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Youtube versus Television

Few years ago communication media was so limited. Newspaper and magazine are the example of printed
media. Radio and television were the only electronic media we could find. But now the world has widely opened for us
to explore. People don’t have to buy femina magazine to know about plants, or to buy femina magazine to know the
latest style of woman fashion, all in one and unlimited. It’s youtube we just click youtube, and everything can be gotten
alive, without finding special channel. Animal’s life, fashion, the update political problem of the world and everything
is available in youtube. Even we can find porn act in youtube.
Television is little bit out of date than youtube. It shows some news and entertainments but in limited way. But
parents should not be afraid when their children watch TV. Because television programs have already been filtered by
government which one is fit or bad for our children.
So now, which one do you prefer? Youtube or television? Find and tell the bad and the good sides for both of them.

Connection: sambungan Signal: sinyal Electric: listrik

Out of date: kuno Anytime: kapanpun Spend/ waste: menghabiskan
Kesehatan : health Tend: cenderung Advertisement: iklan
Playback: memutar ulang Actual: aktual Hoax information: informasi bohong

Santri in bad attitude or Non santri in good attitude

The way someone behaving is different. Some are bad, and some are good. Bad or good of people depend on
how and where they grow up. Parents have the biggest role in this case. Students of moslem boarding school (called
santri) learn a lot about religion. They are taught how to be good human, to be good in worship, in interaction, and to
be next generation. Everyday they are given discourse and explanation of being good people. Some teachers act in
good way to give santri good examples. But however some santris keep doing bad things like debating the teachers,
talking by themselves while the teacher teaching, or sleeping during the class, etc.
Students of state school are seldom sleepy in the class. They keep listening while the teacher explaining the
lesson. They seldom leave the class during the lesson. They ask question politely. Whereas they don’t study religion
much. They study religion once a week. The question is actually which is the nice one, bad santri or good common

Behaving: bersikap Discourse: ceramah Polite: sopan

Blame: menyalahkan Human being: manusia biasa Sin: dosa
Worship: beribadah Whereas: meskipun Prefer: lebih suka
Compare: membandingkan Role: peran Obey: menaati

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