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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region III

Division of Bulacan


Paombong, Bulacan



Adriano, Adriano F.
Asaldo, Ronel B.
Echavez, John Wayne
Galvez, Rosemarie C.
Ignacio, Regina S.
Nicodemus, Jamaica C.
Santiago, Mary Grace D.
Templanza, Daniella Rose T.
Valencia, Angelica I.

A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Inquiries,

Investigations and Immersion

Mrs. Tessa Marie M. De Guzman

October 2019
Chapter I



“The pen is the tongue of the mind” this was said by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,

students use pen as their material in writing and taking down notes but some students use color-

coded notes for their own sake. Color-coded notes help someone to identify easily different kinds

of information which makes reviewing material easier too (Ms. Lew’s Class).Color-coding your

notes can highlight important information, help you organize the material logically, and make

your study (Michael Baumgartner, 2018).

Memory is the sum of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt

from previous experience as well as to build relationship. It is the ability to remember past

experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences,

impressions, skills and habits (Luke Mastin, 2019).

According in Merriam Webster, performance is the action or process of carrying out or

accomplishing an action, task, or function. Working memory is generally associated with

academic performance of a student, a students who have a low memory usually the students who

has low performance in academic (Torkel Klingberg, 2012)

This research is important because it can provide the real influence of using color- coded

notes in student memory performance. It can also give clarification about the hidden truths about

the topic.
Statement of the Study

The general problem of this is how color- coded notes influence the memory performance

of Senior High School Students. This will seek to solve the following problem:

1. How may the color- coded notes be characterized as perceived by the students?

2. How may the memory performance of the students be described in terms of their test

scores before and after?

3. Is there a significant difference in the student memory performance before and after

the treatment?

Significance of the Study

The study will focus on the influence of color- coded notes in student memory

performance. This research can help widening their knowledge about the influence of color-

coded notes in students memory performance. The result of this will be beneficial to the


Students. They will know if color- coded notes can be helpful and useful to improve their

memory performance. In addition, they can know that color- coded notes can help them to

oraganize their notes in their different subjects.

Teachers. In this research they can consider using color- coded notes to organize the notes of

their students and to improve the memory performance of their students

Future Researchers. This can be a basis for them for their future. The result of this study can

encourage everyone to serve as their related studies for their next generation of researchers. This

study can give a relevant and effective information for another research.
Scope and Limitations

The purpose of this study is to provide information about the influence of color- coded notes in

student memory performance of San Roque National High School during the school year 2019-

2020. This study is limited to the Senior High School students Grade 11; Flash, Lightroom,

Illustrator and Corel. The researchers will use questionnaires about the use of color- coded notes.

Also the researchers will use pre- test and post- test about Earth and Life Science, this the chosen

subject of the researchers to test the memory performance of the respondents. The researchers

use simple random sampling to randomly pick their 20 respondents in each sections of Grade 11

in a total of 80 samples.


This part of the study shows the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis of the


Null Hypothesis. There is no significant difference in students memory performance before and

after using the treatment.

Alternative Hypothesis. There is a significant difference in students memory performance

before and after using the treatment.

Definition of Terms

Here are the words that could be seen in this study that is operationally defined by the


Coding. The process of assigning a code to something for the purpose of classification or

Color. The properly possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a

result of the way the project reflects or emits light.

Notes. Brief record of facts, topics, or thoughts, written down as an aid to memory.

Coded. Converts (the words of message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret


Color- Coded Notes. It is a way of writing notes by the use of different kind of pens in an

organized way.
Chapter II


This chapter consists of relevant theories, review of related literature and studies gathered

from different sources of information: articles and other reading materials that serve as the basis

and proof to support the study.

Relevant Theories

This part is the related theories of the study that the researchers gather to use as the basis

of the research. It also helps to root the concepts or ideas regarding to the variables and the

concerns of the study.

Color Theory. This theory encompasses a multitude of definitions concepts and design

application it is enough to fill several encyclopedias. However, there are logical and useful: the

color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used. Color creates a logical

structure for color. For example, if we can organize them by color and place them on a circle that

shows the colors in relation to each other (google.com).

