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Learn how to condition properly and implement it into your training regime
and you will gain a lot more power with your parkour movements. Your body will
be solid and resilient to injury. Your endurance will double; you will be able to last
much longer in a training session, performance, or real life chase. You will be
much quicker and more agile than before; your ability to make sharp cuts, abrupt
changes in direction, and split second decisions with your body will increase your
control by 10 xs. You will be able to run up higher walls, take bigger drops, jump
further gaps, land further cats, and have much more distance and force with your

If you don’t condition your body in coordination with your training, your
body will be weak. It will take you 3 xs as long to develop the basic movements
and get them down solid. Your endurance will be very short. You will get winded
fast during training sessions and you won’t stand a chance in a real life critical
situation. It will be much harder for you to increase your speed and agility. Your
body will not be able to keep up with the demands of your and physical exertion.
You will most likely develop chronic injuries and your career will be short lived.
You wall runs will be lower, your jumps will be smaller, your cats will be shorter,
your vaults will be slow, and you never reach your overall potential in parkour.

Conditioning is a key factor in our overall development in parkour and

needs to be implemented and done properly.

So you know you have to condition but where do you start? How do
muscles grow and develop in the first place? What are reps? How do I know how
many reps I should do for each work out? Does it matter how many reps I do?
What is the speed at which I should perform my workout? What speed of workout
will insure that I gain explosive power with my muscles? How do I breathe during
my workout to last longer, increase the strength of my muscles, and reduce
injury? When should I rest? Do I need to take any days off? Is it possible I could
work out too much and hinder my muscle growth? What are the best workouts do
to help me get better at parkour? Should I lift weights or go all natural? Does it
matter what I eat? If so, what should I EAT?

These are all great questions and ones I asked myself when I first got
started! I know how confusing everything can be at first. Especially when you

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have so many different people out there telling you to do completely different
things to achieve the result you want. It is frustrating.

From an early age, I played a lot of different sports. I started playing all the
wreck sports when I was about 6 and continued to play most of them till I was
about 12 or 13. I excelled rapidly in soccer and it quickly became my dominant
sport. So I was always physically active and in decent shape. But I wanted more
than to just be in good shape. I wanted to be in phenomenal shape; to have
superhuman strength! Unfortunately, I knew nothing about working out and the
principles to developing amazing strength. I was never exposed or around people
who operated or trained at an extremely high level of physical performance. So in
the strength department I remained relatively average.

It wasn’t till I turned 14 and somehow made the cut for one of the top
soccer teams in the State that I was introduced to actual professional training.

Our coach was one of the top in the nation; he played for the indoor
Brazilian National team and played pro for some time. Many of his players have
gone pro as well. One of my old teammates actually went pro and got rookie of
the year. He starts every game on one of the top teams in the league and plays
alongside David Beckham. So this coach knew how to train athletes to be some
of the top in the world.

When I first joined the team I was horrible compared to the rest. It was a
joke. I would spend my practices getting schooled and getting yelled at by our
Brazilian coach. I dreaded going to practices sometimes. Ha not to mention I had
to drive an hour just to go to practices and games because I lived out in the
middle of NO WHERE. The first year was tough and I spent a lot of time on the

But I kept training. When I was at practices I trained hard and gave 100%.
We had practice 2-3 times a week and then a game on the weekend. Our coach
also he held skills practices 2-3 times a week between main practices. These
skill trainings weren’t mandatory unless he said you had to go to them. Ha my
brother and I had to go to them for a bit. My teammate though, who went pro and
was already one of the best players on the team, he went to every one of them
anyway, even though he didn’t have to.

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After a season of doing this, my brother and I became 10 xs better than we

were before and became respectable, useful players on the team. My brother
quickly gained a starting position and I wasn’t a bench warmer anymore.

I learned a lot about conditioning and training while I was on his team. I
learned what it really takes to become one of the top athletes in the world at a
physical discipline or sport. It was during this time that I actually found out about
parkour. So I just implemented the same system with parkour. I found and
developed work outs, drills, and conditioning exercises that were focused
towards parkour and started training. It enabled me to rapidly learn and become
very good at parkour. After about 2 years of this training I got my first TV
commercial. Then over the years of research and I have read thousands of
articles and information over fitness and health. So I keep learning and
implementing and tweaking my workouts to get better results and find out what
produces better results in other people.

You can do the exact same thing. All it takes is hard work and a proper
system with the right conditioning exercises. I’ve done all the hard work of
researching and testing. Now you just have to implement it and tweak the minor
details to have it fit and create the best results for you.

This is going is going to be your guide and hand book over

conditioning. We are going to begin by going over the basic principles of
conditioning first. That way you understand how you need to work out to
produce the best results. My goal for this book was to keep it short and to
the point. Each of these subjects could literally be elaborated into their own
individual book. But I don’t want you to have to read for two years to start
training ha.

