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Herbs for liver and GB
Wormwood, Sage, Dandelion and Golden Seal

Just a few hundreds of years ago, herbal medicine was

the main medical practice.
Today, thanks to medical science (read medical
business), you can hardly find anyone practicing this
highest of healing arts.
In the nature, around us, there is a cure for every
single ailment and illness.

There are many herbs that have protective efect on liver

and gallbladder.
Every herb that promots the discharge of bile from the
liver and the gallbladder (Cholagogue) have positiv
efect for people who do not suffer attacks.
Cholagogue = promots the discharge of bile from the
liver and the gallbladder
There are many herbs that are used for dissolving or
destroying stones in the gallbladder.

Cholagogues by David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons),

This is an action that has the specific effect of
stimulating the flow of bile from the liver. In orthodox
pharmacology there is a differentiation between ´direct
cholagogues´ which actually increase the amount of
secreted bile, and ´indirect cholagogues´ which simply
increase the amount of bile being released by the gall
bladder. This differentiation is not very important in
holistic herbal practice, especially as we are not going
to use purified ox bile!
Most bitters and hepatics are also cholagogues. A whole
range of plant constituents will have that action on the
liver tissue, but without it being forced or damaging.
The secretion of bile is of great help to the whole
digestive and assimilative process, and as we are what
we eat- we are what we digest.
The role of bile is partially that of facilitating fat
digestion but also of being a natural laxative, and thus
cleansing to the system. Without exploring the vast
complexities of liver function, it is worth noting that
bile formation and flow are fundamental to it all. Thus,
these herbs have a much deeper value than ´simply´ the
release of bile, they help ensure a strong and healthy
liver and so enliven the whole being.

Indications for cholagogues

-for long term maintenance of dyskinesia of the bile
duct and to stimulate normal contractions to deliver
bile to the small intestine.
-for disorders caused by insufficient or congested bile,
such as intractable biliary constipation, jaundice and
mild hepatitis.
-for the treatment of autonomic functional disorders in
the epigastric area; for symptoms of indigestion to aid
in the digestion of fat-soluble substances.
-for helping the liver´s detoxification work.
-for gallstones, unless they are lodged in the bile duct
and causing a great deal of pain.

Contra-indications of cholagogues
-painful gallstones; the increased contractile activity
could further constrict the bile duct leading to
incredibly intense pain.
-acute bilious colic.
-obstructive jaundice; the same reservations apply here
as with painful gallstones.
-Acute cholecystitis unless gallstones have been ruled
out; cholecystitis can be caused by infection, but you
should determine the cause before using a cholagogue.
-Acute viral hepatitis.
-Extremely toxic liver disorders; a cholagogue may be
too stressful for a liver that is damaged to this
extent; but this must be weighed against the potential
benefit to be derived from the liver-protecting
properties of the particular herb.

Herbal Cholagogues
Artichoke; Balmony; Barberry; Black Root; Blue Flag;
Boldo; Boneset; Butternut; Dandelion root; Fringetree
bark; Fumitory; Gentian; Golden Seal; Greater Celandine;
Mountain Grape; Rosemary; Sage; Wahoo; Wild Indigo; Wild
Yam; Wormwood; Yellow Dock;

Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)

Common Names: Absinth Sagewort [P], Absinth Wormwood

[L], Absinthe [H,E], Ajenjo [E], Ajenjo Oficial [E],
Common Wormwood [H], Feuilles Ameres [E], Niga-Yomogi
[E], Old Woman [H], Oldman [B], Pelin [E], Wormswood
[E], Wormwood [L,H],

Medicinal Uses: Anthelmintic; Antiseptic; Antispasmodic;