Theory of Color. In color theory, colors are organized on a color wheel and grouped into

3 categories: primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors. Primary colors consist of red,

yellow and blue color. Secondary colors are created by mixing the color on the primary colors

these are green, orange and purple. The tertiary colors are form by mixing the primary and

secondary colors such as blue-green or red-violet. Warm colors are generally associated with
energy, brightness, and action, whereas cool colors are often identified with calm, peace, and

serenity. When you recognized that color has a temperature, you can understand how choosing

all warm or cool colors in a logo or on your website can impact your message (2018)

Coding Theory. It is a study of the properties of codes and their respective fitness for

specific applications. Codes are used for data compression, cryptography, erroe detection and

correction, data transmission and data storage. Codes are studied by various scientific

disciplines- such as information theory, electrical engineering, mathematics, linguistics, and

computer science- for the purpose of designing efficient and reliable data transmission methods.

This typically involves the removal of redundancy and the correction or detection of errors in the

transmitted data (2018)

Theory of Performance. It develops and relates six foundational concepts to form a

framework that can be used to explain performance as well as performance improvements. To

perform is to produced valued results. A performer can be an individual or a group of people

engaging in a collaborative effort. Developing performance is a journey, and level of

performance describes location in the journey. Current level of performance depends holistically

on 6 components: Context, level of knowledge, levels of skills, level of identity, personal factors,

and fixed factors (2017).

Note Taking. People take notes to plan future events and activities, to study for

examinations, to prepare a technical talk and to record the minutes of work meetings.

Furthermore, the reasons why individuals take notes are highly variable. Despite the diversity of

contexts and situations, all note taking entails recording information collected from one or more

sources (2016).
Related Studies

This part presents the related studies of which the researchers have examined to give

more relevant information about the study.

Memory is the process that is used to acquire, retain, and later retrieved information. The

memory process involves three domains: encoding, storage and retrieval. Encoding: processing

incoming information so it can be entered into memory. Storage: maintaining information in

memory for a period of time. Retrieved: reusing or recalling stored information from memory so

it can be used. Memory is related to encoding conditions, the search for the relational shame

continuous (Siamon and Virostel, 2019)

“Memory the encoding, storage, and retrieved in the human mind of past experiences.

Memory is both result of and an influence on perception, attention, and learning. Additional

speculation a memory- storage system of limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility

specifically through a forgetting. Memory researchers have generally supposed that anything that

influences with central nervous system leaves.” (2019)

A new study reconciles a debate that long ranged among marketers and psychologists

what color most improves brain performance and acceptability to advertising, red or blue? It

turns out they both can, it just depends on the nature of the false or message. Red boosted

performance on detail-oriented task such as memory retrieval and proofreading by as much as

31% compared to blue. Conversely, for creative tasks such as brainstorming, blue environmental

cues prompted participants to provide twice as many creative as when under twice many creative

outputs as when under the red color condition. The study fields that these trends carry over to
our receptivity to consumer packaging and marketing messages. Using a series of fictional adds

and color impacts our receptivity to consumer packaging and diversity (Science Daily, 2019)

“Different colors, their combinations and their placement can have, can effect on

attention monthly can effect on attention memory, feeding and behaviors, of students. Those in

business and marketing would tell you the same thing there is a strong correlation between what

is stored in our memory and color, many advertisements use color to their advantage. For

example many fast food restaurants use bright vivid colors in their advertising, like McDonalds

red and yellow, to grab your attention and store in your memory. Red color should be used when

you want to improved memory on completing a taste like proofreading. Blue color should be

used when your students are brainstorming or you want them to think creatively and out-of-the-

box. Different colors and combinations of colors can have a strongest effect in our area over

another area.” When used the right way, color can have an immense benefit to your students’

memory and performance.” (Mathgeraffe, 2019)

“One of the most interesting challenging questions in contemporary memory research is

on ways to enhance human memory performance, many variables have been proposed to

contribute to the retrieval operations and one of the variables is color. Color is believed to be the

most important visual experience to human beings. It functions as a powerful information

channel to the human cognitive system and has been found to play a significant role in enhancing

memory performance. Color can be very effective in learning and educational setting, marketing,

communication, or even sport. Color as one of the important element in influencing people’s

attention, attitudes towards the product, and pressuring decisions making. Color help us in

memorizing certain information by increasing our intentional level. Color has the potential to

increase chances of environmental stimuli to be encoded, stored and retrieved successfully. The
choice of colors and the manipulative aspects can, however influence the extent to which color

can influence human memory performance.” (Dzulkifli and Mustafor).

