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Earth Science l First Semester i) Troposphere – lowest, weather Universe & Solar System Theories

and precipitation occurs.

l Big Bang Theory:
ii) Stratosphere – middle part
Terms to Ponder: (ozone), filters UV rays i) Aleksander Friedman & George
iii) Mesosphere – where meteors Lamaitre (1920)
Geology-study of earth’s crust burn ii) “due to the random fluctuation,
Ecology – science that deals with iv) Thermosphere – aurora and there is a great explosion
environment satellites are visible sending space,time, matter, and
v) Exosphere – 10,000 km above energy in all directions”
Earth Science – status of the environment the Thermosphere iii) Combination of pressure, force
vi) Ionosphere – abundant of ions, and friction.
Matter – everything that occupies space
electrons and molecules. b) Timeline:
d) Different Forms of Nitrogen : i) The Big Bang
i) Ammonia – colourless gas with ii) Formation of the Universe
Components of the Earth-Universe System pungent smell. - Nitrogen and iii) Formation of Basic Elements
Biosphere – world of life Hydrogen iv) Period of Radiation-rise of
ii) Nitrates – vasodilator (widens molecular structures.
1) Lithosphere the blood vessel for a good flow v) Period of Matter Domination
a) Land environment of blood) – it has no use in plants vi) Birth of Stars and galaxies
b) Solid and animals unless transformed c) Building Organisms:
c) 3 types of Rocks (1) Denitrification – process that i) Carbon Dioxide
i) Igneous converts nitrate to nitrogen ii) Hydrogen
ii) Sedimentary gas removing bioavailable iii) Nitrogen
iii) Metamorphic Rocks nitrogen iv) Helium
d) Influence in Making Soil Productive iii) Nitrite – when rain occurs, it will v) Oxygen
i) Diastrophism – movement within fall down the ground – soil d) 4 Fundamental Forces
the solid portions of the earth. converts it to be useful to plants i) Gravity-binds the solar system
ii) Weathering – can be mechanical and animals ii) Weak Nuclear Force-radioactive
or chemical 4) Biosphere beta decay
2) Hydrosphere a) Life, world of life iii) Electromagnetism- binds atoms
a) Water is renewable b) Humans, animals, plants, iv) Strong Nuclear Force-binds
b) Sea level environment nucleus together
3) Atmosphere e) Fusion vs. Fission
a) Air environment Story of the Earth
i) Fusion- combination
b) Nitrogen – most abundant element  4.5 Billion years ago ii) Fission- Splitting of heavy atoms
with 78.09%
 Methane – ghg deadlier that CO2
i) CO2+H2O  C6 H12 O6+O2
 Pangaea- supercontinent f) Evidences:
c) Layers of the Atmosphere
 70,000 years ago – Homo Sapiens i) Galaxies are moving away from
each other
ii) Presence and CMB (Cosmic l String Theory Condensed and Compressed 
Microwave Background) Planets
a) Vibration of one dimentional string
iii) Abundant of Light Elements 5) Solar Nebular Theory
b) Unifies all forces and matter in
a) Movement of solar nebula
l Steady State Theory universe
b) Protosun forming at the center
a) Bondi, Gold, Hoyle (BGH), 1948 l M-Theory c) Spinning Planetary Disk
b) Universe is unchanging in time and
a) Strings + membranes
uniform in space
b) Contact of two hyperdimentional
c) Density of structure is constant as it Origin of the Planets
a) Dust of Grains – collide
d) Flat, no magnetic molecules or Origin of the Solar System
b) Planetesimals – physical collision
 In connection to the big bang theory. -solid objects thought to exist in
e) Justifications:
protoplanetary disks and in debris
i) Flatness – nearly flat Collision: caused the stars to build up and disks.
ii) Monopole – no magnetic break down. c) Gravity
d) Protosun
iii) Horizon – in-contact with the :fragments formed are sun, planets.
