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Beprofluced from "A Jouraey Io lte Earth's Interior-or-Eave

lte Poles EeaIIy

Been Discoveredr,, by Marshall B. Gardlner. Printed by

Eugene smith company,
Aulora, Illinois, 1920.

Reprotlucetl from "The Phantom Of The Poles" by William Reetl,

publishecl by Watter S. Rockey Company, New York, 1906.



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From "Spacecratt Digest"

This saucer with convex bottom is the type commonly used for travel
between the Earth's interior ahnosphere in its hollow cetrter and the er-
ternal atmosphere. lt is made of a speqial cold-resistant metal that will
not craek in passing through the North Polar opening, as will the bodies
of airplanes, due to extremely lorv temperature, magnetic and other con-
ditions thnt prevail there.
Reproduced, ftom "A Jouruey Io Tbe Earth's Interiot-or-Eave The Poles Reatty
Been Discovered," by Marshall. B. Garttner. Printed by Eugene Smith Company,
Aurora, Illinois, 1920.

Flying Saucers and the Subterranean l,lorl d

By Dr. Raymond'Bernard
(A.8., Columbia University, l{.4., Ph.D.,
New York University)

Copyright I 960

Published 1960

Health Research
P. O. Box 850
Pomeroy, WA 99347
www.healthresearchbooks. com

Do flying saucers come from o^uher of terrestrial origin?

planeis or are thet
The belief that flying saucers come from outer space, though at present almost
an article of faith among iaucer enthusiasis,'is lately being questioned by d llutlr
ber of experts, such as Ray Palmer, editor of "'Flying Saucers" magazine and.Gray
Barker, editor of "sauceriin Review." The first one-to dispute the belief in the
interplanetary origin of the UFO was a Brazilian writer, 0..C. Huguenin in-fti:,
book i'From thl Subierranean !',lorld to the Sky: F1y'ing Saucers," published^in Rio
de Janeiro in 1956. In this book he claimed that saucers are of, terrestrial orl-
gin, though they do not come from any known nation. Huguenin giaimed that they
iere reaiiy Atlintean aircraft which, before the sinking at Atlantil,.l946,wa.s brought
to the Subterranean liorld, where they remained ever sinie, until when the
expiosion of the first atomic bomb lir Htroshima led to their reappearance on the
faitfr's surface in great numbers for the first time, coming, as lle shail see in
thi s book, as I'lucl ear Age Savi ors .
In the December,1959 issue of "Flying Saucers," Ray Pa'lmer presents-evidence,
based on the cbservations of Adn'iral SV}C ind others, th;t the Earth rea'l1y has a
hollow interior with an opening at the North Po1e, and that f'lying saucers.come
from the interior atmosphere, [assing through the l,lorth Polar openihg.to the outer
atmosohere. This he c'liins is'the c6rrect ixplanation of their solution and the
solution of iheir m-vstery. A1so he po'inis oui that supposed saucer trips to other
planets were reallytrip! to the intepior of the earth; and that fiy'ing saucer
piiots purpose'ly kept tiris fact a secret and pretended to come from other planets
and io travel there for important security reasons.

For once the lvorid's governments learned that there ex'isted in the earth's in-
terior a land area Ereater than that on'iis surface, inhabited-by a superior race of
of people who are t[e creators of the fiying sauceri there would not be danger
invasiiln but of a war that would result whe; the various nations all make a mad
rush to acquire this netd territory and c'taim'it as thejr ovln - a ,l,lar not only
among themielves but a war betweei the Super Race inhabiiing the inteflior of the
EartIr poss€sSing superior power of destruction (contro] over a form of energy
beyond itomic enirgy), a:rd ihe nat'ions ofl tha surface with their nuclear weapons.

This will exp'lain the secrecy that has. prevailed on this subject since time
immemorial. The luper Race living inside the earth, in event of such a war, uouid
be forced to project fts "Death Riys" upon.the invaders, which would cause atomic
disassociat'ion aid riematerjalization, causing them to be resoived into neutrons
and electrons and to disappear. Since they are a peaceful race and wou'ld rather ,a

avoid having to do this, ii'rey have tried to keep their ex'istence a secret by pre-
tending tha[ tfreir flying saucers came from other planets and that they were I


tte shall see in the following pages that the Earth is rea'l1y ho1'low and that
its crust is about 800 miies thicl, with an opening at the North Pole through which
air and ocean urater pass between jts interior and exterior. Since there is also
an opening at the South Pole covered by t-he ice of the continent of A.ntarctica,
whiie there is a circuiation of ocean vtater around the earth, between the outer
and inner oceans, the South Polar opening, covered by ocean water, does not permit
the passage of ai r. Hence the ai r that enters through the f,lorth Po1 ar openi ng
can rsturn to the surface only through the crevices in its crust, which explains
i,he purpose of the mysterious tunnels of South America, thai serve for purposes
of ventil ation.
The only means of communication between the interior and exterior wor'lds
-of fiying saucers, which are the only vehicl es capanil-or wrtinri.iliing-tf,,.is by
pecy]iar maEnetic conditions at the l{orth irolar opening'. Common
go through because of the fact that magnetic io...s airplanes cannot
them. Accordins to an informant who cl-aims-to that exist there wil'l wreck
saucer from the outer to the inner atmosphere of !;;F il;;J";;ny times by ftying
the Earth via
opening, the united states Government fo;bids any airplanes from the |hrth po'lar
tain sections of poles f'lying over cer-
the so-called for itis.uuson.
' The basic theory.of Huguenin's book referred to above is that',the hypothesis
of the extra-terrestiial origin of the irving saucers does not
and that they really come frim the hol1oyl inierior of the Earth.seem acceptable,,

' tol'lhile
Russians and Americans-are competing in a race for the conquest
reach the moon and other plineti-iirit,-oilrer scientists are seekingof space
gain entrance to the Subterranean tlorld, wnere exists far more ccngenial to
for human life than those on the moon or elsewhere. Ever since lrilliam Reed, in
1P06, published hi_s-epoch-making book, ,,The-Ftiantom of the poles,,,claiming that
-the Earth has a hollow interiorl rather than being solii as most scientists be-
]igy.' with a thickness of its irust of;;;; eoo
hollow center of_S,400 miles, the possiuiiity-ot *ites and with a diameter in its
alscoveiinf i ttew utorld in the
interior of the Earth has intriguei various icientisii ina irrinkers. One of these
was l4arshali B. Gardner, who in 1920 published a book "A Journey to the Earth's
Interior - of Have the Poles Realty Bien Discovere?", in which -he amplified Reed's
theory by positing the central sun at the geonretricai center of the Earth.
Both Reed and Gardner claimeC that the center of gravit,v of the Earth as a
hollow sphere resides not at its hollow center but in ine soiid crust, so that
ocean water adheres to both sides of this crust, making it possible, theoreticaliy,
to travel by ship directiy toward the North Pole, whic[ is, However, never reached,
but instead one curves around and enters the inside of the Earth's crust, which
sorne Arctic exp'lorers and mariners c'laim to have done.
l,le have called this book "l{uclear Age Saviors" because it is our be'lief that
fiying saucers irere sent up into our atmosphere following the Hiroshima atomic ex-
plosion in 1945 qnd during the years that fol'lowed by a iace of supermen i'iving
inside the Earth for the purpose of preventing a Radioactive Catastrophe that
lvould ann'ihilate the human race, and'which would deve'lop step by step from this
first atomic expiosion, whose consequences they foresaw. The rLason why this mass
visitation occurred right after the exp'losion of tne first atomic bomb in j945 was
because the inhabitants of the interior hollow of the earth, which derives its air
from the outside were'rrorried that further continuance of atomic explosions would
cause-a progressive radioactive poisoning of the outer atmosphere which would ev-
t entually poison the air that entered through the North Polar opening to the inner
: atmosphere. This lvould be especia'lly true in event of a nuclear war.
, It was for the purpose of self-protection and to prevent such a catastrophe
l; that the authoritjes of the Subterranean hJorld ordered their fleets of flying sau-
cers to come to the surface and appear in our atmosphere after the Hiroshima ato-
? mic explosion for the purDose of inducing the world''s governments to desist from
r further atomic explosions. Their efforti to bring a halt to nuc'lear tests, though
flt!t opposed by certain governments which refused to recognize their existence,
while accepted by others which did, were finally successfui when the major na-
tions agreed to des'ist from further pollution of the atmosphere by atomic and
hydrogen bomb tests and to hoid summit conferences for purposes of disarmament
and insuring permanent world peace.
Thus the lluclear Age Saviors, t^tho first caflie to us in I945, f ifteen year_s
achieved the resuits thiy souEht and at least preserveC normalcy on the Earth's
Surface longer than tould otherwise be the case, regarCl.ess of.what. the future may
bring. For-had they not come and had they not convinced certain governments of
theii existence and not used them in an effort t0 stop further nuclear tests and
insure world peace, the human race might have already committed nuciear su'icide
and be no more.

Chapter One


Before Columbus discovered funerica, belief in the existence of a l,lerv tJorld

across the At'lantic, in the form of a ulestern continent, was considered by Euro-
peans as the dream of a madman. Yet today we know that all of Europe was wrong
and that those who entertained this dream were right.

In the same way, there are those today who believe in the existence of the llew
l,lorld in the ho'llow interior of the Earth. This is at present as unknown to sci-
ence as the American continents were to Duropeans prior to the discovery of Amer-
ica. Yet there is no reason why'it, too, might not be discovered by a New Colum-
bus and its existenoe establisheci as a fact.
Arnoldo de Azevedo, in his "Physical Geography," vrrote as fo1lows about the
mysterious world inside the Earth, about which scientists know nothing beyond a
few miles in profundity, eniertaining on'ly theories, hypctheses and conjectures to
cover their ignorance: "!Je have below our feet an immense region whose radius is
6,290 kilometers, which is completely unknown, cha'llengi;rg the conceit and compa-
tence of sci enti sts . "
This statement is absoluteiy true. Scientists to date have penetraied only a
few mi'les inside the earth and'rrhat i'ies beyond they knor.r nothing Pos'itively about,
depending entireiy on conjectures, guesses and suppositions. tlany of the cormoni,v
accepted-theories and be1iefs about the Earth's interior Co not rest on any sci-
entific basis and seem to come from the belief of the reiigionists in he'l'lfire in
the center of the Earth, from which came the theory that its core is a mass of fjre
or molten metal. ,

In support of this idea is the c1aim that the deeper one penetrates into the
earth the greater the. temperature. But it is a far-fetcheC assumption to suppose
that this increase of temperature continues until one reaches the center of the
Earth. There is no ev'idence at ali to support this v'iew. It is more probab'le
that the increase of temperature continues until one reaches a certain depth,
which is the'level where volcanic lava and earthquakes originaie, arising prob-
abiy from radioactive activity. But after vue pass through this layer of maximum
heat, there is no reason why heat should not diminish the further down we go, un-
til the temperature becomes more or less what it is on th6 surface.
As for the theory that the Earth was a mo'lten mass and that at its center
there is still molten iron, if this vras true, and since the outer crust is abcut
600 miles thick, this r.iouid mean that the molten iron would be rnore than 6000 miies
in diameter and 2.l,C00 miies in circumference, which would be impossibie, since it
r'lould require that the Earth is heavier than it really is. For its estimated
weight is six sextil'lion tons. If it was solid all the way through, its weight
woul d have to be much more.
The next picture in Gardner's book bears the following explanation:
the Earth bisected centraiiy through the Polar openings and at right
giving.a ciear view of the central sun and the interior con-
"angles to the equator,(nlproaiced
tinents and oceans. from a working mode1, made by the author in 1912).
is not a true sphere. It is flat at the Poles, or rather it begins
The Earth
to flatten out at the Poles. No one ever has nor ever will readh the Poles, be-
iause there aren't any. Beginning at 70 degrees to 75 degrees latitude, the earth
starts to curve II!. The Pole is simply the outer rim of a magnetic circle and at
this point the magnetic needle of the compass points straight in. As the Earth
turns on its axis the motion is gyroscopic, like the spinning of a top. The outer
gyroscopic pole is the magnetic nim of a c'ircle. Beyond the rim the earth flat-
.tens and slopes gradually into the Earth's interior. The true Pole'in the exact
center of the cone is perpendicular, for this point is at the exact center of the
opening of the hollow into the Earth's interior.
What is the origin of ocean waves? This osciliation of ocean waters is basic-
a'l1y explained as resujting from the comb'ined action of the Earth's rotation on
iis axis and the circulat'ion of ocean water through its hollow interior and back
to its surface through the poiar openings, rather than on the basis of lunar mag-
netism, since ocean waves, unlike tides, are dailrv occurrences.
The writer believes that the trueEt conception of the structure of the Earth
nust be based on the idea that when 'it was st'i]l in a liquid, or rather molten,
state, centrifugal force caused the heavy substances in its interior - rocks and
metals - to be ihrown toward the outer periphery, forming a so'lid crust about 800
miles thick and leaving the interior portion hollovt, t'lith opening 1t.the Poles,
though the South Poiar-opening seerns to be closed by the'ice cap of Antarctica,
whic[ is not present at the ltorth Pole'rhere an opening exists through which the
k"ight of the central sun shines through, refiecting 9n lhe light sky as.the l''lorth-
eri Uights. There is no "southern t-ilfris" because the South Pol ar open'ing.
the ori-
closed-by the continent of Antarctical This central sun originates
gina] fiie, sonre of vlhich remained'in the Eart,h's center to form it' prov'iding a

iource of itjumination for the interior world, capable of supporting ft:-flora and
fauna as our sun does on the Earth's surface. if the Earth was original]y a ball
most of its sol'id
of fire, some of tf,is original fire remained at 'its center, whileperiphery
matter, as a result of centrifugal force, was th rown out to its by its
rotation, causing a solid crust some 800 miies thick, leaving the_interior hoilow
with a fiery ball in its center, the central sun which provides i'l'lumination for
the dwellers of the Subterranean llorld'
In i9C6, i,lalter S. Rockey Company publ ished a book by l.li'l'l iam Reed entitled
,,The phantom of the Po'les" in which he-Inoffered scientific proof in favor of such a
conception of the Earth's struciui.. this book he presLnted a picture.of aof a
,,Globe Showing Section of the Earth's Interior." Contrary to the usual view
ri..v-q" solii core,gooReed claims the earth is hollow insiie its solid-crust which
has a thickness of miles and a diameter of 5,400 miles in its hollow center'
He writes:

"The earth i s hol j ow . The Pol es so ong sought are but phantorns . There are

openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast cont-
inentsl oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegatable and an'imal life are evident in
this new world, and is probably peopled by races yei unknown to dwellers on the
earthts surface."
Fourteen years
-by later, in .l920, Eugene Srnith Cornpany of Aurora, Illinois, pub-
lished a book l,larshal1 B. Gardner entitled "A Journey to tire Earth's Interior -
or Have the pol.r R"itly Been-otiioveieati depicts the.giobe as having a
large circular opening it each of its poies, tle ocean water adhering, bY force of
g.iiity'i;hi;i, .Lria.i in the center oi il.'sotia-part and not in iti true center) '
to the crust on al1 sides of the opening. Gardner presents a picture entitled:
"The Earth as it would appear if viewed from space,'showing the llorth Polar oPen-
ing to til pianet's interior, which'is hollow ind iontains-a central sun instead
of an ocean of liquid lava."
The next diagram in Gardner's book shows a cross section of the Earth, with the
solid crust about 800 miles thick and the hollow center 6400 miles in diameter, of
which 600 miles is occupied by the central sun. The Polar opehings are shown as
bei ng i 400 mi i es wi de . Bel ow thi s di agram' we read :

"Diagram showing the Earth as a hol'low sphere with its polar openings and cen-
tral sun. The ietteis at the top and bottom of the diagram indicate the various
steps of an'imaginary journey through the pianet's inteiior. At the point.marked
"D" we catch oui firit-gtimpie of tfie corona of the central sun; at the point mark-
ed "E" 'rle can see.the central sun in its entirety.rr
I..lhy f1y over these huge ice barriers or make roads and trave'l over-
can't we
land ovLr them insiOl tne earth? Theodore Fitch, in his "0ur Paradise Inside the
Earth," sees no reason why this cannot be done, even though it has not been done
in the past. He believes that r.rhen these facts are popu'larized, every iarge na-
tion wou'ld try to establjsh a focthold in this new world, whose iand area is great-
er than that of our present worldl and they might reach it more easi'ly than going
to the nloon. Both l,lillianr Reed and ltlarshall B. Gardner say there must exist a
Land of Paradise on the other side of this mammoth ice barrier, enjoying a perfect
subtropicai cl imate
Both Reed and Gardner c1ajn that the temperature in the ins'ide of the earth is
much more uniform than on the outside, being warmer in rvinter and cooler in summer.
There is adequate rainfail, more than on the surface, but never cold enough to
snow. It does not have the oppressive heart of the tropics, nor the co1d weather
of the temperate zone and may be described as subtropical. They claim that the
North Po1ar opening is'larger than at the South Po1e, vihere it is covered by ocean
wat,er above which is the ice of the frozen continent of Antarctica.,
is strongest around the curve from the exterior to the in-
Grav'itational pull .l50
terior of the Earth. A pound man wou'ld probably weight 300 pounds while sail-
ing around the curve. tlhen he reached the inside of the Earth he 'rrould weigh only
about 75 pounds. This because less force is needed to ho'ld a body to the in-
side of a hollow ball in rotation than to ho1d it to the outside, due to centrifu-
gai force.
l,{illiam Reed says that grav'itational puli is strongest about half way around
the curye on the waV to.the.jnterior of.th.e earth, So stronq thefe thaq the
salt water-and freSh wetei-in"fcbbei'g5'dont -mii.' heinq
The laTt frdteii'remains a few
feet be1ow the fresh water. This enables one to obtain fresh drink'ing water from
the Atl anti c 0cean .
Around the curve, inside the Earth, there 'is another ring of ice. it 'is cal1ed
the Great ilassive freitr !.later Ice Pack, or Ice Barrier. Each winter, this ring of
ice is forned from fresh rrater flowing from INSIDE the Earth toward the 0UTSIoE.
During the winter months, billions of-tons of free-f1ow'ing fresh water coming from
rivers inside the Earth, following toward the outside through the opening that
connects it with the inside, freeze at their mouth. This causes mountains of ice.
in the summer time huge icebergs, miles 1ong, break off and float to the outs'ide
of the earth, C0MP0SED Of fnfstt URTER, not salt water. l'lhere did this fresh water
corne from except from rivers of the inside on the Earth. A1'l water on the outside
there is salty.
in these icebergs the mammoth an,l other huge prehistoric tropicai an'imal s have Age
been found. Thise animals were fi^ozen so iuCdenly with the cohing of the Ice
tha1 they still have green grass in their mouths and stomachs. Tropicai trees
loaded with fruit hav6 been found. Siberia and islands of the north have great
ivory deposits from elephants and other huge mamma'ls that lived there when the cli-
mate was'still tropical, before a shifting of the earth on its axis suddenly turned
it friEid.
Here are some questions to be ansvlered by the one who refuses to accept the
idea that the earth is hol1ow inside:
Can you produce definite proof that any exp'lorer ever reached the so-called
North oi^ South Po'le?
If the Earth is NOT hoilow, then nhy does the north wind in the Arctic get
warmer as one sails north beyond 70 degrees latitude?
tJhy are there warm northly winds and an open sea for hundreds of miles north
of 82 degrees i at'itude?
After 82 degrees of latitucie is reached, why is the needle of the compass
always agitated, restless and balky?
if the Earth is NOT hollow, then why do warm w'inds, com'ing from the northern
Arctic, carry more dust tlran any wind on earth?
If no rivers are flowing from the inside to the outside, then why are all ice-
bergs composed of fresh water?
l,ihy does one find tropicai seeds, plants and trees floating on the fresh water
f rom these 'icebergs ?
If ail the fnesh water icebergs posit'ively do not come frorn any place 0l'! earth,
as would be impossib'le unless we assume the existence of rivers flowing from the
ins'ide to the cuts'ide, then where do they come from?
If tire inside of the Earth is not warm, why do mill'ions of tropical birds and
animals Eo further north in the vrinter time?
V'rh.v (sq5 the uind frorn the north carry more pollen and blossoms than any'"rind
on the exterior ?
If ii is not hol'low and warm inside the earth, thep vlhy does colored po]ien
color the snow for thousands of square miles?
Could it be that poilen from millions of acres of colored flowers causes the
snow to be reci, p'ink, y€11ovl, b1 ue , etc?
Around the curve inside the earCh, there is a ring of ice. Nost explorers
have sailed straight north unt'il they went around that 800 mile curve. Not one of
thernshow'Lhdt_ lhey were on the inside of the earth. These explorers found things
exactl.y opposite.from what they expected. As they sailed north, thg north.winds
becama wdrrlr€r:'dri( wq,rmer. Except for strong dusty warm vlinds once in a whi1e, the
weather vras mi16:'9nd pleasant. Except for icebergs coming from the interior, the
sea was open qnd,the sailing good. During the last century a sea captain, who
traveled due {gpt.h, claims that he curved around into the inside of the Earth
through the North Polar oPening.
Those who entered the interior of the Earth in this way, including Admiral Byrd,
claim that they saw countless square miles of'land not recorded on any map. The
further north (really south) tney went, the more grass, flowers, bushes,, trees and
other green vegetation they sar.J. One explorer r^irote thai his rnen gathered eight
ciifferent kindi of flowers. Aiso explorers say they saw sloping hills covered with
green vegetation and more birds and animals than can be seen anyl.,here Qll earth.
Another writer said that he saw all kinds of warm weather animals and millions
of TR0PICAL birds.
They were so thick that a blind man could bring down one or
more birds with one shoi. The lovely scenery of both sky and land of this New lriorld
was more magnificent than ever seen on the exterior of the earth. Every.expiorer
rlrote about the majesty and grandeur of the aurora or l',lorthern Lights.. . {As..we have
stated, these resuit fiom th;1ight of the centra'l sun passing thiough the ibrth
Polar opening and projected on the night Arctic sk,v).
A11 expiorers mentioneci above vrho sailed due north (bui who really curved
around and iraveled south inside the earth), after they curved inward, finaliy
found the sea ended and they were blocked by an ice patk, which was very high'
vlide and deep. They couid have landeci and gone on further by foot, but no one
ever did.
Host writings on the subject c]aim that the interior of the Eaith is inhabited
by a race of smal'l brown-skinned people, and that the Eskimos, whose orig'in can-
not be traced to any other race on the Earth's surface, came from this subtemanean
race, rvhich at a prehistoric period migrated from the inside to the outside of the
Earth through the North Polar opening. One explorer declared that the race known
as the Arctic Hi'ghlanders came fronr the interior of the Earth. This explains'rrhy
there are no Eskimos at the South Pole, since the opening there is blocked by ice
and ocean water below it. The same applies to the po'lan bears and other animals
found at the l'{orth Pole but not at the South Po]e, ivhere we find most'ly penguins.
When the. Eskimos were asked where the'ir forefathers came frorn, they pointed to
the north. Some Eskimo legends te11 of a paraCisica'l land of great beauty to th e
north, d land of perpetuai-1ight where there is neither darkness at any-time nor
too bright a sun. This wondeitu'l 'land had a mild climate, where large lakes never
freeze, and lvhere tropical animals roam in her ds. i{ere birds of many co'lors- cloud
the sky. It is a land of perpetua'l youth where people live for thousands of years
in peate and happiness. There is a story of a British king cailed lter'la, whom the
Skraelings (fstimos) took to a iand of paradise beneath the earth. The Irish have
a legend-about a lovely land beyond the north where there is continuous 1ight and
summer weather.

