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01) Adding Machine

1. a+ (John Von Neumann)
2. (John Mauchly)
3. mlh (Ada Augesta Lovelace)
4. (Blaise Pascal)
5. . (John V. Ardanasop)

02) (computing Devices) ?

1. (Transistor Technology) (Babbage) dhy;

(Difference Engine)
2. (Commercial Minicomputer)

3. ENIAC (Vocuum Tube)

4. Apple II
5. xUq;fpide;j Rw;Wf;fs; (ICs) gad;gLj;jp cUthf;fg;gl;l fzpdpahdJ ehd;fhk;
jiyKiwf;Fupa fzpdpahFk;.

03) ml;ltidapy; jug;gl;Ls;s ,yf;f jUf;ff; FwpaPLfSs;, NOT jUf;f;jijf; fhl;LtJ vJ?

1. A khj;jpuk; 2. C khj;jpuk; 3. A Ak; BAk; 4. A Ak; C Ak;

6. A Ak; C Ak;
04) X+Y.Z vDk; Boolean Nfhitapdhy; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;JtJ vJ?
1. (x.y)+(x.z) 2. (x.y)+(x+z) 3. (x+y)+(x+z) 4. (x+y).(x+z) 5. (x+y).(x.z)

05) RPM myFld; njhlh;Gila rhjdk; gpdtUtdtw;Ws; vJ?

1. RAM 2. CPU 3. ROM 4. Hard Disc 5. Flash Memory

06) ep r; (Solid State Device) ?

1. (Floppy Disk) 2. (Compact Disk) 3. (DVD)
4. (blu - ray) 5. (Flash memory)
07) 11011.10 ( ) ?
2. 27.1 2. 31.1 3. 30.75 4. 27.5 5. 31.5

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


08) (Translator)
1. MWT
3. Translating w; (Compiler) gp
4. (Assemblers)
5. Python program 32 (error) ‘syntax error’

09) (Cache memory) / ?

A. CPU memory
B. (Register) is ( access
C. etPd (micro processer ) L1,L2,L3

1. A 2. B 3. A ,C 4. B ,C 5. D

10) 628 - 468 =

1. 268 2. 148 3. 168 4. 248 5. 128

11) 8 bit (Two’s compliment) tpy; 1101001

j;jpd; ahJ?

1. 20 2. -20 3. 23 4. -23 5. -21

12) ap

1. (OMR) 2. (MICR)
3. (light pen) 4. (scanner) 5. (Digitizer)

13) IP
1. DNS 2. SMTP 3. DHCP 4. TCP 5. PROXY


3. "0" g; IP NETWORK ID


Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


15) gpd;tUk; khjphpaq;fs; (models) fUJf

A. (network)
B. (spiral)
C. (water fall)
/ /

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A , C 5. B , C

16) q;fp

1. (Swapped out & Blocked)

2. (Blocked)
3. (Ready State)
4. (Swapped out & Waiting)
5. (Running State)
17) (File system) NTFS
1. New Table File System 2. New Technology File Silent 3. New Technology File System
4. New Table Allocation File System 5. New Technology Allocation File System
18) OSI (Data Translation), compression encryption

1. (Network layer)
2. (Application layer)
3. (Presentation layer)
4. (Physical layer)
5. (Data Link Layer)

19) ?
1. (Expert system)
2. (ERPS)
3. (OAS)
4. (KMS)
5. (TPS)

20) (Dynamic web page) jpwe;j

(server side Scripting language) ?
1. CSS 2. HTML 3. PHP 4. Javascript 5. XML

21) HTML <Input type = "text" maxlength ="10" > maxlength

1. (text box) (font size)

3. (text box)
4. (type)

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


22) Hyper Text Markup Language ☑ s HTML <input type =

1. Drop down button 2. Check box 3. Radio button 4. Select box button 5. multiple line control button

23) 9.0 // 4 ஐ ?
1. 2 2. 0 3. 2.0 4. 3.0 5. 5.0
24) Ngh sT
example = [1,3,5,7,9]
print example [-3:-1]
1. [1,3,5] 2. [9,7] 3. [5,7,9] 4. [9,7,5] 5. [7,9]

25) 5+6 ✴ (25 % 6) ✴ 2+8/2

1. 12 2. 26 3. 21 4. 62 5. 31
26) Z = [21,26, 30,28] z . append (41) NghJ

1. [21,26,28,41] 2. [41,28,26,21] 3. [21,26,30,28,41] 4. [21,26,30,28] 5. [21,26,30,45,28]

27) M =[a,e,i,o,u] python M =[4] .

