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January 1 2009 BLACK BOOK II (1) Preamble

Continuance of the serious issues of government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy
against the people of the Lower Tier where preliminary evidence was published in the BLACK
BOOK September 1 2006 now renamed BLACK BOOK I published on the Scribd web site
and available to download on the www.uRus.ca site under the Download tab

On June 30 2005 my former tenant Don Wilson president/director of BioSafe Natural

Technologies Inc. of which I was a major share holder committed fraud over $100,000 under
the criminal code and filed a false and misleading information with the Ontario Rental Housing
Tribunal $43,000 where a hearing was takeing place in pursuant of my application to evict Don
Wilson for arrears of rent $8,000 and refusing to vacate my basement apartment on May 31
2005 as he agreed to in an agreement dated May 6 2005 which I had attached a copy to the
application to evict on June 6 2005.

Don Wilson filed a dispute with the ORHT June 10 2005 with a fabricated story that he had
paid up rent until February 2009 which had he won the decision would have cost me $43,000

Filing a false and misleading information with the ORHT is an offense under s.206 (2) of
the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 that was in force at the time.

Don Wilson denied having ever seen the May 6 2005 agreement that documented what he owed
me for rent, what he owed me in personal loans, agreement to provide me and all share holders
proper purchase of shares agreements and certificates and his agreement to vacate my furnished
basement apartment on May 31 2005.

The judicator asked if they were his initials on the document and are you saying that you never
signed that agreement and he said that is not his signature which I agree being different than the
signature that he has used on all other documents he has provided me including the dispute that
he signed for the ORHT.

I then submitted the April 13 2005 agreement that was basically same as the May 6 2005 but the
May 6 2005 lowered the commission rates I was to receive if I caused any persons to invest in
the company.

Don denied having ever seen the April 13 2005 agreement nor signing it which he had used the
same signature as he had on the May 6 2005.

I introduced the witness to the April 13 2005 agreement to the judicator who attested that Don
Wilson did indeed sign all 4 pages of the April 13 2005 and he signed after.

My mother was not there but she witnessed Don Wilson sign the May 6 2005 agreement.

A clear case of criminal fraud which I muttered there oughta be a law, which of course I knew
there was and the judicator Nanacy Fahlgren immediately said there is and went on to say that
she had the authority to forward the case onto the Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

We were the last case that first day June 30 2005 and before the judicator closed up shop she
asked me for all the evidence I had which I provided her along with a 14 page chronicle that she
asked Don Wilson if he had seen that and asked me to provide him with a copy which he stated

She asked him to take it with him and respond to it providing a copy to me and the ORHT
before July 21 2005 which we would deal with when the cace continued July 28 2005.

Before the case was over for the day I asked if the machine beside her was a rec...when she said
yes it is a recorder and I asked if I will be able to get a copy of of the hearing which she said yes
when the case was concluded I could purchase a copy from the ORHT.

At the beginning of the second day of the hearing July 28 2005 which my case was first the
judicator Nancy Fahlgren stated the hearing would not be recorded but the case went on without
event other than when Don Wilson was asked if he had anything further to state or evidence to
submit he did say well I have a question looking at the 14 page chronicle which I immediately
asked is that the chronicle you were given last hearing and he said yes.

I immediately asked the judicator if she received a copy of his reponse to the chronicle because
I never did. She responded no and disallowed Don's question to deal with the chronicle.

The hearing ended with Nancy Fahlgren stating we would get her decision in the mail with me
asking again on the way out if she would be proceding with charges but the people involved
with the next case were beginning to surround her and she never answered.

On August 10 2005 I received the Tribunal Order # TNL-67103 dated August 8 2005 finding
for me ordering Don Wilson to vacate my premises by August 18 2005 or I may take the order
to the Sheriff to have him removed.

He was ordered to pay me $10,000 in arrears for rent but there was no mention as to whether or
not charges would be commenced orcaused to be commenced against Don Wilson.