The ancient writings of the Ch'inese, Egyptians, Hindus and other races, and
the legends of the Eskimos, speak of a great opening in the north and a race that '
I ives under the earth's crust, and that their ancestors came from this paradis'ica'l
land in the interior of the earth.
One of the ear'ly settiers in Brazil learned from the Indians, who pre-
served legends and beliefs of the Atlanteans who once colonized th'is country con-
cerning the Subterranean l,lorld in the hollow interior of the Earth, with which the-v
seem to have had contact through certain tunnejs connecting the inner and outer
worlds, which have openings in various places. This German wrote a book in old Ger-
man about which the Indians told him, a copy of rvhich was seen by a German friend
interested in these matters, who read it. He re'lated to the vrriter that the book
described the Earth as having a hollovr interior and a centra'l sun, just as Gardner
described jn his book, and that it is inhabited in its interior by a race shorter
than us but more muscular, disease-free, long-lived people who'live a paradisica'l
1ife, subsisting on fruits in their orchards. These people are supposed to re-
main young forever, never growing old and never dying. They live in a state of
perfect peace and harmony, free from want, crime and discord. The book states
that of a'11 parts of the world, there are more tunnei openings which lead to the
Subterranean l.lorld in the states of Santa Catarina and Parans, Brazil .
Ray Palmer,editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, is one of the strongest propo-
nents of the theory that flying siucers come from the interior of the earth and not
from other planets as he foimeily believed. He "cha'llenges everybody vlho believes
that the flying saucers come from other planets. They come from this Earth! Up
to now, the main objection to this theory has been lack of a PLACE on Earth where
they migh-" come from. This objection no-longer exists, becausb there IS a piace,
and a mighty big one! Admiral Byrd, before he died, called it a'fantastic land
of mysteiy'. Admiral Dufek, in National Geographical Magazine, calIs it an."awe-
some expairse". Both men flew over it! So t,ley should know. This 'expense' isn't
on any world map today. Yet it is BIGGER than the entire l'{orth American continent!

"Everybody knows nop that the Earth isn't round. There are-various 'shapes'
ascribed to it. gne of them is the'pear shape'claimed by the instruments aboard
the Explorer rockets. Byrd's tvro flilhts over both poles prove there is a
'strangeness' about the ihape of the Earth in both polar areas-"
In the December '1959 issue of "Flying Saucers", Ray Palmer defends as follows
the theory that f'lying saucers come from the lollow interior of the Earth through
the tlorth Poiar opLniig, as against the theory of their interplanetary origin.
He says:

:How well-knownis the Earth? Is there any area on Earth which can be regarded
as a possibie orig'in for the flying saucers? There are ttvo...The two major areas'
in order of,imporiance, are Antirtica and the Arctic. In FebruaFY,.l947, Admiral
Richard E. Byrd, the Arctic explorer, made the following statement: "I'd Jike to
see that'lani Ueyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the
g',^eat unknown. "

Byrd then flevr to the North Po1e, but did not stop there and turn back, but
went for 1700 mile.s beyoni it, and then retraced his course to his Arctic base.
As progress was made blyond the Pole point, iceless land and lakes, mountains
cr.;vered with trees, and even a monstrous animal , resembl ing the manunoth of antiq-
uity, was seen moving through the underbrush; and all this was reported-via radio
by the plane's occupants. For almost all of the 1700 miles the plane flew over
1 and , moun'.ai ns , trees , 1 a kes , ri vers .

i,ihat was this unknown land? Did not Byrd, in trave'ling due north, enterinto
the hollow'interior of the earth through the north polar opening? Later Byrd
went to the south Pole and after pass'ing it, went 2300 m1les beyond it. The.en-
ti re di stance e/as accompl i shed over I and. Says Paimer:
"0nce again we have penetrated an unknown and mysterious land whfch does not
aPPear on toda,r's maps. And once again, we find no further announcement beyond
the initiai announcement, of the achievement. And strangest of all, we find the
world's milliens absorbing the announcements, and registering a complete blank in
so far as curious'ity is concerned.
"Here, then, are the facts. At both poles exist unknown and vast land areas,
not in the least uninhabitable, extending for distances which can only be called
tremendous, because.they encompass an area bigger than an;, known
area! continental
The North Polar t{ystery Land sesn nv Byrd and his crew is
at least ]700
mi'les across its traverslA atr"ection, and iannct he conceived to be merely
row strip...lt is a land area perhaps as large as the entire United a nar-
"In the case of the South Po'le, the lancl traversed beyond pole included
as area as big as Nonth America plus the south polar continent. the

. "Tl''u flying saucers could come from these two unknown lands ,beyond the poles,
Jt lt cannot u. of the editors of FLYING SAUCERS that the existence of these
the opinion
gjsproved by anyone, considering the facts of the two expeditions
which we have outl .ined.,,

Admira'l Byrd' on his return from the South Pole, said:

tion has opened up a vast new land.', "The present expedi-

in 1957, before his death, he reported this land as "That

. enchanted
nent i n the s ky, I and of ,,
everl asti ng mystery ! pa'lmer comments :

Considering all this, is there any l.ronder that all the nations of the world
have sudden'ly found the South Polar reiion (parilcuri.ivi,-u..uur. of its knoln
land area and the North Pole region- so interiiely intereiiins-ina iiriportant, and
have launched explorations on a-scar. u.iriiiy lremendous ii scope?'

"Byrd himself flew over no known land (in the Arctic),1{e f cal'led it
'the great unknown'. -4nd g...i it is, tnaeeot For after izoohimsel
miles over'land,
he was forced uv sSlo]ine iupply'limii to..turn, but he had not yet reached
end of it! He wo[td have ueih we]l inside one of the known areas mentioned.the
should have been back to 'civilization'. But he was not. He should have seen He
nothing but icecovered ocean, or at the very most, partia'l1y open ocean. Instead
he was over mountains covered with forests.
" Forests !

"Incredib'le! The northermost I imit of the timber-l ine is located lvel I down
into A'laska, Canada and Siberia. l.lorth of that line no tr ee l.o1ur! A'll around
the North Poie, the tree does noi grow within'i700 miles oi-t6. pole!
"l,lhat have we here? hJe have the r+el1-authenticated f'light of A.dmirai Richard
E.' Byrd to a land beyond the Pole that r',. ro-mucrr wanted to iee, because ii was
the center of the uni<nown, the center of mystery. nppirenifV-ne had his wish
gratified to the ful1est, yet 1n
noivhere' i. ir,jt-mysterious land
mentiolgd.- lrJhy? t'Jas that- 1947
the radio f rom Byrd,s pl ane f .ie?_f'lr-'ght fictr:oni oid a'll the nlwspapers
ru'er 1ie? ' Did

"lio, Admira1 Byrd did fly beyond the pole.

"Beyond ?

"l'Jhat did the Adm'iral mean when he used the word? How
"Beyoncl' the Pole?
is it pcssibie to go

The answer is sirnple. He entered into the North po]ar opening lead.ing
the hollow inierior of the earth. Says pui*.., to

"That'land, on today's maps, cannot exist. But since it does, we can only
cOnclude that today's maps are incorrect, incomplete, and do not present a true
picture of the northern hemisphere!
"Igr.rng thus'located a great land mass in the }lorth, not on any map today, a
'land urhich
is the center of ihe great unknorrrn, which can only be constrired to
i*P:V that the 1700 mile extent iraversed by Byrd is only a portion of it,"
Palmer's conclusion is that since this'land-arLa is not 6n any map, it muit exist
inside the North Polar opening leading to the hol1ow interior of the Earth;
' Byrd mentions having seen.an animal Iike the prehistoric mammoth in this mys-
terious 1and, and probably came from there. Polar explorers not only ment'ion fiuna
but also flora in the extreme north. The musk-ox, contrary to expeciations, rnig-
rates N0RTH in the vrintertime. Repeatedly, Arctic explorers have observed bear
heading north into an area where there cannot be food for them. Foxes a'lso are
found north of the 80th para'|1el , heading north, obviousl,v weil-fed. t{ithout ex-
ception Arctic explorers agree that, stringeiy, the further north one goes, the
urarmer it gets. Invariably, a north vrind brings warmer weather. Coniferous trees
were found drifted ashore, coming from the north. Butterf'lies and bees are found
in the far north, but never hundreds of miles further south and not unti'l Canadian
and Alaskan ciimate areas conducive to such insect'life are reached.

Unknown varieties of flowers were also found in the extreme north. Birds re-
sembling snipe, but unlike any known species of bird, which came out of the north
and returned there. Here are plentiful in an area where no vegetation grohrs, but
where vegetat'ion appears as drifting debris from the northern open waters.
Eskimo tribes, migrating northward, have left unmistakable traces of their
migration in their temporary camps, always advancing northward. Southern Esk'imos
themsejves speak of tribes that live in ihe far north. The Ross gu1l, common at
Point Barrow, rnigrates in October toward the North. lle can account for these
strange facts only by assum'ing the existence of Admiral B,rrd's "mystery 1and"
inside the North Poiar opening.
Scandinacian legends tell of a wonderful 'land far to the north called "Uitima
Thule". Palmer asks: "Is Admiral Byrd's land of mystery, center of the great
unknown, the same, as the Ultina Thuie of the Scandinavian legends?"

In reference to the A.ntarctic, in New Zealand and lower South America are
found identical fauna and flora which could not have migrated from one to the
o^uher, but rather are believed to come from a common motherland in the Antarctic
Conti nent.
Il: In favor of the Earth having a hollow interior with r;penrngs at the po1es,
I Palrner says:
"The condensation of nebula into stars and planets is accomp'lished by a whir-
i ling motion. The tihirling motion more often produces the 'sprinkle' shape, round
I at the equator and projecting at the po'le; or the'doughnut' shape, with flatteneci
po'les and hol es through the middl e.
* "The'spindle'shape possesses many specific arguments against it, and is the
'least reasonable. Astronomical bearings taken anywhere on the 'spindle' portion
t:ii: lvould begin to show evidence of the existence of the 'spindle' shape. And they
would be the reverse of factual sightings and bearings taken by Polar exp'lorers.
Actualiy, the bearings taken point to the 'doughnut' shape.

-1 0-
"Rocket scientists have nade much cf the ci'isccver;r of the Van Alien Be1i,
which is a belt of radiation surrounding the Earth. The reader is invited to
read about jt'in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAII, and especiaiiy note the drattings o!
'its shape, which are preciseiy a vast'doughnut', dith the spherical Earth pict-
ured at its center, in the'hole' in the doughnut. Hhat is the Earth'is not
spherical, but actually doughnut-shaped, exaatly as its surrounding Van Allen-
tse1t? l,ihat ever makes the Eelt thusiy ihapea, mignt it not a'lso be responsible for
shaping the Earth simiiary?
,,The evidence is extremely strong, and amazingly prolific in scope and extent'
that the Earth aitually'is shaied in ifris fashion.- And if it is hol1ow, then we
no iong.r need look foi the saucers from out space - but rather from'inner
space'i And judging frorn the evidences, the interior is extreme'ly habituf'lS.!
Vi:getation in abindince is therel animais abound; thti'extinct'mammoth sti1l
liies! Byrd flew 1700 mile. or"i if,. inner edge of the'doughnut hole', and.the
Navy flew'ZjOO *iles over the oppos'ite inner eige. Both flignts want a nlr!]1t
into the inner Earth. And ii tnis is all tiue, then no doubt extended flights
to rniles and beyond have been made s'ince i957 into this hollow Earth, for
we have the planes w'itir tne range to do it! If the sogvernment knew the signifi-
cance of the Byrd-Navy flights, it would certainly not neglect to explore fur-
ther.rr -'

Thus, Ray Palmer, basing his conclusions on Admiral ById s observations and
confirms the theory of the Earth being-hol1ow,
that of oiher-Arctic exploreis,.I906 .l920.
first proposed by Reed back'in and later preslnted by Gardner in
Palmer writes:
.l5,.l959, the Scviet aiomic powered icebreaker was'launched,
"0n September
and supposebty is on its way, or about to proceed, toward the llorth Po'le with
the intention of reaching it by smashing'its way a1'l the way through the ice.
This would admittecily be quite an achievement, ind rnore evidence of their amazing
progress'in science, but it'is our opinion that the Russ'ians do not do things
merEly for propaganda value. And cons'idering the we'ight of evidence we have
presented in thii itrr. ('rrhich is only a fragmeni of wnat is available), there
b.xists a much stronger reason for the Sociei icebreaker to proceed Poleward.
Consider: hJhat betier mode of travel io proceed into that 'unknown'land' beyond
the Pole, which extends uncounted thousands of miles where no thousands of miles
appear to exist? Here we have a craft that has a cruising range of-40,000.mi'les-
It'can go anywhere with no danger of being stranded for lack of fuel. it is a
craft eiactly suited for bridging the iceibarrier of a frozen ocean that has
a1wa,v5 been ihe 'wall' betweei t6e known rvorld and the 'unknown' world Adnrira1
Byrd proved beyond ail doubt exists.
"Once through the ocean of ice, into a warm ocean,'it is admirabiy.suited for'
exploration deep'into that unknown area, as far as water exists, expioring un-
known coastlinei. There is more reason for the Soviet jcebreaker to go to the
North Pole than merely to duplicate the feat of two Arnerican atomic submarines.
But where the submarines are'limited by size, the giant icebreaker can brave
the most dangerous of unknowns. It is, in effect, also a floating battlesh'ip.
Nothing can successfully attack jt in a strange 1and, except perhaps flying

"However, it may be that the Russians are unaware of Admira1 Byrd's d'iscovery
(although how this would be we cannot conceive) and the icebreaker wili not go
'beyondt the Plle. It just occurs to us that the Russ'ians have constructed an
-1.l -
ideal craft for the work that seems to be at hand. An icebreaker could follow
the shorelines of unknown continents, whereas a submarine is trave'ling virtuaily
bfind most of the time, and unable to travel on the surface after it [as broken
up through the ice, simply because that is the extent of its icebreaking capacity.
An atomic submarine is not suited to explorat'ion of the frozen unknown iand', and-
only an icebreaker can smash its way through to the open water, and then viiually
skirt the shores of the unknown country.,' -
It is strange that Reed's and Garnder's significant books rrrhich presented an
,epoch-making geographical th eory, comparable t6 the belief that the Larth is
round,-when proposed at a time.when it was be] ieved to be f'lat, shou'ld have been
s9-legiected and forgotten, that they are a'lmost completely ignored by the scien_
tific world. cou'ld ihis be due to dEliber^ate suppressions? is it noi possible
that governments, who realize that beyond the Poiis exists a land area larger
t'han tnat on the surface, wou'ld consider this the most precious of al'l 'its secrets
and would make every effort to guard it, so that other nations may not learn about
it-and attempt to reach this new territory first. From H's experience, described
below, this seems to be so.

. 0r. G. M.r director of the UFO World Research, claims to have made many trips
by flying saucer to the hollow interior of the Earth and sent us a map showing
the route he trave'led and where he landed to the right of the North Polar opening,
but on the inside. There he met the inhabitants of this New l^Jorld, among whom he
'is well known. Admiral Byrd called this region "the mysterious land beyond the
Pole", which he tried to reach by airplane, covering a distance of .l700 mi'les
beyond the pole, the only way to go ,'beyond,'which being to enter the opening
that leads to the hollow center of the Earth, for otherwise there could be no
I and "beyond" the ltorth Pol e.

After a brief press announcement, this great discovery of an immense land area
as 'large as North America, not shown on any map, was hushed up by the Government
for important reasons, and no further mention of it made. The reason for this is
that if other nations learned that there existed a iand area inside the Earth
greater in area than that on its surface, there wou1d be Canger that they would
try to get there first. Dr. 11. writes:
"There is really no North or South Pole. (hlhere the Poles are supposed to
exist are really openings leading to the ho'llow interior of the Earth.
"Most flying saucers come from the land beyond the l,lorth Pole (tnat is, from
the hollow interior of the Earth, reached by the llorth Polar opening). This reg-
ion enjoys art ideal uniform temperature of 76 degrees.
"This Nerv tiorld ins'ide the Earth is inhabited by a wonderful race of people
who are a thousand years or more ahead of us in invention, science and mechanics.
They have niachines that control the weather and use flying saucers for transpor-
In the middle of January, '1960
Dr. M. was visited by two subterranean men who
came on a flying sucer from the interior of the earth. One was called "Sol-t'lEr"
and the other "Zola". They told him than on Jan. 28, 1960, they would take him
cn a trip to Sao Francisco Island on the coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil and then
to the North Pole, where the saucer would enter the opening and proceed to the
hollow interior of the Earth. The writer was supposed to be picked up by the
Saucer in Santa Catarina.

The and the opportunity to make the
writer anxiously avra'iting Dr. t{'s arrival
trip to the earth's interior by flying saucer, which he clainrs to have made so
many times. Dr. l'|. inpresses the lvriter rvith sincerity and genuineness, as
strange as the things he says maj/ seem. It is very evident that any government
that saw the possiblfity of acqu'iring a land area greater than what exists novl on
the entire Earth's surface vrculd take every precaut,ion to carefully guard the
secret and not permit peopie like Dr. I'1, who knew i'u, to taik freel-v about it,
much less actually visit that land by the only vehic'le capable of going there -

Chapter Two


The first one to suggest that flying saucers came from the Subterranean tr'iorjd
was Professor Henrique Joie de Saouza, piesidnet of the Brazi'lian Theosophical
Society and chief exponent of the exisience of a Subterranean l^lorld in Brazil,
who has erected at Sao Lourenzo, in the state of l,'iinas Gerais, Braz'i1, an immense
temple in Greek style, dedicated to "Agarta",0r'iental name of the Subterranean
Empire. In this city a number of his discipies from all parts of the world and
speaking ali languages have gathered, a1i of whom believe 'in the existence of the
Subterranean !'Jorld and that flying saucers carne from there.

One of those who settled in Sao Lourenzo as a disc'ip'le of the Professor was
Commander J.
Strauss of the Brazilian navy, who was much interested flying in
saucers. Another was 0iC. Huguenin, who published a book dedicaied to the Pro-
fessor's vie',.ts on the subterranean origin of fly'ing saucers, and ciedicated to
him, ca'lled "From the Subterranean'dorld to the Sky: Flying Saucers." The writer
picked up a copy of this book in a bookstore in Sao Paulo, at a t'ime when he be-
I ieved in the interplanetary th eory of th eir origin. I'Jhi je at first the idea
seemed very strange, finally he became convinced that it was the correct expian-
ati on .

Hugeunin's book was inspired b-v a series of artic1es that apoeared in Brazil's
popu'lar magazine, "0 Cruziero'r, on Feb. 5,12 and .l9, .l955, devoted to the subject
matter of a series of lectures de]ivered in Rio de Janeiro by Commander Strauss,
on the subject of the subterranean origin of the flying saucers. in his book,
Huguenin presents Strauss's views in defense of the theory that flying saucers do
not come from other planets, but from the Subterranean trlorld, by the following
arguments, ,

"The hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the fiying suacers does

not seem acceptab'le. . Another possibilit;r is that they are mil itary a'ircraft
belonging to some existing nation on earth. This pypothes'is, however, is opposed
by the following argurnents:
"1. If the United States and R0ssia possessed fly.ing saucers, they would not
desist from announcing this fact because of its va1ue as a psychological arm to
secure advantages in the diplomatic field. Also they would manufacture and use
these vehicies for military purposes, since they are so rapid and powerful that
they would leave the enemy almost without means of defense.
"2. The United States and USSR would not continue to spend large sums of
-1 3-
money on the manufacture of ordinary airplanes if they possessed the secret of
producing flying saucers."
. Afler and
presenting the argument that fiying saucers do not come from any exist-
his view that they are not of interplanetary origin, Huouenin
concludes that they come from the Subterianean t,lorid. On tnts iuOject he writes:

"Finally, we must consider the most recent and interesting theory that has
.been offered to account for the origin of the fiyilln saucers: the existence of
a great Subterranean hlorld vrith innumerable cities in which Iive millions of in-
habitants....This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civ-
ilization, economic organization and social, cultura'l ani spiritull development,
together with an extraordinary scientific progress, iI comparison with whom the
'hurnanity that lives on the eaith's surface'ma! be considered as a race of barb-
"The idea of the existence of a Subterranean t'lorld w'i11 shock many peop'le.
t To others it will s'ound absurd and impossible, for 'certairly,' they would say,
rif it existed, it wouid have been discovered long ago.' And there are plenty
of other critics who wou'ld point out that it would be impossib'le for such an in-
I habited world to exist inside the earth because of the Ubtiet that as one des-
cends temperature increases, on the basis of which theory it is supposed that,

I since temperature increases the further down one goes, the center of the earth is
I a fiery mass. However, this increase in temperature does not mean that the
center of the earth is a fiery mass, since it might extqnd only for a limited
*, Cistance and, as in the case of volcanos and hot springs, arise from subterran-
ean cav'it'ies located at certain levels (below which the ternperature again drops
as one Eoes downward) In accordance with the hypothesis that heat in-
creases as one Cescends through the earth's crust, this takes place only during
a distance of eighty kilometers (in the superficiai layer of the earth).
"According to the information supplied by Commander PauIo Justin Strauss,
the Subterranean l,iorld is not restricted to caverns, but is more or less exten-
s'ive and is located in a hollorv inside the Earth large enough to contain cities
and fields, where live human beings and anima'ls, whose physica'l structure re-
semble those on-the surface. Among its inhabitants are certain persons who came
from the surface, who, I ike Colonel Farrrcett and his son Jack, descendeds never
to return. (Huguenin here refers to the views of Commander Strauss and Professor
de Souza on the controversial subiect of Colonel Fawcett's mysterious disappear-
ance, claiming that he and h'is son are stil1 alive in the Subterranean tdorld to
which they gaines access and were not killed by indians in l4atto Grosso as com-
monly supposed. Fawcett's wife, who claims to be in telepathic touch with him
and vtho believes that he is stili living, sent an expedition to l{atto Grosso to
find him, in charge of her other son, but in vain.)"
Huguenin then asks how these marvelous subterranean cities and this advanced
civilization under the earth arose. His answer is that the builders and most of
the inhabitants of th'is Subterranean bJorld are members of an antediluvian race
r^lhich came from the preh'istoric submerged continents of Lemuria and Atlantis,
who came there to escape the catastrophe that destroyed their motherland, He
claims that the Atlanteans brought with them their aircrafts, on which they con-
tinued to f1y in the interior atmosphere in the hollow center of the earth, a
concave wor'ld-in which a direct a'irl ine is the shortest distance between two
points. These were called "vimanas"; but rvhen they rose to the surface for the
first time in such large amounts, as they d'id following the Hiroshima atomic ex-
p'losion of .l945, they .were known as "fiying saucers ."
The reason for this mass visitation of flying saucers after the Hiroshima
nuclear explosion was the apprehension of subterranean scientists that the con-
tinuance of nuclear explosions might lead to a ra,jioactive poisoning of the
atmosphere, which wouid vitiate the air that enteied the subterranean atmosphere
in the hoilow center of the earth, com'ing in frcm the outside; so that'it was not
a matter of pure altruism, but also one of seif-defense and self-protection that
made the subterranean people iend their flying saucers up in order to establish
friendhip w'ith the inhabitants of the earth's-surface at this time, with the 9oa1
of convincing government and mi'litary leaders of the extreme importance and nec-
essity, if the human race is to.survive and not destroy itself through nuclear
suicide, to discont'inue nucleai tests.
It was for this reason that flying suacers wene first sent up in such great
numbers in f'leet formation and why they appeared so often near miiitary a'irports
or accompanied passenger planes in flight, so as to be seen by members of the
Air Force and by commercial pilots, since those who sent them fe1t that reports
coming from airmen concerning f'tying sauceer sightings would be considered with
more seriousness by government leaders than those, coming from laynen, which
would be put aside as products of optical illusion or imaginatioh. After con-
vincing ehiefs of the Air Force that they exist, their next plan rtas, through
these Air Force leaders, to convince the heads of the Government of their exist-
ence. After the fact \.ras accepted that members of a superior, more highly c'iv-
ilized race had come to earth, they hoped that Government leaders would perhaps
receive some of the'ir scientists who wou'ld be sent up speciai'ly for this purpose,
to convince them of the supreme importance of halting further nuclear tests and
abolishing a'11 nuclear weapons as a menace to the surviva1 of the human race on
eari,h , i ncl udi ng thei r own peop'l e .