In addition, in the clinical setting, specific interventions involving colors can be

introduced to deal with memory-related problems such as learning difficulty, autism, dyslexia,

and others. With the use of color in the intervention, it can help patients to follow and understand

the learning program better. Clinical intervention for patients with dyslexia using color have

been proven to be effective in reducing patient difficulties in reading. The same approach is also

used to help autistic patients. An improvement of reading speed up to 35% was reported for

autistic patients reading using a colored overlay compared to autistic patients reading without

using a colored overlay. Color is also used to treat patients with Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer

Disease is a neurodegenerative form of dementia which deteriorates memory abilities. Recently,

there is a growing interest in the role of the non-biological or environmental factors associated

with Alzheimer Disease. Thus, the use of colors to improve the memory performance of

Alzheimer Disease patients can be practice. In fact, research has shown that vivid color cues can

help to enhance the shorter memory performance of Alzheimer Disease patients (2018).

An acclaimed memory model, known as the multi-store model, was discovered by

Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin in the late 1960s. In the model, memory is sectioned into

three structures: the sensory register or sensory encoder, short-term memory, and long-term

memory. In this model environmental stimuli are brought to the sensory register or sensory

encoder, which then register the information and briefly retain parts, before a small selection of

the retained information is then moved into the short-term memory system. Information from

there would then be transitioned into long-term memory for appesempiternal storage and a
person would be able to pull out any of the information from their long-term storage at any time.

For the purpose of this research, the experiment performed will focus on the sensory register and

short-term memory aspect of memorization, as this paper will not be able to analyze long-term

retention of any form. Another memorization model was introduced by Fergus Craik and Robert

Lockhart, in which the processes involved in memory were more important than the structures of

the memory system, which was a popular opposing view to Atkinson and Shiffrin. The model

discusses how these memory processes are thought to be on a supposed continuum: from thin,

sensory processes to deep, semantic memory processes. The thinner memory processes simply

involved a face-level analysis of details such as physical characteristics. The intermediate

memory process involves an extent of recognition or labeling, which leads to deeper retention

and a higher level of analysis. And, finally, the information gained will accumulate in the long-

term memory store as a result of the bulk of the interpretation and evaluation done on the

environmental (2016).

Color has been found to increase a person’s arousal. It was proposed by Faber Birren

(1950) that warm colors, such as red and yellow, increase arousal more than cool colors, such as

green and blue. Warm colors are those that are vivid in nature. Artistically speaking, they are

said to advance in space, opposed to cool colors that are soothing and tend to recede in space.

Birren’s finding was supported by further research done by Greene, et al. (1983). They found

that warm colors increase arousal compared to cool colors. Participants were issued three

different scales measuring emotional response, personal feelings, and quality of place. They were

then seated in a small room with one of ten different colors mounted on the walls. They then

filled out the scales again and were given a task to measure boredom. Greene et al. found that
yellow and orange (warm colors) elicited more arousal than other colors like brown and gray

(Hunchenford, 2007).

Color is a fundamental aspect of human perception, and its effects on cognition and

behavior have intrigued generations of researchers. Although a large amount of research has

been done in this domain, the psychological processes through which color operates have not

been explored fully. As a result, the field has observed certain conflicting results. One

inconsistency, which is the focus of this report, concerns the effect of color on cognitive task

performance. Most research examining this topic has focused on two of the three primary

colors—red versus blue (or green). Some have proposed that red enhances cognitive task

performance as compared with blue or green (1, 2); others have shown exactly the opposite

(Mehta and Zhu).

Research with college students’ performance on tests printed on different color papers

has also yielded interesting, but conflicting results. Some reported no significant effects of the

color on student performance and others have found results to be significant but they contradict.

One study of college students reported a positive effect of red or yellow paper than white, blue,

or green paper on student performance while another study found students scoring higher on a

midterm exam printed on blue paper than on the red paper, particularly for difficult questions.

Yet another study found that students taking an exam on white, blue, or green paper outscored

the students taking the exam on red or yellow paper. Researchers have tried explaining these

contradictory results with the help of information processing theories and sensory arousal

mechanisms (Singg and Mull, 2017).

Related Literature

This part shows the related literature that the researchers have examined to give more

relevant literature for the readers.

