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An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, and is willing to risk in order to make

money. According to economist Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), “entrepreneurs are not
necessarily motivated by profit but regard it as a standard for measuring achievement or success.” An
entrepreneur is seen as an innovator. Entrepreneurs play an important role in our economy, using the
skills and initiative necessary to think of something that might happen in the future and bring good new
ideas to market. In a market full of dubiety or something that is uncertain, it is the entrepreneur who
can probably help clear up uncertainty and make an assurance, as he makes judgments or assumes the
risk. Great entrepreneurs have the capacity to change the way we live and work. If successful, their
innovations may improve standards of living, and in addition to creating wealth with entrepreneurial
ventures, they also make jobs and help to make a growing economy. Entrepreneurs Create Social
Change through offering unique goods and services, entrepreneurs break away from tradition and
disrate reliance on out-of-date systems and technologies. This results in a greater quality of life,
improved morale, and greater economic privilege.

The necessity of an entrepreneurial mindset are, among other characteristics, the lack of fear when it
comes to taking risks, and the ability to take failures into stride. If you consider yourself an
entrepreneur, it’s important for you to know why an entrepreneurial mindset is very important for
starting business or for business simply. The enhancement of entrepreneurial skills such as confidence,
resilience and enthusiasm gives success and can result in an abundant feeling of happiness at work and
at home. Embracing an entrepreneurial mindset put up with the development of these skills so that it is
possible to work better and feel happier while at work and at home. An entrepreneurial mind-set can
help the development of confidence and mean that one is more willing to take on opportunities as well
as not being afraid to take risks. In the workplace, being confident enough to talk difficult issues and
conversations can improve leadership style and benefit general social interaction with co-workers.
Enthusiasm is another entrepreneurial skill that can be learned with an entrepreneurial mind-set; being
enthusiastic in the workplace can not only create more chance but can elevate the social interaction
between co-workers and create an improved atmosphere at work. If there is love, passion and
enthusiasm the task at hand is more likely to have a successful and greater outcome.

So, can everyone have an entrepreneurial mind? Probably not. But with time, practice, and effort, we
can start to think more like entrepreneurs. We can begin to make subtle shifts in old, reflexive thinking
that keeps us from check in to a new idea or taking the leap and begin our own business.
Entrepreneurial thinking may be less of a destination and more of a journey as we push our own
limitation and explore things that we are exactly what we’re capable of.


The importance of having an entrepreneurial mind-set. (2018) Retrieved from

5 Essential Characteristics Of The Entrepreneurial Mind. (2011) Retrieved from

What is an Entrepreneur. (2019) Retrieved from


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