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By Joel Hilliker
Contributions by members of the editorial staff
© 2009, 2010 Philadelphia Church of God.
All rights reserved. Images are the property
of their respective owners and used with
This booklet is not to be sold. It is a free
educational service in the public interest.
Printed in the United States of America.
More than 3,000
of the stars
twinkle in a cloud
of gas and dust
known as Orion.
Some of these
stars have never
been seen in the
visible spectrum.

ONE The Perfect Seat for Viewing the Cosmos 4
Our “Goldilocks Planet” 12

two  The Heavens Declare God’s Glory 14

Abraham the Astronomer 24

THREE  Did It All Start With a Big Bang? 26

What Is Dark Matter? 33
A Stunning Look at a Young Universe 36

FOUR  Why the Universe? 38

Why Not Yet? 45

FIVE  Forever and Infinity 46

Our Expanding Universe 51
A Zillion Times More Impressive 53
c h a p t e r O n e

The Perfect
Seat for
Viewing the
undreds of miles above the surface of our
planet, the Hubble Space Telescope orbits
the Earth every 97 minutes. This 11-ton,
43-foot-long instrument has made more
than 100,000 trips around our planet, covering 2.5
billion miles.
As it flies through space at 17,500 purple- and blue-hued nebulae, and
mph, it is taking some of the most capti- sparkling, diamond-like fields of galaxies
vating photos ever seen. where we thought there was nothing but
The gases of Earth’s atmosphere dis- empty space. We see awe-inspiring, bril-
tort and block wavelengths of light from liant pictures of stars and galaxies and
space, so the Hubble’s position 353 miles clusters in whites, golds, oranges, blues earth and moon
above the ground enables its 8-foot- and greens. We see infrared, luminous, A combined image of pho-
diameter mirror and its four cameras to ultra-luminous, radiant views of objects tos from the Galileo space-
capture more and purer light. The data so far away, so gigantic, so dazzling our craft shows the Pacific
is transmitted to a relay satellite, then minds can’t even process them. Ocean and South American
a ground station in New Mexico, and From the Hubble, we have seen west coast as well as the
then it is sent to Maryland, where it is supernovas, galaxies in their early moon’s distinctive Tycho
decoded. stages, and massive stars collapsing. We impact basin and darker
The results are spectacular. have seen comets striking planets, and regions composed of lava-
We see breathtaking images of births of stars; we can recognize black rock-filled impact basins.
Every month, Hubble produces
70 gigabytes of data, which is enough to
fill 70 complete sets of encyclopedias.

holes. These images give us spectacular life, its invisibility also happens to make
views of our expanding universe. gazing up at the stars a whole lot more
Some scientists believe that the great- interesting and informative than would
est development of the past century was be the case on most planets.
the Hubble Space Telescope. Some would say we are lucky.
Hubble makes about 20,000 observa- Actually, this is only one of several
tions per year. It has recorded more than unique physical conditions that make
half a million pictures over the past our study of the heavens possible, and
two decades, which nasa has released so richly rewarding.
to astronomers all over the world to Another favorable circumstance: our
study—and to us, to marvel at. Every position within our galaxy. The Milky
month, Hubble produces 70 gigabytes of Way is an incomprehensible 100,000
data, which is enough to fill 70 complete light years across, and we sit in its slim
sets of encyclopedias. “galactic habitable zone” (ghz)—just
These dazzling images inspire some far enough from the center that we’re
penetrating questions. Where does it end? not killed by radiation, but just close
Where did it all come from? Is there any enough that sufficient heavy elements
meaning behind it all? Why is it here? Why, needed for life are present. At the same
for that matter, am I here? time, our position is a perfect seat for
This telescope is the most impres- viewing the rest of the cosmos.
sive of an array of tools that are helping Why? Many reasons. For one, it is so
us coax the cosmos into revealing its beautifully dark here. Light can be the
secrets and mysteries. And the more enemy of astronomical discovery—for
we study, and the more we learn, the basically the same reason that you
stronger the evidence becomes of an want the lights off in the theater while
absolutely remarkable truth: watching a movie. Conveniently, our
There is an Author of the cosmos. And solar system is in the darkest part of the
He intended for us to be able to study the galaxy’s ghz, far from all the Milky Way’s
stars—to help us come to know Him! brightest lights. We live almost exactly
halfway between two of the Milky Way’s
spiral arms, which are crowded with
Beautiful Darkness radiant stars and thick dust clouds that
Walk outside and look up on a clear would obscure our view. Our vision is
night. You will see several hundred also free of any nearby gaseous nebulae.
stars—perhaps a few thousand if it is dark We likewise live thousands of light years
enough and your view is unobstructed. away from the galaxy’s many blinding
Do you realize how unusual and star clusters.
special that view really is? Making matters even more favor-
How motivated would you be to con- able, the Milky Way happens to be in
template the night sky if all you saw was the darkest habitable area of its galaxy
a canopy of impenetrably thick clouds cluster. While a typical galaxy cluster
of particles and gases? Happy for us, has over 10,000 tightly packed galax-
Earth’s atmosphere is transparent. Not ies, ours has only about 40, all but two
only is our oxygen-rich air necessary for of which (one being the Milky Way)

6  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

are small or dwarf galaxies. On top of
that, our galaxy cluster, called the Local
Group, is in the darkest habitable part
of its supercluster of galaxies, the Virgo
Thus, there is virtually nothing in the
way of our peering deep into the outer
reaches of the cosmos.
Another wonderful factor that
improves our understanding of the
heavens is the presence of perfect solar
eclipses. It’s extraordinary that our
gargantuan sun—864,300 miles in diam-
eter, 332,840 times the Earth’s mass— milky way Our galaxy is filled with billions of stars (top). From Earth’s
can be visually obscured by the moon, position far away from the center of the Milky Way looking back into it,
which is a tiny two tenths of 1 percent the center of our galaxy appears as a band of brilliant pinpoint stars and
of its size. But the relative distances of the diffuse glow of dust filaments. An artist’s rendering shows the Milky
these two heavenly bodies from Earth, Way as a spiral-shaped galaxy with two major arms trailing a central
coupled with their unusually exqui- bar of stars (inset). Our sun is located near a small partial arm called the
site roundness, make the perfect solar Orion Spur between one of the major arms and one of the minor arms.
eclipse possible.
This has proven quite helpful to
scientists who are trying to unriddle

The Perfect Seat for Viewing the Cosmos • 7

it would be 1,550 times brighter to us
than it is now.)

