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The following major biological principles and processes will be covered: Cell biology including
mitosis and meiosis, structure, nutrition, growth, reproduction and economic importance of
bacteria, viruses and fungi. General characteristics, classification of major animal and plant
groups including life cycles of selected economically important organisms. Plant and animal
tissues and their organization. Introductory animal physiology-nutrition, respiration, circulation,
excretion and coordination.
This is an eight credit hour course divided into four modules
Time Lecturer Office No. Module Practicals
First Semester Dr. Abong’o B. O. Sci 220 Introductory cell biology and 1 - 6
Mr. P. Chatanga Sci 214 Introductory Plant Diversity 7 – 11
Second Mr. M. Phalatsi Sci 222 Introductory Invertebrate Biology 12 – 15

Sci 223 Introductory Vertebrate Structure 16 - 20
and Animal Physiology

The final mark awarded for BIO108 will be calculated from final examination (written in
December and May) and the course work in a ratio of 50:50.

Course work Record Examination Record

Practical reports ……………25% December Examination ……………25%
Tests (4)……………………25% May Examination ………………….25%
Total ………………………50% Total ……………………………….50%
Test schedule
September: Introductory Cell Biology and Microbiology
November: Introductory Plant Diversity
February Introductory Invertebrate Biology
April Introductory Vertebrate Structure and Animal Physiology
Specific dates will be given during the course of the year.

Objectives of the Course

The objectives of the course are to train First Year Science students to:
 Knowledge with understanding
 Proficiency in the use of language and scientific terminologies
 Ability to use appropriate facts, definitions, concepts, principles, models and theories.
 Familiarity with the techniques, procedures and principles of laboratory work
Acquire experimental skills through the
 Use of techniques, apparatus and materials
 Making and recording of observations, measurements and estimates
 Evaluation and interpretation of observations and experimental data
 Writing correctly formatted practical reports

There will be 3 lectures and 1 practical per week. All material given in lectures is the
responsibility of the student, including announcements regarding tests and practicals. A part from
the prescribed text books, additional material may be provided where necessary. The information
provided in the text will often go into greater detail than that covered in the classroom
Class rules
 Class and practical attendance is compulsory. Be on time.
 Be attentive during the lecture and actively take down notes
 Stay alert at all times
 Do not read any newspaper or other books during the lecture
 Cell-phones must be switched-off while in class.
 You are not allowed to come in or go out once the class has started: Up - lifted by Dr.
Abong’o B. O.

NB: See practical manual for Laboratory practical instructions.

Course Description
This course provides the basic knowledge of the biology of cells and microbes. It deals with the
structure and functions of the cell; nutrition, growth and reproduction in bacteria, fungi and
viruses, overview of microbial infections and genetic recombination.

Lecture topics
Topic 1: The cell
 Structure and functions of the cell
 History of cell biology
 Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
 The cell cycle (Mitosis), Meiosis and sexual life cycles
Topic 2: Bacteria
 Bacterial morphology
 Bacterial cell wall and gram stain
 Cell surface structures
 Cell inclusions
 Nutritional requirements of Bacteria
 Growth and reproduction of bacteria
 The bacterial growth curve
 Economic importance of bacteria
Topic 3: Fungi
 Introduction on fungi
 Morphology of fungi
 Nutrition
 Growth and reproduction
 Economic importance of fungi
Topic 4: Viruses
 Characteristics of viruses
 Morphology
 Replication/Life cycle of bacteriophage and HIV
 Economic importance of viruses
Topic 5: Genetic Recombination
 Conjugation
 Transformation
 Transduction
 Application
Topic 6: Microbial Infections
 Modes and mechanisms of disease transmission
 Disease agents and their sources
 Control of common infectious diseases

Practical schedule
Practical 1: Use of light microscope
Practical 2: Plant cell
Practical 3: Growing bacteria in the laboratory
Practical 4: The streak plate technique
Practical 5: Bacterial morphology and Gram staining technique
Practical 6: Examination of fungi
Prescribed Textbooks
 Taylor, D, J., Green, N.P.O. and Stout, G.W. 1998. Biological Sciences (Third Edition).
Edited by R. Soper. Camnbridge University Press.
 Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V.
and Jackson, R.B. 2008. Biology (Eighth Edition). Pearsons International Edition.
 Madigan, M.T., Martinko, M.J. and Parker, J. 2008. Brooks Biology of
Microorganisms(11th Edition). Prentice and Hall, USA.
 Pelczar, M.J. and Krieg, N. R. Microbiology (Latest Edition). McGraw-Hill International.

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