We are going to cover these principles.

#1 Your Body Type

#2 What Causes Muscle growth?

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#3 What should your diet be?

#4 When should you rest and how often?

#5 How many reps should you do?

#6 What speed should you perform your workout?

#7 How to breathe during training to maximize


After we go over these principles, we will go over several of the basic

exercises you can do. Then we will cover several workout routines that you can
perform that will focus on building the muscles and strength for parkour.

So let’s go on ahead and get started!!

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#1 Your Body Type

We have to understand our bodies and know how they work to get CUT
and build strong efficient muscle.

Understand your body type and you will know what diet you need to have
to attain the body and muscle gain you want. You will know how to implement
your conditioning workouts, listed in this book and in the schedule, to gain
efficient muscle and stay cut.

If you don’t understand your body type and how your body functions you
will find yourself doing exercises that are not building helping you build
muscle.You will be wasting a lot of time on different diets that don’t get you the
results you want. Don’t work with your body type and you could be gaining
unwanted fat you are trying to lose or losing muscle you are trying to gain.

You ever met a person who looked in great shape and they told you they
eat whatever they want and don’t work out?! Well that’s because their natural
body type is mesomorph but even the naturals will lose their great look over time
with poor diet and no exercise.

Have you ever had a friend or met a person who was really skinny. They
worked out, ate a ton, but they just couldn’t gain muscle. I myself had this
problem. I would take all the weight gainers and workout daily but I just stayed
skinny. I was 5’7 and weighed about 125lbs coming out of highschool. I was cut
and in good shape, but I didn’t have much muscle mass. It wasn’t till I
implemented a proper workout routine and diet that I got to a good 135-140lbs of
solid muscle. I will easily lose all that muscle gain quickly if I get off my routine.
This is because my body type was mainly ectomorph.

Everyone’s body does not work the same. We have different body types
and different genes that affect the way we build muscle and lose weight. We
need to use conditioning schedules anddiets that go together with our body type
so we can achieve the results we desire. Some of us will have to work harder
than others and take in fewer calories to attain the cut, athletic, mesomorph look
while others will need to do some heavy lifting and intake a ton of calories to
attain a suitable muscle build. Then some lucky bastards have a natural

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mesomorph body type and might not even have to work out but look like they’re
in great shape.

The theory of “Somatotypes”, where there are 3 main body types,

Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph was introduced by Dr. William H.
Sheldon in the 1940’s.

Once we know our body type we can take the proper actions for getting
CUT and strong.


1. Ectomorph– skinny people, high metabolism

• Fragile
• Thin
• Flat chest
• Delicate build
• Young appearance
• Tall
• Lightly muscled
• Stoop-shouldered
• Has trouble gaining weight.
• Muscle growth takes longer

2. Mesomorph – athletic, easily gain and lose weight, naturally strong

• Athletic
• Hard, muscular body
• Overly mature appearance
• Rectangular shaped (hourglass shaped for women)
• Thick skin
• Upright posture
• Gains or loses weight easily
• Grows muscle quickly

3. Endomorph– soft and round body shape

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• Soft body
• Flabby
• Underdeveloped muscles
• Round shaped
• Over-developed digestive system
• Trouble losing weight
• Generally gains muscle easily.

A lot of us have a mixture of 2 of these body types.

If you’re an Ectomorph you will need to take in a lot more carbs and calories
in your diet than an Endomorph to see substantial muscle growth. You will also
need to perform more High intensity, low rep work outs instead of high rep and
endurance workouts.

If you’re and endomorph you will be the opposite. You will need to take in a
smaller amount of carbs and calories. You will want to perform more high rep,
low or body weight workouts instead of low reps of high weighted work outs.

So figure out what body types fit you and start arranging your diet and
workouts to tailor your body.

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#2 What Causes Muscle growth?

Understand how muscle is created and you will be able to set up a system
for building and developing muscle in your body. You will understand why diet,
workout schedule, the type of workouts, and your body’s genes play an important
part in developing strong efficient muscle and having a ripped physic.

If you don’t understand how muscle is created then you won’t know what
you need to do to build muscle. It will be confusing, and you won’t know which
schedule to follow, what type of workouts you need to do, or the diet you need to
follow to get the results you want.

Without being too scientific, this is how muscle growth or “hypertrophy”


Resistance training causes trauma to the muscle fibers; in particular, the

cellular proteins in the muscle. So when you work out, you are damaging or
injuring your muscles. This then activates other cells to come in and repair the
damage that has been done and grow the muscle to be stronger to reduce the
risk of future trauma. Protein synthesis then occurs. So these cellular proteins
increase in number and size. There are several different growth factors that
regulate the repair and growth of the muscle following trauma. These are
hormones or hormone like compounds that stimulate the cells that repair and
grow the muscle. Muscle growth will occur when protein synthesis is greater than
protein breakdown. This means you must allow your muscles to heal and provide
sufficient nutrients to allow your muscles to repair and grow.