Not Just Luck

The more scientists learn about the
universe, the more of these outstand-
ingly helpful conditions they identify.
“For some reason our earthly location
is extraordinarily well suited to allow
us to peer into the heavens and discover
its secrets,” wrote the grateful authors
of The Privileged Planet. A host of finely
tuned factors “are not only necessary
for Earth’s habitability; they also have
been surprisingly crucial for scientists
to measure and make discoveries about
the universe. Mankind is unusually well
positioned to decipher the cosmos.”
It appears that several factors make
even this period in the history of Earth
and the universe uniquely suited to
studying the cosmos. For example,
the fact that the universe is expanding
suggests that earlier in its history, all the
bright matter would have been too close
TROPOSPHERE the mysteries of the universe. Hundreds together for decent visibility. Today, every-
In the high-altitude reaches of years ago, a perfect eclipse helped thing is spread apart enough that we can
of Earth’s paper-thin gaseous observers confirm that stars are com- see everything with remarkable clarity.
atmosphere, the air begins posed of gas. More recently, an eclipse Is this all the result of a series of
to lead into space. Earth’s helped verify the theory of relativity, fortunate coincidences?
gravity is just weak enough showing that light is bent by the sun’s Scientists have come to refer to Earth
to avoid collecting too many gravity. That we see a perfect eclipse as a “Goldilocks planet.” That is, in
dense gases, yet just strong (rather than a “super-eclipse,” in which every conceivable way, conditions aren’t
enough to retain the radia- our moon would completely obscure the too hot or too cold, too large or too
tion-blocking and nourishing sun) gave us our first glimpses of the small, too close or too far—too anything.
gases that feed life. sun’s gaseous chromosphere, which has No matter what is measured, it is “just
yielded additional insights about stars. right” (inset, “Our ‘Goldilocks Planet,’”
Another convenient feature of our page 12). Not only for the existence
cosmic vantage point is how protected of life, but also for discovery. And to a
Earth is from collisions. The four gas- mind-boggling level of precision. Even
giant planets in our solar system—Jupi- the minutest deviation would make cos-
ter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune—do mic observation difficult or impossible—
us a big favor by shielding Earth from or would wipe out all prospect of life.
dangerous space projectiles like asteroids Maybe it’s not luck after all.
and comets. Their gravitational pull A growing number of astronomers
tends to absorb or deflect the most dan- are acknowledging the possibility not
gerous of these colliders. Yet they’re not only that the precise conditions for life
too efficient: The few smaller asteroids on Earth were specifically, painstak-
that have made it through and hit Earth ingly established by a creative mind of
have actually aided in scientific discov- extraordinary intelligence—but also that
ery. (It’s also worth noting that these this Power ensured we would be able
huge planets are not so close as to block to follow the signs back to their source.
or wash out our view of space. If gigantic The multiplicity and exactitude of these
Jupiter resided where Mars currently sits, signs reflect engineering advanced

8  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

infinitely beyond human capability. His divinity! It is there for everyone to friendly giants
The superintelligent Engineer see—and more and more as our technol- Shown is a montage of
behind this project not only wanted us ogy improves. All we need to do is open the large gas-giant planets
to breathe—He also wanted us to see. our eyes and acknowledge its Author. taken by various NASA
Think about that the next time you “Clearly, Someone wanted human spacecraft: Neptune, Ura-
look up at the stars. A superintelligent beings to exist and thrive. Just as clearly, nus, Saturn and Jupiter (left
Creator went to a lot of trouble to make Someone wanted us to see all He had to right). They remain distant
that view possible for you. done in the universe,” Dr. Hugh Ross enough to avoid ruining our
Think about this too when you study wrote. “His purposes for human existence view of space, yet at the
the images produced by the Hubble must be highly valuable” (Why the Uni- same time shield us from
telescope (inset, “A Stunning Look at verse Is the Way It Is; emphasis ours). cataclysmic asteroid strikes.
a Young Universe,” page 36). We can’t Indeed.
give all the credit to the scientists. We
have to acknowledge the superpower-
ful, deliberate hand that opened these A Message of Hope
magnificent cosmic vistas to us. Today we live in dangerous times. Bibli-
Do that, and then you have to ask cal prophecy shows that we are about to
yourself, just why did He go to such plunge into the blackest, darkest period
lengths to ensure we could see all that? in human history. The proliferation of
God clearly wanted us to make these weapons of mass destruction casts the
cosmic discoveries. Romans 1:20 says, survival of our race in doubt. In fact,
“Ever since the creation of the world Jesus Christ prophesied that if not for His
his invisible nature, namely, his eternal Second Coming, no flesh on this planet
power and deity, has been clearly per- would survive (Matthew 24:21-22).
ceived in the things that have been made” As conditions worsen and get nearer
(Revised Standard Version). In other to their violent climax, people’s hearts
words, as we study that handiwork, we will be failing them for fear (Luke 21:26).
will gain appreciation for God’s eternal This is a time when the world needs
power, and will even learn things about hope.

The Perfect Seat for Viewing the Cosmos • 9

GALACTIC CORE We don’t believe it is mere coinci- know why? It’s not only because those
This unprecedented dence that right now, amid these dire countless awesome galaxies point us to
image of the center of global threats, our view of and appre- their Creator and His limitless power. It is
the Milky Way galaxy ciation for the cosmos is undergoing also because, when understood according
combines over 2,000 such a spectacular revolution. The to the revelation in the Bible, they expand
infrared Hubble ex- Hubble Space Telescope surely is one our understanding of the incredible human
posures and readings of the greatest developments of modern potential God has given us!
from the Spitzer Space science. Human beings, made in the Truly, His purposes for human
Telescope. The stars, image and likeness of God, are prob- existence are highly valuable! And the
clusters, stellar winds ing deeply into the universe as never understanding of the universe, explained
and other structures before—observing the Creator’s handi- by the revelatory truth of Scripture,
visible here span 300 work. You can be sure God is paying expands our minds to better grasp just
light years. close attention. He is very interested in what those inspiring purposes are.
this program and what people are saying Do you know why this vast, sparkling,
about it. We believe it is reasonable to shimmering, powerful universe exists?
speculate that He has likely blessed that The Bible gives us some absolutely stun-
program in order to ensure its success. ning answers—answers we will reveal in
Here is an inspiring truth: Those this booklet.
Hubble pictures should give this whole If you believe the Bible, you know that
world a great deal more hope. Do you the same God who created the universe

10  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

eye on the heavens
The Hubble Space Tele-
scope orbits 353 miles
above Earth and its slender
enveloping atmosphere.
also founded a Church that He promised know. God wants all people to better
would never die (Matthew 16:18). That understand what is out there—and,
Church is alive today—and actively more importantly, why it is out there.
guided by the God of the heavens. He wants His Church to use the revela-
The Philadelphia Church of God tions from Hubble to give the world true,
began proclaiming its message in January living hope.
1990. The pcg’s founding was specifically The Philadelphia Church of God is
prophesied in several biblical passages all about hope. We proclaim the Bible’s
(request a free copy of Malachi’s Message message about how to live a life of hope.
to God’s Church Today for proof). The images from the Hubble Space
It was just four months later that the Telescope are crying out for us to explain
Hubble Space Telescope was carried into them to you! They are crying out for us
Earth’s orbit aboard the space shuttle to show the remarkable hope they offer.
Discovery. The understanding of the cosmos we
In our view, the alignment of these are gaining as a result of this marvelous
events suggests that we bear a certain technological wonder should be inspir-
responsibility. The heavens are commu- ing the whole world!
nicating a message to us—but how many It is our hope that you will enjoy
people understand what they are saying? your interstellar journey in the chapters
That is something mankind needs to to come.

The Perfect Seat for Viewing the Cosmos • 11

Our “Goldilocks Planet”
Is there life out there? Carl Sagan famously estimated in are almost impossibly complex—and must be exceedingly
1974 that the Milky Way may host as many as 1 million civ- rare, even in a universe as incomprehensibly vast as ours.
ilizations. Scientists have wised up a lot since then. They’re Consider just a few features that make our home in the
realizing that the factors required for a civilization to exist cosmos “just right” for us to live and thrive here.

