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Exercises Set Reps

Push Ups 3 15
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3 5-8
Incline dumbbell Press 3 10 - 12
Butterfly or Pec Dec 5 10 to 12
dumbbell Pull overs 3-
dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 12 - 15
Dubell Tricpes Push Downs 3+2 12 - 15


Exercises Set Reps
Warm ups
Pull Ups 3 failure
Straght Arm Pushdowns (cabe pul 3 12
Lat Pulldown 4 12 - 15
T Bar Row 3 10 - 12
Cable row 4 10 - 12
Alternating dumbbell Curls 3 12
Incline dumbbell Curls 3 12
dumbbell Hammer Curls 3 12
Hyper extensions 2 15

Warm ups Leg swings Leg Stretches
Exercises Set Rep
Body Weight Squats 3 10 - 12
Box Squats 5 5
dumbbell Lunges 4 12 - 15
Leg Extensions 4 12 -15
Standing Calf Raises 4 12 - 15



Exercises Set Reps
Pike Pushups 3 15
Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 10 - 12
Seated dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10 - 12
Cable Fly ( High to Low) 4 12 - 15
Cable Triceps Extensions 3 12 - 15
dumbbell Side Lateral Raises 4 10 - 12


Exercises Set Reps
Chin Ups 3 failure
V bar or close grip Pull Down 4 10 - 12
One arm dumbbell Row 3 10 - 12
Wide Grip Cable Rows 4 10 - 12
Barbell Biceps Curls (Go Heavy) 3 6 - 10
dumbbell Preacher Curl 3 10 - 15
Rope Hammer Curls 3 12 - 15
Heavy sets with 5 to 8 rep range. Rest 2 to 3 minutes between the sets
Rest only 30 to 40 seconds between the sets
Rest only 20 seconds between sets
lower the dumbbell as low as you fell comfortable
Don' Lower the dumbbell below 90 degree behind the head
Do 3 sets increasing the weight + 2 drop sets

For activating the lats

Change the grip width slightly every week
Proper form maintaining Straight Spinal Cord
Hold for a second after pulling the handle to the belly.
Basic curl, squeeze the biceps at the top and hold for a second
You just need a slight incline, Take one noth back in the incine bench and focus on the stretch at the bottom.
You can go heavy in this but don't use a lot of momentum.
Compulsary exercise for lower back

5 Sets for 5 Reps which makes a total of 25 reps. Go Heavy and rest 2 1:30 minutes between sets
If possible, try doing walking Lunges
No need to increase you weight i this exercise. Instead do more sets.
You have to go for full stretch and full squeeze. Don't bounce the weight

Keep your feet on the bench and do push ups on the floor.
We focus more on Upper Chest this Program.
Don't go full down and fully up in this exercise. Keep constant tension on delts.
Works your side chest and lower chest
This version protects elbows from joint pain
No need to increase you weight i this exercise. Instead do moresets.

Palms Facing you in pull up bar

Use a V Handle in Lat Pull Down machine
Usde a dumbbell rack for better support.
In seated cable row machine, attach the lat pulldown bar and row with wide grip.
You can compromise you form a little but make sure you lower the weight slowly.
Use a Preacher Bench and stretch the biceps on the way down.
This pushes the biceps peak and works your forearms too.

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