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com | 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education
Technology is one of the most valuable tools that we have available at our finger tips every day.
You can do virtually anything with your smart phone, tablet, or computer. From seeing what time
a movie starts, ordering a pizza, and paying your bills the possibilities for technology are endless.
And not only are they endless, they are constantly improving to make the things we have to do
everyday easier. It sounds pretty awesome right? That thought might change when you put our
youth and their education into the mix. Many people believe that the abundance of technology in
our schools is hindering students ability to think for themselves and learn old style methods of
research. People who support the use of technology in the class room argue that they no longer
have to. It’s a touchy subject, that cannot be solved just by an analysis, but learning all of the
advantages and disadvantages of having technology in the classroom can certainly give you a well
rounded and informed opinion.

Advantages of Technology In Education

1. Parent’s Peace of Mind
Cell phones now allow us to stay in contact with our friends and family anywhere that we are. It is
how students communicate problems and emergencies with their parents when they are at school
as well.

2. The Information Highway

Any answer to any question can be found with a few clicks of the keys on the computer or smart
phone. Powerful search engines allow an organized and simply way to find the answers that
students may need for assignments or projects.

3. Broaden The Mind

Before the internet, children knew what their family taught them. This caused their political and
religious views to be the only ones that the children knew. Having access to the technology will
expose them to things outside of their parents interests and help them to form their own opinions.

4. Brings Some Fun Into The Classroom

Learning the same exact way from the same person every day can really get…boring. This
boredom turns into a lack of motivation in the students. When they are able to integrate computer
learning into their normal schedule, they become much more excited to learn.

5. Applicable Education
In the working world, in nearly every job you may take, you have to know how to operate a
computer. Teaching this skill in children early will give them an advantages and a learning curve
for when they are adults.

Disadvantages of Technology In Education

1. Access To Inappropriate Content
The biggest concern when it comes to the use of technology in schools is how easy pornographic,
violent, and other inappropriate materials can be accessed and viewed. This could cause big
problems if the material is shared with other students while in the classroom.

2. A Disconnected Youth
This harmful effect of technology has already come to light in today’s world. People are attached
to their screens almost 24/7, which is causing an entirely new set of social issues to pop up. This
translates into the school system in a bit of a different way, however. More and more students are
experiencing social anxieties when it comes to face to face interactions, but are perfectly fine
socializing online.

3. The Cyberbullying Trap

Giving students access to anonymous accounts and endless contact avenues can only lead to
trouble. Cyber bullying has become a real and in our face problem among young people today.
This harassment has no end, which includes the class room. There is also no way to monitor or
discipline students who are involved.

4. Inevitable Cheating
While have an easy access to information may seem like a great thing, it can become a real
problem in a test taking environment. Cell phones have made cheating easier than ever. You no
longer have to figure out how to write all of the answers down, you can just look them up!

5. A Major Distraction
Attentiveness drops drastically in the classroom when students have their cell phones or other
technologies out. The focus shifts from their teacher and education, to whatever they are looking
at, playing, or doing on their phones.

Important Facts About Technology In Education

As much as 60 percent of schools in America, issue laptops or tablets to their students.
41% of students are in favor of taking virtual classes.
50% of students in middle and high school use the internet to complete work 3 times a week.
The students that study on computers, phones, or tablets, study for an average of 40 minutes more
per week than those who do not.
What are the disadvantages of technology?
Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?
Originally Answered: What is the biggest disadvantages of technology?

Increased Loneliness

Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games, learning
how to use new modern technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life.
Technology has replaced our old way of interacting. If a user can easily interact with 100 friends
online, they will feel no need to go out to make new friends which at a later stage can lead to

Job Loss

Modern technology has replaced many human jobs; robots are doing the jobs which used to be
done by humans. Many packing firms have employed robots on production lines to increase
production and efficiency, this is good news for businesses because it helps them make more
money and serve customers, but it is bad news for employees because they may become


Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators and spell checkers has reduced our
creativity and intelligence. Many today struggle with spelling even basic words without an editor
to confirm every word. Others find it impossible to do basic math without a calculator. Though
these tools assist to make us more efficient, we may become excessively reliant on them.