“Just Right” Earth “Just Right” Moon

• It is the perfect distance from both sun and moon to have a • Our moon is huge: Its mass ratio
stable, predictable orbit. Twenty-four-hour days ensure Earth’s compared to Earth is 50 times greater
entire surface is properly warmed and cooled every day. than that of any other known
• It is the perfect size and mass. If it were less dense, an atmo- moon-planet combination. Yet it is
sphere would not form and remain; if it were more dense, its the perfect size to stabilize the tilt of
atmosphere would be uninhabitable. As it is, our atmosphere Earth’s rotational axis. Without our
allows just the right amount of radiation to keep us warm but moon, the tilt of our planet would
not kill us. vary from zero to 85 degrees, produc-
• Earth’s metal core produces a magnetic field that protects the ing catastrophic climate changes.
surface from radiation from space. Radioactive heat from the • Its gravity creates tidal movement.
core, mantle and crust creates plate tectonics, necessary for Thus, ocean waters do not stag-
life for several reasons. nate—they clean the waters on the
• Humans need 27 elements, including carbon, oxygen, nitro- coasts from toxins and enrich them
gen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron and copper, to live. with nutrients. Yet these massive
Earth has just the right mix of them. ocean movements never spill over
• Earth has just the right amount of water in the proper ratios across the continents. The ocean
of liquid, solid and gas. A little more, and the continents currents also regulate climate by
would be drowned. A little less, and the planet would prob- circulating enormous amounts of
ably be too hot to host life. heat.

12  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

“Just Right” Solar System
• Giant planets act as “comet and asteroid catchers.”
Their gravity cleans up our solar system of space
junk that might otherwise collide with Earth.
Cosmic collisions can cause mass extinctions.
• Our solar system is unusually rich in metal con-
tent, necessary for advanced life.

“Just Right” Sun “Just Right” Cosmic Location

• Most stars (two thirds to three quarters of them) are found • Evidence suggests that elliptical galaxies lack
in groups of two, three, four or more. If we had more than enough elements heavier than helium to host
one sun, it would make life far less stable on Earth because advanced life. Spiral galaxies like ours have
of erratic gravitational effects, and/or possible dangerous enough.
eruptions of tidal gas passing between the stars. • Within the Milky Way, we sit in the “galactic
• Ninety-five percent of all stars are less massive than the sun. habitable zone”—far enough from the center that
A smaller, less dense sun would mean we’d have to be much we’re not killed by radiation, but close enough
closer to it to stay warm. The tidal locking would create that sufficient heavy elements needed for life are
synchronous rotation—where the same side of the Earth present.
always faced the sun. Thus, half the planet would freeze. • We’re nowhere near dangerous star clusters,
• It has the perfect luminosity. Because it is a yellow star, its quasars, nebulae, neutron stars or supernovas.
energy lies mostly in the visible part of the light spectrum— • “Real-estate brokers often say the key to property
not even 10 percent of its energy is ultraviolet. If it was value is location, location, location,” wrote Hugh
much hotter, producing mostly ultraviolet light, life would Ross. “If this principle applies to the cosmic scene,
be impossible. If it was a smaller red star, the supply of vis- Earth’s location would be considered way beyond
ible light would be inadequate. ‘prime.’ … Earth appears to reside in the only neigh-
• The sun’s size and distance from Earth creates stable tem- borhood in the universe where humans can exist
perature fluctuations that allow Earth’s water to remain in and thrive long enough to enjoy a global, high-tech
perfect balance among its three phases, liquid, solid and gas. civilization and to discover how rare they are.”

The Perfect Seat for Viewing the Cosmos • 13

c h a p t e r t wo

God’s Glory
cientists in recent years have accumulated
evidence showing that specific features in
creation—Earth, in particular—must be
extremely fine-tuned in order to support life.
One well-known example is the molecules” (The Cosmos: Astronomy
Earth’s distance from the sun. It is just in the New Millennium; emphasis ours
right to keep temperatures here hospita- throughout).
ble—somewhere between 30 below zero Each year, we recognize more of these
and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If we were finely tuned features that allow for life
farther away, we would freeze; if we were here. In 1988, Dr. Hugh Ross’s team
closer to the sun, we would roast. of astronomy researchers counted 15
“The values of the physical constants features that had to be just so for any life
(not to mention the laws of physics) to survive. By 1991, they had counted
seem to be spectacularly ‘fine tuned’ two more. By 1995, they had come to
for life as we know it—indeed, almost see yet nine more features that had to be CRAB NEBULA
‘tailor made’ for humans,” wrote astrono- exactly right. By 1998, the total number One of the most studied
mers Jay Pasachoff and Alex Filippenko. had risen to 34 features. Any significant and perhaps most interest-
“In many cases, if things were altered change in any one of these conditions, ing objects in the universe,
just a tiny amount, the results would and none of us would be here. the Crab is one of the most
be disastrous for life, and even for By 2001, this research team had found intricate and dynamic heav-
the production of heavy elements or 41 features. By 2004, 77 features. By enly bodies in existence.
dying star 2005, 93 features. By 2006, they’d come Filippenko. “But this theological con-
The Helix Nebula to recognize 140 features—all perfectly clusion is not testable by the methods
unravels—the final stage lined up so life can exist on this planet. of science. Therefore, here we will not
of a star’s life cycle. The And all these features must align consider it further, though perhaps it is
nebula is six light years precisely for any physical life to survive, true” (op. cit.).
wide and was imaged by even just a single-celled organism. For It is true—infinitely more than per-
NASA’s infrared Spitzer an advanced human civilization to exist, haps. This is incontrovertible proof that
Space Telescope. the features that scientists have realized there had to be a Designer!
must be in place are far, far more numer- As King David wrote, “The heav-
ous. In Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, ens declare the glory of God; and the
Dr. Ross says it would take “at least 10700 firmament [or the expanse of heaven]
times more fine-tuning precision” for a sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19:1).
high-tech civilization like ours than for David was celebrating the fact that God
just single-cell life that survives 90 days revealed Himself to us in the universe
or less. “To put this number (10700) into He created. Perhaps he knew more than
perspective, the total number of protons today’s astronomers would give him
and neutrons in the entire observable credit for.
universe amounts to 1079.”
Our planet is an incomprehensibly
fine-tuned precision machine! The Foundation of the Earth
“Some people use these and other Did you realize that the vast majority of
‘cosmic coincidences’ to argue for a the universe in its present form is unin-
divine Creator,” wrote Pasachoff and habitable? It is too hot or too cold—too

16  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

dense or too vacuous—too dark or too ideal size and mass. For example, if it our valuable moon
bright. It has too much radiation, or were less dense, it wouldn’t have enough At a quarter of Earth’s diam-
too few of the heavy elements required gravity to retain an atmosphere, like eter, the moon is compara-
for life. Gravitational forces are too the planet Mercury. If it were larger and tively large compared to the
intense—environments are too unstable. more dense, we couldn’t live in its thick body it orbits. Earth’s only
Scientists have come to recognize atmosphere—it would be like Jupiter’s. natural satellite provides
just how remarkable and fortuitous our Humans need almost 30 elements to reflected light and an all-
cosmic location is. We are far enough live: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, cal- important gravitational pull
from the center of the Milky Way so cium, iron, sodium, potassium and so that influences the planet’s
we’re not bombarded by radiation. We on. Earth has just the right mix of all tidal action and causes a
are nowhere near dangerous star clusters of them, with a rich abundance of rare tilted rotational axis that ac-
or quasars or nebulae. We are right next but vital heavy elements in its core and counts for Earth’s seasons
to this very stable star called the sun. A sprinkled through its crust and mantle. and comfortable climate.
whole host of factors make our planet’s Earth’s distances from both the sun
position just perfect. “Earth is quite a and the moon are also perfect to ensure
charmed planet,” wrote Peter Ward and it has a stable, predictable orbit with
Donald Brownlee in Rare Earth. 24-hour days. Thus, the planet doesn’t
And it is “charmed” in more than get too hot or too cold; the entire surface
just its location. Earth is 7,913.1 miles in of Earth is properly warmed and cooled
diameter, and even though it just “floats every day. (If, for example, the sun were
in space,” it weighs about 6,000 million, smaller and Earth had to be closer to it
million, million tons. Scientists have in order to prevent water on its surface
learned several reasons why this is the from freezing over, the planet’s rotation

