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1. What are your expectations about the subject, your classmates, and your teacher?

It has been seven years already when I last attended school when I finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary
Education and since then I devoted my time for work. Now, I got a wonderful opportunity to pursue graduate studies
after seven years and I know this is going to be very exciting and at the same time challenging. Being asked about my
expectations is something that excites and challenges me at the same time. Thus, I expect the subject to equip us
with a deeper perspective on the different philosophical theories of education from which the formulation of the
different educational policies are anchored upon and where the construction of curricula is based from. By religiously
putting effort in learning the concepts of this subject who knows that this might become the bridge where we can
also help in designing and re-designing our educational system for continuous improvement. With regards to my
classmates, I honestly admit that when I first entered the room I felt awkward because many most are strangers but
when we started the session I slowly discovered that they are fun to be with and it gives me joy listening to their
sharing. With that being said, I just expect that my classmates will turn out to be my friends at the end of the
semester. I do hope that we will be able to establish a good working relationship with one another and that we will
be able to cultivate a culture of sharing and support instead of competition. And when it comes to our teacher, I
admit that I felt intimated at first but when he started talking I learned that he is somehow cool and I enjoyed his
class because he has a lot of stories to tell. I just expect that he will be with us from the first day until the last day of
the semester. I hope that he too is open-minded and is understanding to us especially when there would be times
that we won’t be able to attend to his class on emergency cases. I’m really looking forward for a meaningful, fun,
exciting and learning-filled experience with my classmates and teacher this semester.

2. What are your learnings during the first day ?

Our first day of class is something that I would never forget because of the meaningful and very relevant insights that
I learned from our professor who shares to us his very rich experience with so much enthusiasm. One of these is when
he encountered a group of people who form part the accreditation team and asked him about their best practice. He
replied that his best practice is that every time he attends to his class he always tells his students that it is not an
ordinary class but a review class in preparation for the board exam. This made me realize why CNU has remained to be
one of the top performing schools over the years. In relation the practice of my profession as a teacher, it made me
realize that it is also very important to make our class not just an ordinary class but an extra ordinary one because we
don’t just prepare our students to learn the concepts but we prepare them to the life ahead. Secondly, I have learned
from our first session that we may have expected to learn a lot from our teacher but we can also learn by ourselves
because learning is just out there but we have to make sure that we are in good shape. Finallly, in order to create a
meaningful experience this semester, we have to be responsible performing our tasks and to be honest and be willing to
do the tasks at hand. I’m very happy to have learned these things during the first day and I’m excited to learn more from
our professor in the coming sessions.

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