Carminative; Cholagogue; Emmenagogue; Febrifuge;
Homeopathy; Hypnotic; Stimulant; Stomachic; Tonic;
Anthelmintic = Vermifuge = expelling or destroying
parasitic worms especially of the intestine
Antiseptic = preventing or arresting the growth of
Antispasmodic = capable of preventing or relieving
spasms or convulsions
Carminative = expelling gas from the alimentary canal so
as to relieve colic or griping
Cholagogue = Promoting the discharge of bile from the
liver and gallbladder
Emmenagogue = agent that induces or hastens menstrual
Febrifuge = agent that reduces fever; an antipyretic
Hypnotic= Inducing or tending to induce sleep
Stimulant= An agent, especially a chemical agent, that
temporarily arouses or accelerates physiological or
organic activity.
Stomachic= Beneficial to or stimulating digestion in the
Tonic= An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent
Vermifuge = Anthelmintic

Wormwood is a very bitter plant with a long history of

use as a medicinal herb. It is valued especially for its
tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive
system, and for its vermicidal activity[4, 238, 254]. It
is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and
underactive digestion. It increases stomach acid and
bile production, improving digestion and the absorption
of nutrients[254]. It also eases wind and bloating and,
if taken regularly, helps the body return to full
vitality after a prolonged illness[254].
The leaves and flowering shoots are anthelmintic,
antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor,
carminative, cholagogue, emmenagogue, febrifuge,
hypnotic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge[4,
9, 21, 46, 165, 222, 254]. The plant is harvested as it
is coming into flower and then dried for later use[4].
Use with caution[21], the plant should be taken
internally in small doses for short-term treatment only,
preferably under the supervision of a qualified
practitioner[238]. It should not be prescribed for
children or pregnant women[238]. See also the notes
above on toxicity.
The extremely bitter leaves are chewed to stimulate the
appetite[222]. The bitter taste on the tongue sets off a
reflex action, stimulating stomach and other digestive
secretions[254]. The leaves have been used with some
success in the treatment of anorexia nervosa[244].
The plant is applied externally to bruises and
bites[238]. A warm compress has been used to ease
sprains and strained muscles[257].
A homeopathic remedy is made from the leaves[9]. It is
used to stimulate bile and gastric juice production and
to treat disorders of the liver and gall bladder[9].
As its name implies, wormwood has been used to expel
worms from people and animals. However, Caius and
Mhasker (1920) did not find oil of wormwood to be an
effective antihelmintic when tested against the
hookworm. Whatever antiparasitic properties wormwood has
may be partially due to its -santonin content
(Perez-Souto et al 1992), which is recognized as a
medicine for parasitic diseases. Of course, wormwood´s
measurable toxicity prevents modern herbalists from
recommending it.Wormwood contains unidentified
antimalarial substance(s). Alcoholic extracts of the
dried leaves have ´considerable antimalarial potential´
when administered orally, subcutaneously, or
intraperitoneally to mice (Zafar, Hamdard, & Hameed
Wormwood leaves are used traditionally in Pakistan as an
antipyretic (anti-fever) and an active antipyretic
compound has been isolated from the dried leaves. This
compound alleviates yeast-induced pyrexia in rabbits
(Ikramet al 1987).
Dilute (1:1000) oil of wormwood has some antimicrobial
activity. Kaul, Nigam and Dhar (1976) found that the
dilute oil inhibited the growth of 4 (out of 7)
different types of bacteria.
Wormwood is also hepatoprotective (liver protecting).
Gilani and Janbaz (1995) found that an
aqueous-methanolic extract of Artemisia absinthium
protected against acetaminophen and CCl4-induced
hepatotoxicity in mice. This protection seems to be at
least partially due to inhibition of microsomal drug
metabolizing enzymes (MDME), since the plant extract
prolonged the sleep-inducing effects of pentobarbital in
mice. Gilani and Janbaz speculate that this putative
MDME inhibition may be due to sesartemin, which has the
methylene-dioxybenzene group common to MDME inhibitors.
The presence of antioxidants and calcium-channel
blockers in wormwood (Gilani 1994) also probably
contribute to its hepatoprotective effects.
Known Hazards: The plant is poisonous if used in large
quantities. Even small quantities have been known to
cause nervous disorders, convulsions, insomnia etc. Just
the scent of the plant has been known to cause headaches
and nervousness in some people. The plant contains
thujone. In small quantities this acts as a brain
stimulant but is toxic in excess. Absinthe, Alcoholic
beverage, popular in the nineteenth century in Europe,
caused several cases of brain damage and even death and
was banned in most places in the early twentieth
century. Today, most alcoholic drinks cause brain
damage, if used in excess, but, alcohol is still legal.
Absinthe is not.

