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Stations Learning Targets

Station 1: Linear Plot Analysis- Zepeta

We can analyze linear plot development given an adapted or traditional plot map to apply key
events and details from “The Tell-Tale Heart” play or short story

Station 2: Annotation using CC VS RQ- Sweet or PAP (Pre-Ap) - Individual Work with Pilot

We will monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background
knowledge, asking questions, and annotation when understanding break down using CC VS RQ or
PAP (1)text structure, 2) sensory language, 3) mood details, 4) setting details, 5) plot events

Station 3: Characterization - Moore

We will analyze character qualities (narrator/villain), behaviors, and dialogue to understand their
impact on the plot/story using the FASTR mnemonic and text evidence (quotes from text)

- Use academic language scripts when speaking in stations.

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