Huguenin believes that flying saucers are reall,v Atlantean aircraft intended
for serial navigation and not space ships as commoniy supposed. He ciaims that
they came up from the interior atmosphere of the Earth where they existed since
the days of Atlantis, and to where they were transferred before Atlantis sank,
when a group of Atlanteans es'r.ablished residence in the Subterranean Worid and
they carried their aincraft, known as "vimanas" and'later as "flying suacers"
with them. These reappeared in.l945,
the upper atmosphere in numbers only after the
Hiroshirna atomic expiosion in ulh'ich caused much apprehension to the sub-
terranean people whose atmosphere is deriveci from our ou,n. This r,'las the first
time in history when surface jnhabitants ccmmitted an act which direct'ly affected
the weifare of the subterranean peoplei and it was for this reason that it was
the first time they sent their aircraft up into our atmosphere as an act of
sel f-protection.

In evidence of the fact that aerial navigation exisied'long before the mak-
ing of the first airplane by the h/right brothers, the director of tfre Internat-
ional Academy of Sanskrit Investigation at l4ysan, Indian discovered an ancient
ttreatise on aeronautics, which wis wyitten three thoUsand years ago. It was
attributed to the Hindu sage Bharadway, who wrote a manuscript calTed "Vymacrika
Shostrar" mean'ing "the science of aeronautics," in e'ight chapters, rvith d'iagrams r
describing three types of aircraft, including apparatuies thai couid neither
catch on fire nor break, and mentions thirty-66"'essential parts of these vehic-
les and sixteen materials from which they aie constructed, which absorb light
and heat, and for this reason are considlred appropriate ior the construction of
airplanes.. It is interesting to note the similirity of the word "vymacrika" and
"vimanas," name of Atlantean aircraft, which are,'in the writer's opinion, iden-
tical with f'lying saucers.

-l 5-
Another argument in support of the subterranean origin of flying saucers,
as against the interplanetary theory, is that it seems much more probable that
fIy'ing saucers cou'ld come from inside the earth's hollow center through the
iiorth Polar opening, i journey of a few thousand miles, than travel here from
planets or stars many millions of miles or light years away. Space travel has as
yet not been proven to be safe or possible for humans, even if it can be accom-
piished with rockets, r.thereas aerial navigation is an accomplished fact. Therefore
it'is more reasonable to suppose that fiying saucers came from inside the earth
than from outer space.
' In the December 1959 jssue of his magazine, "Fly'ing Saucers," Ray Paimer pre-
sents his conviction that suacers come from the interior of the earth and not from
outer space. He says:

' "In this issue we have presented the results of years of research, in which
we advance the possibi'lity ,that the saucers not only are from our own p'lanet, and
NOT from space, inner or outer, but that there is a tremendous mass of evidence
to show that there'is an UI\iKI't0tiN location of vast dimensions which is, insofar as
we can safely state at this writing, also unexplored, where the saucers can, and
most probably do originate. Even before the issue is off the press, one enterpris-
ing reader shoots the question at us: 'Al1 right, if the saucers aren't from out-
er space, then holv come Buck Nelson and felv dozen more clajm to have ridden to
[lars, Venus, the moon, etc. Are you kidding us?'
"lJe've read all the accounts of such voyages and nowhere, in any of them, can
we find positive evidence that space traversed! In ali of the accounts, r,te
can see uhere the passengers could have been taken to this'unknown landrdiscov-
ered by ACrniral Byrd, and'if toid they were on l{ars, rrrouid not know the difference!
"Provided an actual trip in a saucer nas made, the pilots of the saucers could
have simulaied a space trip (how high wouid it be necessary to go?) and instead
taken their passengers to 'that mysterious land beyond the Pole,' as A.dmiral Byrd
called it."
.l959 in an article, "saucers from Earth!: A Challenge to Secrecy!" in the December
issue of "F1ying Saucers," Paimer writes:
"'FLYING SAUCERS' has amassed a iarEe fiie of ev'idence which its editors con-
sider unassailable, to prove that the flying saucers are native to the p'lanet
larth: that the governments of more than one nation (if nct a'I1 of thenr) knoi"r this
to be a fact; that a concerted effort'is being made to learn all about them, and
to explore their native landi that the facts already known are considereC so im-
portant that they are the wor'ld's top secret; that the danger is so great that to
offer public proof is to rislt widespread panic; that public kncwleCae would bring
public demand for action which wouid topp'le governments both helpless and unwili-
ing to cornply; that the inherent nature of the flying saucers and their origina-
ti on area i s compl etel y di srupti ve to pol i t'ica'l and econosri c status-quo . "
"Flying saucers," says the editor, Ray Palmerr "have been with human'ity for
c,enturies, if not thousands of years." This factor of antiquity, he says, "e1im-
inates contemporary earth governments as the orig'inators of the mysterious pheno-
'Tiena. "
After disproving that flying saucers come from any existing nation, Palmer
then attacks the theory of their-interplanetar,v origin, whose chief proponent is
-1 6-
Keyhoe, some "contactees" c'laiming that saucers come frorn ltlars, others from Venus
and others from other pl aces.

Paimer opposes both the theory of saucers co:ning from any nation on the
earth's surface and from other planets, in favor cf ihejr subterranean origin.
ile says: "Because our planet is quite weli (but not completeiy) known, it
has been eas,v fsp'interplanetary theorists to prove that the strange objects are
not made by any single government or group of governments on Earth. Such a vast
pr.oject couid not remain secret over so long a period, and also, the.matter of
antiquity Coes not allow the phenomena to bi fitted intc the history of any exist-
ing governments. "
"Aime tvl'ichel , in his 'straight line' theory, proved that most of the 'f1 ight
patterns'of the f'llring saucers ire cn a north-south course, which is exactly what
would be true if the origin of the saucers is Po'lar.
"Now that we have trackeci the saucers to the most'logical origin (ttre one we
have consistently insisted must exist because ofthe insurmountable obstacle of
intersteilar origin which demands factors beyond imagination), that the saucers
come from our ordn Earth, it must be proved or disproved, one way gf the other.

"i^lhy? Because if the intrrior of the Earth is populated by a high'ly scient-

ific and advanced race, we must make profitable contact w'ith them; and if they are
mighty in their science, which includes the science of ,,.,ar, we must not make enem-
ies of them; and if it is the intent of our governments to regard the inter^ior of
the Earth as'virgin territory,'and comparabie to the'Indian Territorir'of the
North America when the settlers came over to take it arrray fro,n its rightful ownersr
it is the right of the people to know that intent, and to express their Cesire in
the matter.
"The fly'ing saucer has become'uhe most importani single factor in history.
The answer to the questions raisedin this article must be answered. Admira'l Byrd
has discovered a ne'll and myst,erious 1and, jn the center of the great unknown, and
the most 'important discovery of all time. i{e have it from his oln 1ips, from a
man whose integrity has a'lr.Ja,rs been unimpeachable, and ivhose nind was one of the
most brilliant of modern times

"Let those who wish to cal'l him a liar st,ep forward and prove their c'laim.
Fl yi ng Saucers come frorn thi s Earth ! "
Could the ''little brown men,' ancestors of the Eskimos, who hlilliam Reed and
l{arshall B. Gardner claimed were dvrellers of the hollow interior of the Earth and
the small men who ivere observed to be the pilots of the fly'ing saucers be an ide.ti
ical race? Theodore Fitch, proponent of the theory that the Earth has an inhab-
iteci hollow interior,. cla'ims that this is the case and that the fly'ing saucers,
which come from the Earth's interior atmosphere, are driven by these srnail rnen.
in hi s "Cur Paradi se Inside the Earth, " he wri tes abor.lt them is fol I orvs :
. "Though small than rrJe are, they are much stronger. Their grip is 't ike a
vise. One of them could quickly overpower a strong rnan. Their bodies are perfect
in build. Both men and t'tomen dress very neatiy. Though not beautifui, they are
nice looking. I'lot one of them looks to be over 30 yeais old. They say thai ttrey
do not expect to die, but that some do die.
"it would. take a book to record the conversations that have taken place with
the lromen. Iheir--speech is_quick,_sharp and right to the point.
saucermen and
They seem to be very, very intelligent.Tiiey talk frleiy and-answer ail'questions
but they iie about things they do not want us to know (retusing to reveal their
true subterranean origin and pretending to come from other planets, as !.'lars and
Venus ) .

"Here are a few brief statements or claims made by the little men and women
who live inside this earth. Some of them are not true-, but you be the judge.
"They boast about their superior mentality and knowledge, and that they ex-
'cell us in creative abiiity. They say they are far ahead oi us from the stindpoint
of new inventions. For instance, they ctaim that their flyring saucers are powered
with 'free energy' (meaning the electiomagnetic eyergy ot ipaie, r,vhich is free
and not like fuel used to supply our airciaft). TheV claim that they obtain this
'free energy' by exploding cli'titn atoms by action of the electromag;etic evergy
os space while in flight.
"They say that they are thousands of years ahead of us in all of the arts.
such as paint'ing, scuipture and architectural design. Also that they are ahead
of us in their domestic and business management, in their agricu1tural techniques,
and that their beautiful landscapes, parks, flower gardens, orchards and farms
vastly surpass our own.

"They claim that they are far ahead of us in their knowledge of nutrition
an.d in their diet.
to live in luxury, yet have no class distinct,ion and no poverty
"They claim
ncr crime them, nor need of poiice. (In this and all other respects they
resemble remarkably the subterranean race of vegetarian supermen and superwomen
described by Bulwer Lytton in his book 'The Coming Race').
"They say that their saucermen know every language on earth."
Fitch's description of the Utopian super civijization of the subterranean
peopie is almost'identical with that of Bulurer Lytton in his "The Coming Race"
borh claim'ing that they lived in a state of universal abundance and contentment,
free frorn poverty; 9reed, selfishness and war. Fitch remarks: "They teach the
same wicked doctrines taught by communism," for they advocate an economic system
in which ail own everything in common, uithout private aggrand'isement and hoard-
ing, and vlithout economic competition, practicing cooperation instead. Among
them there is no class dist'inctions of rich and poor, capitaljst and worker. They
have an equitab'le system of distribution free from exploitation and usary; and
there is no poverty among them, fcr all are on a basis of perrect equaiity through
a system of common ownership. Private property is abolished among them, and they
all work together for their comrnon welfare, Fitch adds:
"They say they knou all the secrets of every government.
"They say that they are of a h'igher inte'll igence and authority.
"in 6thei rrords, they boast thai they have iuthority over us (since they are
our superiors).
"They c'laim to be experts in mental telepathy
"They claim that they came from an antediluvian race (Lemurian and At'lant-
"They say that they can become jnvisible and pass'uhrough uralls and doors.
"They cli'im to rrrorship a Supreme Being who sees all and knows all.
"They say that they know nothing at all about Jesus, and say our Bible is
mistranslated and mininterpreted and misconstrued.
"They say they can save man, not from sin but from himself.
"They claim they are a race which has not fallen as we have.
"They say uJe should and will have one wor'ld governmsnt.
"They say we should get rid of nuclear bombs-anC armaments (by destroying
all atomic stockpiles and prohibiting their further manufacture, as well as by
declaring and enforcing iotal world peace by internationa'l agreement and through
a l(orld Court).
"They say that al1 their efforts are for peace. They say that our peace is
due to thiir efforts in our behalf, and that they saved us from being plunged
into a suicidal nuclear world war, and that we should look to them for guidance."
(This would make them our I,IUCLEAR AGE SAVIORS).

"$any photographs have been taken of saucers in action, also standing stil1.
These pictui'es show'that they are about,100 feet to 400 feet iong or high. Pi.c-
tures have been taken of the little brown saucermen and their words are recorded
on tape. Certain Americans have taken both short and long rides in both sma'll
and large ships. And they have proof of what they saw and heard.

"Hriters of the books on flying suacers believe that they come from other
pianets. But how can that be? They are too far away. Traveling at terrific
speeds it would take a lifetime to make the trip (to planets of 6ther solar sy-
stems ) . "

In otlrer words, it is Fitch's belief, as it is the writerrs, that the so-

called "spacemen" and "saucermen" viho pose as visitors from other planets, are
really members of an advanced civilization in the hol1ow interior of our own
earth, who have important reasons for keeping their true place of origin-a sec-
ret and to purposeiy foster the false belief-that they come from other planets.
0n this subject, Fitch says:
"They say tha'u thelr come from other planets, but we doubt it." He considers
this a white 1ie in order to prevent surface miiitarists and militaristic govern-
ments from iearning that on the opposite side of the Earth's crust there exists
an advanced civi'lization whose scientific attainrnents surpass our own, which is
reached by the North Po'lar opening. Fortunately, it is nct easy for any nation
on the surface to pass through this cpening to ihe ho'ljorv interior of the Earth,
though the scientific achievements of the subterranean people are so far in ad-
vance of our own that in event of a war ii would not be difficult for them to
cause their attackers to become disintegrated into their consistuent atoms as a
result of radiations at their command, constituting a source of energy beyond
atomic energy, r,rhich is more destructive than our hydrogen bombs and which pr0-
duces no fallout.

The reason why the hol1ow interior of the Earth has a larger'land area than
the outer surface is because while 75 per cent of the earth's surface is covered
.l97 55 mi'l'lion square miles of land surface, the total sur-
with water, leaving only
face of the earth is million square miles. Fitch claims that there are no
oceans in the interior comparable in size with those on the surface, and that
there is three times as much land inside the earth than outside, so that in spite
of the fact that its c'ircumference and total area is less, its land area is larg-
er. Fitch says that'it is not only larger but better in al'l ways, having a better
and healthier cl'imate, being tropica'l and without cold winters, hurrrcanes, earth-
quakes, electric storms, cyclones, floods, radioactive fa'l1out, nefarious cosmic
rayst harmful, radioactive solar rays, soil erosion from excessive rainfa'll lead-
int to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, etc.
-19 -
Rather than seek to colonize the dead surface of the moon or to reach Hars,
this l'{ew l,{orld is nearer and offers more opportunities for colonization. Human-
ity as at present constituted, however, is unfit to enjoy this privilege; and,
rather than be'ing a benefit, selfishness and greed would cause no end of rvars in
an effort by urorld powers to gain control over this new territory. For that rea-
son knowledge of this Subterranean 1,lor1d has unti1 now been a c'losely guarded sec-
Fitch agrees with Palmer that flying saucers are not "space shipsr,,as il
Adamski claimed, nor are their pilots "spacemen." Rather thby are vbhicles in-

tended for atmospheric travel either in the interior or exterior atmosphere of
the earth, while the'little brown men in the fiying saucers,".according to Fitch,
belong to the same race as the subterranean one from which the Eskimos descended.

' In one 'letter to the writer, D. G. l'1., director of UFO t^lorld Research,
claimed he visited the interior of the earth by flying saucer, which entered
through the North Polar opening, forty times. The foilowing letter was received
from his secretary.
"This letter may be of vital importance to al'l of us, so I trust you wil'l
give it your immediate attention. Your writer is a member of the UFO }.lorld,Re-
search. Dr. G. 14. is world director, and has been in the work 14 years. His
uncle in England, a multi-millionaire, began the organization I6 years ago.
"You have very kindly kept me on your mailing'list for the past severa'l
years. I have been a vegetarian for twenty years and have desired to have a
place to live in your community on the island of Sao Francisco.
"Dr/ G. M. and I worked together ver-v c'losely and I have been wanting to
write to you tor some time, but was not sure that you had an understanding of
the flying saucers and the people living under the earth and various so-called
mysteries that th'is organization is investigating.
"0ur director has been taken ins'ide the earth via the liorth Pole openilg
on many different trips on a flying saucer. He is in constant touch with the
saucer people and jn conference with them.
"Becauseof his position and the orders he is under, he does not seek or
desire any publicity whatever, and this letter is not for publication or for
showing to anyone outside of our group, because various governments and air
forces do not want certain information given pub'licity. This group gathers
informat'ion for its mernbers only, which they can best receive by writing in for
ansh,ers to specific'questions. This group coopeiates with all law-enforcement
agencies and if any of its menbers gets into trouble by reason of becoming con-
tictees or inadvisiU'ly d'isclosing information, the organ'ization will use its in-
fluence in such mannei that said-member will have the least amount of difficulty
from then on.
"The various governments have all of the information that vte have, but_in
order to avoid panic by the lunatic frings and perhaps from many other vital
reasons of security, they wish this information to be kept among those who are
not mentally affected by it.
"saucers are not necessarily from other planets. They may be earth-made,
coming from the center of the earth."

- 20-
Chapter Three



*rr. iso1ated flying saucers were seen on and off riown through history,
it was only after the occurence of the Hiroshima atomic expiosion that they cane
in numbers and jn mass formation. Some fiying saucer writers took this io mean
that the f'lash of this atomic exp'losion caused inhabitants of other planets and
solar systems to be worried and to send their space ships to earth to either
observe the situation here, stop further atomic explcsions or both. This con-
clusion, however, seems to be unwarranted, because of the following facts:
'l . of a smal'l atomic bomb could never const'itute such a
The explosion
grave danger to the inhabitants of distant stars many light years away to war-
rant them to come on fiying saucers; and, moreover, they could not have arrived
here as soon after the explosion as they did even.if thl5, traveled at the speed
of 1 i ght.
2. In view of the great number of flying saucers that appeared in the
earth's atmosphere after the Hiroshima atomic explosion,'it would be impossible
to expla'in how, if they came from different planets of different solar systems,
many light years away, they could a'l'l arrive at exactl.y the same time and as
quickly as they did.
0n the other hand, if they came from the same source, why should so many
space ships be sent here.when a single one cou'ld conduct what observations +Jere
neces s a ry?

3. The fact that flying saucers came in such great number and in fleet
formation would indicate that, rather than coming from other planets and solar
systems, where the fiash of i,he Hiroshima atomic explosion could not create suf-
ficient damage to warrant their preoccupaiion, they carie from the earth's'int-
erior atmosphere through the North Polar opening because of the danger of con-
tam'ination of the Earth's i nteri or atmospher'e by radi oacti ve poi soni ng of the
outer atmosphere from which it is derived. Th'is rirould be a sufficient reason
for inhabitants inside the earth to send their a'ircrafi to the surface in an
effort to study ihe situation and to befriend anci contact mi'litary and govern-
ment leaders, in an effori to bring a ha'lt to further nuc'lear explosions.

Since a'll efforts by those who sent their flying saucers into our atmos-
phere to induce the government of the United States to recognize their existence
fai'led, and since the Russians rvere more open-minded and cooperative, they de-
c'ided to use the Russians to carry on their campaign to end nuclear tests and
establish world disarmament, and through thenr to conrrince the other 3overnments
of the world of the bxtreme peril of a nuc'lear war to the survival oi the human
race' and the urgent necessity to estabi ish and enfo"rce permanent world peace 'if
the human race is to continue. UnIike Arnericans, Soviet scientists freely ad-
mitted the existence of flying saucers as com'ing from a mcre advanced civiliza-
tion they are anxious to contacti and the USSR Academy of Science and Space Re-
search has admitted that such craft really bx'ist, bel iev'ing they come from the
planet Venus, also stat'ing that some saucers have crashed to earth and their
pilots were killed. This is in sharp contrast to the attitude of American sci-
entists and of the U.S. Air Force chiefs in refusing to admit the existence of
f'lyjng saucers and in suppressing any publ ic informition about thenr.
-21 -
t'lhi1eflying saucers previously rose to the surface only occasionally and
individually before the Hiroshima expiosion, this caused them to come up irom
the Subterranean WorId in large numbers and in mass formation. As expliined be-
fore, the atmosphere receives air from the outer atmosphere
.For through certain
openings through the earth's crust that connect both. this reason radio-
active pojsoning of the outer atmosphere would endanger the inhabitan'us of the
lnner-atmosphere, who, accordingly, sent up their flying saucers in mass forma-
tlon for purposes of self-protection. This seem-c to be a more reasonable ex-
planation than that the flash of the Hiroshima explosion, when it reached the
inhabitants of distant pianets, caused them to immediatefy send their flying
saucers here for self-protection.
I,lhile it is true that radioactive poisoning of our atmosphere would consti-
tute a source of danger to inhabitants of the earth's interior atmosphere, which
'would eventually be po'isoned too, since it receives its air from the outside
through the North Polar opening that connects both atmospheres, so that they
'rtouid have reason send up theii fiying saucers to protect themse'lves against the
danger of atmospheric poisoning, in t[e case of inhabitants of other pianets,
there seems no reason for them-to be worried about the flash of a smaii atomic
bomb on earth, when much worse radioactive explosions and sources of radiation
occur in various parts of the universe. Do not cosmic rays come from rad'ioactive
processes'in stars? Is not the sun a biazing mass of radioactivity sending out
radioactive radiations, which, in the case oi sunspots, might be more dangirous
than the radiations of the Hiroshima explosion? May not the exp'losion of cer-
tain stars and their disappearance constitute a temific nuclear blast in space
far more powerfu'l than the atomic explosion in Hiroshima? llight not the on-
slaught of cosmic rays, including those from our sun, constitute a graver peri'l
to space travelers coming to Earth from other pianets on account of the Hiro-
shima explosion than this explosion'itself? Also, it is impossible to explain
how, if they come from other solar systems many light years away, they could
arrive here so soon after the Hiroshima blast, granted that they started on their
journey when its flash first reached them after trave'ling for some jight years
and aI 1 at the same time?

Certainly inhabitants of the earth's hollow center, Iiving'in a closed at-

mosphere which u'ltimate'ly derives 'its ventilation from the outer atmosphereo
tnrougn the opening aE the North Po1e, would have more reason to worry about the
atomic explosion jn Hirishima and its future consequences than inhabitants of
I other planets. i'ioreover, it is presumptuous to believe that this tiny earth
t could be of such'importance to attract people from various parts of the universe
t simply because a small atomic bomb was exploded on it, and it would be still
T less likeiy that their space craft would all arrive here at exactly the same
'I time, Fegardless of their distance from us - for if they started on their jour-
{ ney when the flash of the Hiroshima explosion reached thern, they would arrive
here at different times, and not all at the sar,te time, as occurred during the
1 mass visitation of flying saucers that took place after the Hiroshima explosion.
0n the other hanci, if they came from the Subterranean hlorldthere would be much
* more probabi i i ty of thei r comi ng up a'l 1 at the same time .
c Also,'if flying saucers came from different planets, why are they so much
E a'like? It is very uniikeiy that different forms of life inhabiting different
planets, each with its own chemistry and type of atmosphere, wou'ld all produce

exactly the same type of space craft according to an identical modei. 0n the
other hand,'if flying saucers came from the Subterranean World, then we can
understand why thly ire so much alike, since they were made by the same subter-
ranean race and arL really atiantean aircraft, or "vimanas," which have been
visiting us since t'ime immortal, but were never studied nor reporis about them
credoted Iropr tp t.jeor ,ass vosotatopm fp;;pwomg tje Jorpsjo,a arp,oc ex|;ps-
ion of 1945, when they first came tb the woi^'ld's attent'ion.
The reason why flying saucers came in such great number and in f'leet for-
mation was evidentiy blcause of a massive publicity effort on the part of the
subterranean people who wished to make their existence known to all governments
capable of exploding nuclear bomvs, with the obiect of later convincing them to
desist from such a iuicidal policy, dangerous to themseives as well as to the
subterranean people. But r.rhen thly sarv-that their efforts to establish friendly
contact with surface races and the'ir governments failed, they recalled their
fleets of fiy ing saucers, retaining only a few in our atmosphere in order to
conduct fal 1 out measurements .