The whole process takes place a few hours after training and will keep
going at a high pace for about the next 24 hours. Though protein synthesis
occurs directly after the workout, apparent results in strength can take several

So in a nut shell when your body’s muscles go through trauma, it is telling

your body that you went through a strenuous event. Back in the cave man days,
this most likely meant a life or death situation like running away from a predator.
Your body then wants to repair these cells to heal your body as well as add more
cells so you will be able out run the predator much easier next time, increasing

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your chances of survival. The end result, if you provide adequate rest and diet, is
an increase in muscle mass and strength.

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#3 What should your diet be?

Implement the right diet and your muscles will grow. Your body will
function properly. Your risk of getting sick or being stricken with disease will
reduce significantly. You will be able to last longer in your training. You will get
quicker results in your training. You will be healthy. Your mind and body will be
more alert. Your body will last for decades of training.

Implement the wrong diet and it will be hard to grow efficient muscle. Your
body will mal-function. You will become sick more often. Allergies, colds, and flus
will be a regular occurrence for you. Later down the road you will battle with
disease, critical illnesses, and most likely cancer. Your training sessions will be
short and tiring. The results of your training will be limited. You will be un-healthy.
Your mind and body will be constantly stuck in foggy unawareness. Your body
will not last very long and you will most likely be put of training due to chronic
injuries, which will be very painful.

So what is the right diet to have? Is the FDA food pyramid really the best
reference for a well balanced diet? What is the best diet to have to promote
healthy muscle growth? Is the diet I’m eating really healthy? Should I really be
stuffing my face full of protein to gain the most muscle? Do I need to be taking
commercial muscle gaining supplements?

You might already know that fast food and foods full of sugars and
saturated fats are not good for your diet. What most people don’t know is that
their idea of a healthy meal (such as a salad and a turkey club sandwich) is
actually a meal full of toxins and foods that have been depleted of all their

I’m going to tell you how and why I got so interested with my diet. At first it
wasn’t to help my athletic ability.

All my years in high school and college, I was eating fast food and
microwavable dinners. Most of my meals consisted of meat, bread, cheese, and
a lot of pizza. I ate occasional fruits and vegetables. I thought I was eating
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“HEALTHY”. I would count the sugars, fat, and the amount of protein. Just like I
was told by every commercial I saw on TV or Mainstream nutritionist. I would feel
lethargic during the days. I always caught the flu, I had a cold at least 3 times a
year, I had allergies throughout the year, and I would get sick about 4 times a
year. I would go to the doctor and he would give me antibiotics and that would be
that. I thought that was just the way things were, you get sick, you have allergies
throughout the year, you get colds, and the doctor gives you medicine, that’s it.
It’s just a way of life.

No, a truly healthy body does not get colds or have allergies throughout
the year. I remember when I left college I got a really bad case of the flu and I
was out for about a week and I promised myself to find out how I could prevent
myself from getting the flu again. And during my research after that experience, I
discovered a book called, “NEVER BE SICK AGAIN” by Raymond Francis.

This book had all the answers to my questions and problems. It explained,
in detail, how diet and what you put into your body has a huge impact of how
your body functions and why it gets sick.

After I changed my diet I have not gotten the flu, I’ve gotten common cold
once and it was only for a couple of days, I rarely have the sniffles or cough,
congestion. I also feel better; I have more energy throughout the day instead of a
few hours at a time of energy. My fitness levels have skyrocketed. My brain is
focused and clear when I train. I heal fast from my injuries.

Have you ever heard the term, “YOU are what YOU EAT?” Well it’s true;
whatever your bodytakes in, is what it uses to supply your cells with essential
vitamins and nutrients.

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells. These cells make up all of our
bodies vital systems. If these cells are not functioning properly, our bodies do not
function properly. When are bodies don’t function properly we get sick, our vital
systems develop problems, our minds become slow, our muscles get weak, and
our body slowly begins to die.

Compare the human body to a car. Your car runs off of gas. Your car’s
engine feeds off the gas and operates properly. When you take care of your car,
you give it the proper gas, make sure to change the oil, replace old parts, and

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don’t wreck it into ditches; your car can last a very long time. What would happen
to your car if you didn’t change the oil or didn’t fill it up with gas? It wouldn’t run.
Or what if instead of oil and gas you used olive oil and water? Your engine would
be destroyed!

The same principles apply to the human body. If you completely deprive
your body of nutrients it will stop functioning. If you only consume toxins that are
harmful to the body, the human body will not function. The one thing that
separates the human body from the car is that the human body is very resilient. It
can take a lot of punishment before it starts to fall apart. It constantly acclimates
to the situation it is put in and fights to survive. That’s why signs of a horrible diet
can sometimes take years to surface and cause problems. That’s also why it is
almost never too late to change your diet and become healthy again.