1) Rene Descartes
l Inflation Theory a) Circular and whirlpool-like motion Earth’s Layers
b) Orbits and satellites around the
a) Guth, Linde, Steinhart, Albrecht planet 1. Core
(GLSA) c) Vortices a. Inner
b) Exponential expansion of the 2) Buffon’s Collision Theory i. Inge Lehmann (1936)
universe after the bbt. a) George Louis Leclerc and Comte de ii. 1250 km
c) Justifications: Buffon iii. Fe&Ni
i) Flatness: stretches initial b) Sun + a giant comet iv. 6000c
curvature to near flatness 3) Nebular Hypothesis v. Solid
ii) Monopole: allows its existence a) Imanuel Kant and Pierre Simon b. Outer
iii) Horizon – regions are much Laplace i. 2300 km
closer to each other b) Nebula collapsed due to a ii. 4k to 5k c
d) Timeline: gravitational pull iii. Liquid
i) Big Bang c) Nebulae-a cloud of gas made of H 2. Mantle
ii) Inflation and He a. Lower
iii) Cosmic Microwave Background 4) Tidal Hypothesis i. In-contact with outer
iv) Dark Ages a) James Jean and Harold Jeffrey core
v) First Stars b) Part was torn off the sun ii. Hot: Soft, magma
vi) Galaxy Formation c) Speeding massive star  iii. Plasticity
Gravitational Attraction  (deformation)
iv. Convection Currents
b. Outer b. Lithosphere b. Divergent  
i. Lithosphere c. Plastic Asthenosphere c. Transform Fault
ii. Rigid/ Solid d. Upper Mantle 4. Continental Drift Theory
iii. Moho Boundary 6. Convection Currents a. Gondwana and Laurasia
(Andrija Mohorovicic) a. Middle mantle flows b. Alfred Wegener
iv. 660 km b. Caused by very hot material
3. Crust as the deepest part of the
a. Oceanic Crust mantle, rising, cooling and 1. 70% of the earth is covered by water
i. Dark colored sinking again 2. Cryosphere
ii. Rock Sample: Basalt c. Caldera a. Frozen part of the
iii. More Dense 7. Mantle Convection hydrosphere
iv. Thin Layer a. Lithospheric plates ride like a b. Glaciers, Ice caps, Iceberg,
v. 50km passenger on the mantle snow.
b. Continental Crust c. Water Cycle/ Hydraulogic
l Earth’s Subsystem
i. Light-colored Cycle – water vapor
ii. Rock sample: Granite :Lithosphere condenses that forms clouds.
iii. Less dense And rain is called as
iv. Thicker 1. 13 Plate Boundaries
v. Coarse-Texture i. African
d. 3 Main Ocean Basins:
vi. 40-70km ii. Australian
i. Pacific
iii. Arabian
ii. Atlantic
4. Discontinuities iv. Antarctic
iii. Indian & Arctic Ocean
a. Lehmann D. v. Phil.Sea
e. Major Requirements:
i. Between outer and vi. Pacific
i. Energy-amount of
inner core vii. Eurasian Plate
b. Guttenberg D. viii. Caribbean
ii. Nutrients – Food, O2
i. Lower and outer core ix. Cocos
c. Repiti D. x. North American : Atmosphere
i. Upper and lower xi. South American
1. Composed of Ni, O, Ar
mantle xii. Nazca
2. Layers:
d. Mohorovicic D. xiii. Indian
a. Troposphere
i. Lower and Upper 2. Factors/ Reasons of Tectonic Plates:
b. Stratosphere
Mantle a. Convection Currents
c. Mesosphere
e. Conorod D. b. Temperature
d. Thermosphere
i. Upper and Lower c. Global Warming
e. Exosphere
Crust d. Pollution
f. Ionosphere
5. Asthenosphere e. Green House Gases
a. Role: movement of plates 3. Types of Plate Boundaries: l Life Zones of Fresh Water Environment
under lithospheric plates. a. Convergent  
1. Littoral Zone- latoral (means side)
a. Shallow, abundant light,  Stratosphere c. Root Transpiration: excess
adequate nutrients in land  Troposphere gases and nutrients are
and water released in a form of liquid.
