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Program Studi Teknik Elektro

Institut Teknologi Del

Nama Kuliah (Kode MK) Praktikum Elektronika II (14S3105)

Tahun Ajaran/ Semester 2019-2020/5 (Ganjil)
Modul 1 2 3 4 5
Nama Praktikan - NIM Boy Sihombing - 14S17015
Tanggal Praktikum 24 Oktober 2019

The feedback amplifier is a amplifier circuit in which the output signal is fed (input) back to the input. in this experiment,
praktikan will recognize the principle of feedback in the circuit. there are several experiments that will be done that is
General Response Opamp with Feedback Circuit, Line Opamp Line Linearisation with Feedback, and Transistor
Amplifier with Feedback. The components and equipment used are feedback practic kits, signal generators, oscilloscopes,
multimeters, power supplies, cables. so hopefully, with this experiment practician is expected to be able to observe and
recognize the principle of feedback in the circuit, Observe, measure, and analyze feedback effects on pole frequency of
first order low frequency filter and high frequency filter, Observe and analyze feedback effect in circuit with saturation
distortion, Observe and recognize how to provide feedback on a single transistor amplifier, Observe, measure, and
analyze feedback effects on amplifier characteristics: input resistance, output resistance, and reinforcement

Keywords: - feedback, oscilloscop, signal generators, distortion, reinforcement.

Dokumentasi Kegiatan

Laboratorium Sistem Kendali 2019

Program Studi Teknik Elektro
Institut Teknologi Del

Tes Akhir

Ringkasan/Abstrak Tes Akhir

Laboratorium Sistem Kendali 2019

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