Beginning Aogust 10 2005 I set out to get the justice demanded of the Constitution conducive to
the support of every individual's guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits
having looked for it in every nook and cranny only to determine that their is no such thing
having documented the entire legal system from the ORHT to the Governor General irrefutably
proving the Government, federal and provincial are Organized Crime personified of corruption
and conspiracy initiated by the government members of the Law Societies headed by the DOJ-
Minister of Justice and Attorney General and in Ontario the office of the Ontario General where
they have provided the evidence themselves clearly demonstrating their modus operandi is 180
degrees adverse to the Constitution and support of every individual's guaranteed Charter rights
The evidence irrefutably proves by their own arrogant and blatant admittances that they are
indifferent to every individual's guaranteed Charter rights refusing to support every individual
who stands alone when victimized with not one government department or agency available for
a victim to complain to.

Of course they create agencies like the Ombudsman, Civil Commisssion for Police Services...?
something like that, and federally the Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, the Commission for
Conflict and Interest and Ethics...and so on having tried them all that I am aware
of and on November 8 2007 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the
RCMP naming two RCMP members I had recently contacted at the time for refusing to
investigate Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy which the
preponderances of evidence irrefutably proves.

All the evidence that you read on this web site and others referenced hereon has been provided
to not only the RCMP but a prodigious number of prominent government personnel whose e-
mail addresses are published in the AAAAALIST on the Charter Democracy Force web site and
all the people whose e-mail addresses are now available in the GLIST tab on this site which is
an expanded file of the original AAAAALIST.

This list includes the departments and agencies already stated, the OPP-Antirackets and the
York Regional Police who I have met with.

On September 10 2008 I received the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3
2008 that is self evident that the RCMP refuse to investigate Government Organized Crime of
corruption and conspiracy and the reason of course is because they are major players with the
entire government and legal sytem and the media in on the conspiracy as you will read in the
commentary and documents.

The inherent problem is getting the evidence to the people where once they know the irrefutable
truth published on our web sites nature will take its course as the guilty government personnel
will be brought before the courts that will be scrutinized their every move as one by one we deal
with the major players of the government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy
eradicating them from the government and legal systems where we will sue their asses to
recover the money they have stolen from us, as much as we can allowing them to see first hand
what poverty is all about, the poverty they have caused deliberately that provides them the
criminal element they need that flourishes due to their M.O. that creates victims necessary for
their business, whereas they need a humongous number number of victims to select only the
wealthier ones to protect and proceed to court providing them the luxurious lifestyle they so
greedily aspitre to, while the people of the Lower Tier cannot afford to access the court sytem as
the Ontario Attorney General Chris Bentley and prominent judges admitted in the July 26 2008
Toronto Saturday Star.

For every criminal the people of the Lower Tier cannot afford to bring before the courts is one
that leaves a trail of victims in his or her wake before they are finally brought before the courts
as a hardened criminal facing a first offense that the lawyers will pilfer the Legal Aid kitty
financed by the people to protect the criminal from the justice of the people the same way as the
entire lehal sytem is set up to protect the members of theLaw Societies from the victims who
stand alone not often prepared to put in 24/7 for 31/2 years like I have so far to get the justice
guaranteed me by the Charter whereas the only viable means of present knowledge is to
eradicate amoral inclination by the application of due punishment due the crime with exempary
attentiveness to deterence.

Precisely adverse to the modus operandi of the government members of the Law Society who
need victims and criminals to flourish to comfortable lifestyle as their modus operandi is
obviously structured for their benefit indifferent to the Constitution and the safety and well
being of the people as guaranteed by the Charter.

Well any way on September 23 2008 I requested the Commission for Public Complaints
Against the RCMP for a REVIEW of the September 3 2008 RCMP Final Letter of Disposition
already quite certain the Commission was involved in the conspiracy but needed it confirmed by
documention and quite interesting just 15 minitues ago having not heard from the
Commission since S.Smitt wrote September 24 2008 their Final report arrived in the mail which
I will relate to you in a moment as soon as bring you up to speed.

