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17 Oct 2017 Posted in Market Research Overview

Quantitative Research investigates a large number of people by submitting questionnaires based

on multiple, numeric answers (0 to 10) and open end (open answers, just a few in a quantitative
questionnaire). Qualitative Research investigates a small amount of people, by submitting them
physically the product itself, thus collecting a great number of behavioral details on a small sample of
I realize that most people get confused, even those who have been working in the sector for
thousands of years, about difference between qualitative and quantitative research. Much less the
brand, my client’s client, who is quite unfamiliar. The red line that divides these branches is very thin
in some ways but often like the Chinese wall for others. Qualitative research identifies abstract
concepts while quantitative research collects numerical data.
But the substantial difference is in the type of action applied and in the size of the
sample (respondents).

Qualitative and quantitative research

Qualitative research
Qualitative research is a type of empathic, empirical, exploratory, direct, physical research. It helps
you understand reasons, motivations, opinions, trends that hide behind the more quantitative
data of quantitative research. The most commonly used method for RQL is the F2F (Face to Face), the
so-called focus group where a small sample of respondents gets interviewed for a long time, even
hours, in front of a mirror, behind which the brand and research institute observe and listen. The F2F
gets video-recorded and then transcribed as a storytelling, for images and tales.

Quantitative research
As the word itself says, quantitative research helps you quantify, use numeric data or just data that
can then be easily transformed into statistics, and it measures behavior, opinions and attitudes of
a large sample of respondents. Let’s say that we must have interviewed at least 30 people to talk
about “quantitative”, but there are usually many more than that. Quantitative research can expand its
scope if the brand is a multinational, by implementing multi-county investigations. The more data
you obtain and the more statistics will be more accurate. Methods of collecting quantitative data are
mainly Cati (Computer Assisted Telephone Research), so telephone interviews, and CAWI (Computer
Assisted Web Interviewing), online questionnaires, both lasting approximately 7-10 minutes.
Questions often require a rating from 0 to 10. You can measure a level of satisfaction with a product,
buying frequency, brand awareness, market segments, and so on. Data will be then transcribed into
numbers, graphs, and statistics.
Usually the tandem metaphor is: qualitative research is on the top and it identifies the problem and
clarifies the objective that will be further investigated by quantitative research which is sitting behind.

All differences between qualitative and quantitative research

Theory / research ratio
Qualitative research: Inductive setting that is articulated in the context of “discovery”, the researcher
rejects the formulation of theories. Theory and research work simultaneously.
Quanti: Sequential phases, based on a deductive approach that is articulated in the context of
“justification”. The theory precedes the research.
Quali: They seek to find the character of uniqueness.
Quanti: Definitive and operative, they are the theory and are converted from the beginning into
Relationship with the studied environment
Quali: (active subject) Naturalistic approach: space and actions are analyzed in the present time
during the research.
Quanti: (passive subject) Experimental approach: the subject is not responsive but this is not a
Interaction researcher/respondent
Quali: Essential, it is necessary that empathy arises between the two parts.
Quanti: Almost absent, the interviewer must be warm and human but must not interact outside the
Search design
Quali: Without a structure, open, in search of unexpected options, it gets modified in progress.
Quanti: Closed structure, planned in advance.
Representativeness of the respondent
Quali: Inexistent. Different info are taken on different levels of depth.
Quanti: It is necessary to use representative samples.
Uniformity of the detection instrument
Quali: Absent. Not necessarily always the same.
Quanti: It is necessary to use a standard.
Nature of data
Quali: Soft: Data collected in their integrity, subjective.
Quanti: Hard: objective and standardized data.
Type of respondent
Quali: Unique individual.
Quanti: Variable individual.
Type of analysis
Quali: Case based, prospettiva olistica del comportamento umano.
Quanti: Variable based, mathematical and statistical techniques.
Presentation of data
Quali: Quotes, narrative-style extracts, to allow reality as it has been experienced during the study.
Quanti: Tables and graphs, statistics, analysis and comparison with data obtained and data from past
years and with estimates.
Quali Absent. Identification of the Weberian ideal types, interpretation of reality.
Quanti: Necessary. Individual fragmentation, correlation between variables, conceptual unit in the
random model.
Scope of results
Quali: Limited number of cases.
Quanti: Significant number, representativity.
Quali: Observation of the respondent in the focus room, interviews with privileged witnesses.
Quanti: Structured questionnaire for CATI, CAWI or PAPI.

We have uncovered all the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. You must
consider that there are qualitative shades in the quantitative instrument, but they should not be
confused with qualitative, precisely for the reasons that have been specified so far. For example, in a
CATI we could make an open end and ask, “If I say car, what are the first three brands that come to
your mind,” the answer will have a qualitative shade but this has nothing to do with it, believe me.
That data will then be transcribed and converted into numbers.
Please contact me e.armato@iff-international.com Ennio Armato

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of

underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to
develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to
uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection
methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include
focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and participation/observations. The sample
size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfil a given quota.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data
that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors,
and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative
Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative
data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods.
Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper
surveys, mob

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