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INTRODUCTION;Suicide is defined as intentionally taking one’s

own life and comes from the Latin suicidium which literally

means “to kill oneself.” It tends to carry different traits depending

on the culture. Historically, and still today in some locations,
suicide is considered a criminal offense, a religious taboo, and, in
some cases, an act of honor (e.g., kamikaze and suicide
ut or by providingLiterally suicide, a controversial topic in the
medical field, is defined as an individual helping another individual
in bringing about their own death by providing them with the
means to carry it o advice on how to do itown death. Attempted
suicide is an speaking, suicide or completed suicide is the
successful act of intentionally causing one’s attempt to take one’s
life that does not end in death, rather self-injury. Assisted. In fact, I
do not believe in that crony suicide as most people in the world
are already suicidal because of the life-threatening conditions
they still carry until 2019 and are still suicidal maryknolls. its
gonna be a problem ....

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death worldwide1 and rates of

completed suicide are higher in men than women—with men up
to four times more likely to kill themselves than
women According to the CDC, male deaths represent

79% of all US suicides.2 However, the rates for non-fatal

attempted suicide are four times more likely in women than men
and are more common in young adults/adolescents. Suicide is the
second leading cause of death for individuals aged 15 to 34 and
in 2017, 47,000 lives were lost to suicide—that’s one death every
11 minutes.

Alex Lickerman M.D.

1st reason: Suicide is not the answer though
When you reach the breaking point of despair it can
seem the only way to escape is taking drastic action.
Suicide is not a solution.In many cases suicide
seems like the easiest option. Your mind is
clouded to the point where you can’t see any
other way out.Often people who have reach this
point have been “keeping up appearances” to hide
the true situation from everyone around them.They
are unable to comprehend any other resolution. It
seems to be the only fix.The thing is that it may
appear that it will fix things for you but it leaves utter
devastation in your wake.
. All I can say is that suicide is not the solution to
your problems .you can be as much a part of your
problem as your parents and friends .. because they
can help you solve your problems. tell your problems
.he is ready to listen to all your roblema.
Children'S Attitudes toward Suicide
George Domino, Valerie Domino, Travis Berry

First Published December 1, 1987 Research Article


AbstractSuicide in children is a topic with a substantial

Article information
literature, muchcurrent concern, and some areas of
investigation such as attitudes virtually untouched. The
participants of this study were 116 junior high school
students who were administered a fifty-six item Suicide
Opinion Questionnaire. The results reflect the complexity of attitudes
toward suicide and a wide heterogeneity of responses, as well as
substantial commonality. A content analysis yielded nine clusters of items,
including the relationship between psychopathology and suicide, suicide as
a cry for help, and personal values. Children relate depression but not
mental illness to suicide, appreciate the attention-getting aspects of suicide
attempts but ascribe a greater degree of lethality to these attempts, seem
aware of the difficulties in identifying suicide risks, and do not accept
suicide as a reasonable solution to incurable illness. Approximately one in
five children indicates seriously thinking about suicide, and a somewhat
higher number have personally known someone who committed suicide. In
my opinion I just think suicide is not the root of your problem..it is not
good for all of us especially because there are so many suicides now ..
money problem, in love life and above all family problem. .because Jesus is
the only one who will lose our life because we do not know when we will die
in this world and when will He take it out of the world …….ion
Am J Orthopsychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Jan 1.

Published in final edited form as:

Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2011 Jan; 81(1): 101–107.

doi: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01077.x

Dempression and suicide are of increasing concern on college

capuses. This article presents data from the College Health
Intervention Projects on the frequency of depression and suicide
ideation among 1,622 college students who accessed primary
care services in 4 university clinics in the Midwest, Northwest,
and Canada. Students completed the Beck Depression Inventory
and other measures related to exercise patterns, alcohol use,
sensation seeking, and violence. The frequency of depression
was similar for men (25%) and women (26%). Thought of
suicide was higher for men (13%) than women (10%). Tobacco
use, emotional abuse000, and unwanted sexual encounters were
all associated with screening positive for depression. “Days of
exercise per week” was inversely associated with screening
positive for depression. Because the majority of students access
campus-based student health centers, medical providers can
serve a key role in early identification and intervention. With
every 4th student reporting symptoms of depression and every
10th student having suicidal thoughts, such interventions are
needed.In my opinion In fact, I do not believe in that crony
suicide as most people in the world are already suicidal
because of the life-threatening conditions they still carry
until 2019 and are still suicidal maryknolls. its gonna be a
problem ....
1st Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death
worldwide1 and rates of completed suicide are higher in
men than women—with men up to four times more likely
to kill themselves than
2nd A content analysis yielded nine clusters of items, including the
relationship between psychopathology and suicide, suicide as a
cry for help, and personal values. Children relate depression but
not mental illness to suicide, appreciate the attention-getting
aspects of suicide attempts but ascribe a greater degree of
lethality to these attempts, seem aware of the difficulties in
identifying suicide risks, and do not accept suicide as a
reasonable solution to incurable illness. Approximately one in five
children indicates seriously thinking about suicide, and a
3rd Often people who have reach this point have been “keeping up
appearances” to hide the true situation from everyone around that
them.They are unable to comprehend any other resolution. It
seems to be the only fix.The thing is that it may appear it will fix
things for you but it leaves utter devastation in your wake.

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