The Heavens Declare God’s Glory • 17

would be dangerously affected by the 6). The physical forces that anchor our
sun’s gravity: Rotational synchronization planet and stabilize it, so crucial to its
could lock the same side of Earth into being able to host life, aren’t luck. Our
facing the sun at all times—as the moon Creator established them. In Isaiah
is to Earth—thus baking half the planet 45:18, God says that He formed the Earth
and freezing the other.) to be inhabited!
Thanks to our single large moon Everyone who sees that kind of
(its mass compared to the Earth is an meticulous and stunning handiwork
incredible 50 times greater than any should be shouting God’s praises! The
other moon-planet combination we heavens are declaring God’s glory!
know of), Earth is tilted at a nice, gentle After hearing God’s speech, Job was
23.5-degree angle. Planets that have no humbled. His appreciation for God’s cre-
moons or a relatively small moon have ative genius and power had multiplied,
a rotation axis that tilts very chaoti- and his perspective on himself had
cally. Without our moon, Earth would shrunk to far more realistic proportions.
experience catastrophic climate changes. Today’s scientific revelations are tell-
But as it is, that tilt gives us predictable, ing us the same basic truths, confirming
pleasant seasonal changes that provide the biblical record. Surely we should be
variety and facilitate annual food pro- similarly awed and inspired.
duction all over the planet.
These are extraordinary features. Rec-
ognizing this, scientists have concocted How the Sun Is a Prophecy
elaborate explanations of how they all King David’s ode to the cosmos contin-
came about through indiscriminate ues, “Day to day pours forth speech,
natural forces over billions of years. But and night to night declares knowledge”
the book of Job provides a more plau- (Psalm 19:2; Revised Standard Version).
sible explanation. The Hebrew word translated pours forth
Job was a great builder. Historical could also be translated prophesies.
evidence shows that he supervised The universe is prophesying! Do you
construction of the Great Pyramid—and know what it is saying? Verses 3 and 4
biblical evidence shows that he grew show that its wordless message is going
somewhat self-impressed. God helped out through all the Earth. The Hubble
correct his perspective. telescope and other modern scientific
In Job 38, God provided an extraor- instruments are actually making it
dinary picture of a moment in the possible to discern that message more
universe’s history: When He built the clearly.
Earth. “Where wast thou when I laid the What are the heavens communicating
foundations of the earth? declare, if thou to us? They are speaking about the past.
hast understanding” (Job 38:4). Our They are teaching us about what is and
planet didn’t come to inhabit its perfect what should be happening right now.
place in the cosmos haphazardly. God And as we will see, they are also proph-
says in this verse that He actively set the esying about the majestic future.
Earth in this precise location. Here is one of those prophecies.
“Who determined [Earth’s] measure- “In [the heavens] hath [God] set a
ments?” God asked Job. “Surely you tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a
know! Or who stretched the line upon bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
it?” (verse 5, New King James Version). and rejoiceth as a strong man to run
Our planet’s size and extraordinary a race” (verses 4-5). Our sun is like a
elemental composition are not the strong man, or a powerful athlete.
product of arbitrary forces. They were A one-megaton nuclear bomb has the
measured and precisely surveyed—per- explosive power of 1 million tons of tnt.
fectly prepared to suit God’s purposes. The sun produces the same amount of
“Whereupon are the foundations energy as a trillion of those bombs—every
thereof fastened? or who laid the corner second! That’s 400 trillion trillion watts.
stone thereof,” God continued (verse In one second, the sun produces more

18  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

energy than the entire human species has growth to the entire world! starburst galaxy
consumed throughout its entire history! When Jesus Christ returns, that will Galaxy M82, distinctive
God positioned that furious nuclear be the most glorious “sunrise” ever! due to its shredded cloud
furnace relative to our planet just per- Everyone will be touched by His pres- formations, centers on a
fectly to be our main source of energy. ence, just as they are by the light of the bright blue central disk
“[T]here is nothing hid from the heat physical sun today. where stars are being
thereof” (verse 6). We can enjoy sunny Yes, the sun itself is a prophecy! Its born 10 times faster than
days outside, we can see by its light, we Creator designed it to illustrate a spiri- inside the entire Milky
are warmed by its heat, plants can absorb tual reality. When you look at the sun, Way. Most of the fuzzy
its energy, and dozens of other processes you can think about the dawning of the white objects that are
can occur that make life not only pos- day of Christ’s rule on Earth. visible are not stars, but
sible, but extremely pleasant here. You can’t even look at the sun directly star clusters of up to
But that star is also preaching a because it is too awesome and brilliant. 1 million stars.
deeper message. It is so enormous that it accounts for
Malachi 4:2 tells us that “the Sun of 99.9 percent of all the visible matter in
righteousness [shall] arise with healing our solar system. You could fit 1 million
in his wings.” There the sun specifically planet Earths inside of it. It dominates
points us to Jesus Christ. Though it is our solar system—in the same way that
spelled s-u-n, it is capitalized because God should dominate our lives.
it is talking about the Son of God! (See It illustrates some wonderful attri-
also Psalm 84:11; Isaiah 60:19-20; John butes of the Son of righteousness! That
1:9.) This verse is a prophecy of how, very is where we get our spiritual light and
soon, Christ is going to bring light and continued on page 21

The Heavens Declare God’s Glory • 19

In one second, the sun produces
more energy than the entire human species
has consumed throughout its entire history.

heat. Our lives should revolve around that just are what they are for no discern- gargantuan sun
God the way our planet does that sun. ible reason, such as the electromagnetic Comprising 99.9 percent of
charge. These facets of nature are observed the visible matter in our solar
as being intrinsic to the workings of system, our nearest star
Our Obedient Universe nature, but arbitrarily set by the laws of has the volume of 1 million
The entire material realm operates in our universe” (The Hidden Face of God).   Earths. Here, an ultraviolet
accordance with physical laws. You can But what established those “values” imaging telescope captures
be thankful that is the case. The speed in the beginning? How did these “facets the maximum of the Helium-
of light never changes. You know that of nature”—laws—become “intrinsic energized solar activity cycle
each day will have 24 hours in it because to the workings of nature”? What is it with sunspots, flaring active
of the predictable rotation of the Earth. that “arbitrarily set” these “values”? regions, ejections, expul-
You can trust that the sun will keep Where did “the laws of our universe” sions, prominences and
firing the equivalent of a trillion mega- come from? Even evolutionary scientists plasma-traced magnetic field
ton nuclear explosions per second. Our believe in cause and effect. What caused loops about 30 Earths long.
planet—thanks to its motion within our the universe to come into effect?  
solar system, galaxy and galaxy clus- Isn’t it astonishing that scientists can
ter—travels through space at a blazing have such faith in those laws—and yet
435 miles per second, over 1.5 million fail to recognize the Power that set them
miles per hour. Yet we never go flying off in motion?
into space because, thankfully, the law of The existence of unchangeable,
gravity anchors us to this planet. absolute, yet unseen laws demands the
Astronomers and cosmologists recog- existence of a supreme Lawgiver. God
nize and accept this order and precision declares in His written Word that He is
as an article of faith in their studies. In that Lawgiver (James 4:12). It is by those
fact, the laws of physics form the basis laws that He governs the entire material
of most of their hypotheses—certainly universe and makes everything orderly
the ones that can be tested and verified. and reliable.
They observe how energy and matter In the context of this sun prophecy is
behave—what makes a star burn—how an important link. We are commanded
things are born and how they decay— to remember God’s law (Malachi 4:4).
how gravity and other forces affect mat- The same God who created the physi-
ter. And then they theorize and specu- cal laws that regulate matter also gave
late about the details of the universe’s the statutes and judgments to Moses.
composition and activity—as well as its Everything God is involved in, He does
history and its future—based on their according to law.
confidence that everything always has “The greatest scientists have been
and always will operate in predictable struck by how strange this is,” wrote
accordance with those physical laws. author Dinesh D’Souza. “There is no
Even the circular reasoning used by logical necessity for a universe that obeys
evolutionists assumes the existence of rules, let alone one that abides by the
certain laws. Gerald L. Schroeder, an rules of mathematics. This astonishment
mit-trained scientist, explained it this springs from the recognition that the
way: “Essentially all of scientific inquiry universe doesn’t have to behave this way.
is based on fundamental ‘givens,’ values It is easy to imagine a universe in which