Color draws on both symbolic and cognitive powers to affect learning, facilitating

memorization and identification of concept. Color also influences the way we see and process

information; it can improve our ability to remember both words and pictures. Colors can play a

positive role in affecting learners' cognitive retention. For enhanced academic performance, it's

important to know how color influences learning and what colors are best for specific age levels

and environments. Instructional designers must consider the age, gender and culture of his/her

audience when designing courses, choose colors wisely and use them generously or sparingly

where appropriate. It is crucial for us to know how to use color for educational purposes. Given

the amount of color with which individuals engage while comprehending information, it is

logical to question whether or not color has enough impact to increase memory retention. A

plethora of studies have been conducted to understand the role of color in enhancing memory

performance. Back in 1976, Farley and Grant were among the earliest studies that came out with

a theory suggesting that colors have a great effect on attention. This conclusion was based on

their study on attention and cognition. They conducted experiments on the influence of color on

attention by comparing color and non-color multimedia presentations on memory performance

and found that colored multimedia presentations resulted in better attention and memory

performance. More experimental works exploring the influence of color on the human cognitive

processes were conducted since then. In Boyatzis and Varghese, (1999) study, Participants

remembered color photographs of natural scenes, colored normally i.e. with their natural color

e.g. green grass, significantly better than they remembered black-and-white images. However,
the same participants didn't recall color scenes, colored falsely e.g. purple grass, any better than

scenes in black and white. They note that it isn't just any color that strengthens people's memory,

but only the colors inherent to the scenes the photos depicts ( Tayo, 2015).

Typically, a pre-test and post-test method, or a word count recall method, is used to

measure data on these variables. In a pre-test post-test method the participant is tested and then

the stimulus is applied and then retested. This method was used to test memory of vocabulary

words and definitions. Context dependent memory theory is the theory that memory recall can be

improved if the conditions in which the learning occurred is the same when the recalling is

happening. This being said, it is important that how preferential color effects memory is studied

more extensively to improve the classroom. As show by conducting their study in the classroom

and using common classroom techniques of pretest versus post test scores, and integrating their

theory on how color may influence recall of word definition. In this case the researchers did find

a positive correlation between higher test scores and being able to choose the color the

participants studied in. If results are able to be replicated among many different class rooms, it

has the potential to change how students are studying for tests in their classes (Fear, 2016).

Color can have a positive influence on memory performance. A few studies have

however found contradictory findings. Alphanumeric characters and showed them to the

participants through slideshow, with three background color conditions; white, blue and green.

All the figure characters were in black. If the colors have positive effect on memory,

performance was expected to be equal in these conditions. The result however showed that the

slides with the white background resulted in higher retention rates both in immediate and delayed

recall tasks than those with blue and green background. This result contradicts the previous

studies which reported that colors lead to better memory. Nevertheless, in this study, the colors
chosen and the manipulation in the figure and background colors may explain the result

obtained. Text and background color combination on memory retention. Ground and figure color

combinations for each of the websites; black on white background, white on black background,

light blue on dark blue background and teal on black background. Each participant was randomly

assigned to each of the four conditions and they were given 10 minutes to view the websites.

After that, they were required to answer 10 multiple choice questions used to measure the

readability, retention, aesthetics, and behavioral intention level. The result obtained show

significant differences in the four conditions and the post-hoc tests showed that the readability

performance was highest on the black on white background condition. The significant result

found for readability was however not found on retention rate (Olurinola, 2015).

In order to be able to test the effectiveness of manipulating memory through adding

color, one needs to learn about the sections of fundamental knowledge behind the experiment.

For example, memory is commonly classified as being the mental process of encoding, retaining,

and retrieving information. And, though functions in the brain that relate to memory – such as

the hippocampus, which was first described in 1587 by a Venetian anatomist named Julius

Caesar Aranzi – have been discovered, how those different organs and cognitive systems

specifically distribute their weight of the memorization process is still being researched amongst

scientists to this day. The majority of current debate is centered on the ability to heighten

memory and have more elevated retention capabilities; however, those cannot be found without

the basic knowledge of memory (2015).