Further arguments against the possibi'lity that the mass visitation of fly-
ing saucers fo'liowing the H'iroshima explosion originated'in other pianets are.
tha following. If the flash of the Hiroshima explosion, reaching peopie of dis-
tant planets, was sufficient cause for a mass migration of space ships from var-
insiEnificant planet, each traveling for
ious parts of the universe toward our 'landing
mii'l'ions of miles to reach us and all at about the same time, regardless
of the number of 'light years that they must travel , why did they -come and travel
so far and why dici iach-pianet send such a large delegation, since a sing'le space
ship wouid be sufficient to appraise the situation and report to headquarters
what had taken piace here?
If the explosion of a singie small atomic bomb was such a peril to the equi-
librium of the soiar system as some writers claim, then surely the explosion of
so many much more powerfui hydrogen bombs since shouid have utier:ly destrcyed it
by now. 0r did these pianetary visitors miscalculate and make a mistake by com-
ing here, being frightened Uy lhe flash of the Hirosh'ima exp'losion into thinking
that it would produce a greater catastrophe than it aciua]1y did? Al'l these
considerations weaken the hypothesis that the Hirosnima:-liast occasioned a rnass
visitation from other planets and wouid make it more probable than a race living
inside our own, whose existence was endangered by the poisoning of the air they
breathed that the Hiroshima biast and ihe nuciear explosions to occur would
cause, and so sent their flying saucers in large nuribei" for PurPose of display
and pubiicity and not because so many were really necessary.
As against the interplanetary iheory of the origin of the saucers that com-
posed the fleets that visited us after the Hiroshima explosjon, on grounds that
planetary visitors would not come in fleets but in isolated craft for purposes
of study, is rhe additional fact that if they did come, they wou'ld stay a while
and return home to give their report to headquarters. Certainly they vrould not
linger on fifteen long years as the saucers have done between and 1959. If
they come from other planets they would long since have run out of food, water
and possibiy artificial a'ir they brought with them, and certainly would not have
remained so long. And why shouid they if their purpose was observation and

The subterraneai'l theory explains the reason for the persistence of flying
saucers in our atmosplrere for the past fifteen years better than the theory of
their be'ing interplanetary visitors, who woulC be unlikely to remain so long and
vlho would have run out of suppfies during this period of tinre. If they came to
stop atom'ic tests they certa'inly did not succeed until fifteen years later; and
if the flash of the Hiroshima atomic explosion had such a detrimental effect on
the'ir planet, apparently they failed to prevent the many much more powerful
hydrogen bomb explosions that occurred during their stay here. Also they had no
reason to come in such great numbers vrhen a few visitors couid tell the same
story back home as a needlessly large number could do,
All these considerations support the subterranean hypothesis, name'ly that
fiying saucers first came in fleet formation for purposei'of dispiay and to at-
tract our attention to the fact of their existencb; and secondly', tirey remained
for such a long period of time in our atmosphere in order to conduct iallout mea-
surements so as to keep tab on the degree of radioactive contamination of our
atmosphere which is the source of their ovtn air supplyr So that they could adjust
their air purifiers accordingly to keep up with the increasing concentration of
radioactive dust that may enter their world through the north polar opening.
(Regarding "air purifieri" used by subterranean piople to radibactiveiy delon-
taminate their atmosphere and free it from radioactive particles that may have
carried into it from the outer atmosphere through the ltlorth Polar opening, see
bel ow) .

Yet it l'las not'merely the explosion of an atomic bomb in Hiroshima that

worried the scientists of the Subterranean tlorld, which caused them to send such
large numbers of f'ly ing saucers into our atmosphere. l'{hat concerned them more
Were the future consequences of this explosion, namely the continued contamin-
ation of the outside air with radioactive fallout dropping down from the strato-
sphere, vrhich in time would contaminate the earth's interior atmosphere as wel1,
and that, jn event of a nuclear war, after the inhabitants of the earth's surface
were first killed off as a result, eventually they would be kilied too. It was
in order to avoid these future possibilities that they sent up their fleets of
flying saucers in a desperate effort to prevent such a catastrophe, that would
destroy both us and themse'lves.
To accomplish this, their first effort was to make their existence known to
us, after this had been kept a secret for so many centuries. They hoped -that we,
a younger and less advanced race, would be humble enough to accept and follow
the guidance of a wiser, older, more scientifically developed race, And know-
ing ihat reports about flying saucers by lay obsertrers tlould be considered as
meie imagination, a special effort was made to convince members of the Air Force
that flying rur.ers exist, and for this reason they appeared so often near mil-
itary airfields, as the one vrhere Captain Mandell met his death by chas'ing one
of tirem. They hoped that by convincing leaders of the Air Force of their exist-
epce, the heais of tfre Goveinment vlould then be convinced, and after they d'id
this, they wouid send up some of their scientists to confer then r.lith these
leaders and convince them of the extreme danger of continuing nuclear tests and
of the'importance to imnrediately discontinue them.
But 'instead of receiving these visitors lvho came on a mission of benevol -
ence in a friendly way, when they appeared near airports, planes were sent after
them, apparentlV *ii1,"intent to ittitf them, and make necessary to ultimately
defend tiremselvls by causing their pursuers !o exptode and disappear,.as happened
with the i11-fated,- pe.sistEnt Captiin t'landel'l . This they did not l ike to do,
as they were pacitists who came on a mission of peace and good-wil1 and not to
engage in a fight with us or to have us in any way.

The tragic death and disappearance of Captain l{andel1, who pursued a fjee-
ing flying siuc.i-rntil the'latter lost patience and caused him to vanish by
being iisinteg"ated.into atoms, would inh'icate that the race that sent their f1y-
.ing iaucers t6 earth have at their command a superior.form of energy referred
to-by Bulwer Lytton by the name of "vril ," rrlhich is the power that opertes their
craft and which they only use for destructive purposes when driven to do so in
sei f-defense.

The Captain lviandel'l 'incident,tas typical of ihe kind of treatrnent the flying
saucers received when they sought to befriend the U.S. Air Fcrce leaders and,
through them, the GoverninLnt, with the ul timate aim of conv'incing the latter to
stop iurther nuclear iests. But when they saw that instead of being received
with reverence and humili'uy, as a superioi race coming to visit and jelp a less
advanced one, Air Force chiefs consiitent'ly denied their existence and suppressed
all evidence that might lead the pubtic to think otherwise; and why flying sau-
cers'were persistently chased and threa'tened with attack by mif itary planes, the
subterranean people decided to withCnaw the large fleets of flying saucers they
sent up between 1945 and'1950, and left only a few hovering in our atmosphere as
sccuts to keep check on radioactive fal'lout and send reports to headquarters
based on data they collected concerning atmospheric radioactive contamination.

Evidently the plan cf the subterranean people, for whose fulfil'lment they
sent their fieets of fiyi ng saucers up into our airnosphere in 1945 and thereqfter,
to halt further nuclear explosions by mak'ing their existence known to surface
humanity, befriending them and convincing Eovernment leaders of the danger of
radioactive contamination of the stmosphere if such exp'losions were continued,
failed; and in disappointment most of the fly'ing saucers were recalled to subter-
ranean headquarters. since Russian scientists wer^e the onlJ' ones who recognized
their existence and were wiiling to learn from them and cooperate wi+.h them' they
used the Russians to conv'ince the other naticns of the world to stop further
nuclear tests and to come together in conference for the purpose of preventing a
future nucjear catastrophe that would exterminate human'ity.
It is therefore apparent that the theory of the subterranaan origin of the
flying saucers is much more reasonable than the inierplanetary theory; and that
rather ihan trave'ling tc our speck 'in 'uhe universe from other stars because of
the f'lash of the Hjroshima atomic exp'losion constitut'ing a danger to them, it is
much more reasonable to suppose that t,he flying saucers were sent by a race in-
habiting the hollow interior of the earth ylhcse cierives its atrnosphere from our
own and who were worried that the air they crea+-he may become poisoned by radio-
activity if atomic explosions are permitted to continue.
It is for that reason that they sought to befriend us b,v making their ex'isten-
ce known to us through vain disp'lay and appearing in fl-"et formation, which t'n-
habitants of other planets and wolar sysiems vrould have no reason to do, nor
yrould they come so often near military airports or accompany airliners in flight
in order to attract attention and demonstrate to us their greater scientific at-
tainments and knowledge, the purpose of r,rhich 'r,as to eventually send here their
scientists who would convinca our scientists and government leaders of the world
menace of nuclear tests and the urgent necessity to bring them to an immediate
hal t.
This theory also explains why, after flying sauce.rs were given such an un-
welcome reception by U.S. Air Force chiefs and government leaders and when, in-
stead of being received with humility and revernce as ern'isseries of a superior
race coming to teach and he1p uS, they were pursued in a hosti'le manner by mii-
itary planes, they lost rilost of their origina] enthus'iasm and the larEe fieets
that appeared in the sky after .l945 and during the fol'lorving five yeais returned
to tl^e'ir place of origin, leaving only a few scouts in our atmosphere to conduct
fallout measurements in order to inform schientists at their headquarters of the
degree of concentration of radioactive poisons in the air.

The great fear of subterranean scientists was that continuation of nuclear
tests.might so saturate the stratosphere, troposphere and atmosphere with radio-
acti vi ty that a1 i 1 i vi ng bei ng on the earth' s surface rrroUl d be exterminated,
:lj:l lltastrgPhe they wistred-to prevent, for our or,rn sake as wet'las rh;;;i, fo.
u'Jnlcn reason they sent their flying sauce!'s into our atmosphere
the Hiroshima atomic.exp'losion.- Tiey wished to protect their ownimmediately after
sphere from being poisoied and also -to interior atmo-
p..r.ni a'genera'l radioactive catastrophe,
which they did,

theory of. the originof the fiying saucers, therefore, ex-
the observed facts muchbetter t[an the interptaiatary theory, at ]east in
regards to the mass visitation ihat oceurred fol'lowihg ihe Hiroshimi'explosior.
li:iptains why large fleets appeared soon after and it atso explatns wl'y-ih.se
fleets were later w.ithdrawn and'why after that, only isolated craft remained
out* atmosphere conduct tests of atmospheric radioaciive contaminat'ion. If they
came from other planets to visit us, that is exactly what they would do, but the
fact that they do not, but instead hovered so-1ong in ou. atmosphere roi no known
reason is best er.p'lained on the basis of their subterranean origin and the fact
tl,?t. they did not come to visit us at al'l but to conduct fa1lout measurements,
which-on'ly a race endangered by radioactive contamination of the atmosphere would
dci. 0n this.point, HugIenin, jn his book on the subterranean origin ot tlying
saucers previously referred to, cornments:
"If the fiying saucers come from Flars - in spite of all the arguments we en-
u;nerated which disproved this to be possible - why don't their pilois enter into
airect and frequent contact witn humanity and why-didn't they do it before, s'ince
they had thousands of years in which to dc so?" An-d why dld saucers from Hars and
oiher planets all decide to visit us at the same time and arrive at the same time,
though they had to travel over different distances to reach us, which would ob-
viously be fmpossible if they al1 commenced their journey following the flash of
the Hiroshima exp'losion in 1945? Certa'in1y this explosion, in the 'l ight of what
was said above, could not be cons,idered serious enough to endanger the existence
of inhabitants of other planets thousands of miies auray, and it is strange that
ihe greatest number of such craft fojlowed.I954,
the mi1der and less frequent atomic
explos'ions that occurred betweeri 1945 and and not the more dangerous hydrogen
bomb b'lasts that oecurred since, which would constitute a much greater danger.

Our theory that the mass vjsitation of flying saucers after the Hiroshima ex-
piosion of I945 came from the Subterranean Hor'ld whose welfare rvould certainly be
endangered by radioactiye poisoning of the atrnosphere through continuation of
nuclear exp'losions is certainly more reasonable than the interplanetary hypothesis,
since subterranean dwellers whose hea'l th and survival rrrould be thus endangered
would have much more reason to send up f'lying saucers as an act to self-protection
than inhabitants of other planets so much further away.
Also, as Huguenin points out, the behavior of flying saucers does not fit into
the theory that they are planetary visitors, rather than scouts sent up from the
Subterranean World to conduct fallout measurements and not to visit us at aiI. If
they were planetary v'isitors, Huguenin says that "it is strange and incomprehensible
conduct, when we conside hovr a terrestria'l expedition travel ing to l'lars and any
other planet would act. Certainly on reaching its destination it wou'ld endeavor
to establish cordial relations with its'inhabitants. If so, why don't the pilots
of flying saucers sent by Plartians do the same, if they possess a grade of civil-
ization much more elevdted than our own? In other words, if they are our super-
iors, as they obviously are if th eir capacity for space trave'l is evidence of such
superiority, why don't they descend, meet us, help us anci teach us rather than
remain aioof? And certainly, if they were supermen and came here to stop nuclear
tests, they made a miserable failure of the job, at least until a recent date.
In conclusion, the Hiroshima atomic explosicn did not cause inhabitants of
other planets to send thejr fiy'ing saucers here, coming fron varic's distances
and all apparent'ly arriving at thi same time, but rather than they were sent by
'inhabitants of the hol'low interior of the earth in orcer to prevent their atmo-
sphere from being poisoned by ingress of radioact'ive substances coming from the
outer atmosphere.
To accomplish their object, which was the hait'ing of further nuc'lear tests
and the prevention of a future nuclear was, t,hey sirove to make their existence
known to surface inhabitants as a super race poisessed of greater scientific know-
ledge than we do, with the object of convincing our scient'ists, military leaders
anci governments of the ext,reme danger of further nuclear explosions and the urgent
necessity to call a halt to them.
In order to accomplish this, they dec'ided'it is best to convince chiefs of
the Air Force, ri{ho would be in a position to best convince the'leaders of the
Government of their existence and for that reason they appeared so often hear
mi1 itary airports

After convincing Air Force chiefs and theGovernment of their existence,

their aim was to arrange secret meetings between their scientists and our's for
the purpose of bringing a halt to the iurther manufacture and explosion of nuclear

Since Air Force chiefs refused to cooperate anci deliberatley suppressed in-
formation that might lead the public and the Government to aCmit their exisience,
while Russian sc'ientisis and'uheir Governmen'u were more open-minded, they decided
tc use the Russians as a means of conv'incing the other governments of the worid to
call a hal-u to nuciear tests anci to enforce vrorld disarmanent, utith the object of
preventing any future nucleai' war.
Are our E'lder Brothers of the Subterranean l,lorld, who sent the'ir flying sau-
cers into our atmosphere to prevent a radioaciive catastrophe interested to save
a remnant of the human race from the harmful effecis of radioactive fallout by
bringinE them to the Subterranean blorld wnere exist conditions more favorable to
human wel l -being? t,le bel i eve they are.

The first step in this direction should consist in a migratiori from the Nor-
thern Hemisphere, which is more heavi'ly contaminated by radioactive fallout, to
the Southern Hemisphere, r.lhere scientists adrnit that there is only one-fifth as
much fallout than in the Northern. This is espec'ia'lly true south of the Tropic
of Capricorn, as in Santa Catarina'in South Brazil at 26 degrees south latitude,
where, according to a late report by the Joint Comnrission on Atomic Energ.v, tlash-
'ington, D.C., fal'lout is less than anyrrhere else on earth. Here is where a number
of Americans, seeking to pror-ect their health against fallout, are colonizing and
which is the destined home of a New Age which can arise only under non-rad'ioactive
or Iow-radioactive conditions and certain'ly not in the United States urhich has
heavier fallout than any other place on earth, according to the Atomic Energ,v
Commission. (nt1 readers interested in a settlement being estabjished in beaut-
iful subtropical Santa Catarina by the author of this book shoulC write for in-
formation to: New Californ'ia Subtropical Settlement, Postal Box 486, Joinville,
Santa Catarina, Brazil . )
-27 -
l'ligration from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere may const'itute man-
kind's last hope of surviva1 when fallout becomes bad enough, as it is steadi'ly
becorntng, even if nc further nuc'lear explosions cccur and it is predicted to be-
come especiaily bad within the coming decade. This seems to be mankind's last
hope of survivai. As the giant mammoths of prehistoric t'imes fled wouthward from
the Arctic region ui"uh the coming of the Ice Age, so a new wouthward m'igration
may be necessary to save mankind from extermination by radioactive fallout in the
northern part of the planet.
A race that is so far ahead of us in scientific deve'lopment and whose f'lying
saucei"s are only one of inventions, is certainly in a position
their many superior'!eaders
to help anci save us and if our goyernnent were wiser,.more humble and less
arrogant they would receive their ambassadors and be wi'lfing to learn from them
and obey their admonitions, instead of wi1lful1y ignoring their existence even
when the unprejudiced eyes of cameras prove it by photographs. These super
scientists, whose researches in nuciear physics are thousands of years older than
our ovrn, certainly know much more about atornic energy than vre do, as their fi,ving
saucers, empowered by a form of energy at their control, which is beyond arornic
energy: prov€. They should also know more about radioact'ive fallout" its danger
and the means of its control than we do and mi3ht nelp us escape from the peril
'we oursel,res
created and save ourselves, if ne have the humility and good sense
to wish to do so. Thsy hoped that lve might'learn frcrn the how to save ourselves
from the evil consequences of our own fol'ly in poisoning the air we bneathe, the
foods we eat, thg water we drink and the soil that yields our foods.
Scientists predict i,hat ra,jioacti,re fallout is scheduled to increase in
intensity in the years to come and to become very bad in i966 and the years to
follow. As ihe air becomes'increasingly more poisonous it might be necessary to
adopt met,hods to protect ourselves from radioactive'ly poisoned air b,v 1iv'ing tlith-
in plastic enclosures'in the form of semispheric domes placed over homes and
buildirrgs, with special air purifiers that purify the air that comes in from the
ou'tside, freeing it frcm its radioactive conten'u. Al so w'ithin these plastic en-
closures foods r,rill be Eroln in ianks of crush rock, irrigated by appnopriate
nutrient solutions, rather than using radioactively contaminated soil. Also in
place of ordinary vlaier, disti'l'led ivater, vrhose rad'ioactive poisons have been re-
moved, would be useC both for drinking purposes anC for irrigating tank gardens.
To protect itse'lf against the radioact'ive fallout menace mankind may have to adopt
a ne'l.t vray of iiving suited'for the ner.r environment, if it will insure its sur-
vival on this pianet.

Chapier Four

Throughout the Burldhist worlC of the Far East, belief in the existence of a
Subterranein l,lorld, r,rhich is given the narne of Agharta, is universal and is an in-
tegrai part of Buddhist faith. Another sacred word ariong Budhists ''is Shamballah,
name of tne subterranean'rror'ld capital where is the golden palace of the King of
the lJorld. Roerich, who traveled extensively in Tibet, claimed that Lahasta, ca.p-
itai of this countryn is connected by a tunnli ulith Shamballah; and that the Dalai
Lama, who is his teirest; ia'l representat'ive, receives orCers frorn the King of the
l.lorld. The entrance to this tunne'l is guarded by Lamas, who have sworn to keep
iis actuai whereabouts a secret frorn oui,siders by crder of the Dalai Lama.
Buddhism is an Aghartan phiiosphy brought to surface hirman'ity by teachers
r.rho came up from the Subterranean l.lcrld; and the various gigant'ic statures of
Buddha do not represent the human Gautama, but rather these subterranean supermen
who came up to tlach and help humanit,, dt various iimes in the remote past. -These
Buddhas all taught ihe same universal, scientific rel'igion as emissaries of Agharta
the subterranean Paradise, which it is tee goal of all irue Buddhists to reach and
for vrhich yoga is the passkey and Royal Road. The yogas of Ind'ia and the lamas of
Tibet devote-their lives to tne singie goal of prepiring thernselves to be quai-
ified and worthy to enter the Subterranean l,torlC, ulhiie st',ll allve, and not to go
to an imag'inary heaven af*"er dea+"h. To be rrlortlry to enter this superior world one
must practice all the ethical ru'ies of Bu'ldhism, inc'luding such docti'ines as veg-
etarianism, continence, universal co:npassi0n, etc.
Buddhists tradit'ions state that Agharta uas firsi cc1onized many thcusands of
years ago when a hoiy man'led a tribe uhich disappeared unCerg:'ound. This reminds
one of the Ailantean illoah r.rho saved a groiip of his cour'rtryrnen by bringing ihem to
'uhe Subterranean l'Iorld before the com':rrg of ",,he Gjocci vrhich sank Atlantis. The
prasent populaijon of this underground kingdcm is bel ieved tc number rnanl., r.1il -
t'ions and 'uhese peopl e ai e bej ie.,ed 'tc possess a science superior i,o En5r lorrd on
the surface of the earth, th:^c,:Elr whicii they'rielC i"oi.ces of nature we know r:oth-
ing about and use theni to ope:^a:e iheir vehicles,,in:luding subierranean cars,
which run at tremendous speed through tunnels, ar.ld their aircraft which we kno"v
as fiying saucers, which navigaie'in interior arr,lspnere in the hoilow cen+"er of
the earth. l,iost of the hunian pcpuiaticn of AErharta (for there are also super-
human inhabitants of Hyperborean, Lemurian anri Atlaniean origin) consist of Hindu
yogis and T'ibetan lantas, ulho gained admission as a result of I ifelong persevefling
That these Aghartan Teachers or Buddhas came fronr'che Subterranean l'j0t"1,1 by i
f1yjng sauceris inCicated in the case of one such teacher - Quetza'lcoatl , a t"ll ,
fair, bearded prophet who appeared arncng the Aztec and l4ayan Indians of l'lexico,
Yucatan anci Guatamala'many centuries before the coming of the first, white man.
The Az'-ecs celleci him "God of Abundance" afld the "tlorning Star". His name Quet-
calcoatl means "Feathered Serpen", mean'inE a teacher of rEisdom (sfnbolized by the
serpent) who flew (symSolized by the serpent being feathered). This meant that
he came to these Indians on a il,vjnn saucer frr.im the Subterranean UorlC of Agharta
through the l,lorth polar opening. Tradition says that he van'ished (cn a flying
saucer and spent eight Cays in ihe Subterranean \dorld (in the hollow interior of
the Earth). He taugtrt the llayas identica1 docti^ines of Aghartan philosophy as
those taught by *,he Budtjhas in Asia, jncluding non-ki1ling (veEetarianism and
pa c'i f i snn ) , conti nence , etc .
Quetzalcoatl is described as being "a man of good appearance and grave coun-
tenance, with a white sk'in and beard, ind dressed in a'ti,ng-tio*ing *r,ii.'iu*.nr.,,
He was cailed by some Quetzalcoatl una uy oth.. Huemac,
u.duur. of his great good-
He taught the Indians the way or virtue by frii word-ind deed. H; f,opea to
l:ts' them
-save from vice anc to give them laws and counsel and to restrain them irom
]::i-?!d,to^ practice cnasii[y. He instituted a vegetarian diet, with corn as a
prr.nclpal food, fasting body hygiene. After rlmaining some time with the
Indians, and seeing noi lnd
tittle itrey'car.d follow his higher doctrines - though
they did follow hii recommendation-to prinid and
them that some day he wou'ld return aEai'n. Thus did this -,'visitor
eat corn he vanished, te]'ling
from Heaven,,
'(the subterraneun-wo.t;)-i;";; the same way, returning to the Subterranean t.lorl d
from where he came through the north pJfii"opening. -

The Russian explorer, Ferdinand 0ssendowski, author of "Beasts, Men and Gods,',
c'laims ihat the iunnels which encirc'l e to '"he earth and which pass under the pac-
ific and At1ant-ic 0ceans, were built by men of a pre-liacial Hyperborean civil -
ization rvhich flourished in t,he polar iegion ai a time when its cl imate was stii'l
tropical a race of supermen posiessing ic'ientific povrers of a superior order,
and marvelous inventions, inciuding tuinei-boring michines r{e kno,x nothing about,
by means of which they honeycombed the earth witl tunnel s. rrre shall now (uote
from Ossendoviski's remarkabi e book rel ating his own eiperiences in l{ongol'ria, where
belief in the existence of the Subterraneai l,torld of p.brrarta, ru]ed by-the (ing
of .the l'lorld, who resides in his holy city of Shamball;h, is'universal . Ossendelv-
ski writes:
u'.St,op!', said nty llongol guide,
when we crossed the plateau of Tzagen Luk,
"Stop! "

"His camel borred down r.rithout the need of his ordering it. The ilongo'l
raised his hands in a gesture of adoraiion and repeated th6 sacred phrasi:

"The other I'ionEol s 'immediately stopped their cariei s and began to pray.
"'l'Jhat ahppeneci?' ,I wondered, bri nging my camei to a hal t.
"The i'longols prayed for some mcrnents, then moun'red their camels and rode on.
. "Look, said the l'longo1 to me, 'ho\^, the cari:el s nove 'uheir ears with terror,
how the manes of the horses reniain inrmobile and alert and how the cameis and
cattle bow down to the Eround. Note horv the bird stop f'lying or the dogs barking.
The air v'ibrates sweetly anC one hears a song that penatritei to the heirts of
al'l men, an jrnal s and birds. Al l I iving beings, seized with fear, prostrate
themselves. For the King of the hlorld, 'in his subterranean palace, is prophesy ing
the future of the peoples of all the earth'
"Tlius spoke the cld iolongol .

