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Leo Brouwer est né & La Havane en 1939 ota étudié Ia guitare et la composition & Cubs, En 1959, il est inscrit au Juilliard School of Music ‘etI'Université de Hartford obi se spécialise en composition Fa 1960, il est nommé directeur de M'Insttut Cubain de cinéma et professeur harmonic et de contrepoint au Conservatoire national Roldan & La Havane, Leo Brouwer est considéré comme I'un des compositeurs es plus ‘importants et les plus prolifiques de la guitare classique et ses ceuvres sont jouées par la plupart des grands guitaristes. Outre ses compositions pour guitare, il a écrit des ballets, des opéras ainsi que des cuvres pour ‘orcheste et divers ensembles. ‘Comme soliste il a donné des concerts & travers le monde til a cenregistré plusieurs disques avec Deutsche Grammophon, Erato, et Musical Heritage Society. Comme chef d’orchestre, Leo Brouwer a dite plusieurs orchestres de grande renommée, incluantla Philharmonie de Berlin. Actuellement il téside en Espagne, ayant été nommé chef attiteé de POrchestre de Cordoba. En 1987, il a 6t6 nommé membre d"honneur de I"UNESCO, une distinction accordée aun groupe restreint artistes intemationaux dont font patie Isaac Stern, Joan Sutherland et Yehudi Menuhin. Rito de os orishas (Rite des orishas) a été joué en premiere & Pars, en ‘octobre 1993, par Alvaro Pierti a qui Iceuvre est dédie. Orishas, mot delalanguedes Yoroubas, désigne lesdieuxetles déessesafro-cubains. ‘Lesous-titrage des deux parties suggére un rite consttué d'abord une entrée en matidre au cours de laquelle sont écartées les influences ‘malfaisantes. Cette introduction conduit sans interruption & la Danse des déesses noires présentée en trois variantes. Leo Rrouwer was horn in Havana in 1939 and studied guitar an ‘composition in Cuba. In 1959-60 he attended the Julliard School 0, ‘Music and Hartford University where he specialized in composition In 1961 he was appointed Director of the Cuban Cinematographi: Institute and professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Nationa Roldan Conservatory in Havana. Leo Brouwer is considered to be one of the most important an, prolific composers of the classical guitar and his works hav been performed by many renowned guitarists. In addition 10 ht compositions for guitar he has written ballets, operas as well a orchestral andl ensemble work. ‘Asa performer Leo Brouwer has given concerts all over the world critical acclaim und he has recorded several albums on the Deutsch Grammophon, Erato, and Musical Heritage Society labels. ‘Asa conductor he has appeared in many countries with maje “orchestras, including the Berlin Philharmonic, He is presenti based in Spain where he has been appointed conductor of th Cordoba Orchestra, In 1987, Leo Brouwer received an Honot rable Membership from the UNESCO. Such a distinction he been awarded only to a limited group of international artis. such as Isaac Stern, Joan Sutherland and Yehudi Menuhin. Rito de los orishas (Rite of the Orishas) was premiered in Pari October 1993 by Alvaro Pierri to whom the work is dedicate, Orishasis the Yoruban word for Afro-Cuban Gods and Goddesses, first section, subtitled Exordium-conjuro, suggests a ritual ceremor inwhich evil spiritsare overcome. This is followed, without pause, L the longer section subriled Dance of the black Gedesses containis three dance variants. NOTATION Laisser vibrer toutes les notes possibles Respiration Long point dorgue Point d’orgue normal Point d’orgue bref Sur la touche Frapper @ et @ sur la touche avec le pouce de la main droite & la XIX* case Annulation de mesure, indique un passage & jouer imégulidrement (Omements a jouer avant Ie temps sul tasto + am 7m Let all notes vibrate as long as possible Breath Long fermata Normal fermata Short fermata (On the fingerboard Slap @ and @ on the fingerboard with the ‘ham of the right hand at the XIX® fret ‘Cancels the meter and indicates passage to be played unevenly ‘Omaments to be played before the beat @ Alvaro Pierri RITO DE LOS ORISHAS 1993 Leo Brouwer 1939 1, Exordium-conjuro Lento «= 56-66 Liberamente GSS pel & Ae PPP IT ben arpeggiato = LL oe = Ly. = — FLU a" épaes Ia postion © Mirbpare pdstion fi —— 17 mareato vit lexgen J lid Sy lll pe: ©1994 Les Edlions DOBERMAN-YPPAN ‘Saint-Nicolas (Québec) Canada “Tous doit risarvas (SOCAN) DO 163 4 Lento «= 66 ‘Annoncant la danse rituelle Indication of the ritual dance articolato Vivace «= 120 ~” oe pains Leggero rit, 7 { 2S 7 fs P —= = fe fe gfe sft Vivace | — ye DO 163 ‘Tempo libero 7 op marcato z 6 pesante - te fe motto Lv. al pp Lento » m p= 333 t bp. .' es ee Zz PP ? > al pesante 3 = mf attacca danza ritat lento molto a a ppp dolce lontano ca 4'55"-5! DO 163 2. Danza de las diosas negras DANZA I 4) Alla d= 102 DO 163 8 D) m6 “ ° Sv 5 iy. @tempo Sos mp Sub 9 eee 1 abe Se ee ee ‘marcato Finoko Un poco sost, 8892 benartcolato, wd ran io movendo e accel, 3 Ps e “ we 33 SF sub. DO 163 ope y. bet tempo ts 7 | f 5 SF meno Un poco sost. # - 72-76 = bas ne iy 3 Pitt lento pal, 2 5 a jefe op pee ey we a ta to vocacion) = “e rl gat = tat tie ile Tet AX Tempo di Danza ¢= 108112 sit ose spear eee sigteeef SS 10 Ua pos so. d= AW 5 mn See “4 ly ed ase ge quasi martellato 6 3 abi 7 = b Lente, 3 an = in € bagi © ey ots fe i B iy PP legatissimoe irregolare DANZA IL o= 100-108 5 = > a oz & < A; a eH cm DO 163 EVOCACIONT > Lento, be 48 8 PP lx. sempre "BP PP legato —= poco ‘suono ord. rit ul. a ees wt org mS * movendo poco a poco PA DO 163 EVOCACION I 10), viol Lento é b oscuro sul tasto m Seite =e e BP cresc.0 accel, poco.a poco o= 108-112 m~ Tempo di Danza II «= 92 DO 163 fg ed ee 4 ie SS ae BPs = accompagnando colore cantando __ > . ‘58 colore bes lees liewed fin oP ~ DO 163 vit a tempo 45 LF brusco ; fee tee un poco pesante + + +t + : o Snot Vivace 154 leggero 5 wo iz Lento w= 63 = = = > > ~ t : i - ; in + 44 zs ? z oe SF molta SF sempre a 163 pesante — = Vivace ‘mareato sempre 165 ie DO 163,

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