Color has been presumed to be one of the most essential visual experiences for human

beings since the beginning of research on the field. Due to color functioning as an essential

information channel to the human cognitive system, color has been able to play a noteworthy

role in improving memory performance on numerous tasks involving both athletic and non-

athletic activities. Surface color has also been seen to have an enlightening indication of many

notable characteristics, such as the edibility of certain foods. With these key facts in mind, one

can question the thought of how certain colors possibly assert dominance over other colors in the

human mind, and how that dominance could affect the memory of someone after an experience

with the dominant color. This question brings light to the idea of connecting capturing a certain

color to capturing someone’s attention (2015).

Baker-Miller pink’s effects have not been documented in the area of cognition with

nearly as much tenacity as physiological output. I expect to find a correlation between color and

cognitive performance. If Baker-Miller pink has a tempering effect on human physiological

stress, the color may have a significant positive effect on cognitive performance. Pink’s effect

on working memory should also parallel that of blue, which research has shown may have a

relaxing effect on individuals. On this note, the color red may have a negative effect on cognitive

performance, due to its propensity to elicit physiological arousal. While the aforementioned

studies analyzed color in a host of different methodologies, varying from a random image to a

laboratory background, it has yet to be seen whether intentionally attending to the color itself

will have an effect on performance. The color, barring those that required participants to

concentrate on colored panels (Galves, 2015).

Schauss (year) argued that Baker-Miller pink’s relaxing effects influenced behavior and

physiological strength. In the present day, relaxation has been studied for its cognitive benefits,
particularly to working memory. In testing for working memory performance, Hudetz, Hudetz,

and Klayman (2000) found an improvement in performance on the WAIS-III Letter Number

Sequencing Test after a guided imagery relaxation exercise. They did not find this effect after

exposure to popular music or in the control group. The relaxation elicited by 16 minutes of

guided imagery reduced anxiety and EEG activity, which in turn had a positive effect on working

memory. Considering the potential of relaxation in improving working memory, and Baker-

Miller pink’s purported relaxing effects, color may exert a significant effect on cognitive

performance. Simply put, if color has an effect of stress, and if stress has an effect on cognition,

then color could have an effect on cognition. A color that elicits relaxation may improve

cognitive performance, while a color that elicits stress may serve as a detriment (2016).

Many children with reading disabilities have decreased transient channel processing

rates, and therefore, ineffective transient-on-sustained channel inhibition. Consequently, Iovino

et al. (1998) states that normal saccadic suppression (an outcome of this inter-channel inhibition)

is altered, causing retinal images to persist past the physical duration of the stimuli (visual

persistence). The result is superimposition of successive inputs, so that the letters in words

appear superimposed and jumbled when reading across a page. A series of visual persistence

studies with the analysis of Iovino et al. (1998) by finding that more than 75% of children with

reading disabilities were reported to have a visual deficit (2016).

Color has been found to increase a person’s arousal. Warm colors, such as red and

yellow, increase arousal more than cool colors, such as green and blue. Warm colors are those

that are vivid in nature. Artistically speaking, they are said to advance in space, opposed to cool

colors that are soothing and tend to recede in space. They found that warm colors increase

arousal compared to cool colors. Participants were issued three different scales measuring
emotional response, personal feelings, and quality of place. They were then seated in a small

room with one of ten different colors mounted on the walls. They then filled out the scales again

and were given a task to measure boredom. Yellow and orange (warm colors) elicited more

arousal than other colors like brown and gray (2007).

Color is used almost universally in the production of instructional materials, such as

slides, filmstrips, motion pictures, video programmers. Printed instructional materials and

computer assisted instruction are almost always produced in color. Whether it is on a computer

screen, in print form or even paint on a classroom wall, color affects students' ability to learn

However, Nazzaro, (2008) notes that this attribute is often used without due consideration for

what is known about it from research and practice (Nazzaro, 2008). Choosing an appropriate

color for any PowerPoint presentation or any tutorial is as an impetus for learning. Colors can be

described in “temperature” terms: colors in the red range of the spectrum are subjectively known

as “warm” colors (active, stimulating); colors in the blue range of the spectrum are considered

“cool” colors (restful, quiet) Color harmonies describe the relationship certain colors have with

one another on the color wheel, and how they can be selected to create a pleasing color selection,

while discordant colors are colors not in their natural order, not pleasing or balanced.

Monochromatic color schemes use a single hue with variation in saturation and brightness.