The Heavens Declare God’s Glory • 21

conditions change unpredictably from the word means a rule or law (as in Isa-
instant to instant, or even a universe in iah 28:10, which says we must come to
which things pop in and out of existence” understand God’s Word “precept upon
(What’s So Great About Christianity). precept; line upon line”). The universe
The whole material universe—every- complies beautifully with God’s rule, His
thing out there—is perfectly submitted to measure, His law.
God’s rule. This is another remarkable This word also refers to a musical
way in which the heavens declare God’s string, or accord, or harmony. When
glory. the Apostle Paul quoted this verse in
What an extraordinary message the Romans 10:18, he actually used the word
heavens are preaching, if only we would sound. He likened the harmony in the
listen. heavens to a musical sound.
These concepts are closely linked,
because wherever you have God’s rule,
The Harmony of the Heavens you have accord, or harmony. Every-
Look at how King David made this point thing works together like an orchestra
within Psalm 19. Verse 4 says that the playing in harmony. If you find true
heavens’ “line is gone out through all harmony anywhere on Earth or in the
the earth.” The Hebrew word translated heavens, that is no accident! And wher-
line refers to a measuring rule or cord; it ever you find disharmony and friction,
is the same word used in Job 38:5, where you find the breaking of God’s law!
God says He “stretched the line” upon This psalm says that there is har-
the Earth to measure it. Metaphorically mony in the glorious universe. Those

22  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

heavenly bodies are like a great orches- harmony of the universe and submit to GREAT NEBULA
tra God is conducting. What produces His spiritual law in the same way that The Great Nebula in Carina
that harmony? David continues, “The matter submits to His physical law— is a place in the Milky Way
law of the Lord is perfect, converting then that will bring you into harmony where gigantic stars and
the soul: the testimony of the Lord with God and other people. Just like the transforming nebulae are
is sure, making wise the simple. The heavens themselves, your life will also found. The Keyhole Nebula,
statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing begin to declare God’s glory. Your mar- left of center, is where some
the heart: the commandment of the riage and family will show His handi- of the most massive known
Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes” work. You will make beautiful spiritual stars are located. One star
(Psalm 19:7-8). That harmony comes music—just as the sun does as it spreads in this nebula was one of the
from God and His law! its glorious light and warmth all over most brilliant stars in our sky
Some commentaries say Psalm 19 the Earth in perfect harmony with the in the 1830s.
changes subjects here—but it doesn’t. laws of God.
The reason the heavens prophesy You will be a prophecy about the
traces back to the law. And if we apply harmonious music that this whole world
God’s law in our own lives, in our jobs will be producing very soon, when God’s
and relationships and families, it will law is implemented.
produce order and harmony that will Hear what the heavens are saying.
rejoice our heart. They are pouring forth evidence of a
This is really a prophecy about what Designer and Sustainer. And, as we will
the law will do in your life. If you allow see, they are also prophesying about
God to rule you—if you get in sync the wonderful future God is offering to
with the Creator and Conductor of the mankind.

The Heavens Declare God’s Glory • 23

Abraham the Astronomer
When you think of Abraham’s time, do you think of dusty planets? How could he recognize a star versus a planet in
tents, whistling wind and bleating sheep, uneducated men the morning sky? Where did he learn the mathematical
and hardscrabble living? If so, you might be surprised at laws of how to predict eclipses and other astral events?
the real history. Abraham’s was not a primitive, ignorant How could he know these heavenly bodies were not gods?
world. In fact, it possessed advanced astronomical knowl- He had been taught by the true God, the one who authored
edge that would take thousands of years to rediscover! the laws of astronomy and physics that govern the heavens.
Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldees, a city in Babylon Abraham wasn’t the first astronomer. Josephus says the
at the heart of the civilized world. Archeological evidence study of astronomy originated in the family line of Seth. He
reveals that the Babylonians “had detected the precision of the wrote that “God gave [those who lived before the Flood]
equinoxes. They knew the cause of the eclipses, and … could such long life that they might perfect those things which
predict them. … They had correct views of the structure of they had invented in astronomy.” Job too had advanced astro-
the solar system, and knew the order of emplacement of the nomical knowledge, such as the understanding—unknown
planets” (John William Draper, History of the Conflict Between except by divine revelation for many centuries to come—that
Religion and Science). Other history books corroborate Earth hangs “upon nothing,” floating in space (Job 26:7).
that when the Greeks conquered Babylon, they discovered Ancient histories indicate that Noah had knowledge of mari-
advanced astronomical observations and even a map repre- time laws involving navigating by the stars. That ancient and
senting the world as round, with Babylon near the center. elderly patriarch likely brought knowledge of mathematics,
Babylonian priests knew where the sun, moon and planets astronomy, agriculture and other sciences as well as the arts
were positioned, recognized their orbits and calculated from one side of the Flood to the other, which passed down
where they would appear at any given time in the future. from generation to generation to Abraham.
But how did they know? What is most certain is that Abraham’s scientific knowl-
Berosus, a Babylonian historian, wrote, “In the 10th edge came through his connection with the Creator God,
generation after the Flood, there was among the Chaldeans the one source powerful enough to create stars and galaxies
a man righteous and great, and skillful in the celestial sci- and suns and moons and planets, brilliant enough to set
ence.” This man was Abraham. them all in order according to perfect laws—and loving
Not only was he a giant of faith and obedience, but he was enough to teach those laws.
also a wealthy and influential world leader and an intelligent, The world traces its astronomical knowledge to Baby-
well-educated scientist, mathematician and astronomer. Jew- lon. Babylon traces it back to Abraham, the servant of God.
ish historian Flavius Josephus confirms that this great Chal- So why did God teach a tiny human living on a tiny planet
dean was Abraham, and that the Greek Hecataeus wrote an the undiscoverable systems and laws of the cosmos? Why
entire book about his accomplishments. Other secular histo- did God teach Abraham astronomy? Several reasons. The
rians add that Abraham was a scholar renowned throughout Bible’s description of God’s creation says that He set up the
Ur. Josephus tells us that he analyzed “phenomena that were lights of the sun, moon and stars “for signs, and for seasons,
visible both at land and sea, as well as those that happen to and for days, and years” (Genesis 1:14). True knowledge of
the sun and moon, and all the heavenly bodies.” astronomical laws preserved the measure of the week, the
The Babylonians received their advanced understand- months and the years by which to measure time, as well as
ing of the heavens from Abraham. Abraham taught them the day of the week that God set apart for worship. In addi-
the nature of the sun, the moon, eclipses, the planets and tion, without that knowledge, today we would have no idea
their orbits inside our solar system, and the stars that lie of the ages of the ancients who dwelled on Earth prior to
beyond—far-flung heavenly lights that they and other Moses, nor duration of events such as the Flood. Yet Moses
pagan believers had thought were an assortment of gods. records detailed ages and histories in the Pentateuch.
Abraham showed that these “gods” had no minds or power In addition, God clearly used that revelation to inspire
of their own and that he could predict exactly what they and motivate His servants. When He promised Abraham
would do and where they would be ad infinitum because he would become a great patriarch, He compared his
they had to obey specific laws. descendants to the stars (Genesis 15:5). He also revealed
Later, when Abraham left Ur, he traveled in Austria and to Abraham the Holy City to come, which will serve as the
Egypt, spreading the knowledge of arithmetic, astronomy headquarters of the universe (Revelation 21)—a vision that
and culture even beyond Babylon. fueled Abraham his whole life (Hebrews 11:10).
How could a man standing on the surface of the Earth God designed and created the universe for His purposes.
without advanced scientific instruments understand that We should hardly be surprised that, as Amos 3:7 says, He
he was on a round planet orbiting the sun alongside other revealed its secrets to His servants.