Thankfully advances in technology have aided security, however, due to these advances,
everything is connected to the internet in some way. Our financial accounts, our photos, our cars,
mobile phone, everything touches the internet at some time. Due to the network of worldwide
devices and systems, many have fallen prey to an identity thief, hacked accounts by some
mischievous hacker. The road to recovery from these types of attacks can be extremely long and

World Destruction/Advanced Weapons

Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing of endless wars. It aids the
manufacturing of modern war weapons. So when these weapons get into the hands of criminals,
they will use them for their selfish reasons. To add, these weapons often severely damage the
natural earth, making some areas uninhabitable.
Hope it helps:)

Why did Acharya Prashant choose spirituality even after having an IIT-IIM civil service
These are the disadvantages of technology in today's life:

The invention of Facebook, twitter, snap chat, messenger and other social media apps are
destroying the student life. Now students spend half of the day in social media apps. They are
checking there Facebook notifications, messenger and many other things.
People became lazy. Now, in most of time people watch the T.V. instead of going to park and
playing somethings out there. And before the technology was invented people used to go outside
and play something.
People are becoming dependable. Nowadays people are ordering things which they need. So they
are giving orders on Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba, Kijiji, and other online stores. And this why people
are not going to the stores and becoming lazy.
The invention of graphics card. Now students and young kids play in there computers using the
graphics card. The most powerful graphics card is “Nvidia GTX 1080”. Now kids can play with
the latest games that need the high graphics such as Need for Speed Payback and many others.
Young kids and students, play games around 60% of there time and study about 40% of their time.
I not trying to say that the graphics card was invented to play games. Don’t get me wrong. Though
the graphics card was invented to do create something new in autocad or in the RGS software to
help people….
The invention of the most powerful weapons “Nuclear Bomb, Atomic Bomb, and other kinds of
powerful Bombs, shooting guns, etc.”
Originally Answered: What are the disadvantages of using technology?
There are many disadvantages of technology, safety, price, effect on economy and employment
and more.


While the exact risk is not known and has not been proven technology such as mobile phones can
be harmful to our body or brain because of the radiation. Any device which is electrical can still be
defined as the homology so an x ray is technology and x ray has it's own risk and there currently
isn't any technology I'm aware of which protects against that.

Then there's also risk in terms of batteries. St the moment battery technology hasn't advanced yet
so lithium ion batteries are still being used. As the case with the Samsung galaxy note 7, it is clear
what can happen with a defective battery and how it can easily catch on fire and the danger of that.
With the rise of electric cars there is another risk, while the cars catching on fire may be less likely
because there is no combustion process there is still a chance of fire because of electrics, but it is
less likely, however electrocution could be another risk.

The reliance of technology and it's automation when it isn't replacing jobs is making us more
dependent and less skilled. We rely on technology to do things because they can do it for us, this
has ultimately led to plane crashes because pilots, sometimes even experienced ones have relied
on the auto pilot to do something and just expecting it to happen and when it doesn't they panicked
and they made other errors too which has led to a crash.

Effect on people:

Technology can also be a distraction and addiction, certain people are still using their phone whole

The affordability, availibity and portability of technology now means kids are now being given
technology at a a young age may mean they do not have as much real life experiences and are not
going out which is not good for their social development and may mean they do not have as much
awareness and understanding of the world around them. In addition, the use of home assistance
can lead to children being more commanding and expecting things because voice assistants listen
to a command regardless of how it is asked.

In addition, tests have shown that the use of technology makes us less likely to remember
experiences and events when a phone is used but also being on the person.

Effect on employment and economy:

The use of technology will mean that low skill jobs will be replaced, so jobs will be lost leading to
higher unemployment rates. Some may argue that if it is low skilled job it should have been
replaced anyway, but there is also the effect on the economy. People pay tax, until or unless there
is a robot tax, then less money will be paid in tax if technology like robots replace people. The
cost of the technology itself is expensive and must be recovered.


Technology can make things which are usually very secure unsecure. Cars now using keyless fobs
has led to criminals using key jammers, to break into cars without the keys when previously you
would need to have the physical key to do it. Any technology becoming connected makes it
susceptible to bring hacked, security devices could be hacked and disabled by criminals, or it
could be used by criminals to spy on people, a criminal only needs to hack into your wireless
network to be able to access and control any of the smart devices in your home so they can cause
all sorts of problems.

There are countless disadvantage but these are the common, equally there are many advantages
which make up for it or which have to be weighed up in order to decided if it is worth the risk.
While technology can be risky, risks have to be taken, e.g. If security was such a concern there
would be no Facebook for example.

Thanks for reading! Hope this helps!


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