So one bad meal or being exposed to minimal toxins is ok, our body can
handle that. The problem is the years of malnutrition and years of exposure to

If you plan on being a top athlete, then you must eat a sufficient diet to
allow your body to function properly and develop.

The first thing you must realize to achieve a healthy diet is that you cannot
listen to the main stream media, government, or FDA about what is healthy and
what is not. These groups, especially the FDA, are heavily influenced by special
interest groups. Just because it is FDA approved does not make it healthy and
just because it is not FDA approved does not mean it is unhealthy. The FDA and
government team up with the big corporations to set up regulations and rules that
benefit the big corporations and get rid of their competitors. Most of which has
nothing to do for the benefit of our health. Just look into doctors’ research over
the use of Aspartame in products today that is FDA approved. Aspartame is a
deadly poison. Look at how the FDA food pyramid has changed over the
decades due to special interest. Today the food pyramid equally represents all
food groups due to the fact that each group kept getting angry when the FDA
would rank grain or one group of more importance than the others. Look into the
Amish man who was arrested for selling fresh milk because it was unpasteurized.
The only reason you pasteurize the milk is if you are not going to sell it fresh. You
pasteurize it so you can hold it for long periods of time without it going bad. When

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you pasteurize the milk you actually take away a lot of the nutrients provided by
the milk.

Now I could go a lot deeper into it but that would take a whole separate
book. Just look into it online if you have questions, or send me a personal e-mail
and I’ll send you some articles.

Next you have to look at how the food you are consuming is produced. A
lot of food today is processed and pumped full of chemicals to make it bigger,
make it last longer on shelves, and cut costs by any means possible no matter
what the effects are to you.

Let’s look at produce. When a corporation grows tomatoes, they fill the soil
full of chemicals for fertilization to ensure that the tomatoes grow as big as
possible. These chemicals which would be poison to eat separately in large
doses, is then absorbed by the tomatoes as they grow. Then they spray the
tomatoes with harmful pesticides to rid any pesky bugs or insects. These
pesticides are then absorbed by the tomatoes. Then in order for these tomatoes
to last long periods of time, being stored, shipped, and placed on shelves across
the country, they pick them way before they are ripe. This keeps the tomatoes
from fully developing and takes away a lot of the nutrients. So at the end of the
day when you buy your tomato from Wal-Mart you get a tomato depleted of most
its nutrients and full of harmful chemicals. Now this is not a problem for an
occasional meal, but years of consuming produce like this will add up and begin
to destroy your body. Now this is just with the big corporation produce, imagine
what you are getting when you are by microwavable food, boxed food, or fast
food. You are getting food that has gone through layers and layers of chemicals
and additives as well as being stripped of it nutrients in every way possible.

So what do you do?? What do you eat?? Well luckily, there are still places
and farms that sell organic produce. Organic simply means that do not use
harmful chemicals in the growing process. It’s all natural and they do not strip the
produce of its nutrients. If you can’t find any organic food providers, the more
local and the smaller the company, the better and healthier the produce is.

So we need to supply our cells with the proper vitamins and nutrients to
keep them working properly. If your body is working at optimum levels, full of

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energy, you can produce faster and higher results with your workouts and muscle

So here are some simple rules and basic guidelines you can follow in your
diet to get your cells working at optimum levels.

1. Eat 4-5 Meals a day

This will help increase or keep your metabolism at a high level. Eat your three
basic meals and two snacks in between. This is basic but I tend to eat around
six. I eat small meals all throughout the day.

2. Eliminate Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is used in almost everything. It is an anti-nutrient and an empty

calorie. This means it takes nutrients away and adds useless calories to your
body. So eliminate basically all sweets at stores, fast food restaurants, cokes,
Gatorade, etc Look for products that use pure cane sugar instead.

3. Eliminate Enriched Flour

White flower or enriched flower is a wheat grain stripped of most of its nutrients.
Consume whole grains, such as, quinoa, wild rice, oats, and barley.

4. Eliminate Partially-Hydrogenated Oils and Trans Fats

Unlike butter or virgin coconut oil, hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans
fats and trans fats are like poisons to the body. Partially-hydrogenated oils are in
a ton of boxed foods you see at the grocery stores. Try to consume good fats,
such as, avocado, olive oil, high quality meats, nuts

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5. Eliminate Dairy Products

Dairy products are hard for the body to digest. They are anti- nutrients,
meaning, when they areconsumed, for them to digest properly, nutrients from
your body are used. If you are going to consume dairy, try to purchase the
organic, hormone and antibiotic-free products.