Botanical: Salvia officinalis (LINN.)

---Medicinal Action and Uses---Stimulant, as tringent,

tonic and carminative. Has beenused in dyspepsia, but is
now mostly employed as a condiment. In the United
States, where it is still an official medicine, it is in
some repute, especially in the form of an infusion, the
principal and most valued application of which is as a
wash for the cure of affections of the mouth and as a
gargle in inflamed sore throat, being excellent for
relaxed throat and tonsils, and also for ulcerated
throat. The gargle is useful for bleeding gums and to
prevent an excessive flow of saliva.
When a more stimulating effect to the throat is
desirable, the gargle may be made of equal quantities of

vinegar and water, 1/2 pint of hot malt vinegar being

poured on 1 OZ. of leaves, adding 1/2 pint of cold
The infusion when made for internal use is termed Sage
Tea, and can be made simply by pouring 1 pint of boiling
water on to 1 OZ. of the dried herb, the dose being from
a wineglassful to half a teacupful, as often as
required, but the old-fashioned way of making it is more
elaborate and the result is a pleasant drink, cooling in
fevers, and also a cleanser and purifier of the blood.
Half an ounce of fresh Sage leaves, 1 OZ. of sugar, the
juice of 1 lemon, or 1/4 OZ. of grated rind, are infused
in a quart of boiling water and strained off after half
an hour. (In Jamaica the negroes sweeten Sage Tea with
lime-juice instead of lemon.)
Sage Tea or infusion of Sage is a valuable agent in the
delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement
frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases and
has considerable reputation as a remedy, given in small
and oft-repeated doses. It is highly serviceable as a
stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous
system and weakness of digestion generally. It was for
this reason that the Chinese valued it, giving it the
preference to their own tea. It is considered a useful
medicine in typhoid fever and beneficial in biliousness
and liver complaints, kidney troubles, haemorrhage from
the lungs or stomach, for colds in the head as well as
sore throat and quinsy and measles, for pains in the
joints, lethargy and palsy. It will check excessive
perspiration in phthisis cases, and is useful as an
emmenagogue. A cup of the strong infusion will be found
good to relieve nervous headache.
The infusion made strong, without the lemons and sugar,
is an excellent lotion for ulcers and to heal raw
abrasions of the skin. It has also been popularly used
as an application to the scalp, to darken the hair.
The fresh leaves, rubbed on the teeth, will cleanse them
and strengthen the gums. Sage is a common ingredient in
The volatile oil is said to be a violent epileptiform
convulsant, resembling the essential oils of absinthe
and nutmeg. When smelt for some time it is said to cause
a sort of intoxication and giddiness. It is sometimes
prescribed in doses of 1 to 3 drops, and used for
removing heavy collections of mucus from the respiratory
organs. It is a useful ingredient in embrocations for
In cases where heat is required, Sage has been
considered valuable when applied externally in bags, as
a poultice and fomentation.
In Sussex, at one time, to munch Sage leaves on nine
consecutive mornings, whilst fasting, was a country cure
for ague, and the dried leaves have been smoked in pipes
as a remedy for asthma.
In the region where Sage grows wild, its leaves are
boiled in vinegar and used as a tonic.
Among many uses of the herb, Culpepper says that it is:
´Good for diseases of the liver and to make blood. A
decoction of the leaves and branches of Sage made and
drunk, saith Dioscorides, provokes urine and causeth the
hair to become black. It stayeth the bleeding of wounds
and cleaneth ulcers and sores. Three spoonsful of the
juice of Sage taken fasting with a little honey arrests
spitting or vomiting of blood in consumption. It is
profitable for all pains in the head coming of cold
rheumatic humours, as also for all pains in the joints,
whether inwardly or outwardly. The juice of Sage in warm
water cureth hoarseness and cough. Pliny saith it cureth
stinging and biting serpents. Sage is of excellent use
to help the memory, warming and quickening the senses.
The juice of Sage drunk with vinegar hath been of use in
the time of the plague at all times. Gargles are made
with Sage, Rosemary, Honeysuckles and Plantains, boiled
in wine or water with some honey or alum put thereto, to
wash sore mouths and throats, as need requireth. It is
very good for stitch or pains in the sides coming of
wind, if the place be fomented warm with the decoction
in wine and the herb also, after boiling, be laid warm