1. o 2. u 3. i 4. e 5. a
28) x=3,y=6 python Not (Y >5) and (X < Y) or (Y > X)

1. 3 2. 18 3. False 4. True 5. Syntaxerror

29) for in range (10,20,5); python print a

1. 20,15,10,5,0 2. 0,5,10,15,20 3. 0,5,10,15 4. 5,10,15,20 5. 5,10,15

30) for x in ‘python’ :

if x == ‘h’ :
print x python tpisT
1. p,y,t,h 2. pyth 3. h,o,n 4. p,y,t 5. pyt

31) a= 60,b= 13 python print a & b bitwise operator ( )

1. 15 2. 12 3. 21 4. 51 5. 16

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


 32,33




Yes Print x

32) newp (Algorithm) tpisT

1. 0,2,4,6,8,10 2. 10,8,6,4,2,0 3. 10,8,6,4,2 4. 8,6,4,2,0 5. 8,6,4,2


1. x=10 2. x=10 3. x=10 4. x=10

while (x>0): while (x<0): while (x>0): while not (x>0):
x=x-2 x=x-1 x=x-2 x=x-1
print (x) print (x) print (x) print (x)

5. x=10
while (x>0):
print (x)
34) (relational data base)
A. (identifier) h
(primary key)
B. juTfs; (field )
C. Name (attribute) full name name with initial
tJ $Wf;F (composite attribute)

1. A 2. B 3. A ,B 4. A ,C 5. B ,C

 35-37

CourseUnit Lecturer
Courseunit_ID Title Lecr_ID Name Courseunit_ID
ICT1 Website Developing 216 Ramanan ICT2
ICT2 Hardware Engineering 282 Aravind ICT1
ICT3 Software Development 283 Thisara ICT4
ICT4 Multimedia Technology 216 Ramanan ICT3
282 Aravind ICT2

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


ik (ER) o;

36) ER

1. CourseUnit (Courseunit_ID,Title), lecturer(Lecr_ID,Name), CourseUnitLecturer(Day,Time)

2. CourseUnit (Courseunit_ID,Title), lecturer(Lecr_ID,Name), CourseUnitLecturer(Courseunit_ID, Lecr_ID
3. CourseUnit (Courseunit_ID,Title), lecturer(Lecr_ID,Name), CourseUnitLecturer(Courseunit_ID, Lecr_ID
4. CourseUnit (Courseunit_ID,Title), lecturer(Lecr_ID,Name), CourseUnitLecturer(Courseunit_ID, Lecr_ID
5. CourseUnit (Courseunit_ID,Title), lecturer(Lecr_ID,Name), CourseUnitLecturer(Courseunit_ID, Lecr_ID

37) NkNy $wg;gl;l juTj;js ml;ltidapypUe;J CourseUnit “ICT2” ghlj;jpid Nghjpf;Fk; (Lecr_ID
kw;Wk; Name) tpguq;fis ngWtjw;fhd SQl $w;W vJ?

1. select Lecturer.Lecr_ID Lecturer.Name from CourseUnit where Courseunit_ID=”ICT2”

2. select CourseUnit.Lecr_ID Lecturer.Name from CourseUnit where Courseunit_ID=”ICT2”
3. select Lecturer.Name CourseUnit. Courseunit_ID from CourseUnit , Lecturer
4. select Lecturer.Name CourseUnit. Courseunit_ID from CourseUnit , Lecturer where
5. select CourseUnit.Lecr_ID Lecturer.Name from CourseUnit

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


38) gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; ve;jg; guPl;rpj;jy; cghak; (Testing Strategy) NritngWk; gadh;, Kiwikia
Vw;Wf; nfhs;tjw;fhf fUj;jpw; nfhs;sg;gLk;.

1. myFg; guPl;ir (Unit test)

2. Vw;Gg; guPl;ir (Acceptance Test)
3. fUk;ngl;b Nrhjid (Black box test)
4. ntz;ngl;br; Nrhjid (White box test)
5. Kiwik Nrhjid (system test)

39) nkd;nghUs; mgptpUj;jp nray;Kiwapy; (Software Development Process) Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk;

rhj;jpats Ma;tpy; juT, nray;Kiw, jfty;, td;nghUs;, nkd;nghUs;, fzpdp tiyaikg;G,
cjpupg;ghfq;fs; rk;ge;jkhf Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Ma;T …………………. mFk;.

1. mKyhf;fy; rhj;jpa tsk; (Operational Feasibility)

2. nghUshjhu rhj;jpa tsk; (Economical Feasibility)
3. njhopEl;g rhj;jpa tsk; (Technical Feasibility
4. epWtd rhj;jpa tsk; (Organizational Feasibility)
5. nryT rhj;jpa tsk; (Cost Feasibility)

40) fPNo fhl;lg;gl;Ls;s juTg; gha;ry; tug;glj;jpy; (DFD) epakf; FwpaPl;bdhy;


D1 Invoice

1. ntspaf cs;nghUs; (External Entity)

2. nray;Kiw (process)
3. juT Nrkpg;G (data Store)
4. Muk;gk; (Start)
5. KbT (End)

41) gpd;tUk; njhFjpfis (system) fUJf.