6. Eat Raw, Organic Fruits and Vegetables

A large portion of the diet should be raw organic fruits and vegetables.
Organic means no pesticides were used and the product was grown in natural,
undisturbed soil. Fruits and vegetables grown in this environment have more
nutrients and tend to taste better. Keep a nice variety of color and textures in
your diet.

All the berries are great anti-oxidants and full of nutrients. (Strawberries,
blueberries, blackberries, etc.)

Some nutrient-packed vegetables are (kale, spinach, peppers, broccoli,

carrots, sweet potatoes)

7. Eat High Quality Meats

Look for anti-biotic and growth hormone free products. Some of the best
meat is fish. Fish oils are great for our joints and ligaments. Look for salmon,
flounder, and turbo. These are high packed with nutrients. Tuna can be a good
meat to consume as well. Eggs are a great source of protein and nutrients. Make
sure if you fry eggs to use real butter none of that margarine or fake butter
substitutes, you want the real deal.

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8. Take High Quality Vitamins

Consume high quality vitamins. It’s hard now days to receive all the
vitamins and minerals the body needs on a daily basis. I would recommend
consuming a vitamin C, Multivitamin, daily.

*Try to eliminate all processed foods from your diet.

* When looking for foods, check the ingredients list. The fewer ingredients: the
better. And if actually know what the ingredients are in the product, that’s another

For example, take peanut butter. One label says

“Roasted peanuts, sugar, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (cottonseed and

rapeseed), salt” …

another one might say “peanuts and salt”.

Go with the peanuts and salt one.

Think of the most basic primitive way of eating and you should be fine.


For years and years I have been told by several friends, instructors, and
gym rats that you need to eat a specific amount of protein. If you eat a certain
number of grams of protein based on how much you weigh. If you multiply this,
and you divide this you get the amount of protein you need to be ingesting and
then that will cause you to gain muscle. Well I followed those things; I tried
cramming myself full of protein based on the charts and math. But I never noticed
any different results when compared to my regular diet and my regular protein
intake. I still stayed fairly skinny, even though I worked out constantly. So why
was I not seeing any gains, even though my workout schedule was the same for
both diets.

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Because there is not specific number of protein you have to ingest. Yes,
you do need protein to help rebuild muscle and promote muscle growth. But what
is more important is the type of workouts you are performing and your diet as a
whole in relation to your body type. There are many different factors involved for
gaining muscle and keeping it. There are several different hormones and
hormone like compounds that come into play, as we talked about above.

I saw results when I changed my diet as a whole. I provided my body with

a wide range of nutrients as well as protein. I made sure to consume protein
following every workout. But I didn’t just cram my face full of protein. I either
consumed a meal that was high in protein, or made a protein shake with ice and
fruits. Though mixing fruits and proteins in the same sitting aren’t the best for
digestion and getting the most nutrients out of it, but that’s a whole other layer of

Everyone’s amount of protein consumption will be different. Then main

thing you need to do is fix your diet as a whole, then experiment with different
amounts of protein to find the amount that provides the best results to you.

MAYBE- Eat too much protein and you could actually be hindering muscle
growth.(go into science) Especially considering most commercial protein
powders are crap and full of other toxins your body doesn’t need.

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#4 When should you rest and how

If you rest properly and on the right days you will gain muscle much faster.
You will learn new skills and get down new moves much quicker. You will relieve
physical and mental stress.

If you don’t rest properly you can keep your muscles from building and
could actually cause atrophy in your muscles. It will take you longer to learn new
moves and get them down. You may suffer from a lot of stress physically as well
as mentally.

After each hard work out, you need adequate rest to allow your muscles to
rebuild and your body to heal. Remember before when we discussed how
muscles are developed. To build muscle you have to cause trauma to the muscle
fibers then allow them to heal and grow. So you need to have at least a day’s
rest between hard conditioning and lifting. Parkour training that is not done in a
conditioning format can be done with less rest in between. For example you
could do weight lifting on Monday and light parkour training on Tuesday followed
by another weight lifting session on Wednesday.

If you are going to perform a hard parkour session, you should perform this
the day of your hard conditioning, that way you use the following day as a light
parkour day which allows your muscles to recuperate. Of course all of this is
subject to the need of each individual. Listen to your body. If you are very sore
and don’t feel like working out, don’t work out, your body is telling you that you
need more rest.

If you continue to perform hard conditioning every day, your muscles will
not have time to heal and certainly not grow. In fact your protein breakdown will
be much higher than your protein synthesis and you will have muscle atrophy
instead of hypertrophy.

But keep in mind that the first couple of weeks you start you will probably
be pretty sore. That’s normal because you are using new muscles and your body
hasn’t yet adapted to the new routine. So you should be fine with just taking a

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day’s rest in-between each session followed by a two day weekend break as you
begin your schedule. (In the Crash Course schedule we will cover the details.)