Taraxacum officinale
Dandelion leaves are widely recommended as a food
supplement for pregnant and also postmenopausal women
because of the many nutrients they contain. They also
appear to produce a mild diuretic effect, which may be
appreciated by those who suffer from fluid retention.
In the folk medicine of many countries, dandelion root
is regarded as a liver tonic, a substance believed to
benefit the liver in an unspecified way. This led to its
use for many illnesses traditionally believed to be
caused by a sluggish or congested liver, including
constipation, headaches, eye problems, gout, skin
problems, fatigue, and boils.
Building on this traditional thinking, some modern
naturopathic physicians believe that dandelion can help
detoxify or clean out the liver and gallbladder.2 This
concept has led to the suggestion that dandelion can
reduce the side effects of medications processed by the
liver, as well as relieve symptoms of diseases in which
impaired liver function plays a role. However, there is
as yet no real evidence for any of these uses.
Dandelion root is also used like other bitter herbs to
improve appetite and treat minor digestive disorders.
When dried and roasted, it is sometimes used as a coffee
substitute. Finally, dandelion root has been used for
the treatment of rheumatism (arthritis) and mild
The scientific basis for the use of dandelion is scanty.
Preliminary studies suggest that dandelion root
stimulates the flow of bile.3,4,5 Dandelion leaves have
also been found to produce a mild diuretic effect.6

Golden Seal
Botanical: Hydrastis Canadensis (LINN.)
Family: N.O. Ranunculaceae
---Synonyms---Yellow Root. Orange Root. Yellow Puccoon.
Ground Raspberry. Wild Curcuma. Turmeric Root. Indian
Dye. Eye Root. Eye Balm. Indian Paint. Jaundice Root.
---Part Used---Root.
---Habitat---The plant is a native of Canada and the
eastern United States, the chief States producing it
being Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, New York
and in Canada, Ontario. Most of the commercial supplies
are obtained from the Ohio Valley, the chief market
being Cincinnati. It is scarce east of the Alleghany
Mountains, having become quite rare in New York State,
where it has been almost exterminated by collectors. It
is found in the rich soil of shady woods and moist
places at the edge of wooded lands.
Medicinal Action and Uses---The American aborigines
valued the root highly as a tonic, stomachic and
application for sore eyes and general ulceration, as
well as a yellow dye for their clothing and weapons.
It is official in most Pharmacopoeias, several of which
refer to its yellowing the saliva when masticated.
The action is tonic, laxative, alterative and detergent.
It is a valuable remedy in the disordered conditions of
the digestion and has a special action on the mucous
membrane, making it of value as a local remedyin various
forms of catarrh. In chronic inflammation of the colon
and rectum, injections of Hydrastine are often of great
service, and it has been used in haemorrhoids with
excellent results, the alkaloid Hydrastine having an
astringent action. The powder has proved useful as a
snuff for nasal catarrh.
It is employed in dyspepsia, gastric catarrh, loss of
appetite and liver troubles. As a tonic, it is of
extreme value in cases of habitual constipation, given
as a powder, combined with any aromatic. It is an
efficient remedy for sickness and vomiting.
---Preparations---Powdered root, 10 grains. Fluid
extract, 1/4 to 1 drachm. Tincture, B.P. and U.S.P., 1/2
to 1 drachm. Solid extract, 5 to 8 grains.
As an infusion, it has great influence in preventing and
curing night-sweats. It is sometimes used as a wash for
ulcerated mouth.
Externally, it is used as a lotion in treatment of eye
affections and as a general cleansing application.
It is said to be a specific to prevent pitting by
In large amounts the drug proves very poisonous.
Reprinted from:


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