"In iilongol ia, with its terrible mountains and l imitless plateaus was born a
mystery which r.ras preserved by the red and yellovl lamas. The ruiers of Lhasa and
Ourga guarded this science and possessed these mysteries. It was during my trip
to Centrai Asia that I heard for the first tirne this Hystery of i4ysteries, to
which I formerly paid no atteniion, but only did jater, which I was able to ana'l-
yze it and compare ce:"tain testimonies frequently subjected to controversay. The
o'ld men on the border of Amyil told nre an old legend, according to r.rhich a llon-
- 30-
gogan Eibe, seekiry to escape_ frcnn Gerrghis KhEn, hid irr a sr:bterraneafi l,iltd.
f,ii"n. neart Nogan I.aFe, I was-strcrn by Scyota a doon rvhidr senrcd a,s the enttratce
to-t# t furga.*-of Ag[rdta, It was tt !,"rgt tttis &or ttrat a hrnter entered into
tlrf; r"gid-€rndr afler he nettszed told of fu* uisit. Ttre laus ctrt off his ton-
g11g tr frevent f,ir, frrn speaking about t}te tfste.ry of tlys-teries. f1 his old age,
fi" tet*inea to the of Ere cavern anla aSsrypearea into the Subterranear
l,Ior1d, $*aicfi tlgrotry alr,rays brought errction to the ncmad.
ttI obtatned- nEI4e detailed inforsatisr frcm Houtouktci.l Jelyl Djamsnap de^
Ua^Oenctr Kr$e. te tofO ns t}re histofy of the amival of the alt-pouerful King
of t]1e qbrld to ttre door of eXit of ttrl Subterrarean Wcnrld' his appearance, hi6
mir"c:"" prophecies. I tlen crarenced to urder.st&d this legen{t this trSrpo-
thesis, this coUectire vision, lutdch, no rnaften hcn rrle interprete itr conceal-s
not cniy a qpstery but a nea"l force tarich goverrri ard influenees tre @urse of the
poUti.if li?e ot'Asia. fbm $rat rrcuentr-I crrrrrrrced my invest+gaFonB1 Pe
iarna Gelcngl farzorite of hjnce Ctrotrlto.rr Beyljr E€rv€ rIE a deseiption of the Sub-
terrarean trletrd.
r!'lore than
six thousand years ago, he said, a tplyrran dis4peared into lfie
eartir aryarLted by a fjbe bf pecple aul rrerren neturned to its srsfae. Tttis
iJmer vonldwas a:so visitea Uy varrious ottrer rrEn, as Cal<ya-l{uni, 1-nndr.r-Gtreqgen
P.spa, Baben and otlrers. I{o dre t<ncns w}rere t}rey for.rnd t}e entrance. Sore say
it was in Afgfmlistalrr others say it was in India.
ttAll intrabitants of fris r^egicn are pnrotected against evil, and no crfue
exi.sts wit}in i.ts bcundaies. Scienee derreloped trranquitity, uninternrpted by
wan <rd free frcrn tlre spirit of desh.rction. Corsequerrtly the strbterrarrean peo-
ple r^rere able to actrieve a mudr higfren degree of wisdcnn. They cgllPgse a--vast
artrefue Hith nilliors of inhabitarAs governea by the King of the World. lle urasters
aff Ure fornces of natr.re, oan read what is within the souls of all, and in tlre
great bock of destiny. ihvisibly he nrles oien eigfrt hurrdred millicn hrnan
beirgE, all wilLing to exeeute his cE'''derE.
t'A11. tJre subteimanean passages in the entire rronld lead to tlre hlonld of
Agfrrta. Ttre lanras say that all=t}e srrbtertanean carrities in Aroerica are in-
habited by this people. Ihe ir*rabitants of strbrnenged p;ehistoric continents
(lernmi.a and Atlartj.s) for.rrd refuge and continued to }ive jn the Srbterraneart
tEhe lsna T\Egut, r^itro made the trip frcur 0urga to Pekin with nrar gave me
fiffiren detai3: fue capital of Agharta (Shanballatr) is sr.urrcnrrded by villas
tit€r'e live t}e HoIy Sages. It nerrains me of lhasa, dtrene the tenple of tJte
Dalai Lama rises crt top of a norrrtain sr,trrcrlrded by tenplee ard rpnasteries. His
palace is eurrounded by the palsces of 1!re C\.uus, l*ro contmf tlre visible and in-
visible fonces of t}e earthe frcro its intenior to the s!<y, and are 1o,r& of life
and deatlr. If cnu" crazy hJnantty will crcrrtinr.re ite wars, they tnEly ccrne to ttre
sr.uface and transfom it into a desert. Ihey can &"y ttre @eans, trransform ctrr
tinerrte into seas and czuse ttre rliseapearrance of mor.srtains. In stnarlge rrehiclee ,
urikrrorn above, thelr travel at Lnbelievable speed thrcugh trrnreLs inside ttre
earttr. Ihe l"anas found vestiges of ttrese rrEn in aIL pats and isr insoclptior cn
radcs; qrd sar re$ains of the wheelE of their vehieles,
rtBen I aelced hlsr to te1l re hcn nany persons visited Aglrartar tlre lana
als:vf€lced nA great nuilber, but rnst of tlroee lltro were ttrere rraintain the sectret
as log as they 1ive. !,lhen tlre 0lets desboyed thasa, one of, their regilrents,
in ttre rurrtairc of ttre sorttffeet, read,red 1fie l.i.ruits of Aglrarta ard r,ere ttren
instructed in mysterious sciences, for r.ihich reason the
prophets. Certain biack tribes of the east also entered0lets and Ta]muts became
Agharta and continued to
live there for centuries. Later they were expulsed from tfre Subterranean klorld
and returned to live on the surface of the earth, bringing rritn thern knowledge
mysterv of prophecy by means of cards and reading ih. iin.i-ot'$; r,ura.
!lley the ancestors of the gypsies.) In a certain region
Asia there exists a tribe which ii'on the verge of disupp.i.ingin the north of
and which frequents
the caverns of Agharta. Its members can invole the spii:iis or dead rshich 'live in
s pace .

, "The'lama then remained s.ilent some time and then, respounding to my thoughts,
cont'inued: 'In Agharta, the sages write on stone tabjets ail the iciencls of our
pianet and of other r'rorlds. The Chinese Buddhist sages rnow thai *.f i.--in.i.
science is the most advanced and purest. In each ceitury the sages of China unite
ip a secrel p]ace near the sea and on the backs of a hunired larie turttes ifrat
coine out cf the ocean they r,rrite the conclusions of the divine siience of their

"This brings to m-.'mind a s'uory that was reajted to me by an old Chinese at-
tendant in the Temple of tieaven in Pekin. He oid me that turtles'live for three
thousand years r^rithout air or food and for this reason a'll the coiumns of the blue
ternple of Heaven rest on the backs of living turtles, so that r+ooden supports
ilcul d not rot.

. "liany tirnes did the rules of 0urga and Lhasa sent ambassaCors to the King of
the i,lor1d, said the lama I ibrarian, but they couid not reach him. However, a
Tibetan chief, after a battle with the 01ets, came to a cavern i.lhose opening bore
the foi l oling i nscri ption:

From the cayern left a man of beauiifu1 aDpearance, urho presented to him a
Gcl cen tabl ei bearing strange i nscri pt'ions , saying :
"The King of the t{or1d will appear tc all nen when comes the time of the rrrar
of the gooci against the evil I but this time has not yet come. The worst members
of the human racq_have yet to be born.
"Chang Chun Ungern sent young Prince Pouzig as an ambassador to the King of
the uorld.
The ambassador returned with a letter for the Dalai Lanra of Lhasa.
He vtished to send him a second time but the young ambassador never returned."

It r,ras fr^cm the study of Buddhist writings on Agharta that Professor Henrique
Ce Souza, archeologist and esotericist, learn6d abou[ the existence of the Sub-'
terranean lJorld. He quote from an article of his entitled "Does Ahangri'l1a
Exi'st?", trcich shovrs that belief in the Subierranean l{orld lvas a universal article
of faith of all races of mankind:
"Does Shangriila ex'ist?

"Ariiong a'i1 races of nankind, back to the dar.ln of time, there existed a tra-
dition concerning the exjstence of a Sacred Land or Terrestria'l Paradise, where
the highest ideals of hurnanity were living realities. This concept is found in
the most ancient writings and traditions of the peop'les of Europe, Asia l'!inor,
China, India, Egypt and the Americas. This Sacred Land, it is said, can be known
only to persons who are worthyr puFB and innocent, for rvhich reason it constitutes
the central theme of the dreams of chi'ldhoo.
"The road +"hat Ieads to this Blessed Land, this Invisibie Wor1d, this
Esoteric and 0ccu1t Domain, ccnst'iiutes tlre central quest and master key of all
mystery teachings anC systems of initiation of the pasi,, present and future.
Th'is magic key is the'Open Sesame'that unlocks ihe door to a new a:rd marvelous
worid. The oid Rosicrucians des'ignated it by the Frenc,r urord VITRICL, which is a'
combination of the seven first leiters of the senEence: "VISTA iIITERI0RA TERRAE
RECTIFICAND0 INVENIES OMNIA LAPIDEiI", tc indicate that "'in the 'interior of the
earth is hidden the true IIYSTERYT'. The path ihat 'leads to this Hidden tlorld is
the way of Initiation.
"In ancient Greece, in the Mysteries of Daiphos and Eleusis, this Heavenl5r
Land was referred to as Mount 0'lympus anti the Elysian Fie'lds. Also in the earliest
Vedic times, it was called by vanious names, such as Ratnasanu (peak of the pre-
c_ious stone), Hermadri (mountain of gold) and i,lount lleru, horne of the gods the
0lympus of the Hindus. Syrnbolically, tfre peark of this sacred mountain is the sky,
its middle portion on the earth and its base in the Subterranean I'Jor'ld. The Scan-
djnavian Ecidas also mention this ceiestial c'ity, which was the subterranean Land
of Asar of the peop'les of F'lesopotania. It uas the Land of .Amenti of the sacred
Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians. It was the City of Se,ren Petals of
Vishnu, or the Ciiy of the Seven Kings of Edom or Eden oF Judaic tradition. In
other words, it was the Temestrial paradise.
"In ali Asia t4inor, not only in the past but also today, there exists a
befief in the existence of a City of t{ystery fu1'l of marvel s, which is known as
SHAI'IBALLAH (Shamu-Aliah), where is the Ternple of the Gods. It is a'lso the Erdemi
of the T'ibetans and ilongo1s.
"The Persians ca1'l it A'lberdi or Aryana, laild of their ancestors. The Heb-
rews caljeci 'it Canaan and the i4exicans Tula or Tulan, while the Aztecs called'it
llaya-Pan. The Spanish Conquerors urho came to America be] ieved in the existence
of such a cit)r and organized ineny expeCitions to finC it, calling it E1 Dorado,
or City of Go1d. They prqSably learned abcut'it from the aborigenes nho called
it by the name of Manoa or Ciiy hlhose K'ing Wears C'lothing of Gold.
"By the Celts, this holy'land rvas known as "LanC of the laysteries" - Dust
or DananCa. A chinese traCii,'lon speaks of Laad of Chi,rin or the City of a Dozen
Serpents. It is the Subterranean liorld, which lies at the rcets oi heaven. It
is ihe Land of Calcas, Ca'lcis or Kalki, the famous Cclchida for which the A.rgon-
auts sought rvhen they set out in search of i"\e Golden Fleece.
"In the l,liddle Ages, it was referred to as the Isle of Ava'lon, where the
Knights of the Round Table, under the leadership of King Arthur and under the
guidance of the magician iler1'in, went in search of the Hciy Grail , symbol of
obedience, iustice and'immortality. I'lhen King Arthur was seriousl-y r,{ounded'in a
battle, he requested his companion BelveCere to depart on a boat to the confines
of the earth, with the foilowing words: "Farewell, m1., friend and companion Be'l-
vedere, and go to the Land where it never rains, where there is no sickness and
where nobody dies." This is the Land of Immcrtality o"r Agharta, the Subterranean
lJorld. This lanci is the l,,.lal hal la of the Gernans, the llonte Sa'lvat of the Knights
of the Holy Grail, the Utopia of Thomas l'lore, the City of the Sun of Campanella,
the Shangri-la of Tibet anti Agharta of the Suddh:st world.''

Chapter Five

To understand the true nature flying saucers and their origin, it is

necessary to know--something about the 9f the
history oi Rttantis, since it is"the opinion
of that flying are nothing 6th"" ttrin nifant.un aircraft which,-
befcre the occurrenie 6t_sarlcers
ilre catastrophe t6at destroyed ettintis, were-b"oufr,t to
the Subterranean t'lorld in the hollow interior of the earth. After ttrev-f"ti tn.
outer-atmosphere they f'lew in the inner atmosphere, acting as the chiei mode of
travel in this inner concave world where the ihortest disiance betueen two points
on its surFace is a straight air line best traversed by means.of flying saucers.
jlit..llY explain why, in Bulwer Lytton's description of the Subterranean Uorld in
:'.rhe Coming Race", these people were described as doing most of their trave'l -
Tls through
lng the air in order to go from one part of their concave wor'ld to another,
These Atlantean air vehicles were called "virnanas". Today we call them tiying

Before Atlantis sank, a certain group of foreseeing and wiser Atlanteans

miErated to the Subterranean }lorld of-Agharta for safeti, traveling there by f1y-
1ng suacer througlr the North Polar opening. Ever since then these aircraft con-
fined their traveling to the interior atmosphere anC on'ly rarely ventured into
tiie outer atmosphe-re. It was oniy after the Hiroshima atomic explosion when they
were ordered t,o return to it for the purpose of protecting this interior atmosphere
frcm rad'ioactive poisoning that would'result 'if atonric explosions were permitted
tc conti nue.
Ai,larit'is perished as the result of a terrific catastrophe that caused it to
convulse and sink, as vast ticia'l waves swept over it. Haro1d I{il kins bei ieves
that this utas prec'ipitated by a radioact'ive catastrophe, probably caused by a
nuclear war, the iegendary lilar of the T'itans, which let to the earth shifting on
'its axis and bringing on a world del uge. Radioactive poisoning of the ai'r caused
the Atianteans to seek refugs underground, taking their aircraft (flying saucers)
w'ith ther:r. References to this Atlantean catastrophe and resulting radioactive
poisoning of the air, which caused the Atlanteans to seek refuge in the Subter-
ranean i,{crld and to estab'l ish cities therein and cont'inue to I ive there, wii'l be
found in i"Jil kins' -books, "llysteries of Ancient South America" and "Lost Cities
of 0ld South America."
In tlre f i ght of the above as vJe understand the reason why the mysterious
tunnels that underly Sou^uh America were bui1t, as well as the subterranean cities
to lvhich they lead. it is probable that the Atlantean cit'ies in the Amazonas and
'in Matto Grosso were built prior to the time when the Atlanteans became preoccupieC
aboui poss'ibifity of a fjood and the radioactive contamination of the atmosphere,
r'rhich ceri,ain more advanceC groups foresau, and accordingly constructed these tun-
nels anci subterranean cities for their protection and to insure their survival.
The question nor"l arrises: How d'id this suvivinq group of Atianteans save
themselves: by traveling by flying saucers to the hollow interior of the Earth
through the I'lorth Polar opening or by entering tunnel s that led to subterranean
cit'ies under South America, mcst of uhich now exist under the states of Santa
Catarina and Parana, Brazil. He cannot be too sure of the right answer of this
question anci a'|1 we can say is that they probably escaped in both ways. The Incas,
for example, when they suddenly disappelred prior to the coming of Pizarro, which
they foresal, probably by their clairvoyant powers, undoubted'ly did so by means
of tunnels leacling to-underground citiei, where they carried much of their gold,
for such tunnels are kno,{n to exist in Peru inside the A.ndes and to run donn to

According to Plato's account, the continent of Atlantis, which once ex-

isted in the.l2,500
At]antic 0cean, was as submerged by a serjes of inundations which ter-
mined about years ago. It was the [ome 6f a race of supermen or gods,
who were its rulers, and a race of men, who rriere the ancestors of the Ca[casian
or Ayran race' a tall, fair, bearded race. 0n the other hand, the Pacific con-
tinent of Lemuria, wh'ich sank 25,000 years ago, r^las the motheitanA of the Mon-
golian-races of eastern Asia, the Polynesian-rice and of certain Indian races of
Central and South funerica, such as the Quichua Indians of the Andes, vlho are re-
rnarkabl y s i mi I ar to Ti betans .
gods and goddesses of Greek and llorse mythology, as pointed out by Don-
- The
nely, were real'ly kings and queens of At]antis, iace mEmories of whom were pre-
served by various emigrant races from this common motherland of western races in
t.he form of the figures of their mythologies, who were in many cases identical,
as were Odin and Zeus, the king of the Eods, who were the rulers of Atlantis,
]ived on top of a mountain in its cinier, later ca'lled l,lount 0'lynphus by the
Greeks and Mitgard by the llorse, who callec Atrantis Asgard

ldilkins believes that Atlantis was destroyed as a result of a radioactive as

well as geollgica) catastrophe rvhich caused surviyors to seek safety in the Sub-
teranean frlorld. The god Thor hurling his thunderbolts across the sky probably
represented the "death rays" that the Atlanteans wielded and by which they fina'l
war, known to mythoiogy as the "l{ar of the Titans,,, was fought-, which led to a
sudden release of tremendous amounts of radioactivi energy,-which increased the
temperat ure of the atmosphere, melting the poiar ice caps and bringing on the
flocd that destroyed Atlantis.
Prior to the occurrence of this catastrophe, a certain group of pacifistic
At'lanteans who did not care to engage in this uar or be destioyed by it escaped
to the Subterranean Wor'ld, where they continued tc I ive er/ei since. In th'is way,
t,he Atlanteans spl it up into tr'ro groups; those who escaped to the Subte!.ranean
l'{o11d and so preser,led thense'lves from adverse conCit'ions on the surface, and
those races which continued to'live on the surface anci to degenerate as a resuit
of such adverse conditions of exposure tc solar radioactivity, causing their
skin to darken (as happened in the case of the black triUes of A.frica), this
torrid a flesh diet in place of the fruit diet, of Atlantis, etc.
The gods of supermen all went to the Subterranean lllorld and abandoned the
earth's surface. The buddhas of the Far East were such subterranean gods. So
was osiris believed by the ancient Egyptians to be a subterranean god. The ,
existence of these subterranean gods or supermen and the possibiliiy of contact-
ing them was the centra'l secret of the Ancient lvlysteries. But with the coming
of Christianity, the l'lystery Schools were destroyed and priests taught their io'l-
lowers to believe that subterranean inhabitants r^rere devils to be avoided and
the subtemanean. supermen, people b,ere taught to look up to an imaginary super-
natural God in the sky for guidance. As an result contact between the Subter-
ranean I'lorld and surface hurnanity, preserved for centuries by ihe Mysteries, was
graduaily destroyed and the existence of the Subterranean I'toild becime unknown to
humanity on the Earth,s surface.
It was not until 1945, when the mass visitation of flying saucers occurred,
that contact between the Subterranean l^lorld and the surfacl wis again reestab-
lished, after being cut off for so many centuries. Rather than biing space
ships as formerly supposed, they were really the "viranas" of the Atlanteansr
Atlantean aircraft which now foi the first iime in thousindi of years have or
back in.such great numbers into our atmosphere, rvhere it.v onie i...ly
the outbreak of the great war and flood that destroyed Atlantis, f'lew-uetore
when they escaped
to the interior atmosphere of the hollow interior oi-in.-iirin, *n..e
ed ever since. they remain-

Chapter S'ix

. "The Empire of Agharta extends, through subterranean tunnels, to all parts

rf_ the 'r,crld", says 0ssendewski, the greatest authority on the Subterranean Uorid,
'rrho,'in his book from which vre quoted, speaks of a vast network of tunnels con-
structed by a prehistoric race of remotest antiquity, under both the oceans and
continents of the earth, through which swift-moving-vehicles pass. He writes:
"All the subterrailean caverns of America are inhabited by an ancient people
vrho disappeared from the world. These people and the subterrinean regions'where
t'hey dulell are under the supreme authority of the King of the llorid. Both the
Atiantic and Pacific 0ceans were once the home of vasi continents which later
became submerged; and their inhabitants found refuge in the Subterranean hlorld.
The profounder caverns and illuminated by a resplendant light that permits the
growing of cerea'!s and other vegetables, and gives the inhabitants a long life-
span free from disease. In this wor'ld exists a large popu'lation and many tribes.
It'is cla'imed that the earth is honeycombed w'ith a network of tunnels, which
are especially abundant in South America; and that these tunnels lead to subter-
ranean cities in inrmense cavities in the earth. liost famous of these tunnels is
the "Roadt^tay of tht Incas: which'is said to stretch for several hundreds of miies
sGuth of Lima, Peru, via Cuzco., Tiahuanaco and the Three Peaks, going on to the
Atacambo Desert, r+here all traces of it is lost. Another branch runs to Brazi'1,
rihere it is connected by tunnels to the coast. Here the tunnels go under the
bottom of the ocean'in the direction of the lost Atlantis. In this vray Atlantis
once had direct connection with its Peruvian colony in the Andes, through tunne'ls
that run under the Atlantic 0cean and then under Brazi'1, passing through Panama
and Santa Catarina to Hatto Grosso and then on to Peru. They then ran down the
Andes to Chile. Madame Blavatsky wrote about this Andean tunnel which opened at
A,frica, in northern Chile.
It is claimed that the Incas used these tunnels to escape from the Spanish
conquerors and the clutches of the Inquisition, when entire armies made their l.lay