24  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

c h a p t e r t h r e e

Did It All
Start With
a Big
cience has proven that the universe did not
always exist. It had a beginning.
That might seem obvious, but what’s
interesting is that scientists didn’t always
believe that. Just a few generations ago, general
consensus was that the universe had no had a beginning.
beginning and no end—it just always The big bang theory was born.
was. Evolutionists found this conve- AE AURIGAE
nient, as it contradicted the biblical A bright star near the center
creation account. What Is the Big Bang Theory? of this image is surrounded
Evidence began to refute this idea The big bang idea has undergone by smoke-like filaments of
in the 1920s. Data showed that distant significant refinement and revision carbon-rich dust grains. This
objects were drifting away from our over its near-80-year lifespan; today, dust may contain deute-
galaxy. Edwin Hubble, by measuring the cosmologists are developing and testing rium, a hydrogen isotope
wavelengths of light coming from other a few dozen variations of it. But in that traces star and galaxy
galaxies, determined that the universe is essence the idea is that, somewhere formation but has stymied
expanding in all directions. This discov- between 10 and 15 billion years ago, the astronomers’ studies. A full
ery set the scientific world on fire. After entire universe came to exist suddenly, understanding could help
all, if the universe is moving apart, then dramatically, in an infinitesimally brief revolutionize theories about
at one time it must have been com- moment. Theoretical physicist Brian star and galaxy formation,
pressed in a single location. It must have Greene describes the “inflationary” big according to NASA.
According to the big bang theory, the initial
event wasn’t an explosion, but an orderly
expansion—more like an inflating balloon.

bang model this way: “[T]he size of the infinitely dense something. Lemaître
universe increased by a factor larger than called it a “primeval atom.”
a million trillion trillion in less than a Now—if that is right, then where did
millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of this “cosmic seed” come from? Big bang
a second” (The Fabric of the Cosmos). theorists can’t explain it. In fact, they
Wow! Why would matter do that? don’t even try: The origin of matter is
Scientists first rejected the big bang not part of the theory.
concept because it seemed too religious. Why did it suddenly expand? This
Its echoes of “in the beginning” both- too is a mystery to cosmologists.
ered them. (Their concern was no doubt And there is another problem. In
heightened by the fact that the physicist nature, things decay—they move from
who first advanced the theory, Georges order toward disorder. Greene says this
Lemaître, was also a priest.) Somehow, natural law suggests that the universe in
though, atheists the world over eventu- its infancy began “in an extraordinarily
ally came to accept it as proof that the special, highly ordered state of low
cosmos has no creator. entropy.” Extraordinarily special? Highly
But is it? ordered? Well then, how did it start out in
There appears to be much solid such a state? Once again, science is silent.
evidence that the basics of the theory are
correct. Reliable measurements have con-
firmed that the universe was far hotter an Orderly Expansion
in the past and is cooling as it expands. Astronomers recognize that the term
Faint background radiation still fills the “big bang” is misleading. According to
cosmos at a highly uniform temperature; the theory, the initial event wasn’t an
scientists believe this is a result of that explosion, but an orderly expansion—
rapid initial cooling. The universe’s gal- more like an inflating balloon. Dr. Hugh
axies all appear to have been formed dur- Ross explains, “The big bang is not a big
ing the window of time that the big bang ‘bang’ as most lay people would compre-
model predicts. Photos show that the hend the term. This expression conjures
farther we look out into space (hence the up images of bomb blasts or exploding
further back in time, since light requires dynamite. Such a ‘bang’ would yield
time to reach our telescopes), the more disorder and destruction. In truth, this
densely packed the galaxies are (inset, ‘bang’ represents an immensely power-
“Our Expanding Universe,” page 51). ful yet carefully planned and controlled
These are just a few of many proofs that release of matter, energy, space and time
the universe had a definite beginning. within the strict confines of very carefully
But then big bang theorists hit a finely tuned physical constraints and laws
wall. Going backward in time from which govern their behavior and interac-
the universe’s current expansion, they tions. The power and care this explosion
say it must have been more and more reveals exceeds human potential for
compressed—that, in fact, at the start it design by multiple orders of magnitude”
must have existed within a single point. (www.reasons.org; emphasis ours).
This “singularity” is supposed to have Cosmologists are intently studying
been an infinitely small, infinitely hot, the beginning of time. They are staring

28  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

at the sudden appearance of energy, all their physical properties perfectly the newborn universe
time and matter. They are recognizing governed by laws of physics and chemis- A compilation of five years of
unimaginable order and accuracy in the try—all coming from nothing? measurements by the Wilkin-
event. They can perceive physical laws It takes more faith to believe that than son Microwave Anisotropy
controlling it. And these potent and it does to believe in an eternal, superin- Probe, this all-sky image
precise forces become more impressive telligent, all-powerful God. depicts the universe at what
the more they are scrutinized and the Never in human history has science scientists believe is one of its
more we learn. They are so complex, so treated the Creator with such contempt. earliest moments in history. It
incomprehensibly powerful, so poten- Yet paradoxically, never has science dis- is almost completely uniform
tially catastrophic, that an infinitesimal covered so much spectacular proof of His in temperature: Changes in
variation in any one of a number of existence as in this past, most-godless color represent temperature
factors would have yielded a cataclysm century! differences of about .0002
rather than the stunning cosmos that Open your eyes. The beautiful truth degrees. Thus, it predates
exists today. surrounds and envelops us. “Everything the existence of stars and
Astoundingly, however, there are few points with overwhelming force to a def- other hot matter. Astrono-
who, like Dr. Ross, will admit to see- inite event, or series of events of creation mers believe the minute
ing deliberate planning, fine-tuning and at some time or times, not indefinitely temperature fluctuations
design in it! remote,” English physicist and astrono- are akin to “seeds” that
How can scientists blithely believe mer Sir James Jeans said. “The universe became galaxies.
that this gorgeous, life-rich planet called cannot have arisen by chance out of its
Earth, which circles a beautiful, stable present ingredients, and neither can it
star called the sun, which is clustered have always been the same as now.”
together with several hundred billion “The real big bang was a well-
other suns in a galaxy that is just one planned, deliberately executed act of
of trillions—all came from a primeval creation!” the Plain Truth magazine
pinprick much, much smaller than an wrote in June 1984. “How would you
electron or even a quark—by random expect a superpowerful divine Being
chance? How can astronomers accept the to bring forth an entire universe? With
idea that an infinitely small, infinitely a small fizzle, a limp thud or a weak
hot, infinitely dense singularity simply whimper? Of course not! The creation
appeared and then exploded in a precise of the universe was accomplished with
cosmic expansion to produce the entire a glorious display of light, heat, matter
universe—from the largest supernovas and energy—a display that still reverber-
to the smallest subatomic particles, with ates throughout space ….”