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#5 How many reps should you do in a

Knowing the correct amount of reps to do for your workout will enable you
to get the most out of your workout. You will achieve fast efficient muscle gain.
You will conserve energy for your whole workout.

If you’re not using the correct number of reps for each exercise, you will
get very little from your workout. You will receive little efficient muscle gain. You
could blow yourself out at the beginning and waste the whole workout. You could
overdo it and injure yourself.

Without getting too scientific, your muscles are made up of motor units,
which consist of a motor neuron and a group of muscle fibers. There are different
motor units which contain different, specific muscle fibers, which range from
smallest and weakest to largest and strongest.

The “slow-twitch” motor units contain the weakest, lower force, motor
neurons that are connected to small bundles of slow-twitch muscle fibers (or type
I muscle fibers), which can be activated and fired for hours. These produce low
levels of force and are used for long endurance

The “fast-twitch fatigue-resistant” motor units contain stronger, higher

force, motor neurons that are connected to larger bundles of type IIa fast-twitch
muscle fibers, which can be fired for minutes. These produce medium levels of
force and are used for medium bursts exertion.

The “fast-twitch, fast-fatigable” motor units contain the strongest, maximal

force, motor neurons that are connected to the largest bundles of type IIb fast-
twitch muscle fibers, which can only be fired for seconds. These produce
maximum levels of force and are used for maximum bursts of exertion.

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When you work out these motor units are activated in a fixed order. The
smaller and weaker motor units are activated first followed by the larger and
stronger units. The slow-twitch units can be activated repeatedly and for a long
period of time while the fast-twitch fast fatigable units can only be activated a
small number of times and for a short period.

So your slow twitch muscles are activated first then followed by the fast
twitch muscles.

This is why it is so important to include short burst maximal load

conditioning exercises into your workout routines if you want to develop those
maximal short burst powerful muscles. So when we perform these workouts it’s
equally important we incorporate the right amount of reps to work the correct
muscle fibers you want to activate.

Giving you a specific number of reps for you to do with high intensity
workouts that fit you perfectly is impossible for me to do. I cannot give you a
specific number to do. There are so many different factors involved, your body
type, your strength, the amount of resistance, the conditioning level you are at,
your goals, and etc. I could only give you a number that resembles mine or a ball
park number for others.

But there is an easy way to figure out the number of reps you need to do
so that you achieve your best workout. It’s simple to find the exact number that
fits you and will guarantee that you gain and don’t injure yourself.

You’re going to stop doing reps when the pace at which you are working
out slows down.

You are going to stop when you begin to struggle and you certainly will not
going to go till failure. So if your knocking out some push-ups at a pace of about
one every second, you will stop doing reps when your pace noticeably slows
down. A small decrease in pace is ok, but when it’s pretty noticeable, that’s when
you stop. So if you were doing one push-up every second and it dropped to one
every two seconds, STOP.

The reason why you do this is because once your pace slows down; you
actually aren’t even triggering the maximum fast-twitch motor receptors and are

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not working out the fast twitch, explosive muscle. This is not good. For your
conditioning in coordination with your parkour training, you want to focus on the
fast twitch explosive muscle fibers. You will get plenty of training on your slow
twitch endurance muscle fibers when you are training parkour.

Once your pace slows down you’re only activating your slow-twitch motor
receptors and only using your slow twitch muscle fibers. So you’re not getting
any benefit towards your fast twitch muscles and you risk injury.

You’re using you slow-twitch muscles to do your fast-twitch muscles job.

Your body recognizes this and starts using its reserves and begins to conserve
its energy from other areas; taking away from the energy you have for the other
sets and the gains you could be achieving with your fast twitch muscles in your

You’ve probably had this happen to you before if when you’ve worked out
on say something like pull-ups. On the first couple of sets you did as many as
you could all the way till failure. Then when you went up for your next set your
arms were dead and you could hardly lift yourself up, and your body probably felt
pretty weak and drained. That’s because you blew out your fast twitch muscles
from the beginning and then your body went into endurance and conservation
mode and you had no more energy to reach the threshold to activate your fast
twitch muscles.

Of course you want to train your endurance muscles as well. You want to
work all the different types of muscle fibers. But you don’t want your explosive
fast twitch muscle workouts to turn into endurance workouts. That will take away
significant gains you could be getting in your muscle mass and power with your

Another thing you can do is instead of worrying about how many reps you
do for each set, worry about how many reps you do for a whole. If you are trying
to build into 70 pull-ups or 100 push-ups, you will want to perform 100 push-ups
spread out through several sets that you can complete without slowing your pace
or failure. So you may do 25 pushups, rest, and then perform 25 more push-ups,
rest, another 25, rest, then your pace may not be the same on the fourth so you
only perform 15, rest, and then perform another fifteen, and you do this till you
reach your 100 rep goal. You will want to cut your rest time between each set as
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you progress. Each following exercise routine, you will start to increase your
numbers and cut the time it takes you to reach the 100 rep mark till eventually
you will be able to do 100 in a row.