- 35-
therein. They also carried their gold and treasures the:^e vrhen the Spaniards
came. Their entrances were kept seci^et. it is calaimed that vrhen Atahualpa,
the last of the free Incas, r,Jas brutally murdered by Pi:ar"ro, the gold that tvas
being carried to pay his ransom on a train of li,000 pack llarnes, found refuge
in these tunnels. It is claimed that these tunnels had scme form of artificial
lighting and were buil'u by the race that constructed T'iahuanaco long before the
first Inca had appeared on the scene.
These mysterious tunnels exist in greatest nun:ber under Brazil, where they
form a reguiar network, with openings to the surface at various points. The rnost
famous of these openings is in the Roncador I{ountains of liatto 0rosso, to where
Colonel Falcett vlas heading when last seen. It is cjairned by some that the At-
lantean cii,y which he sought was real1y subterranean, and that he entered it and
was held cap'uive, so as not tc endanger its inhabi',anis by later being forced to
reveal its whereabouts, and that this explains his mysterious disappearance.
The Roncador tunnel opening is guarded by f ierce Chavantes Indians r,'lho ki'!l
anyone ilho dares to enter uninv'ited and mclest tlre subterranean dwellers whom they
regard as gods, or at leasi so reverence. The Bat Indians, known as the flurcegos,
also guard these secret tunnei openings leading to subterranean cities. t^Ie quote
from Carl iiuni Hho conducied a speciai study oi tnis subjeci durirrg his residence
in i'latto Grosso:
"The enirance to the caverns is guarCed by the Bat lndians, who are a dark-
skinned, undersized race of great physica'l strength. Their sense of smelf is
more develop,ed than that of the best of blood hounds. Even if they approve of
you and iet you enter ihe caverns, I am afraid you 'rri'i1 be 'lost to the present
lvorld, because they guard the secret very carefully and may not let those who
enter I eave.
"The Bat Indiarrs live in caves too and go out at night into the surrounding
jungles, but they have no contact with the real pecple cor^in'in the caverns below,
who form a communit-y by '"hemselves and have a consiCerable popu'lation. Peop'le
believe the subterranean cit'ies they ir.habit descended frcm the Atlanteans, whc
original'ly constructed th..m. IJhile this is problematical , one thing is sure,
that they compose a self-contained community where nc atomic rad'iation can pen-
etrate. These people may iive in these ancient Atlantean subterranean cit'ies
which they usurped, but no one knows for sure. The name of the mountain ranEe
where these subterranean Atlantean cities exist is Roncador in northe,ast i{atto
Grosso. If you go in qusst of ihese caverns, take your life in your own hands
as you never be heard of again, 'like Fawcett.
"l.lhen I was in Brazil I heard a'lot about ihe underground caverns and cities.
it is however a long way from Cuiaba. It is near the river Araguaya, wh'ich emp- ,
ties into the Amazon. it is to the northeast of Cuiaba at the foot of a tremen-
dously long mounta'in range named Roncador. I desisted to investigate further
because I heard that they jealously guard the entrance to the tunnejs from peop'le
who are not sufficiently Ceveloped, because they do not lvant any trouble. In
the first place, they do not ','Jant an,vbody who is sti'll enmeshed in commercial ism
and has a desire for money.
"l that a good par'u of the immigrants who helped in the uprising of
General isidoro Lopez back in 1928 disappeared into these mountains and were
never seen again. It was under the reign of Dr. Benavides who bombarded Sao
Paulo for four weeks. Finally they made a truce for three days and let the 4000
troops, who were mainly Germans anC Hungarians, go out of tol.rn. About 3000 of
-37 -
ihem went to the Acre in the northwestern part of Brazil and about 3000 of them
went to the Acre in the northwestern part of Brazil and about 1000 disappeared
into the caverns. I heard the story consistently. If I remember it was at the
wouthern end of Bananal Island (near Roncador Mountains).
"There are also caverns in Asia and many Tibetan trave'lers mention them.
But as far as I know, in Brazil are the biggest ones and they exist at three
different'levels. I am sure I would get admtssion if I ever wanted to join them
because I have detached myself from aIl commercial aims, and they vrould take me
as one of theirrs. I know they use no money at all, and the who'le thing is or-
ganized on a strictly democratic'basis. People do not become aged and iive in
everlasting h armony.
Many Brazi'l ian students of the occul t share with the w'ife of Colonel Falcett
and,belief that he is still living with his son Jack as residents of a subter-
ranean city whose entrance is through a tunne'l in the Roncador llountain range
of northeast l4atto Grosso where he was heading when last seen, after Ieaving
Cuiaba, I4atto Grosso. The writer met in Guiaba a native who claimed that his
father was Fawcett's guide and who offered to take him to a certain opening
leading to the Subterranean l,ior'ld in the region of Roncador, which wotrid indicate
that Fawcett's guide believed in the existence of subterranean cities and brought
Fawcett to one, where he as he'ld prisoner iest he reveal the secret of its
whereabouts, which he might be forced to do on h is return, whether he wished to
or not.
h-e have already mentioned the two books of Harojd l'Iil kins, one of the few
South American archeoiogist r,lho pays attention to the mysterious tunnels under
South America which he c'laimed were buil t by Atlanteans as a refuge frorn the
Flood. This is indicated by the fact that the openings of these tunnels are
usually found on mountain peaks, above the level of f'loodwaters.
There are persistent runiors among older residents of Santa Catarina con-
cerning the existence of a subterranean race. There are also rumors about sub-
terranean vehicles ihat travel through tunnels connecting each subterranean city
with the other, simi'lar to what 0ssendewski report - that he heard in the Far
East. One such rumor refers to an Indian who claimed that when he wished to
travel great distanc.es, he entered a tunnel and vras conveyed there in a flash by
a subteiranean vehicle, traveling in this way from Santos on the coast of Brazil
to Chile in a matter of minutes. According to another rumor, a Brazilian who
entered a subterranean city was conveyed from there. He also said he saw a ver-
tical tunnel with an elevator going straight down to the ho'l'low center of the
earth. i'lhat truth there is in these rumors the r^rriter cannot sa.v. In most cases
they may have been fabricated by pretenders, vlho, knowing of the writer's interest
in this subject, sought to obta'in*money from him.
iviuch more is the report tolC the writer when he visited the Theo-
sophists at Sao Lourenze t,hat there is found there the grave of one of their menr-
bers who traveled ail the way from Peru to Brazil by means of tunnels. Also it
is claimed that in slave days, runauJa), slaves entered a tunne'l at Ponte Grosse,
Parana, and traveled to llatto Crosso under the ground, later returning by the
same route after s'lavery was abolished. it is also claimed that there are tun-
nels connecting Matto Giosso and Peru. This tunnel netvrork runs to the coast of
Braz'il and then the tunnels go uncier the bed of the ocean in the direction of
the site of the vanished At1antis, indicating that the Atlanteans had direct
communications with th eir Brazjlian and Peruvian colonies by means of these tun-
nels rrlhich they constructed by boring machines they possessed.

It 'is ciaimed that Eraz'il \l'as once an At] antean colony. late report states
that an Atlantean city, with elaborate bu'i1dings, streets, etc., r,ras found in the
midst of the jungles of the Amazon. Also the Brazilian radio and press reported
the discoyery of a subterranean city b,v a grcup of scientists rlho entered a tunnel
vrlrich opened 0n top of a mountain nEar the bounCar;r of Parana and Santa Catarina,
and descended until they came to a subterranean city. A strange fright came Over
the party, and instead of stuay'ing it, they fleci. iitrat,ita they see? Probably
the inhabitants of this subterranean city.
Two ranchers living near the border of Parana and Santa Catarina came to the
writer claiming ',.hey eniered a tunnel there and trave'led three days, fina'l.ly. q.es-
cencling and co,iing io un illuminated city in yrhich the,v saw man, ,uomen and child-
ren. A member of-their party got frightened and so they a1i returned.
A tunnel that opens at the base of a pyram'id in Egypt i.s claimed to go on in
the direction of Souifr Africa for a distani:l of 900 kiiometers and another tunnel
tha'u opened on the rrlest coast of Africa \",as claimed to go underwater to the site
of the van'ished Atlantis, as'indicated by the remains of vehicles found there. It
is also claimed by subterranean vehicle io another city, claimed to be the capitol
of the network of subterranean cities, It is aiso clairned that a tunnel connected
the subterranean chambers of the Pyramiri of Gizeh with Atlantis. it is probable
that the gigantic statues beiieved to be of eariy Egyptian kings vlere really Atian-
tean gods-oi supermen dwei'linE'in the Subterranean tlorld, with whom the early Eg-ypt-
ian kings were in contact. A tunnel connected with the subterranean chambers of
the Pyrimid of Gizeh connected Atlant'is with its Egypt'ian colony, and'it was through
this tunnel that the god-kings of Atlan^uis appeared among the Egyptians in their
immense temples, since they were gigantic in stature as representeci in anc'ient
Egyptian statues of these kin.3s, urho were really k'i:ings of Atlantis and not of Egypt.

That Egyptians knew about tunne'ls connecting the secret chambers of their
pyramids wiifr lttantis is indiceted by the Egyptian "Book of the Dead", rvhere it
says: "I am the offsprinE of yesterda,v (Atiantis); the tunnels of the earth have
given me birth." Also: "Ii'is I who carry ar.JaJ/ th,v night, that I rilay come anci
seize upon the tunneis of Ra." Osiris .las a subterraflean gcd who ruled the Under-
world, where the Atlanteans found nefuge from the f'lood that destroyed their mother-
land. Those lvho were foreseeing enought to escape in time survived in their ne'd
subterranean hom, while the rest perisheC.
tde have already referred to the iheory of Haro'ld l,(iikins that the Atlanteans
fought a war which poisoned the stmosphere with radioactivity and brought on the
Floodi and that befcre its outbreak a network of suboceanic and subterranean tun-
nels was buijt connecting Atianiis r.lith subterranean cities in South America, where
Atlanteans found refuge from the catastrophe that destroyed their continent and
where they continued to live. There is evidence that either the Atlanteans them- i
selves or the ir descendants till live in subterranean cities under BraziJ; and
some claim to have contacted them by entering tunnels that are so pientifui, esp-
ecjaily in the states of Santa Catarina and Parana, in South Brazil.
Thus there exist at two different le,re'ls of the earth's surface twc d'ifferent
races, a superior subterranean race and an inferior, Cegenerate surface race which
has been injureC by exposure to the radioactive rays of the sun, harmful cosmic
rays, improper diet, chemical poisoning, etc. The former regard the'latter as
"mechanized barbarians" whom it would be ciangerous to inform of their existence
or the way to reach them, for which reason the existence of the Subterranean tlorld
and the means to reach it has aiways been one of the most close'ly guarded of all
- 39-
There is stiil another reason for secrecy besides the danger of invasion by
gold-seekers and militarists seeking world domination by acquiiing the scientific
secrets of a super race. It is that when radioactive poliution of the atmosphere
some day reaches and surpasses the levei of tolerance, endangering human survival
by causing asphyxiation, frantic people would see in these tunneli their'last hope
of saving their lives and would make every effort to locate them and get into them
as quickly as possible. If they entered, the Subterranean Paradise wou'ld be over-
run by wild, frantic, sick and crazed people. But more probably, so many would
want to enter, that the entry would be blocked by the corpses of those who congested
"the tunnel entrances and fough.t with each other to get inside first.
Let us say a few words about the much publicized "shaver Mystery", namely,
the existence of underground dwellers found in caverns in the United States, report-
ed to be monstrous, degenerate and evil creatures, who are natural enemies of man-
kind. Shaver claims to have been held a prisoner by these "Dero" people. Their
origin may be explairied as'fol'lovrs. Just as Lemuria t,as the place of origin of
prehistoric apes and lemurs, r,rho were degenerate men, so other degenerates were
expulsed from the motherland and found refuge in caverns in the western part of the
United States, who are the "Dero" of Shaver.
0n the other hand, such Lemurian degenerates are not found in the tunnels and
subterranean cities of Santa Catarina and Parana, Brazil, colonized by Atianteans.
,ihile the writer has no proof that they are true, the following are the rumors
circulating'in Brazil about aI'leged subterranean cities claimed to have been dis-
covered, where dweil a strange race, probably descendants of the Atlanteans:
1. They are illuminated by a strange light which promotes the growth of trees
and pl ants.
?. They are Gardens of Eden in which grovt huge grapes and many other kinds of
fruits on which these people I ive exclusive'ly.
3. Ther^e are men, women and chi'ldren. The women and children live apart from
the men

The men have long beards and long hair. The hair of the women is longer.
These peop'le enjoy unusuai heaith, s'ince ihey live in a worid free from fal'lout.
5. These people use no money, Ileither do they have to labor. They f ive in
a paraciisica] life free from worry. There is no exploitation, so scarcity, no
confl ict, no d'isharnony among them. There is perfect freedom. l'lor is there any
crime. They live in a state of perfect continence, vrith no marriage. The utomen
not only'live apart from the men but produce children without need of male fertil-
i zati on .

6. These people compose a super race whose mernbers never grow old and never
die, but live for centuries in a state of youth, in fact for thousands of years.
A man came to us today and said he entered a subterranean city some distance
from Paranagua, in South Biazil. It was illuminated and had much fruits - includ'ing
huge clusteis of grapes, a strange fruit not known on the surface, aPPles and other
tru'its, which comfosi tfre sole diet of the people. The sexes l ive apart. . He said
he entered a subtbrranean vehicle operated by a strange motive power, which spiral-
led tJown until it brought him to the hollow interior of the wor'ld, where he behe'ld

-40- I

the central sun and tall godlike be'ings (Atlanteans), After visit'ing this "New
I'Jor'Id", he returned to tlre city. Later he traveled by vehicle through a tunnel
to another subterranean city over a hundied mi1es away a,nd passed through the door
leading to it, inside of a lunnel , to the en-urance 0f the tunne'! , t'there he found
a waterfall of warm water fa'l'ling in front of it. This uas near Iguassu Fa11s, on
the Paraguay border.
Another Brazilian came to the writer saying he traveled through a smooth-cut,
illuminated tunnel for three days,20 hours a diy, accompanied by two subterranean
men he met at its entrance, untr'l he came to an immense illuminated space filled
urith buildings and fruit orchard and where lived manr women and ch'ildren, a'lso
variouS animals, including l'ions and t,igers, who vrere as tame as cats and dogs.
The sexes lived apart and-the women a'l'l as if in their teens' even though
some were centuries old. Also these peop'le were all an exact copy og each other,
with no individual variation. I,Jomen produced children by parthenogenesis, and
r,rere al l vi rgi n nrothers .

One of the chiidren ran over to him apparent'ly unafraid and rlhen tried to
pick it up (which is forbidden among these people) an avalanche of rocks fel'l upon
him, but did not harm him, leading him to believe they were really-projected_images
rather than real rocks. He escaped to the outside through an exit tunnel. There
he met a man who told him he often vis'itad this c'ity, where he was we]1 received,
and rode on a subterranean vehicle from it to other c'ities.

The illuminating centra'l tunnel that led to this c'ity vras connected by about
fifty or more radiating side tunnels to other subterranean cities in various parts
of Brazil.
ReEarding this and previous Braz'i'l ian reports, thie vriter cannot guarantee
that thEy are true, since the persons who made iherri had in most cases impeiled pY
monetary motives. However, in 'uhe main ihe;r agree uri+"h each other regarding_(1 )
these subterranean cities being 'ijluminated- (2) 'inhabiteC by a super nace, (3) con-
nected with each other by a netuorl< of tunnels.
Where there is smoke there is fire, and vrhile these reports may be fictitious,
there is absoiute certainty that subierranean people exist here due to certain
tunneis which positively exist in which the voices of men vrere heard, which the
wri ter hopes to i nvesti gate .

Chapter Seven



The Subterranean Llorid in the holior.l center of the earth has a perfect sub-
tropical cl imate, well vent'ii ated, never hot and never co'ld. There is perpetual
daylight there, due to i'liunlination by the central sun which, being smaller than
our sun, is iess powerful and its radiations do not cause sunburn and are more
agreeable, being free from harmful infra-red and radioactive rays of our sun and
fiee from sunspots. There are no storms or other meteorological disturbances there;
and the weather is always perfect, without variat'ions of tenperature as u,e have.
-41 -
There is never excessive rain to erode and leach the soil. The air is constantly
renewed by fresh cool air coming in through the l.lorth Polar opening.
Agharta, the nams of the Subterranean ldorld, composes a world enrpire, all
parts of which are in direct contact with the others by flying saucers which travel
in a direct i ine betr.leen djfferent parts of this concave world. In place of dif-
ferent nations as we have here, each with its own government, often at war with
that of other nations, Agharta is a single empire with a world government whose
seat is its capital city, knownls Sharnballah, where is the golden palace of the
King of the Hor'ld.
In Agharta are extens'ive fruit orchards, since its population are fruitarians.
l{any strange fruits unknown on the surface are grown there. Fruits are concentrat-
ed into p'i11s, which suppiy maximum nourishment with minimum of digestive effort
or excretion, thus saving physiological energy other wise wasted in the handling
of bulky foods and liquicis. hiith excretions reduced to the minimum there is also
optimal conservation of hormones otherwise lost rvith thenn.
In orCer to protect their atmosphere from radioactive contamination, subter-
ranean people have air purifiers which resemble rotating radar detectors, wh'ich
draw in radioactive substances from the air by a process of suction. These are
then concentrated into a mass and decontaminated by chemical treatment, after which
they are deposited as inert waste.
The popu'lation of Agharta consists of two main divisions - a race of gods or
supermen, coming from the prehistoric continents of Hyperborea, Lemura and Atlan-
tis, and a race of men. l,lost of the latter.are Mongolians and Tibetans, since the
life of Tibet, unlike that of the West, ig founded on achieving an escape from
this world and entering the better cne thaf exists in the interior of the world.
There are many small brol'rn-skinned men there who are the ancestors of the Eskimos.
There are comparatively feu !'lesterners; and these are the great rnasters of past
h'istory, who, by gaining entrance to the Subterranean |i{orld, were able to prolong
their lives. of these Apolionius of Tyana, the historica'l Christ of the first
century, who, when 108 years of age, came to India, where he lived until the age
of 890 years, searching-ceaseless for an entrance to the Subterranean t,lorld, which
he later found in l,lount Sinai when he uas 904 years of age.
The subterranean people are vast'ly ahead of us in science and invention, fly-
in.r 53uqgrs are only one of their many achievements. llarcoux, director of the
Sub-surface Research Center at Phoenix-, Arizona, speaks of the "te'lesol tdgraph s",
wh ich are pro-iected machines the project images in natural three-demensional form,
so feal that they cannot be told from the original. In this vtay a person can pro-
ject a three dimLns'ional image of himself to other persons at a distance, anC can
iommunicate vlith him, appearing just as if he was before him. Regarding the air-
purifying rnachines of these people, which free the'ir air from rad'ioactive sub-
stances, Marcoux says:
"This is a "sweep rau", which f iteraily 'sweeps' the atmosphere of al.'l radio-
act'ive elements. ffiosi of them are mobile and have'a fan-'like antenna, and are de-
signed like a spider wel1, which draws'in the radioactive particles from the air
ani processes them th rouih filters, which remove all substances harmful to life."
that these machines not only remove poisons from the air but
Irlarcoux clainrs
add to it health-giving substances that have a teneficial efFect both on vegetable
and human fife brEathing such air. Marcoux records the fo1lowing message received
from a subterranean dwe'ller named Lanto:
"Foods used here are of an entirely different variety than you are accustomed
to. A white and red grape is common here and is purer than the blue. lilelon meats
are made into a juice-which helps to st'imulate -the m'ind and make it more receptive
to beneficial thought currents. Bathing is done 'in natura'1 steam waters whichinto ex'ist
here, and after tni bath an oil made frcn roses, flowers and olives is rubbed
the skin to invigorate it anri produce a texture of smooi,h sof'uness. Our 1iv'ing
quarters and conierence rooms are something which,vqq have never seen or imagined'
Cjur I ibraries are filled with books and taies whic-h only certain ones,are. a'llowed
to use, for reasons known only to us. 'de tnow who can or cannot handle the know-
ledge contained in them.
"0ur children are taught very little, but what they learn is acquired.in.'less
time than what your chi'ldrin take years to accumulate" ind is all learned by the
t'ime they reach seven years .
"0ur mach'ines and methods of teaching make for a way of life which-requires
little effort or labor; and wfren'Vou-ir. fiuch wiserin our ways you will be prepared
for the task of establish'ing a.oiony in or close to cur domain. He prepared
understana an unJeriili.S -ht.i', *ll1-be beneficial and necessary-both to yourself
as an individual and to ihe social whole as a'grouped individual'.
"Peop'le 'in your world consume too much unrE6s55qry food to grai'ify a- perverted
sense of taste und too many relishes without realizing that they are slowly.destroy-
ing themselves by what they eat and drink. rde have a-clear beverager. somewhat
mtify in color, which we ai'inf, which relaxes and opens the pores and nerve cet-
ers. He drink a water of the utmost purification.
are an energetic race, loving peace and contentment. There are many nights
when we reach out ani teach you vJhiie-ybu sieep, for ue have our ways to-c-ommunicate
at various level s and d'istanles. l,{e a-lso have'our means of travel by se1 f-propul -
sion, and not by means of vehicles such as yours.
"Hhat we do in our ryorid for provisions, iabor, enjoyment, pleasure and wearing
apparels will be eiplained iater, when you are fi1al1y pei^mitted to 'enter'. Rustic
fll.ntshing r^ri11 be founC in oun worked for Curabiiity and less attentive care- Cur
outward a[pearances are of a youthful v'igcrous nature, though we can also appear as
of ancient'age as an express'ion of the time element difference between our tr.'to
,o.iii.- (miiioux's notl: "It is not hard to conceive the idea of an and indefinite
life span.'Huny surface scientists have considered this possibility, some
claim man could'five at least 500 years if he would control his liyl*g hab'its. How-
ever, it may be difficult for the iayman to believe in the possibility of such pro-
ionged life spans as the subterranean people possess as a result of their unique
scientific way of living.") r

"The first ones to return to us through certain entrances which they-wi11 be

shown will act as leaders who will bring olhers to us. The cooperation of-certain
individuals is essential, for this 'is not a world of materiai lusts or grafts, nor
is 'it like your world of continuous strife and the struggle for survival."
"For peopje to attempt to enter our world without reaching the proper level of
intel'ligence, health and i<nowledge of our r{ays would be near dirath to them. The
a'ir, teriperaiure and our foods are al'l different from what you are accustomed to,
Our-foodi are grown rrithout the deteriorating effects of solar rays. Our clothing,
speech and our system of government, as weii as our mental concepts' are as dif-
ferent from yours as day from night.

"Speech is of little use among us, and is seldom resorted to, and we regard
it as a useless waste of nruscle power, and is replaced by a positive knowinqiess
without the actuai'vocai sounds. Surface people use their mlscles'in so rufiy us"-
less exertions that it is really sil1y. Wi ao have our leaders, r.lho work in unison
ttith the others, and ail live togethei without greed or selfish envy.
"The fact that surface races are becoming more interested in and aware of our
existence is very gratifying. l.le are only soiry that we cannot at this time grant
permission to all of you to enter our domain. those of you who are chosen to enter
the realms of the subterranean existence shouid fee'l foriunate, grateful and much
wiser, without regrets of the life left behind. Palt sufferings-were pitfails of
experiences that you had to encounter, but never get discouraged, knovring that deep
within you lie these truths which you are to bring forth to the iurface world,
namely the actuai facts and reality that we, the ilsubterranean Races" do exist."