Did It All Start With a Big Bang? • 29

Accelerated expansion due to “dark energy”

Initial creation and rapid expansion

Expansion of the universe over 13.7 billion years

UNIVERSE TIME LINE The Hubble Space Telescope has In the Beginning
This graphic illustrates given us remarkable insight into the “In the beginning God created the
science’s view of the uni- history of the universe. Cosmologists heavens and the earth. … By the word
verse over the last 13.7 are continually having to rethink and of the Lord the heavens were made, and
billion years. The “infla- revise their understanding based on all the host of them by the breath of
tion” depicts the earli- new evidence that is pouring in. One His mouth. … For He spoke, and it was
est detectable moment of the purposes that nasa scientists say done; He commanded, and it stood fast”
when the universe burst the telescope is serving is helping us to (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 33:6, 9; New King
with exponential growth. “discover our origins.” James Version).
The universe then slowed But their understanding is certain to How did the galaxies and stars and
in its expansion before remain shrouded in darkness as long planets and life come to exist? The great
accelerating again, a as they reject what God has revealed to Astronomer, Designer, Architect, Math-
phenomenon attributed us about those origins in the Bible! You ematician and Physicist—God—created
to dark energy coming to simply cannot discover the full truth the universe.
dominate the universe. about our origins by looking exclusively It is important to understand that
at the material realm. there is a chronological gap—of prob-
That is why God included so much ably millions or billions of years—
revelation about this subject in Scrip- between the spectacular creation event
ture: to provide the foundation for our described in Genesis 1:1 and the state
observation—to help us understand of disorder and decay (Hebrew tohu
what we cannot merely observe. and bohu) described in Genesis 1:2
The reality is this: Science is proving (which preceded the rest of Genesis 1,
the Bible true. in which God renewed the face of the

30  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

Scientists believe there was an initial rapid
stretching out of cosmic material—and there
has been an ongoing expansion ever since.

Earth—Psalm 104:30). In Isaiah 45:18, a form of the verb natah that implies
God says He did not create the Earth continual or ongoing stretching (Job 9:8;
in vain (Hebrew tohu). Other scriptural Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22; 42:5; 44:24;
passages show the cause of this Genesis 51:13; Zechariah 12:1). Both of these
1:2 desolation: the angelic rebellion aspects of this stretching can be seen
led by Lucifer, which caused a violent in Isaiah 40:22, which says that God
war in heaven (see Isaiah 14:12-15 and “stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain,
Ezekiel 28:11-19). Request a free copy and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell
of Herbert W. Armstrong’s book Mystery in.” Stretches out comes from natah and
of the Ages for a thorough scriptural implies something continuing today,
explanation of this truth. while spreadeth comes from the Hebrew
Science has proven that the uni- mathach (this word’s only use in the Old
verse and Earth are more than 6,000 Testament)—meaning to stretch out
years old. A true understanding of the and implying something that God has
biblical creation account confirms these already done and completed.
observations. Intriguingly, “Not until the 20th
When you study the biblical century did any other book—whether
accounts of God creating the universe, science, theology or philosophy—even
the most common description is that hint at the universe’s continuous expan-
God “stretched out” or “spreads out” the sion” (Hugh Ross, Why the Universe Is
heavens. God “created the heavens, and the Way It Is).
stretched them out” (Isaiah 42:5). “He Job 9:8 tells us that “[God] alone
stretcheth out the north over the empty spreadeth out the heavens.” This is
place, and hangeth the earth upon noth- an ongoing process for which God
ing” (Job 26:7). claims sole responsibility. Interestingly,
This is highly unusual terminology. scientists really don’t fully understand
What exactly does it mean? The phrase the workings by which the universe is
spreadeth out comes from the Hebrew expanding. They do recognize that some-
natah, which means to stretch or spread; thing is causing it—but it is invisible and
it can mean to extend in every direction. cannot be specifically measured. Only
Scripture refers to the heavens in this its effects can be measured. It remains
way a total of 11 times, by the pen of shrouded in a certain mystery (inset,
five different biblical writers: Job, David, “Our Expanding Universe,” page 51).
Isaiah, Jeremiah and Zechariah. “Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,
Based on observable evidence, scien- and ye waters that be above the heavens.
tists believe there was an initial rapid Let them praise the name of the Lord:
stretching out of cosmic material—and for he commanded, and they were cre-
there has been an ongoing expansion ated. … He telleth the number of the
ever since. God’s revelation in Scripture stars; he calleth them all by their names”
seems to corroborate that view. Four (Psalm 148:4-5; 147:4). Our Milky Way
verses (Isaiah 45:12; 48:13; Jeremiah galaxy alone is estimated to have 200
10:12; 51:15) use a form of natah that billion stars. If we could count them
literally means the action was completed at a rate of about two stars a second,
some time ago. Seven instances use it would take 4,000 years without rest

Did It All Start With a Big Bang? • 31

Man wants to take God out of the picture
and worship the creation. He sees God’s
handiwork, but fails to recognize God behind it.

DARK MATTER to complete the count. This is only “Lift up your eyes on high, and behold
This Hubble detailed image one galaxy among billions of galaxies who hath created these things,” God says,
displays a galaxy cluster in this universe. God has every single “that bringeth out their host by number:
composed of spectacular star numbered and even named. This he calleth them all by names by the great-
tan- and blue-hued galax- strongly indicates His ongoing, active ness of his might, for that he is strong in
ies. More enthralling is the involvement with His cosmic creation, power; not one faileth” (Isaiah 40:26).
5 million-light-year-wide ring not simply His setting the ball in motion God says, I want you to behold who has
of dark matter surrounding and letting natural processes play out. created these things! Sadly, man wants to
the cluster center, evidence take God out of the picture and worship
of the universal power that the creation. He clearly sees God’s handi-
sustains the heavens. Seeing the Invisible work, but fails to recognize God behind it!
Scientists have absolutely no explana- Likewise, people throughout history
tion of where the “primeval atom” came saw His prophets, they saw His apostles,
from that they suppose existed before they even saw His Son! But they couldn’t
the big bang. Whether or not such an see God—and they ended up persecut-
“atom” existed, God reveals that the ing and even killing His messengers. In
existence of spirit essence preceded His the same way, very few people recognize
creation of physical matter. God’s Work today.
Here, then, is the answer to a ques- God has not denied man access to
tion eluding some of the brightest minds the knowledge to make such powerful
in science: How did it all begin? There instruments which allow us to see into
was a moment when God used that invis- the deep secrets of the universe. But
ible spirit energy to bring into being mat- what has man done with this knowl-
ter that didn’t exist before. “By faith we edge? Has it increased his faith in God?
understand that the world was created Scientists who are speculating about
by the word of God, so that what is seen origins and ignoring this revelation are
[physical matter] was made out of things concocting increasingly illogical and
which do not appear” (Hebrews 11:3, rsv). outrageous explanations for how such
The physical universe is visible—we can a spectacular creation could have come
see it and measure it. But it was made to exist on its own. They “resolve” the
from the invisible: things we cannot see remote improbability of the universe’s
and cannot measure. extreme fine-tuning being an accident by
As this verse says, it does require suggesting that there are an infinite num-
faith to accept God’s revelation on these ber of universes—or that this universe
matters (though much less faith than will expand and contract an infinite
humanly devised explanations which number of times, remaking itself each
ignore God). But it is not blind faith. time. Thus, every possibility, no matter
God challenges man to test Him—to how statistically remote, becomes an
prove whether He speaks the truth (e.g. “inevitability.” Of course, such hypoth-
Isaiah 44:6-8; 45:11; Malachi 3:10). That eses cannot be tested or verified. There is
is what true science does. (Request free little to distinguish them from fiction.
copies of our booklets Does God Exist? Believing in those ideas truly does
and The Proof of the Bible, both written require blind faith.
by Herbert W. Armstrong.) continued on page 34

