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1.1 Background Of Problem

English is an international language, which has an important role to communicate

with others in oral and written forms. English is also used to be used to exchange information
in the use of technology, education and culture, it is an effective way to communicate in the
community where it must be learned from the elementary school level.

In learning English, it has four that can be developed by students. English is a foreign
language as for basic competencies for skills such as listening, writing, speaking, and
reading. Reading is very important because reading can exchange information generally for
school subjects. About listening to people to read can overcome their own knowledge that is
needed can help the growth or development of students about reading comprehension. The
purpose of teaching reading is to improve students. The reading ability has been used by the
teacher for the strategies in teaching it, so using the text structure strategy in this study. In
this strategy is an approach in the teaching process where text is the main tool for teaching

The aim of teaching at the level of student intelligence is to read, with this learning
students will get information and understanding of the text. In high school, especially
students in the second year, reading can enhance their experience in their school or residence.
Understanding reading is an ability that must be developed and grown for children, and
requires a lot of effort to learn about construction, short stories, and poems. In this case the
strategy has an important role in the teaching and learning process used by teachers who want
to succeed in teaching, especially teachers who teach English as a foreign language to their
students. Effective strategies create good results in the teaching and learning process and are
absolute, as an attraction for student motivation in learning.

Reading comprehension has the influence to make succes English language. But in
fact, many student get misundersatnding about component in reading comprehension, so it
makes them get problems in comprehension reading text.

Beside that, factor makes the student get difficult in learning English language is the
teacher does not use interesting strategy in teaching English, making the teaching learning
proses is very bored for the students, so there is not response from the student to the lesson.
So tehe teacher has to find interesting strategy to make the student enjoy in learning English
language and it makes their reading comprehension get better.

Based on observations at SMA 1 Bungaraya, it has several problems faced by

students. Students also have problems, one of which is difficulty reading. They have a
problem in determining the meaning in the reading and they still have a lot of confusion in
vocabluary. And most students still have problems in finding information in the text,
identifying ideas, and also in identifying references and conclusions.
Reading has a significant purpose in learning English. Reading is very important
because it can help students get information in general knowledge, school subjects. By
reading they can improve their own knowledge needed to ensure that growth has good
personalities and can change a person's nature and can adjust for significant changes. Harvey
In Samsul Alam (2008: 1) argues that the purpose of reading is to help with knowledge about
certain things that can make someone more able to understand in reading and they can have
experience in society. Text structure has instructions to readers and tells them where they can
get information that develops an idea in reading (Herber & Herber, 1993). In a way to
improve thinking is to help students understand the structure of the text.

From the idea above, can clarify help students to develop ideas or meanings, integrate
information in text, teachers can use text because by doing assignments for example by
helping the rest to provide questions related to the structure of the text, students will get an
explanation of reading comprehension to understand the question , this study decides the
problem of identifying the structure of text in reading. Reading comprehension is the ability
to process text that understands its meaning. And to integrate what they have read.

1.2 Limitation of The problem

In this research , the researher focussed the problem about to difficulties in reading
compherension in structure task in identyfying main idea, argument and spesific information.
then, using structure task strategy the researcher hope this strategy can solve the student'
problem in comprehending text structure task.

1.3 Formulation of The problem

Based on the limitation of problem above, the problem of this research could be
formulated as in the following questions:

1. To what extand can structure task strategy improve students’ reading comprehension
ability of second year student at SMAN 1 Bungaraya?
2. What factors influence the student reading comprehension by using text structure task
strategy of the second year at SMAN 1 Bungaraya?

1.4 Purpose of The Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectivies of this research as

1. To find out comprehensible input improve students’ English reading compherension

of structure task?
2. To know what the factors the improvement of student reading comprehension at
second years at SMAN1 Bungaraya?
1.5 Imprtance of The research

The findings of the research are expected to give valuable contribution to the

1. To help the student improve skill reading comprehension learning reading

2. To help teacher to teach student
3. To help writer to developing strategy use in learning process

1.6 Definition of The Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation of the term used in the title, the terms are defined as

1. The aim of this study is to know the impact of misuse of the text structure, and this
study focuses on the main understanding of the generic structure in the reader with no
errors related to the topic
2. Reading The text must know the generic structure so as not to have misunderstanding
when reading and getting better source information ( Engle, 2002; Engle and
3. Reading comprehension is the ability of the reader to get information message
messages in reading text. Reading comprehension has a skill of reader on punctuation,
kind of context clues and references.

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