A - rkpghl;Lj; njhFjp
B - R+hpad;
C - ghiw
D - Cloning Foe;ij
,tw;Ws; nraw;if capUs;s Kiwik vJ?
1. A Ak; B Ak; khj;jpuk; 2. C khj;jpuk; 3. B Ak; C Ak; khj;jpuk; 4. D khj;jpuk;
6. A Ak; D Ak; khj;jpuk;

42) Kw;nfhLg;gzT ml;il (Prepaid card) ,lg;gl;L Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Call, SMS kw;Wk; Data Mfpa
trjpfis cs;slf;fpa Sim d; nraw;ghl;bw;F cjhuzkhf miktJ.

1. epfo;Neur; nrad;Kiw (Real-time processing)

2. njhluhr; nrad;Kiw (Online processing)
3. gupkhw;wr; nrad;Kiw (Transaction Processing)
4. ,ilj; njhlh;G nrad;Kiw (Interactive processing)
5. njhFjpr; nrad;Kiw (Batch processing)

43) mur Cspah;fSf;hfd Ntiy Neuk; njhlh;ghd Rw;wwpf;iffs; (Circulars) www.pub.ad.gov.lk

vDk; ,izaj;jsj;jpypUe;J gjptpwf;fk; (Download) nra;J nfhs;Sk; nraw;ghL……………….vd
1. G2G 2. B2E 3. G2C 4. G2E 5. B2C

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai


44) gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; vJ/vit gad;gL epfo;rp epuy;fshf (Utilities soft wares) fUjf;$bait.
A - er;Repuy; vjph;g;G nkd;nghUs; (Antivirus)
B - epidtf Kfhik (Memory management)
C - tl;L tbtikj;jy; (Disc formatting)
1. A Ak; B Ak; khj;jpuk; 2. A Ak; C Ak; khj;jpuk 3. B khj;jpuk; 4. C khj;jpuk;
5. A.B,C Mfpa vy;yhk;

45) xU Clf ,izg;gpDhlhf (channel) gy rkpf;iQfs; gupkhw;wg;gLfpd;w NghJ vjph;Nehf;Fk;

,lh;ghLfis jtph;j;J mr;rkpf;iQfis mg;ghijapDhlhf gupkhw;wk; nra;a gad;gLj;g;gLk;
rhjdk; (Device) vJ?
1. Msp (Switch) 2. Ftpak; (hHb) 3. gz;ikahf;fp (Multiplexer); 4. kPs; nrayp (Repeater);
5. topr;nrayp (Router)
46) cyfyhtpa tiyaikg;gpd; $l;likg;G (World Wide Web Consortium) W3C d; fz;Lgpbg;ghsh;
(Founder) ahh;?
1. Tim John Lee 2. Lee Berners 3. Time Berners Lee 4. Joh Herman Lee
5. Tim Holrith
47) xU ryit ,ae;jpuj;jpd; nray;rhuh Njitg;ghL (Non Functional Requirements) gpd;tUtdtw;;Ws;
A - Jzpfis jpwikahf Jitf;;f$bajhf ,Uj;jy;
B - xNu Neuj;jpy; 6.5 Kg Jzpfis Jitf;f $bajhf ,Uj;jy;
C - cyuitf;Fk; gFjp (Spinner) 180watt kpd;rhuj;jpid Efuf;$bajhf ,Uj;jy;

1. A; khj;jpuk; 2. C khj;jpuk 3. A Ak; B Ak; khj;jpuk; 4. B Ak; C Ak; khj;jpuk;

5. A.B,C Mfpa vy;yhk;

48) thbf;ifahsh; tpUg;G ntWg;Gf;fis mwpe;J mtw;wpw;F nghUj;jkhd tifapy;

cw;gj;jpfisAk; NritfisAk; toq;Fk; Mw;wYila ,ae;jpuq;fis cw;;gj;jp nra;af;$ba
Mw;wy; cs;s Kiwik ……………………………… MFk;.

1. fd;Nr Kiwik (Kansi system)

2. ty;Ydh; (expert System)
3. cl;nghjpe;j Kiwik (Embedded System)
4. epGdj;Jt xj;Jiog;G Kiwik (ESS)
5. Kfhikj;jt jfty; Kiwik (MIS)

49) vy;yh ,lq;fspYk; (everywhere) gadh; cs;sf kw;Wk; njhiyJhu (remote) Nritfis
fzpf;Fk; R+oy; vt;thW miof;fg;gLk;.

1. Cloud Computing
2. rh;t tpahgf fzpg;G (ubiquitous Computing)
3. Mobile Computing
4. Robotic Computing
5. Nkw;$upa vJTkpy;iy

50) gpd;tUk; URL If; fUJf. - http://www.schoolnet.lk/2015/modelpapers/AL-ICT.html gpd;tUtdtw;wpy;

vJ Nkw;Fwpj;j URL d; Nky;kl;l Ms;fsj;ij (Top-level domain) Fwpf;fpd;wJ.

1. http 2. html 3. www 4. ww.schoolnet.lk 5.lk

Mr.MCM.Rasmy [B.Com.Computer Application] Brains-Kalmunai

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