2. Limnetic Zone Reasons of Pollution in the Atmosphere d. Respiration: absorb then
a. Enough light for 1. Series of Aircraft release
photosynthesis 2. Human Intrusion 2. Carbon: essential part of all organic
b. Open Water Area: a. Primary Air Pollutants mol.
i. Upper (limnetic) i. Carbon Monoxide a. Two Biological Processes
ii. Lower ( profundal) 1. colorless i. Photosynthesis
c. Profundal Zone ii. Nitrogen Oxide ii. Respiration
i. Insufficient light for 1. Electric 3. Phosphorus Cycle
photosynthesis generating a. Form of phosphate rocks
ii. Dependent upon the plant where its stored
amount of sediments iii. Sulfur Oxide b. Strengthen the dev. And
1. Burning of growth of plants
Ocean Zones
Coal c. HOW? – Diastrophic activity
1. Photic iv. Hydrocarbons and weathering
a. Epipelagic 1. Petroleum d. Water-agent to synthesize
b. Mesopelagic Fuel proteins
c. Bathypelagic v. Particulate Matter e. Leaching-lower soil fracture
2. Aphotic 1. WORST air f. Erosion-upper soil
a. Abyssalpelagic problem g. Phosphorus-essential to
b. Hadalpelagic b. Indoor Air Pollutants genetics and structure of
i. Chloroform living systems.
Stratopause-radiosconde h. Forms ATP, RNA and DNA
ii. Trichloroethane
Between stratosphere and mesosphere iii. Asbestos i. Occurs in mineral deposits
iv. Nitrogen Oxide and marine sediments.
Tropopause – commercial aircraft 4. Nitrogen Cycle:
Biogeochemical Cycle a. Sequence Steps:
Between stratosphere and troposphere
i. Nitrogen Fixation-
1. Nutrients
starts in the
a. Chemical building blocks of
Thermo Nuclear Fusion – the core of the life
1. Full fixation-in
sun b. Two Types:
soil microbes
i. Macronutrients-
acquired in great
ii. Nitrification-
4 Principal Layers: amount O, C
ii. Micronutrients –
 Thermosphere smaller amount are
 Mesosphere absorbed.
bacterias/ soil ii. Water Holding c. Coniferous Forest/ Taiga –
microbes Capacity/ Hydraulic cone bearing plants
Nitrococcus, Conductivity i. Snow, soil not fertile
Nitrosomoras,Nitroba iii. Permeability – d. Grassland – grasses are
cter dependent on the growing
iii. Assimilation- concentration e. Desert Biome – hottest
capturing, absorbing b. Chemical Properties biome’
nitrates of organisms i. Dependent in N- i. Cork Cell/ Cutine cell
iv. Ammonification- Content – prevents
formed through ii. Dependent in O.M. evaporation of water
decomposition. Content ii. Vacuoles- water tank
v. Denitrification- iii. Ph acidity and of plant
reduction of Nitrates alkalinity f. Tundra Biomes- soil
to gaseous nitrogen. 3. Biotic Factors i. Permafrost-half a
a. Effects of Living Organisms meter of snow
b. Soil Temperature ii. Coldest
1. Climatic Factors 4. Aspects of Ecological Behavior
a. Temperature – physiological a. Plant Communities-group of
rate plants
b. Light-reproductive rate b. Plant Succession – series of
-influence in growth, i. Pioneer Community-
photosynthesis, transpiration most critical
and enzymatic action. ii. Intermediate Comm –
iii. Climax Comm.-
Xylem – Inorganic, upward Trees, wild group
c. Plant Invasion – association
Phloem – Organic/ food
of species to extend its
5. Characteristics
a. Tropical Rainforest – stable
2. Edaphic/ Soil Factors and highly diversed
a. Physico Chemical Nature of i. Evenly warm and
the Soil. moist
i. Texture- Loam, b. Tropical Decidous Forest –
Sandy, Clay dry season
i. Shedding leaves

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