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Clean and make it Green

Climate change is one of the most urgent and pressing issues facing the world today. As a
concern citizen of our community, we must aware of what is happening around us right now,
one of it is that the situation our environment. I had a lot of advocacy one of it is to plant more
trees to minimize the climate change. We always promise to ourselves that we plant more trees
but we did not take it into action. So right now, we need to take it into action. In only one trees
to cut there is a equivalent of 3 trees to plant so that we can avoid any calamity and we can save
our mother Earth. Reforestation will help combat climate change. Trees can play a role in
addressing climate change, by capturing carbon from the atmosphere. Planting trees, can
minimize the hot temperature of our environment as well as we can avoid different kind of

Proper waste disposal is also important to minimize the climate change.When waste is disposed
of properly, it helps to prevent additional pollution which can improve public health. Polluted air
increases the risk of respiratory illness. Waste that is properly disposed of has a lesser chance of
getting into the water supply and causing illness. Proper waste disposal is critical due to the fact
that certain types of wastes can be hazardous and can contaminate the environment if not
handled properly. These types of waste also have the potential to cause disease or get into
water supplies. So we need to be responsible and be a good model so that we can help to
prevent climate change as well as to avoid any diseases. This action will start in our home. In our
home, first use cloth bags instead of plastic. This small measure will greatly reduce the amount
of waste you bring into your house, buy food that has less packaging, don't use bottled drink,
reduce your paper usage and last is to consider making your own household cleaners and
detergents. We need also to familiarise the 4R, reuse, reduce, recycle, and repair. Recycling is
the first way you can make a difference in your community. Recycling allows the materials you
use to be reused as opposed to thrown away. When it comes to reducing your energy
consumption, reducing the amount of heat and electricity you use in your home can go a long
way! This is true, especially during the colder months. Keep these in mind as spring comes near!
The weather will get warmer and the need to heat your home will reduce.Reusing items is
another small change you can make to reduce your impact.

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