complicated.

Keep Things Fresh.

Marketing tactics can vary in reach and value, so it’s important to diversify your efforts. For example,
social media ad campaigns have a wide reach but are often overlooked. Whereas website visits have a
much higher value per impression but have a short reach. Use each tactic’s traits to your advantage.
Continuously create new content for your website to increase your online search ranking each quarter,
and consistently maintain social media campaigns for continued brand visibility all year.

Create a Home Field Advantage.

Every company’s audience and market trends will be different. There is no set or proven formula for
success. You’ll need to customize your tactics to fit your business. For instance, if you are a residential
lawn care service you’ll want to market to consumers on a platform like Facebook. However, if you are a
commercial landscape maintenance company, your target audience is most likely business professionals
on a platform like LinkedIn. The objective is to find a concentrated group of your audience members and
relate to them in a relevant way. This will greatly increase your value per impression.

Switch-up Your Game.

Explore new tactics each quarter, such as the latest social media platform or advertising on a popular
website. This will be integral in staying on top of marketing trends. However, you should be prepared to
make adjustments each quarter when entering uncharted waters, so remember to measure your results.

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SOCIAL MEDIA - Build A Following With Authenticity & Reliability

The biggest mistake you can make is to put your interests before the interest of your
audience. People will stick around longer for real, genuine content. The trick is to post
consistently and incorporate your marketing message into content that people will see and
care about.

EMAIL - Marketing Automation Makes It Easy to Say Connected

Stay in touch and make it easy for your clients and customers to buy, and stay informed
about your brand, without being abrasive. Automating this process makes email even more
powerful through recognizing behaviors and offering special content based on user data.

VIDEO - Never Say It If You Can Show It

Help your clients understand your story or product by providing them content that is easy for
them to digest. Video allows stories to be told and processes to be explained in a format that
provides an entertaining and enriched experience.

CONTENT - Provide Value & Gain Loyalty

Content is what makes up your brand. Your audience knows what they want to see and hear,
so use search analytics to find out what they want and what they care about, and you’ll be a
step ahead of your competitors.

WEBSITE - Be Accessible For Your Audience

Once your message has been heard, you need a place for your audience to find out more
information. Your website needs to represent your brand, be reliable, and be accessible to
everyone, everywhere.

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Know Your Numbers

The most crucial aspect of maintaining a great quarterly marketing plan is often the most overlooked.
Tracking the progress of your tactics and making adjustments in your quarterly strategy will be the fastest
way to success. It is also the easiest way to maintain that success. It’s hard to catch lightning in a bottle.
But if you do, you’ll want to know how to repeat and grow that success from quarter to quarter.

Know When to Pull ‘Em.

Each and every tactic should have at least one trackable metric that directly correlates with achieving
your objectives. From quarter to quarter, make minor tweaks to the execution of each tactic and log the
results. Continue to move forward with tactics that show the highest results and discard the ones that
don’t. Take time to understand the analytic tools provided by Google, social media platforms and email
campaign managers. These tools will often provide insight on ways to achieve better results.

Play Your Position.

Like your quarterly plan, these metrics should be simple to measure and evaluate. To maintain accurate
results when testing tactics, make sure to execute uniformly. Only adjust the variable you are testing.
It’s also important to be mindful of cost per impression. For instance, videos might perform better than
images in Facebook ads, but they cost quite a bit more to produce. Depending on the difference in cost
of production versus the number of impressions, a photo might actually be just as effective.

Understanding your success is the first step on the road to repeating it. Every
tactic should have a trackable metric. Keep your metrics simple; data that you
don’t understand wont help you. Only make minor variations to your tactics
when testing, and keep in mind cost per impression.

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Brevity offers full-service digital marketing.

Brevity partners with brands to simplify communication through design-focused digital

marketing that generates measurable results. We make digital marketing simple. Evaluate.
Educate. and Execute.

Our process for digital marketing centers around those directly involved in the business, but
it doesn’t stop there. After picking your brain we continue the learning process. We research
the industry landscape and seek out consumer feedback to get a holistic view of
your company.

We create content that makes it apparent to your audience why they should be interested
in your brand. And more importantly, what your brand will contribute to their lives. Our
objective is to communicate your brand’s promise with a consistent image and message. All
while developing and maintaining a familiar, inclusive relationship for your audience.

Brevity’s brand-centric approach to digital marketing ensures that all the marketing materials
created for each campaign will have a consistent look, feel, and message.


(314) 776-4857 • info @ seekbrevity.com • www.seekbrevity.com

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