The September 24th acknowledged receipt of my request for REVIEW and informed they have
requested the RCMP to forward the evidence that I had requested to them, namely the report by
RCMP Staff Sergeant R.B.MacAdam who spent 8 months studying the evidence that you will
read in the BLACK BOOK...now BLACK BOOK I and the evidence in BLACK BOOK II (1)
being the evidence the RCMP had been provided up to Novemeber 8 2007 when I filed the
complaint with the Commission.

BLACK BOOK II (2) contains the evidence I provided the RCMP and all persons on the
AAAALIST and GLIST from the period September 8 2008 up and to September 3 2008.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the evidence of 1000 pages or more you will see that
RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis' September 3 2008 Final Letter of Disposition, a little more
than 1 page of content is not a fair analysis of the evidence and in fact absolutely as expected of
a person suspected to be in on the conspiracy.

Now let us see what the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP has to report

It is signed by Paul Kennedy, Chair from the Office of the Chair, Commission of Public
Complaints Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police dated December 23 2008 pursuant to
subsection 45.42(1) of the RCMP Act, the above complaint PC-2017-2316 & PC-2017-2317
has been reviewed and I hereby forward my report in accordance with the provisions of
subsection 45.42(2) of the Act.

Boy oh boy, I can hardly wait to see what he writes and you will be able to see it for yourself in
Actually his report seems quite convincing except for the fact he has obviously not interpreted
the evidence in search of the truth but a wonderful… best report I have had yet from
government personnel with the consistent biased to protect the conspiracy as expected.

He even cunningly makes fun of the fact that I stand alone against the entire system as everyone
who does not agree with me is suspected to be in on the conspiracy.

The important point he missed is that it is not just me because the evidence is on my side and
the law, and all they have is superfluous pieces of paper with their inanities scrawled this way
and that across every page where the entire volume irrefutably proves their consistency to be
inconsistent with the Constitution adverse to the support of every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights.

Oh, and of course they have each other of the nefarious bent with the wherewithal to do what
ever the hell they like that I can report on and read any time I like

They are of the opinion that they possess the words that properly placed to paper will alleviate
the struggle of humankind where there will never be peace until all people of the Lower Tier
accept the lowly place they have allotted for us.

What is so hard to understand?

I get it already but it is the human nature in me that resists there every effort no matter how hard
they try.

It is in the knowing that the conflict arises where if not for unfortunate circumstance I would be
in ignorant bliss as well as the next guy.

I hope to have BLACK BOOK III published by tomorrow January 1 2009 that will
overwhelmingly prove that you cannot have the alleged conspirators investigate themselves and
expect the response the evidence irrefutably proves.

I suspected for three years now that the conspirators would be the wrong people to investigate
these issues, but what are you going to do?

Complain without irrefutable evidence?

Not bloody likely because I have been complaining with irrefutable evidence and that does not
work with them who subscribe to the ideology of the Law Society of Upper Canada who clearly
state or imply their members are not required to give a damn about every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits as their only obligation is to
vigorously advance the interests of their clients...with no mention as to whether their clients
interests are legitimate consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual's
guaranteed Charter rights as priority is to the money.
They go further to state or imply that evidence is irrelevant when it is against their members
which they demonstrated by closing my complaint against one of their members refusing to
look at the evidence and as always directing me to a lawyer who I clearly cannot afford to fight
the whole damn corrupt system backed by all the money they can ransack from the people.

I have not been able to upload BLACK BOOK II (1) to the Scribd site for some reason but it is
available at www.uRus.ca under the Downloads Tab. where all pertinent documents will soon
be available.

I cannot overemphasize the quality and humongous amount of evidence that I have that the
entire government upper echelon is involved in the conspiracy and just by getting the evidence
to the people their conspiracy will collapse.

Does anyone have any good ideas for a New Year's Resolution?

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