Achromatic colors are black, white, and shades of gray. Congruent colors are those closely

related to the words, in which the ink color and the word refer to the same color e.g. green used

for grass or pink in used for the word ‘pink’. Incongruent colors: colors that are not closely

related to the word, i.e. the color and words are different e.g. purple used for grass, or orange ink

used the word ‘pink’ (2015).

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework presents the independent and independent variable of the


Color- Coded Notes Memory Performance

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study wherein the independent

variable is the color- coded notes because this is serves as the intervention or treatment of the

study with the researchers, to influence the independent variable which is the students memory

performance. The arrow on the middle represents the effect or influence of the independent

variable which is the color- coded notes to the dependent variable which is the memory

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the techniques of the study, the respondent’s, the

instruments for the study, and the specific evaluation and observation of the data used.

and gathered.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

According to Golafshani N. (2002), researchers who use logical positivism or

quantitative research employ experimental methods and quantitative measures to test

hypothetical generalizations, and they also emphasize the measurement and analysis of

causal relationships between variables. To illustrate the meaning of quantitative research

for its use of explaining social problems.

In addition, this study will utilize experimental research design wherein the

researchers will test if color- coded notes have an influence in student memory


Population and Sample of the Study

To make this study to be more relevant and valid, the population of this study is

greatly studied. The Grade 11 students of San Roque National High School sections,

Lightroom, Flash, Corel and Illustrator will be the center of this study. The sample of this

study is chosen through simple random sampling wherein the researchers get the list of

names of the students in each class then randomly pick 20 names in each sections to get

the 80 samples, that will be the respondents of this study. Those students will be given a
questionnaires connected in using color- coded notes and pre- test, post- test about Earth

and Life Science, this is the subject that the researchers was chosen to be used in the


Research Instrument

The purpose of the study is to know the influence of color-coded notes in students

memory performance. The researchers gathered information through books, articles, and

thesis from internet.

Moreover, the researchers use the subject Earth and Life Science of grade 11

students to measure their memory performance.

In addition, the researchers have finalized to use pre- test and post- test which will

consist of 20- item examination which is identification and about Earth and Life Science.

Also, the researchers will use questionnaires that consist of 10 questions that have a

connection in using color- coded notes and the influence of color- coded notes in their

memory performance.

The pre- test that will be used to assess the prior knowledge of the respondents

about Earth and Life Science. Also the post- test will be given to the respondents after

they used color- coded notes in taking down their notes. Pre- test and post- test is

commonly used instrument for collecting research data from the respondents of

experimental-quantitative research. This instrument will be a huge help for the

researchers to know the influence of color- coded notes in student memory performance.
The pre- test and post- test is presented to the adviser for corrections, comments

and suggestions on it. These research instruments will be computed to ensure accurate

quantitative result.

Data Gathering Procedure

The title of the study was checked, revised and rechecked by the researcher’s

adviser to maintain conformity on the subject of research.

To legally conduct research (study) the researchers produce a request letter for the

permission of the principal of San Roque National High School.

The respondents will take pre-test and post- test based on the subject Earth and

Life science to measure their memory and to know if using color- coded notes is effective

or not. This examination was presented to, analyzed and checked by the research adviser

to make sure that it is valid.

The 80 samples will be divided into two, the first 40 samples will take pre-test,

post-test examination and the other 40 samples will be taking the same pre-test, post-test

and also they will make a color-coded notes . It is randomly conducted since the

researcher’s assure that there will be no bias among the selected respondents for more

reliable results.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The data gathered were directly encoded in Microsoft Excel software for easy

computation of the statistics required in the research problem.

This research will use descriptive statistics in describing the students test scores to

answer the statement of the problem. Also, the researchers used the table below on

describing test scores.

Students Score in Pre-Test and Post Test.

17-20 Outstanding

13- 16 Very Satisfactory

9- 12 Satisfactory

5- 8 Average

1-4 Fair

The table above shows the basis of the main conclusion of this study. It will

consist of the numbers that corresponds and unbiased interpretations. The researchers are

expecting that the study is reliable and valid despite of the limitation the study. The scale

is observed to effectively evaluate the influence of color- coded notes in student memory

performance. In the help of Microsoft Excel the researchers encode the data’s easily

4.2- 5.01 Strongly Agree

3.4- 4.1 Agree

2.6- 3.3 Sometimes Agree

1.8- 2.5 Disagree

1.0-1.7 Strongly Disagree

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results of the study as well as the analysis and interpretation of

the data gathered from the Grade 11 students of San Roque National High School which serves

as the respondents of this study.