Rule of thumb: The higher the load and force you are going to have to
apply, the more sets you will perform with lower reps of each exercise. The lower
the load and force you are going to have to apply, the less sets you will perform
with higher reps of each exercise.

Now I know it will be hard to start implementing this style of conditioning at

first because it won’t feel like you’re getting a workout sometimes.That’s the
problem a lot of people have. They end up doing too many reps and it hinders
their muscle development and leads to injuries.

So make sure not to fall victim to this common mistake. You begin to slow
significantly or struggle at all during your explosive conditioning, you STOP!

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#6 What speed should you perform your

Some people tell you to go slow and controlled, while others tell you to go
as fast as you can! Go the wrong speed and you could be developing your
muscles and body in a direction you do not want to go. So what’s the right speed
to go for your workout to get the results you want?

Well when you are performing high load low rep exercises, the speed is
not as important as the pace and having correct form. Make sure, as we talked
about before, that it is a constant steady pace. Make sure your form and your
pace stay solid first then work on speeding up your reps to build your explosive

If you are performing body weight exercises, we want to focus on building

power, speed and, high speed endurance. You want to go as fast as you can
where you still have really good form. If you are going so fast that you can’t have
good form, then you are not going to get a good workout and your body will not
gain as a result. Have bad form, and you will also develop bad habits that will get
driven into your muscle memory, further take away your gains, and will be very
hard to correct.

When you are performing drills or training parkour, unless you’re

performing light drills for a light day, you always want to go as fast and as hard
as you safely can. You want to train like it’s the real deal.

Back when I played soccer, the main thing that separated the really good
teams from the mediocre was the intensity of practice. Every practice the top
teams give 100%, like it’s a game. You train how you want to be. How do you
expect to be very fast and powerful with your movements in a competition or real
life chase if you are not doing it in your training sessions? This is what separates
the guys who become extremely good very fast and the guys who are mediocre
and it takes them forever to get there.

But remember be safe, unlike in other basic sports, if you screw up on a

move in parkour, the injuries could be pretty bad (depending on what you are

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going for). So when you are going all out make your you are training at a safe
level where screw-ups don’t result in disaster.

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#7 How to breathe during training to

maximize performance?
Breathing correctly allows you to get a lot more power out of your jumps,
vaults, and movements. It will increase the strength in your workouts. It will
double your endurance. It will keep your body functioning at its highest level.

When you breathe incorrectly or have bad breathing habits, your

movements are weak. When you work out, you will get winded fast, and you will
feel feeble. Your endurance will be short. You will feel anxiety and stress
randomly during the day. You will feel uncomfortable in normal day interactions.
Your body will struggle to function properly.

Carbon dioxide and oxygen are both very important for your body. Our
bodies’ cells feed off of oxygen and carbon dioxide helps the red blood cells
release oxygen to the other cells in our body. So no matter how much oxygen we
inhale, if we have too little carbon dioxide, our cells will lack the oxygen they
need. When you take shortened fast breathes through your mouth, you lower
your level of carbon dioxide and the amount of oxygen in your body. This sets off
a trigger to your “fight or flight” response causing you to become anxious,
stressed, tense, hindering your ability to focus, causing you to be paranoid or
bring up fear for no real life threatening reason. Breathing like this for long
periods of time can cause series harm to your body. You are cutting off and
restricting the life line to the cells in your brain and body. Much like diet, if you do
not provide your body with oxygen and carbon dioxide, your body will slowly

The importance of breathing correctly doubles when you are training and
working out. Your body is being put under high stress and needs large amounts
of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a short amount of time for your muscles and
body to perform. Don’t breathe properly and you will limit your work out
significantly and it could lead to injury.

In order to avoid this and keep our bodies healthy and strong, we must
learn the correct form for breathing and consciously correct are poor breathing
habits. We need to breathe with our whole bodies. We need a flexible un-

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constricted ribcage. Our bellies need to be flexible as well to help assist with our
breathing. Our chest and bellies need to expand as we inhale and retract as we

Inhale and exhale through the nose as much as possible. If you are
exercising and need to breathe faster, inhale through the nose and exhale
through the mouth. Only inhale through the mouth if your nose is stopped up or if
you are under high physical stress where your body needs a lot of oxygen very

When you breathe through the nose it allows the air you breathe to get
filtered through the nose. This means you breathe purer oxygen. Breathing
through the nose also regulates and controls your breathing; keeping your
oxygen and carbon dioxide at their optimum levels in our blood stream.

When you’re performing exercises time you’re breathing accordingly.

Inhale before you perform a power move, and exhale while you perform the
movement. This will enable you to perform the move with much more power and
strength. If you are performing a series of movements, say in a run or a fight,
make sure not to exhale and inhale in a rhythm with your movements. This will
allow you to perform the run or exercise much faster and for a lot longer.