The above communication was delivered to Marcoux by a Subterranean Teacher

and dictated to a tape recorder on l{ovember 26, I959. Marcoux sent it to the
writer for pubiication.
The subterranean people need very little, for with a diet of fruit vitamin
pi11s fruit ju'ices (when liquids are desired) and fresh fruits,life is quite
simplified and they do not have to spend their time'laboring for money and be ec-
onomic slaves as we are. There is no expioitation among these people, and no class
distinci,ion between rich and poor, or between workers and those who parasitically
live off the iabor of others.
Industrial production is reduced to the production of flying saucers, pro-
iect'ion machines, ai r purifiers and such products of soc'ial val ue.
The sexes live apart in Agharta, each economica'l1y independent and free.
i'iarriage does not exist, nor do women depend on men for the'ir support, since the
fruit orchards are common property and provide food for all. Children are raised
collectively and iive together in dormitories under the care of qualified teachers.
Since all reproduct'ion is parthenogenetic and since sexual reproduction does not
exist, children have no fathers. The virgin-born children are female, since the
female is considered the normal and perfect sex in the matriarchal civiiization
ruled by the Great llother, who is recognized as the Supreme Being in p'lace of
fal se ma1 e gods.
The inhab'itants of Agharta, 'living under optimal biologica'l conditions, dP-
proximate to the pure flordic type, being blonde, fa'ir-skinned and blue-eyes. The
blonde races are those vrho more recently 'left the Subterranean Worid and 'l ived
for the least tine under the unfavorable conditions of so'lar radioactivity, soil
depletion and wrong djet on the earth's surface, while the races that were exposed
for the longest period of time to the harmfu'l rays of the sun and general unfav-
orable effects of life on the earth's surface turned darker, and under the tropica'l
sun, turned black. (The deposit of pigment'in the sk'in represents the bod.v's ef-
fort to protect internal organs from the detrimenta'l action of solar radiations by
forming a protect'ive covering in the skin, in the form of dark pigment.) Similarly
the hair turns btack and the eyes brown. All races, including negroes, were orig-
inally blonde and blue-eyed, as infants tend to be at birth. It was unfavorable
environmental conditions thit turned the original fair Nordic type dark, as occurs
under the unfavorable conditions of the tropical climate.
There is in Agharta and no death. it is a society in which every-
no o'ld age
one is young looking, iven if many hundred of years or thousands 0f years o'ld.
This seems incredible to surface dweilers exposeC to the har.rnful effects of solar
radiation and autointox'ication from a !rrong Cieer.. 01d aEe and conditions'r.rhich are
not the natural result of the passage of time nor an assumed agin-o process. Since
AEhartans are free from all d'isease, Cue tc their diet consisting-chiefly of fruit
iuice and fruit vitamin piils, so they are free from the un'iversil d'iseaie of sen-
ility, which causes surface races to have such short lives, growing old and dying
before Aghartans reach maturity.
It is cla'imed i,hat the essentiai purpose of T'ibetan'lamaseries is to prepare
and train recruits for the Subterranean t{orld, abandoning a1l wordly attachments;
and Hi.qdui.yogis have the same goal . Hense most of the inf,aUttants of Agnar:ta are
Tibetah larnasr'oi:yogis and fet hlesterners ever reach there. They li're in the de-
iusion of a "heaven[ that is t,o be reached onjy after they die, iather than
99 !o heaven, they become fooci for wo!^ms. Heaven, or Agfiarta, must be reached
while alive and entered physical'ly if at all.
How cio Tibetans and Hindu yogis reach Agha:"ta? By flying saucers through the
north polar opening of through tunnels as 0sienceurski tlaimsi-
The superior scientific culture of the subierranean pecple, of which their
flying saucers are the most evident example,'is Cue to thL fact that their vita'l
energies flow up to their bra'in and are not idssipated throuEh the sexua'l channel
as among so-called "civilized" surface races. In fact, sex is compieteiy out of
the'ir lives because, on their fruit vitam,'n pill d'ietu their endocrines lre in a
state of perfect ba1ance as among innocent chiiCren, without anSr food stimulaticn
of any glands caus'ing hyperactiv'ity, as is the case l,rith those on a h igh protein
diet, composed of meat, eggs and other animal prcteins who suffer.sexuai superex-
citation as a resuit. This loss of lecithin, horonones, phosphoruso calcium
and other vital essent'ia1s, and brings on prentature endocrine degeneration, o1d age
and early death. Use of other asphrodisiacs, as coffee, tea, salt, tobacco and
al cohol hasten ih'i s degenera ti ve process .

As a result of their dier and harmonious endocrine state, these peopie have no
matrimon'ial probieins or lcsses of brain v'itality thrcugh sexual indulgence to'inter-
fere with the progress of their scientific develcpment and inventions, which are
thousands of years ahead of our s. TheSr are a race of pacifists, unlike us, whose
history vlas a series of interrnittend wars which caused civiiiiation to periodically
retrogress as fast as 'it made a l ittle advance. The'ir freedom from the dral.lbacks
of sex and war enabled these people to make their astound'ing scientific progress.
Since their bra'in energy was not continually drained through gonadal activity, as
is the case amcng us, their scientists were able to vastiy-suipass our own, as
shown by the superiority of their aircraft, which we cal'l flying saucers, over
ours. Thdy are a disease-free race. i

In a place of sectarian religious of false man-gods compet'ing with each othep

and encouraging their fol'lowers to engage 'in never-ending senseless rel igious ivars
and perecutions, al'l peopl e of Agharta, i n al'l parts of. the'ir worl d, obey one
Supreme Being, the Great f'tother, who is their 0rigina.l Ancestress and the biologi-
cal progenitor of all members of the mammal ian family. The t,Jorid Government of
Agharta 'in its capita'l city of Shambaj iah functions under tler Supreme D'irection.
The ancient s'uatues of gigantic earl.y Esyptian kings, as we]'l as the immense
st,ones of Buddhas in India, represent l-l,vperborean Ruleri of Agharta, a race of
divine_beings who are above sex differehtjation and are virgin mothers. It js
probable that the prehistoric Egyptians anC jnhabitants of inCia had contact with
them through tunnels traversed b.v swift-moving vehicles.

Chapter Eight

(t goo - 1e6s)

It is claimed to be impossible to exactly specify the date of future events

because of the fact that Subterranean Peopl€, by meani of their projecting machines,
and able to send out radiations that act on the human brain and infiuence"our
thinking and_behavior. Especially vrhen a catastrophe threatens that might endanger
their welfare and existence, such as the outbreak of a nuclear war, they pro-
Jegt powerful radiations attuned to the brain wave length of government leaders
and thus prevent calamities that might otherwise occur. Through their superior
inventions they can control us as if we lvere chessmen. In view of these iacts we
cannot be sure that the prophecies given below are correct. },ie belieye these
prophecies indicate GENERAL TENDEIICIES and POSSIBILITiES but that the events they
refer to will probably not occur on the dates inCicated. This is probably true of
Dn. Bianco's prophecy given below.
4, 1 960

An Italian medical man, Dr. El'io Bianco, of I'iilan, founded with a number of
associates a "Community of the Elect" on l4ount Blanc to prepane for wor'ld destruc-
t'ion which he said would occur on July .l4, .l960, according to a prophetic communi-
cat'ion uttered by h'is dying 27 year oid daughter. She said on this date a
new super bomb wouid explode that rvould destroy the human raee, producing first
terrible radioactive fa'liout, to be foilowed by a f1ood. She said this catastrophe
rvould exterminate the huraan race except for 5000 familes who wil'l be gathered
to a place of safety and be saved. They will be the nucleus of a new race.
So certai,did Dr. Bianco feei about the truth of this prophecy that he gave
up his medical practice and settled rrrith a number of followers on the snowy heights
of i.iount Blanc awaiting the enC of the human race. But r.rhile he may be safe there
against flood he will not be safe from the burning up of the atmosphere and front
radioactive fal'lout, the only refuge from vlhich js by entering the Subterranean
l(orld. The catastrophe of Dr. Bianco feared will probably not occur at the date he
expected i t tc.

In case nuciear tests are nations, there is danger that

resumed by the major
the human race will be exterminated, dur to the accumulation of carbor'14 jn the
air, which wili make jt more combustible, unt'il the atmosphere will become'ignited

and burn. This is the vievl of Charles A. f'lar:coux of Subsurface Research Center
in Phoenix, Arizona, a subterranean'investigator who has searched for 20 years for I

an entrance to the Subterranean lllorld, during which he secured contact with certain
subterranean beings. He writes:
fire that wi1l sweep the earth, I am not predicting that such will
"About the
be the case, but oniy hint that it niay be the case. The fol'lowing are my views on
the sufject. ffte moiecules of air are becoming'mutated' by radiations. both solar
and atomic. The reason why this mutat'ion is taking place is because the'vitality
91 obul es' are beine eaten up b,,, radiation, the neutron attackino the carbon sta ff
of Iife, making thE moleculb vuinerable to ignition and so causing the air to
catch on fi re . Let rne expl a i n.
"In ilill iamson's recent lectui'e tour in tha United States, he ment'ioned
fact that electronic particles in the air are rap'idl;; h,eing Cepleted by radioactive
failout, making ti subject to spontaneously catching on fire, and that science has
been aware of this fact for some time. In one town where he had made this state-
ment in a lecture, a woman in the audience mentioned to him that she knew this to
be a fact, since her brother was in l^lashington doing some kind of research for the
government about this condition. This woman gave lil'i1'l iamson the name and address
of her brother and of the founCation where he was conducting his research. So
l.liloiamson sent a'letter to this person, and requested information about this con-
dition and mentioned the name of the woman who recommended him to communicate.
"hlilliamson received a letter back from this person, and he ciaimed to be do-
ing research on 'forest preservat'ion', and went,on to say that it was vitally im-
portant for such conservation, but disclairned any knowledge of studing such affects
of fallout in causing spontaneous combustion of the atrnos.phere, causing forest
fires, due to effects on electronic particles in RESEARCH, or something to this ef-
fect. This made llijlianrson ask, "tdould Radiology have to do with forestry, or the
preservation of the forests'. l,Ji'lliamson, like his audience to vrhom he mentioned
this, could not make any connection between the two, and laughed ii off as sorne
ioke that the government was try'ing to play.
"Animal life breathes oxygen and gives off carbon Cioxide, and plant life in-
hales carbon dioxide and rep'laces it with the magnetic vitality necessary for ani-
mai life to ex'ist, giving off oxygen. Both plant and animal worlds cannot exist
without the other. Novr without this v.i*,.al energy in the air which the ancients
called 'vital ity globules' (and rvhich science no'rt ca'll s free e1ectrons), the air
we breathe does noigive us the proper amount of regenerated magnetism, whi-ch comes
from plant'life, and especially from TREES, since their trenendous size and age
produce great amounts of regeneraied -o1cbu1es necessary to animai I ife. hlhen ani-
mal life does not receive the proper quanti'uy, it cannot return to plant iife the
necessary carbon dioxide.

radioactive fallout is knovln t-c cause atmospheric nitrogen to be replaced

by carbon i4, vrhich is accumulat'ing in t,he air in abnormally high arnounts, I'lith
the vitality globules in the molecules of air being replafed by carbon l4r th is
increases the possib'ility for^ neutrons to attack the carbon and the result is
RADI0ACTiVE FIRE. This is what r+i'll happen to the air particles as fallout in-
creases. They wil'l IGNITE from the bombardment of the neutrons, as happens to the
uranium pile in'"he cyc'lotron when the neutrons are left free to attack it. And (


"If the Flood of Fire comes, and I am sure that it wil'l, then this fire will
eventua'l1y RELEASE THE P0LAR ICE CAPS at both No:"th a.nC South Po'les, vrhich will
de'luge the world with a superabundance of water. The melting of the ice will give
the world a new supply of purified oxygen, and the water: rrri11 wash the soil cl ean
of ai1 radioactive impurities that have settled in it as a result of fallout. The
release of the polar ice caps rviii cause the earth to shift on its axis at least 90
degrees. The fires are with us today and are an everyday threat of our surviva'I."
"l of the radioactive conditions and its potential increase and dan-
am aware
gers occur with'in the next ten to fifteen years. I have been working for and
looking fon*ard to the uniting of a group to co'lonize, to somewhat save a remnant,
-47 -
so to speak. 1 know that mankind cannot survive on the earth's surface and must
eventually go underground. Some believe that saucers will take them off the earth
when that time comei, but my evidence on this matter proves to me that this is not
possible, no more so now than it was when the Elcer G6ds fled Lemuria. Therefore
mankind wi'll eventualiy have to go underground, but it will not be able to do so
un'less guided by Beings of a superior know'ledge and race, with whom I aru in contact.

"According to Heffling, the last time that the earth was faced with the same
problem which we today face, the Gods (of Lemuria and Atlantis) burowed into 16-
ther Earth and establisheC underworld or subsurface kingdoms, ind their remains
chn still be found there, d'long'with their children. TFe same thing will have to
be done today by present mankind in order to surv'ive.

"'$ihile there is evidence of beings that exist belovr the surface that are not
coFdial or beneficial to surface races, or even subsurface races, there is more
evidence that there exist beneficial Beings in the ldlder l.forld than the oppositei
and many secret places exist where they contribute to surface races'mental and
spirituai advancement. Few surface persons are ever allowed inside except when
specia'l consideration is given to such'individuals, after they have achieved a
state of selfless service and a desire to do justice towards their fe1lowmen.
"The Subterranean llorld is underlaid with a network of tunnels that exist
from Canada to South America, and especially under Brazil, which are connected by
tunnels w'ith other parts of the world. The tunnel network that concerns me is the
one than opens at various points in Central and South America, with its "Entrance
in one of the Superstitious l{ountains of Arizona."
In view of the certain destruction of mankind due to progressive radioactive
poisoning of the atmosphere, due to past nuclear explosions even if no future ones
occur, and which process rrrili be hastened if they do, and will finish its work of
destruction rap'iCly in event of a nuclear rrlar, l4arcoux ciaims that entry into the
Subterranean l.lorid is our on'ly salvation, and he is working to establish a colony
of potential survivors to prepare them for subterranean living. He says:
"Hy purpose is to start a colony and gather a group of people who can give up
the outside worid and start, a new life, one that will not be easy, but better than
that which they left behind. That is the purpose of my entering the Subterranean
l^jorld, ,,vhere THOSE l{H0 EXiST THERE wi'li direct me what to do. I make Il0 PROI''IISES
to anyone - each has his life jn h is own hands. i wi]l do as THEY (the Higher
Beings) Cirect me. I am a very cautious person. i go into the mountains tomorrour
for twenty-four hours. I have been aon a strict diet for the past 'rreek to condition
me for the trip."



tlayita is a clairvoyant SeereSS who lives in Puerto Rico. She has an unusua'l
capacity to behold vis'ions of future events, wh ich usually come to pass as.she be-
hoiOs tirem. Like the Oracles of oid, her body becomes a vehicle through vthich a
Goddess, vrho calls herseif the Great Mother, ipeaks. The writer studied t'layita
for nearly trvo years and is convinceC of her genujneness. Long before Snything was
pub'l'ished- about the rad'ioactive poisoning of foods, the Great l4other del ivered a
prophecy that foods were to become more and more poisoned during the years to come
ind'by ig65 would contain so rnuch of this new poison in them that it would be im-
poss'iUle to eat any foods without being poisoned. Only later did newspapers pub-
lish reports about strontium 90.

In one of her premonii,ory vis'ions, Hayiia beheld the outbreak of a future
world war and saw plainly the figures I - 9 - 6- 5 as the data when this catastro-
phe wouid occur. She saw the Russians send a SUpER B0trp to the United States,
gfjgn,yas.so^powerful that a single blast exterminated every living beingj from
Atlantic to Pacific. t'iayita begged the writer not to talk about ihis vii.ion so as
n9i.!0 frighten people unduly. But she affirnred posit'iveiy that such a mass an-
nihilation would occur. This gives our civilization only tive more years to
surv'ive .

She said that Russian scientists iearned how to make this bomb from a race
whose scientific dvelopment surpassed our own - namely those urho came on flyi..ng
saucers, whom the Russians befriended and'learned from. This bomb had thre! p6-
tencies' the most powerful potency be'ing capabie of g'lobal annihilation, whici',, o"
course, the Russians d'id not wani to use; and so they expioded the bomb of 'lowest
potency' capable of destroying most of the l'{orth Rmeitcan continent.
The_expiosion of the Superbomb led to terrestrial and atmospheric fires, and
the resu'lting smoke covered the earth and prevented the sun's rays from reachin3
it, resulting in perpetual night. The ner,rilCered survivors gropea tn the darkness
for food and water, s-ince eleitric power lines were destroyei. Between these
series of events and their culmination, when the heated atmosphere causes polar
ice caps to mejt and bring on a global de'luge, a mass landing of flying saucers,
bearing NUCLEAR AGE SAVIORS, occurred, fcr ihe purpose of reicu.ing ihoie worthy of
being saved, which was done'in total darkness. In ihe midst of the chaos and tur-
moil' l'layita saw the rascuers singie out certain individuals by virtue of the L'ight
in the Center of their Brain (the phosphorescent g'low of the pineal giand), which
is an index of the individuai's grade of spirituai rjevelopment. Only those with
this inner brain giow were considered fit to survive, and the rest wlre'left to
perish as the raging tidal waves swept over the parched land surface of ihe earth,
cleansing it of radioact'ive contaminat.ion.

. l'iayita said that during the next fer.l years, er/ery person, by his acts, r'ril1
determine whether he will beiong to the surviviilg group or be 'left o perish rvith
the rest. There will be a sif''.'ing of the wheat frcm the chaff. Those who fol1ow
the.teachings of the Greai llother, who control the'ir appeti tes, eat sparingl;r, ab-
stain from meat and anirnal foods, anci conserve their physiological phosphorus for
th6 internal feeding of their pineai giand through continence-and conservation of
sexual energy, w'i'11 qualify themselves for suryival , whereas those who are addicteC
to a'limentary and sexual indulgences, causing the phosphorescent glort of their
pineal giand to be dim, will be left +uo perish. It will be a quest'ion of the
survival of the spiritually and physicaliy and fit. Those who ach'ieve mastery
over their passions and possess giowing, vilal pineal glands, perceptible to the
NUCLEAR AGE SAVIORS in total darkness, vri'11 be savedq It js this 'inner l ight in
the brain uhich wi'll be one a'ir ticket to a saucer ride to the Subterranean htorld
inside the Earth, enabling one to live on after every fiving creature on the
earth's surface will be destroyed. But even more important than purification,
potentiai survivors must cultivate the quaiities of compassion, unselfishness and
humanitarianism. Eey must practice klndness and helpfuiness to others during
the time that remains. Simpiy to hold a selfish desire to save oneself through
practicing vegeiarianigm and cont'inence is not enough. fiodness and mercy to
the less fortuna'ue shouid rad'iate from them, so the! shou'ld manifest a simi'lar
attitude of helpfuiness ancl service towards their teilows.
The Russians clajm to have a cobalt bomb, which seems to be the type of super-
bomb whose exp'losion destroyed the United States, according to l4ayita's vision.
In event of a nuclear rrlar there wil'l be a strong temptation for combattants to
liquidate the enemy as quickiy as possible and so incapacitate him to retaliate,
which would cause them to explode the most powerfui bomb at their command, rather
than a iess powerful one that wouid permit the enemy to strike back. Forin a
nuclear war, it vlill be the nation that strikes the fastest and r.rith the most
powerful bomb that w'ill win. It w'i'I1 be based on the 'iCea, "He who strikes f irst
stri kes 1 ast. "
Mayita's premonitory vis'ion of the destruction of the human race in 1965 there-
fore involved the following events: first the explosion of a superbomb, then the
burning up of the atmosphere through a Blood of Fire and then a Flood of Water as
ihe heated atmosphere me'lteC the polar ice caps, leading to a giobal deluge and
the extermination of al'l fife. The only iand areas to project.above the risen
l.raters were the wind-swept heights of the Andes. But the radioactive contamin-
ation of the air was so bad that even those who found refuge there could not
But r.rhile life will be exterminated on the earth's surface by 1985, it will
continue in the Subterranean tlorid, which is protected against radioactivity and
flood. Some 12,500 years ago, survivors from a similar catastrophe which destroyed
Atlantis found iefugi here,-where they continued tc I ive. If Ma-vita's prophecy i.s
correct, then it is of utrnost importance during the few years that remain to find
the entrance to the Subterranean lJorld and estibiish residence there. Naturally
not al1 persons will be permitted to enter. Those who are vegetarians who lead
pure and good l'ives wi'll'alone be qualified, Only in this.way can a rernnant cf
tfre hurnan race survive the universal destruction wrrich Mayita foresees wi'll occur
in 1965.
wi'l 'l mark the date of
But according to Genes'io, a Brazilian seer, whiie
final destructio.] it wilt really be the c'l imax cf a series of ca1amities which lrle
will commence in igoo and proceei step b.v step until tota'l destruction occurs.
shal I refer to Gerres io' s prophecy bel ovl.


Aldo Lavagin'ini is undoubtediy one of tlre,rtor'ld's foremost scientific astro-

logers o" .osm6uiologists. He has mathemat'ica'l1y arrived- at. an ident'ical conclu-
s'i6n as ;.iay.ita did tfrrough extra-sensory perception, namely that'1965 vrill be the
date of the outbreak of tiiorl d ',rJar 111.

In the middle of .l959 he beheld a v'ision in which he saw a Floodearth of Fire

sv,eep the earth due to the burn'ing up of the atmospherg, so that the lrtas en-
veioped in flames. He sa'id that ;spac. ghosts" (probabl-v subterranean people corn-
.ing on flying saucers, who used the'usuaT a1 ibi ihat they came from other p'lanets)
toio nim tnat tf,i s cal ami ty vroul d occur i n I 960.

Generai Hojdridge, on the bas'is of

pure'ly socio'logica'l .considerations' has
made a propnecy of in.'col'lapse of the present financial and economical
r.lhich vlould Ur'ing on mass starvation, revolut'ion and civi'l war, whicl' Y9u19.
crease the peril"of a nuclear world war. speaking of the !I0RST ECoNo[{IC DISASTER

Ill HIST0RY, whose coming he foresees as a result of causes now in openation, he


"Past history reveals few situations of potent'ial disaster equa'l to our pre-
sent 'mess' . The floods that wiped out the world cf Floah's da3r. ihe s'low fall of
the Roman Empire consumated over several centuries, the sudden buriai of the Itai-
ian city of Pompeii under the lava of erupting i,1t. Vesuvius, and the French Revol-

Skyrocketing inflaticn, mounting unemployment, the deva'luation of rnoney, in-

creasing competition of other countries taking away our ci'imin'ishing foreign mark-
ets by undersel'ling-usr especiaily communist countries who can produce fcr less due
to a lovier standard of living than Americans are accustomed to, aI1 conspire,
says Generai Holdridge, to'puli our economic rug from unde! our feet, render us
incapable of paying our foreign ob'ligations, ciose dor.,rn cur industrries, crea{e
mass unemployment and give a knock-oui biow to our entire economy. The unemployed
workers, most of them trained in the use of arms in our.armed forces, angered by
hunger and illness of the'ir families, wou'ld soon learn how easy it would be to
smash plate giass windows of giant food markets and strip the sheives of supp'lies,
which wouid never be restocked.
"Hunger, disease and civil war. would become epidemic, compljcated by the
viciousness of religious wars and the rising of the colored population. The armed
forces would 1ay down their arms anc refuse to shoot down staving fei'low-citizens3
victims of economic and poliiical outlaws. Those respcns'ible for this crimina'l
situation would start running to fiee from the wrath to come And there we have
a super-duper 'Re'ign of Terror' compl eteL,v spe'l1ed out. He viho runs may read.
ignore the warning at your perii !"



It'is well known that ihere'is a requlat 10-11 year sunspot cycie of depres-
sions and,oars, governing econom'ic anC financial ccndit'ions in the United Siates
which ha s continued r,'rith perfect regularity for cver a centui^y. During the nine-
teenth century i'u manifested'in a series of pericdic fjnencial panics at intervals
of a decade apart, but, start'ing in .I9.l4, a series of world wars dere purposely
started by stageC "incirjents" in order to avert economic crises that would other-
wise have occured and so prolong the life of an obsolete eccnomic system doomed
for a final crack-up, like a dying perscn whose life vras pr:longed by drug injec-
tions. Let us re'ri ew thi s cycl e:
to iB83: A series oftfive regular fjnancial panics, terminating in the
bad panic of 1883. These commenced with ihe beginninE of the Industrjal Era eariy
in this century and resulted from accompanying unempioyment crises as the develcp-
ment of machinery dispiaced hurnan labor.

I 893 : Fi nanci al pani c and economi c cri s'i s .

.l903: Financial panic ancj economic
.l914: hlorld War 1
starts.to prevent an economic crjsjs due to German compe-
tition to England and the United States in world markets.
'1919: World lrlar 1 over. The vlar shifted the cycle forward five years; and
it now continues from this date onr,rard.