The gathered data will prove if color- coded notes have an influence in students memory

performance. Through this studies and examination, the study was divided into parts of

categories based on the statement of the problem presented to give understanding and emphasis

to the content of the study.

Table 1. Students Perception about Using Color- Coded Notes

Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. Do you enjoy using different 3.67 Agree

colors of pen?
2. Do you want to use black pen 3.17 Agree
3. Do you think color pen helps 3.86 Agree
you organize you notes?
4. Is color- coded notes help you 3.70 Agree
in reviewing?
5. Is color-coded notes help you 3.87 Agree
to memories Important notes?
6. Thus making color- coded 2.32 Sometimes Agree
notes makes you feel irritated?
7. Do you think color- coded 3.19 Agree
notes helps you to improved your
academic performance?
8. Do you think color- coded 3.63 Agree
notes help to be more creative?
9. Can you say that using color- 3.43 Agree
coded notes can describe your
personality as a student?
10. Do you think color- coded 3.60 Agree
notes helps you to have a high
grades? Specifically in Earth and
Life Science?

Table 1 shows the questionnaire used by the researchers. This reveals that the

respondents “agree” that the Color- Coded Notes has an influence in student memory

performance with a mean of 3.87 and it can also help them to organize their notes with a mean of

3.86. They also prove that color- coded notes helps them in reviewing their notes when they are

having a quiz or test with a mean of 3.70, They also state that color- coded notes make them feel

happy or enjoyed in taking down notes. Moreover, the respondents “sometimes agree” that they

feel irritated when they are making color- coded notes.

Table 2. T-test Result for Difference between Pre-test and Post-test of the Students

Pre-test Post-test
Mean 5.64 7.20
P-Value 0.37

Table 2 shows the difference of pre- test between post- test examination of the students.

As shown in the table, the computed mean value of the pre- test is 5.64 while the computed mean

value of post- test is 7.20. The P- value proves that there is a highly significant between the pre-

test and post- test of the respondents.

Chapter V


This chapter presented the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation offered

and the results of the study for the implementation and growth of their studies as basic as well.

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this study is to know the influence of color- coded notes in student

memory performance of Grade 11 students in San Roque National High School in San Roque

Paombong Bulacan, year 2019-2020.

The research study was conducted at San Roque National High School in San Roque

Paombong Bulacan, with eighty (80) respondents from four sections of Senior High School

Department, Garde 11 Flash, Lightroom, Illustrator and Corel. The method that the researchers

has been used in the study is experimental research with the help of questionnaires, pre- test and

post- test examination only.

After organizing and totally arrainging the test that the researchers made and used they

made tables that shows the scores and perceptions of the students. These tables will serve as

evidence for everyone especially to those students of Senior High School at San Roque National

High School.

The following are the findings of the study based on the statement of the problem:

1. How may the color- coded notes be characterized as perceived by the students?

The statement “ Do you think color pen helps you organize you notes?” has the

highest mean of 3.86 and it is interpreted as “agree”. While the lowest computed mean value is
2.32 with the statement “.Thus making color- coded notes makes you feel irritated? ”which is

interpreted as “sometimes agree”

2. How may the memory performance of the students be described in terms of their test

scores before and after?

The pre- test scores of the respondents gained a mean value of 5.64 while the mean

value of post- test is 7.20 with a total of 0.37 (p- value).

3. Is there a significant difference in the student memory performance before and after

the treatment?

There is a small difference between the significant in the students memory

performance before and after the treatments because the mean value of pre- test and

post- test has a difference.


In the success of this study therefore the researchers concluded that the color-

coded notes have no significant in students memory performance. Furthermore this paper shows

the difference of memory performance of the respondents in taking the pre- test and post- test

examination with a total of 0.37.


Based on the data gathered in the study the reserachers want to propose the following


1. Students must improve their skills in using color pens for them to have an organized and

proper notes.
2. Teachers should also use color pens as a tool to have an organized lesson plan and to

teach their student to make a color- coded notes in doing their lectures.

3. Future researchers can use this study to improved and serve as their sources about the

influence of color- coded notes in students memory performance.

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