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Basic Body Workout

The basic body workout is just the simple body weight conditioning routine
that works the main muscle groups in your body. You will be using basic natural
body movements that have been used for centuries to work out and develop the
human body. If you are ever having problems with any of the other workout
routines or are getting confused or frustrated fall back to this basic workout
routine. This routine can be modified to work with virtually anyone at any level.

Basic Body Workout Routine

-3 sets of Squat-Jumps

This is where you squat down to where your legs are at a 90 degree angle
then explode upward into a jump as high as you can.

-3 sets of Asian Jacks

Asian jacks are like lunges on steroids. You’re going to start with your
hands behind your head and in a kneeling position with one leg in front of the
other, like you’re going down on one knee. Then you are going to explode
upward into a jump. As you jump into the air you are going to switch legs and
land in the same way you start except for now you’re going to be almost touching
the ground with the other knee. Each time you jump and switch legs this counts
as one.

-3 sets of Pull-Ups

If you can’t do pull-ups, use something to assist you, such as resting one
leg on a stool to help you up. Or you could try tying resistance bands to the bar to
place one of your legs in to help assist you up and down.

-3 sets of Sit-Ups

-3 sets of Push-Ups

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-3 sets of Superman Lifts

This is where you are going to lay on your stomach and perform a reverse
crunch motion. So you will lie on your stomach and lift your arms and legs off the
ground and towards each other in the air. This resembles superman flying
through the air.

-3 sets of Hand Stand Push-ups

If you can’t do hand stand push-ups, rest your feet up on something high
and do inclined pushups. The higher you go the more you work towards the
handstand push-ups.

Bar workout
-3 sets of Kipping Muscle-ups (if not then good kipping pull-ups)

-3 sets of Front Levers

-3 sets of One Arm Pull-ups or Chin-ups (negatives, or assistance. If you can’t

just sideways pull-ups)

-3 sets of Back Levers

-3 sets of jumping to bar swinging off and landing (if inside just do 3 sets of
standard Squat Jumps)

-3 sets of Circular pulls (clockwise and counter clockwise)

-3 sets of Windshield Wipers

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Strength hold workout

-Planche (tuck legs or use wall)

-V-sit (tuck legs or use wall)

-Flag on right (substitute for planks and just work on getting into the flag hold)

-Flag on left (substitute for planks and just work on getting into the flag hold)

-Hand stand (lean against a wall if you need to or perform the high arch postion)

-Pistols, or one leg squat hold and stabilization (use assistance with a pole or
wall or use both legs if you have to)

Weight workout
-Power Clean



-Weighted Pull-ups

-Weighted sit-ups

Yamakasi workout
I call this the Yamakasi Workout because it was heavily influenced by the
training sessions I spent with some of the Yamaksi group. These guys are some
of the founders of parkour and some of the oldest traceurs. Their workouts were
very unique and intense. Trainng with them made a big impact on my training as

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well as my life. If you ever get a chance to take part in one of their workshops or
training sessions, do so! No matter what the cost. I traveled 5 hours and paid $30
bucks a day just for their training. It was more than worth it.

Quadra Pedal Movement or (QM)-

-3 sets of forward walks (go until paces slows)

-3 sets of backward QM walks

-3 sets of left side QM walks

-3 sets of right side QM walks

-3 sets of forward legs together QM hops

-3 sets of backward legs together QM hops

-3 sets of left side legs together QM hops

-3 sets of right side legs together QM hops

-3 sets of fast forward legs together QM bounds

-3 sets of fast backward legs together QM bounds

-3 sets of fast left side legs together QM

-3 sets of fast right side legs together QM

Butt Scoots-

-3 sets of forward Butt Scoots

-3 sets of backward Butt Scoots

-3 sets of left side Butt Scoots

-3 sets of right side Butt Scoots

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Planche Holds-

-3 sets of bent planche wall kicks

This first circuit will be a simple one. *remember for circuits we do not rest in
between each exercise.

We are constantly moving. Circuits might be difficult at first if you are not used to
them so rest if you need it but finish all the exercises.

Basic Circuit Workout

For this you can choose to use weight or not, depending on the results you
want. Use weight if you are trying to increase muscle mass, use body weight if
you are trying to get cut, lean, and ripped. You will perform each exercise till your
rep slows down in pace then go directly into the next exercise. You will do as
many rounds as you can. Once you can’t do any more reps of any exercise at a
fair pace you will stop the workout.

So if you go two rounds and are struggling to do the next round of push-ups, you
stop the workout.

- Squat-Jumps

- Pull-Ups

- Asian Jacks

- Push-Ups

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- Sit-Ups

- Superman Lifts

- Hand Stand Push-ups

End of one round. Continue this for as many rounds as you can.

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