1929: The Great Depress'ion fcllowed by the Bank Crash. Hunger, breadlines
and HFA.
-51 -
'1939: Vorld llar 11 starts to prevent
a new world economic crisis that was
ioominE. .ln 1941, when the united States entered the war, there nere 13 million
ulemployed in our country. Draft and was industries sr{alloued thern up and saved
the economic situation.
'1950: Another depression
ol_it: vrhich Trunan stopped by starting the
Korean tlar. This created an artificialIuy,
iri. arnament business boom.
1960: A new.bad depression on its ilay, predicted to be the 'Last Depression,
wince it urill lead to complete collapse ot-irrl present economic sy-i., --[ni.rs a
third vior'ld war is startei^to preveni'it. Hovrever, the trouble witfr starting a
neu worid ttar as a preventive of economic diseaster, as was successfully donE in
191.4 and 1939, is that the discovery of the hydrogen bomb has chanEed tire picture
and makes it certain that such a war wou'ld deitro! the victor as wEll as tire
lbser, so that only a madman could start it. The-big danger, however, is that
madman might seize the reigns of gcvernment and plunle th6',riorld to destruction.


In spite of prevailing worid peace, many Americans live in constant dread of
the coming of a nuclear woi'ld war. Hhile noLody wants such a war and everyone
dreads it, we know that mi'liionaires will jump oft tne top of skyscrapers when
some of their millions are 1ost, and that when a nevt terrible depression brings
a nation on the verge of economic collapse, revolution and civil war, frantic
government leaders might try to save themselves, as they have done so many times
before, by creating an artii'icial war situation, which would cause their people
to rally in their support, and forget their internal troub'les by diverting their
attention to a new foreign danger.
In this way, the war nobody wants and everyone fears - Nuclear hJorld LJar li1
- may come upon us fike a thief in the night. l,Ie quote from a review in "Time"
magazine entitled "lalorld's End", dealing with the bookr "0n the Beach", which
describes how a group of Americans found refuge from mass suicide result'ing from
the outbreak of a nuclear worid war by migrating to the lower part of the South-
ern Hemi sphere :..

"i"iassive cobalt bombs obf iterated the inductrial cities of East

and klest. The winds carried r. dioactive dust to hamlet and farm, from
Scandinavian fiord to Paci f i c Is'land. A vast sil ence fel'l over the
Northern Hemi sphere. "
The book then gces on to describe how a group of Arnericans had the good
sense and -fores'ight to leave the radioactively contminated l{orthern Hemisphere
in time and get deep into the Southern Hemisphere before the rest of their country-
men v,rere killed by radiation or asphyxiated by radioactive faliout poisoning the
atmosphere. They settled on an island in the South Pacific far down below the
equator. in this way they saved their lives from the catastrophe that ki1led
every living being in the Northern Hemisphere.
According to the Anderson report, published by the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy, entitTed "Fal'lout from Nuclear l.leapon Tests" (Summary Analysis of Hear-
ings l.iay 5 - E, .l959, the Southern Hemisphere has much'less fal'lout than the
Northern, while at 26 degrees south latitude the strontium 90 reading of stratos-
pheric radioactive contamination is lovrer than any other place on earth except
the Antarctic. Aiso the reading of soi'l contamination by strontium 90 is very
much lower here than in +.he llorihern Hemisphere and jess-than in nosi of the iest
of the Southern Hemisphere. r

The garden city cf Joinv'ille in Santa Catarina, Brazil. is located at about

26 degrees south latitude. Due to a delicious subtropica'l climate in this area
and the fact that it is in the lJorid's Radioact'ive Safety Zone, since failout is
greater both nbrht and south of this point, because both hemispheres show peak
fa'llout values at 40 - 50 degrees'latitudes, the writer has come here and is
working tc estabiish here a settlement of Americans who seek to insure their sur-
'iival during the per.iious days that lie ahead. All persons interested in this
settlement project should write to: liew California Subtropical Settlement,
Postal Box 485, Jojnville, Santa Catarina, Brazi'1.
' It is a fact of meteorology that w'inds carrying radioactive dust from the
Northern Hemisphere, when they reach ihe equator, are met and opposed by contrary
winds coming up from the south, causing them to rise and circ'le back in a north-
erly direction. This protects the Southern Hemisphere against wind-borne fallout
from the Northern, which will be the part of the world vrhere l.lorld tiar 111 will
be fought. it is especia'l'ly the'lower part of the Southern Hernisphere, south of
the Tropic of Capricorn, where there is maximum exposure to winC currents from
the Antarctic (the region of the earih with least radioactivity) where the lCorid's
Radioactive Safety Zone exists. Here hurnan life may continue after it is radio-
act'ively exterminated in the rest of the planet, as will be the case after nu-
clear World !{ar 111 starts. To receive a chart prepared by the Joint Committee
on Atomic Energy, ldashington, 0.C., showing why this blorld's Radioactive Safety
Zone is at 26 degrees south latitude, where New California Subtropical Settlement
project has been established, write to Ne{. California Subtropical Settlement,
Posta'l Box 485, Jo'inville, Santa Catarina, Brazil .


!{hen 0ssendowski visited his monastery in 192.l , the Hutuktu of I'larabanchi
told him that the'King of the rr{orld appeared be,'ore the 'lamas of this monastery
thirty years ago and deliverad ihe follciving prophecy, which probabiy referred
to the coming nuclear worid war and its aftermath, scheduleC to occur in i965,
and to the coming of the subterranean people, who will be Nuc'lear Age Ssviors:

"Every day men increasingly forget their souls and occupy thernselves ex-
clusively with their bodies. The most terrible corruption will reign on earth.
Iten will become l ike ferocious animal s, thirsty for the b]ood of their feilows,
engaging in perpetual warfare.

"The crowns of kingsr g[edt and sma]1, wilI fall: one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eiEht....There will be a terrible war between all tha peoples
of earth. The oceans wil'l become red with blood. The earth and the bottonr of
the sea will be covered with skeletons. Empires will disintegrate; and entire
nations will perish. Hunger, Cisease and crimes hitherto unknorvn wjl'l sweep
through the wo r'l d .
"There wiil be storms and tempests. The earth will tremble...f,li'llions of
men will change the slaves of slavery for the humiliat'ion of hunger, disease and

death- The highrvays will be congested with rnultitudes aimlessly wandering from
place to piace without any destination. The largest and best cities will-dis-
appear in flames. Father wi1'l battle against son, brother against brother and
mother against daughter. Vice, crime and the destruction of bodies and souls
will Proceed unabaied. Familiis will disperse. A11 fidelity and'love wi'I1
vanish. 0f ten thousand men, only one wiil survive - insane, naked, hungry and
without..ener-gy, who does not knovi how to build himsel f a houie nor prepaie- his
food. He wil'l roam around I ike a ravenous r.Jolf , devouring cadavers'and biting
into his own flesh in desperation.
"and death.earth will become ddpopulated. All that wi'll remain wi11 be night
Then wil'l rise a new people until now unknow, whj;, with a string
arm' will uproot the weeds of insanity and vice and lead those who rema'in
faithful to the human spirit to the Uittte against evil. They will found a new
f ife on earth, purified by the death of all iations. The peo-p1e of Agharta wi1l
then leave the'ir subterranean cavern and will appear on the surface oi the earth."


111 IN 1965
Genesio of Jo'invilje has received a prophecy that the years 1960 to 1965
w'il1 urii,ness a series of calamities which will reach its c'limax in the latter
year in the form of a new world war follorrred by a deluge.
'These calamities wili commence with the events which General Ho]dridge
predi cted, namel,v widespread unempl oyment, desti tution , food storage, starvat'ion
and an economic crisis, which will lead to increasing unrest and outbreaks of
violence, until thingswill come to a white heat, with danger of revo'lution and
c'iv'i1 war. Step by step events r.ri1I proceed toward the final catastrophe.
Since econom'ic crisis and danger of revo'lution cohstitute the chief cause
of war, since governments, which face co11apse, a'lways seek to maintain their
existence by creating an ariificial war danger and thus rally the support of
their people against a foreign enemy, the war perii will increase to the extent
that t.he econo*l: r'ituation aggravates and goes from bad to worse.
in this will be forced upon us, causing the radioactive
v.lay, l;Jorld Har 111
poisoning of the air, soi1, foods and water supplies, exterminat'ing the human
race. Nuclear bomb expiosions, through their fa11out, will increase the temp-
erature of the air, causing polar ice caps to melt and bringing on a vror'ld
del uge.
These calamities says Genesio, wil'l start in and rvill iast for five
years , duri ng whi ch we shal I see mass starvation t revol utions and ci vil r^rars
everlnvhere, until the mounting tension reaches a grand clinax in the form of
!'iorld I'lar 111. Radioactive fallout rv'i11 become lethai, especially in the I'lorth-
ern Hemisphere, and human surviyal wii'l be possib'le on1y in the'lower part of
the Southern Hemisphere, vrhich is the only continental land area so near to the
Antarctic, the safest place on earth, but too co'ld to be I ivab'le. Radioactive
food poisoning, the burning up of the atmosphere and a wor'ld del uge are part of
the resul ti n,g di snral pi cture that Genes io foresees .
Thus an Economic Catastrophe wouid lead to a military one, and this would
lead to a R,adioactive Catastrophe, terminating in a Deluge. Hurnanity's onl3r

salvation, says Genesio, is to find an entrance to the Subterranean'r{or'ld and to
establish residence there.. But only a fen are quafified to enter, those who
are "pure". Purity means first of a'lj a clean, state of the intestinal tract
which is best insuied by a veEetarian diet. (Genesio, Holdriidge, Lavagini and
ioiay'ita are ail vegetarians). During the felv years that remain betr'leen 1960 and
1965, every individua'l will determine by his acts and mode of life whether he
will survive or parish by 1965. Depenciing on the exte;:rt to r.rhich he prepares
h'imself for survival by purifying his body and making himse'lf qua'lified to enter
a superior world inhabited by h igher beings wiil his future fate be determined.


i 965

After this book was sent to the publisher, on Feb. 2C,.l960, Augustine' one
of the author's tunnel investigators! a Jrcung fel1ow in his early twenties, re-
reived a revelation'as he stood on an upper porch of my hotel and gazed on the
c:ity of Joinville belor.r. He sal the city razed to the ground and then covered
v*'ith raging f'loodwaters, these ca'lamities to be preceded by a nuclear world war
- the bomb explosions causing atmospheric and terrestrial fires to sweep-over
the r*orld and'followed by a lerribll deluge. In his mind came the date 1955.
He related this prophecy in the presence of the writer and Genesio, who
had independently received an identical prophecy. I'leither Genesio nor the
rlriterhad,related this prophec,v to Augustine, who claims he received it in-
dependently, though another subterranean investigator working for the writer,
Iraciedes, had some time ago received an identical prophecy of a'Flood of Fire
foliowed by a Fiood of l,Jater, but did not specify the date as Genesio and Aug-
ustine did.
that he yrishes to leave this mundane existence on the earth's
Augristine said
surface, since the hurrran race has oniy five more years to survive. He has al -
ready discovered two subterranean men'in a tunnel on a mountain top near C.;
and tomorrow Augustine and Genesio are goinE tc enter this tunne'l and try io
reach the subteiranean city from which [ne tuo men that Aug.yst'ine saw came.
Augustine w'ishes.io establish residence with thenr, since he is conv'inced that
by i965, or before (through a series of wars ihat wil'l start befqre and reach
forr,r of a nuciearirar in this year, r.lhich will extermin-
a grand cl imax in the'living
ate humanity), every being on the earth's surface r^ii1'l be destroyed.
Humanity's oniy sajvaiion he said, is to gain entrance to the Subterranean t^lor'ld
where alone life may survive after it is no'longer possible on the earth's sur-
face due to radioactive poisoning and the coming deluge.
blhere ther is smoke there is fire. LIhy do so many prophecies point to
1 965 as the year of doom?

Chapter Nine
}lhile migration from the Northern to the lower part of the Southern Hemi-
sphere is the best way to insure survival , for those vlho cannot migrate the
following recommendations are made:
NUCLEAR AGE H0F|ES. When the air becomes so heavily charged with radio-
active dust as to cause asphyxiation and respiratory poisoning, it will be nec-
"essary to protect all dwel'lings by semispherical plastic domes, in which the air
supply which enters from the outside has been purified by physical, chemical and
e'lectrical means. in this way those living inside these plastic domes will be
enabled to breathe air whose radioactive dust content approximates to conditions
,as prevail in the Antarctic and at 26 degrees south'latitude in the Southern
Hemisphere, where stratospheric and atrnoipheric radioactive contamination is

No soubt effective methods of freeing incoming air from radioactive dust

w'il1 be developed when the need becomes imperative for human survival. Asiatic
f'lu, which is realiy the first stage of mais poisoning by radioactive dust in
the air, originated when a Russian-hydrogen bomb explos'ion in Siberia caused a
terrible failout over Manchuria early in 1957 due to an error.
carried the resulting radioactive dust around the world, Asiatic
As winds
f1u traveled with it. But as the ioncentration of radioactive dust in the air
increases, its effects on the lungs and rest of the organism r'till become more
and rnore dangerous, so that the miider symptoms of Asiitic flu - realiy a mild
form of atmoipherii radioactive poisoning - will assume more serious patholo-
gical manifestations.
It will then become necessary for inhabitants of the trlorthern Hemisphere
to live vrithin plastic enc'losr".s-, protecting them from direct contact with the
radioactivety pitionea atmosphere, ind to weir certain gas masks,-which
the inspired-air of radioactive particles, when they left the enclosure.
In addition to protection aga'inst, poisoning by breathing of radioactively
contam'inated ui",-it'wi1l be nec6ssary to adapt a new method of growing.foods
so th at they ari free from strontium-90, whitn witt finqlly become so high in
concentrat'ion as to make all foods poisonous. To accompTish this, it wil'l be
necessary to raise foods in tanks of crushed rock instead ef radioactively
contaminated soi1, within these plastic enclosures, so that plants may breathe
purified air. These tanks wiii !e-irrigated by a nutrient solution of rock and
searveed minerals. The method thus resembles hydroponics except that no- chem-
icals wili be used, since minerals derived from rocks are much better for the
production of nealihful foods than from strong.chemicals which really-were ofig-
\anlly derived from rocks but are too one-sided. Nor can any chemical.formula
equal the natural combination of maior and trace miner^als found in rocks.
As for seaweed, since it gror.ls at the bottom of the ocean and is protected
from faltout Uy mii6s of ocean water above, it constitutes one of the safest
forms of nourishment both for piants and for humans and superior to that Provid-
.O uv i;.tiii.=., derived r.or-i"iniit or plant sources exposed to fallout.is Ac-
corciing to one estimate, the amount of strontium 90 in deep ocean seaweed
about i per cent of that in vegetation grown on open !9i'l directly exposed to
fal'lout, lvhose concentration in soils and foods steadily increases.
As for cirinking woter and r.rater used for irrigating tank gardens, disiilled
water is best, especiai'ly lvhen Ceep well water, not directlyr exposed to fallout
is repeatedly disti'lled. in this vlay obnoxious radioactive minerals, as we:l'l as
other harmful inorganic substances (at teast unsuitable for the hurnan consumer
which lacks the capacity to ccnvert 'inorganic inio crgan'ic mineral s as plants
can ) are removed

There are many peopie urho live in ihe fond hope t,hai before any catastro-
phe occurs, a "spacelift" of flying saucers wijl. descend and rescue them, even
if they live in'large cities. Taking to heart the sa3ring, "God helps those who
h e1p themselvesr', they shouid realize the folly,of such wishfui thinking. Sub-
terraneah supermen have more to do than to worry about saving t,hem by sending
them one of their flying saucers in the nick of t'ime, especiaii-v'if'they live
in a city, where such rescue is impcssible. Their first step tc insure their
fLture surviva'l should be to leave cit'ies and settle in the country, where
alone saucer landings will be possible. And whi'le they'make the move, they may
as well migrate to the lower part of the Southern Hemisphere, where in event
rhey miscalculate and saucers do not come to rescue them, thei:^ lives may con-
tinue for a longer period than in the Northern Hemisphere, when the bomb ex-
piosions of'dorld War 111 and resulting intensa faliout wili occur.
l4arcoux, however, is convinced that our salvation rvill not occur by being
picked up by saucer air taxis at our service. lle':hinks that vre shouid not
depend-on others to save us but try to save ourseives by finding a tunnet en-l-
rance to the Subterranean llorld, where alone we sill find security in a ldorld
Fnee from Fallout. He has been searching for 20 years for such an extrance;
and yrhile he has not yet round it, he claims to have achieved contact with sub-
terranean peopie. He is continuing his search, iince he believes that finding
such an entrance is humanity's last hope of surv'ivai.

Just as the giant rnammoths of prehistoric times, on the coming of the ice
age which suddeniy froze the ihen tropical Arciic zcne, migrated southward to
insure its survival , so inhabitants of the ltlot"'uhern Henrisphere may have to do
the same, to save themselqes from exteiminat,ion by the new man-made Franken-
si,ein of Radioactive Fallout, a Rain of Death from vrhich now descenCs over the
Northern Hemisphere, renciering it progressiveiy mcre unfit for human habitation.
A new nrigration should get under nay frc.m the l\lorthern Hemispher"e to the lower
part of the Southern Hernisphere, the "hsst part of which is the }ler.l Promised
Land of Everlasting Spring and Trop'ica1 Fruits which the writer found'in sub-
tropicai Santa Catarina in South Brazil after 26 years search for a Terrestrial
Paradise jn 25 countries of Latin America. Here he is estab'lishing a settlement
of American vegetarians, organic gardeners and advanced t[inkers anxious to 'l ive
in a part of the vrorid where alone a New Age can arise, which- is irnpossible in
the radioactively contaminated Northern Hemisphere.
Those who are more forward-'looking vii11 be among the first pioneers of this
coming migration from the }lorthern to the Southern Hem'isphere. Parents devoted
to their children's future welfare and those interested in the birthright of the
unborn wiii make a sacrifice to do so, and to escape from the radioactive poison-
ing of their environment, espec'ia11y since practically ai1 foods available in
the United States are now grouln on radioactiveiy contaminated soil and conta'in
more and more rad'ioactive poisons r while a late nel.{s dispatch says that drink-
ing water is becoming "hot" w'ith radioactivi'uy all over the United States. As
radioactive poisoning - through foods, water and air - becomes worse and worse
throughout the Northern Hemisphere, vegetables, dairy products, wheat, etc.

-57 -
hazard to health, more and more wide-awake
consti tute, a
People wti'i and especially to Braz'i1 , which f'ladame Bla-
last century, claimed will be the home of the

will rise after the great nations of today

l'Jhen radioactive falloul and resulting air, food and water contamination
reach and pass the danger point, as it has already done in the northern part of
the United States more and more people wil'l look forward to settling in South
America, especially in Santa Catarina in South Brazil, which'enioys the best
climate and conditions in general for the colonization of Asrericans, who wiil
find here optimal opportunities for earning a living through small-scale agri-
culture, due to a great demand for f-uiis and vegetables in local markets.
Hhite escaping fallout by a move from the Northern to the Southern Hemi-
sphere, ultimate secuity will be assured on'ly by gaining entry to the Subter-
ranean World and establishing residence there. Since there is no place on
earth where there exist more tunnel entrances to this world than in the states
of Santa Cararina and Parana in South Brazil , this is an additional reason for
settling here. Dr. G. M. writes that his subterranean contacts who visited him
on a flying saucer told him that there are many openings to the Subterranean
1,lor1d around Joinville in Santa Catarina. tihile this area will provide a
certain degree of protection against the heavier fal'lout of the Northern Hemi-
sphere, only in the interior oi the earth can one enjoy absolute protection,
especialiy after the commencement of a nuclear world war which wi'l'l so poison
the air,'soi1, foods and drinking water as to make it impossib'le for the human
race to survive any longer cn the earthts surface.
Naturally, the subterranean peopie will be very carefu'l whom they admit,
anci would takl in oniy quaiified persons and not everyone. If most people were
suddenly brought to a wor'ld where animals are not killed for food and where
they would haie to become vegetarians immediate'ly, since their accustomed ani-
mal foods, as meat, fowl, eggs anci dairy products, do not exist here, many of
then would be very unhappy,-might even revolt and would make every effort to
escape and return to this radioactive world, preferring to live a few years
huppily and enjoy their meat meals than live an eternity,in a state of privation
and dissatistal.lion, if not growing hunger. They would be a nuisance to the
subterranean people, and mig[t evei be dangerous to thern. Certainly the former
woujd have enough tntelligence, based on their long life experience, not-.to
make the mistaki of admiti,tng io their paradise peisons not worthy to enioy it
and who r'rould grumb'le, complain and be trouble-makers.
we must consider the fact that in the Subterranean hlorld the sexes
'live Also,
in separation, and absolute continence is the ru1e, all women beinginvirgin
mothers and not reiuiring the male for fertilization. This rneans that addi-
tion to strict vegdiariuiis*, those rtho enter the Subterranean World will a'lso
have .uo i.ive in i6sotute coniinence.' t[atura]1y they should practice these rules
prior io aami.iion and not wait until the last moment and expect to suddenly,
ldopt thern after they enter. It is probable that the essential purpose of,Tibe-
tan larnaseries is to prepare candidates for entry to the Subterranean [{orld' so
that they may be-quafit'ild to live the New Life which prevails there. This is
al so the h i ghest goal of true yogi s .


Scientists afe now experimenting.Iith methods of counteracting the new poi-

son notrl accumulating in our foods, soils, drinking water ana iir -'strontiurn'90.
A Japanese chernist,.Dr. U^Su] , just found such an intidote in tannic acid, which
when added to the diet of mice, was found to'lead to a marked reduction in the
concentration of strontium 90 in their bones, as compared with controls which
received no tannic acid. His explanation is that tannic acid combined-wiif,-
strontium 90 to form an insolubli compound which is eliminated rather than set-
tling in the bones
The utriter found in Santa Catar:ina a unique food product which provides
tannic acid in a safe form, combined yrith an abundance of organic caicium, which
also protects one against the accumulation of strontium 90 in the bones, iinc"
!1 the presence of sufficient calcium, the bones imbibe it in place of itrontium
90, which is eliminated. This'food ii Banana tlea'l , inade from immature bananss,
which have more tannic acid and calcium than ripe bananas.
Fsr man yyears European pediatrists have added Banana ileal to the diet of
undernourished and run-down children with astounding results. Ilhile the exact
cause of its beneficial nutritional effects is yet undertain, its high content
of-readily assimi'lable, soluble organic calcium must partialiy exp'lain it, as
well as perhaps unknown constituenis in the form of gi.owth-pr6aucing plani hor-
mones present in the immature bananas from which this meal is made.

-fot olly
.benefited infants and children, but invaiids
by addition ofBanana
and the aged have been greatiy
Fleal to their diet; and wfriie it has beei so
used prior to the Atomic Age, today, with increasing stronthium 90 food poisoning
beccoming a ltlumber One hea]th problem, the fact that Banana l'ieal is the best
dietary source of tannic acid and organic calcium m6kss its use as an adjuvant
to the diet of great importance by its capacity to protect one against tiis new
source of food poisoning. Sprinkling Banana llea'l over one's foois and disso'lv-
ilq it is beverages for some weeks will convince one of its extremely beneficial
Those who suffer from iack of calcium, an elernent which tends to be Iacking
in most modern foods (inciuding pasteurized dairy products, since the pasteuri-
zation Process converts caicium-from.an organic 1o'.an inorganic form, rendering
it unavai'lable for. body use), will find the addition of- Baiana l4eal to their
diet to be of utmost value an<i benefit to their health. Price of Banana Meal is
2lbs. for $:.OO,4lbs. for. $5.00,9 jbs. for $.l0.00 and 20 lbs. for geO.OO.
Postpaid' duty-free, and it may be obtained by writing to New California Subtrop-
ical Settlement, Postal Box 488, Joinvills, Santa Catirina, Brazil. 0rganicaily
grown dried bananas may also be obtained at the same price.* For proteition
against strontium 90 food intake, it is advisab'le.to iive on a fruitarian organic
mono diet of dried bananas eaten with seeds or nuts, which wili lead to much
better health than a diet containing sprayed, stron{ium 90 containing foods.
* (1960 informationi the publisher cannot guarantee its accuracy).

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