32  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

What Is Dark Matter?
Our telescopes show us a universe populated with brilliant Romans 1:20 says “the invisible things of him from the
balls of fiery gas, piercing quasars, shining stars, illumi- creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by
nated planets and vast galaxies. But, there is also some- the things that are made ….” The visible universe shows
thing out there we cannot see. that there must be this invisible matter or force holding
Based on the gravity required to keep the great clusters it all together. We can see the invisible power of God by
of galaxies intact and the orbital speeds and distances seeing the visible.
of spiral galaxies, astronomers have concluded that the Perhaps “dark matter” is actually the invisible power of
universe must have something else holding it all together God holding the universe together. By the power of God
that emits no electromagnetic radiation and is therefore “were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are
invisible. They have termed this material “dark matter.” in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or
They believe that large clusters of galaxies are composed of dominions, or principalities, or powers: all thing were cre-
over 90 percent of the stuff! ated by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and
What is dark matter? No one knows. We can register its by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17). “By him
effects, but we cannot see it or measure it. all things consist” or are held together. Hebrews 1:3 says
When God spoke to Job about the universe, He may that Jesus Christ is “upholding the universe by his word of
have revealed the existence of dark matter. He asked Job, power” (rsv). Upholding comes from a Greek word mean-
“Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for dark- ing to bear or carry. God says in Psalm 75:3 that “When the
ness, where is the place thereof, that thou shouldest take it earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady
to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the its pillars” (rsv). God holds together and sustains the
paths to the house thereof?” (Job 38:19-20). The Living universe by His power.
Bible renders this, “[T]ell me about the darkness. Where Whatever “dark matter” actually is, we know that God
does it come from? Can you find its boundaries, or go to created all things—both visible and invisible—and that He
its source?” is the Sustainer of the universe.

Did It All Start With a Big Bang? • 33

Our Milky Way galaxy alone is estimated
to have 200 billion stars. This is only
one galaxy among billions in the universe.

Without Excuse in them [people who disbelieve]; for

Consider all the inspiring truth we are God hath shewed it unto them. For the
learning from the observations of the invisible things of him from the creation of
Hubble Space Telescope. How can any- the world are clearly seen, being under-
one talk about the phenomenal data it is stood by the things that are made, even his
capturing without ever mentioning God eternal power and Godhead; so that they
or the Bible? How can scientists never are without excuse.” Never have we been
consider the possibility that God created so “without excuse” as we are today!
all of this? The Hubble telescope has shown us
Jesus Christ answered that question “things that are made”—by God. We
in another of His statements that applies have never seen more that has been
to them with deadly accuracy: “[T]heir made than we have with that incredible
eyes they have closed” (Matthew 13:15). instrument. Highly educated people are
These scientists are studying God’s staring up at that marvelous creation,
creation—and their eyes are closed! studying it, measuring it, trying to
They choose to exalt the creation above comprehend it. They ought to be seeing
the magnificent Creator. God out there, but they still arrive at the
Imagine if they really believed in the ludicrous conclusion that it all evolved
Creator of those majestic heavens! out of nothing!
It wasn’t always so unfashionable God says He’s angry when people
for a scientist to accept God as Creator. deny the truth that they can plainly see.
Believers and admirers of God’s handi- Romans 1 says scientists have no excuse
work have always existed at the heart because when God showed the truth to
of scientific development, humbled in them, they suppressed it (that is what
the knowledge that all that exists in “hold” means in verse 18). How much
the physical world emanated from an truth are these individuals suppressing
intelligence far, far superior to theirs—a because it doesn’t fit their erroneous,
supreme intelligence that created their anti-God ideas?
own far inferior human intelligence.
Isaac Newton was one. Toward the end
of his life he proclaimed, “I do not know The Work of God’s Fingers
what I may appear to the world, but to “If our retinas could register wave-
myself I seem to have been only like a lengths, we would witness a firmament
boy playing on the seashore, and divert- of such turbulence and incandescent
ing myself in now and then finding a splendor that it would make the Fourth
smoother pebble or a prettier shell than of July fireworks look like a backyard
ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth sparkler,” wrote Newsweek in June
lay all undiscovered before me” (L.T. 1991. “We would see black holes slurp
Moore, Isaac Newton).   up their neighbors and jets of plasma
Exactly right. God intends His cre- stream across the sky with the energy of
ation to teach us about Him and point 100 million suns. We would see stars—
us to Him! That is what the Apostle so small they would fit comfortably in
Paul told us in Romans 1:19-20: “[T]hat Lake Tahoe—spin an astounding 643
which may be known of God is manifest times per second. We would see neutron

34  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

stars so dense that a teaspoonful of their Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy LARGE
tiny bodies would weigh one billion tons name in all the earth! who hast set MAGELLANIC CLOUD
and clouds bigger than our solar system thy glory above the heavens,” he was A partial view, called LH 95,
collapse like a poorly timed soufflé.” inspired to write. “When I consider of this star formation reveals
This article closed with an astound- thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the gas and dust structures
ing admission: “Time and time again, moon and the stars, which thou hast sprinkled with young low-
astronomers have been humbled by the ordained; What is man, that thou art mass stars and massive
realization that nature’s imagination is mindful of him? …” (Psalm 8:1, 3-4). He mature stars.
much greater than their own.” Notice knew that the universe wasn’t the result
they just cannot say GOD! They use the of chance, but a magnificent product of
word nature instead. God’s creative handiwork—and one that
They can see the power. They can placed a special importance on human
recognize the intelligence. They can per- beings.
ceive the craft. They can marvel at the It is only when we accept that truth,
elegance. But they won’t see God. They testified eloquently by both the Bible
are missing the transcendental vision and the whole of creation, that we can
wrapped up in that mind-staggering begin to approach an answer to the
creation. The invisible God can be seen far more intriguing and difficult—and
through what He created! inspiring—question:
King David studied astronomy. “O Why the universe?

Did It All Start With a Big Bang? • 35

HUBBLE ULTRA DEEP FIELD This is perhaps the most epic image ever
taken. This photograph, captured by focusing the Hubble telescope on
one 12-millionth of the sky, includes approximately 10,000 galaxies.

A Stunning Look
at a Young Universe
When astronomers only had access to surface-based What did it find? About 3,000 galaxies. Apparently no matter
telescopes, they saw a lot of empty black spaces out in what part of the sky you look at, you will find literally thou-
the universe. Then, in April of 1990, they sent the Hubble sands of galaxies glittering and shining back at you.
Space Telescope into orbit. This revelation shocked and inspired the astronomers
While most Earth-based telescopes can peer into space and all the rest of us. Scientists were forced to adjust
1 to 2 billion light years at best, the Hubble telescope is their estimate of the number of galaxies in the observable
capable of reaching out many times farther than that. Its universe up from about 10 billion to somewhere north of
extended view would prove to revolutionize our under- 80 billion.
standing of the universe. The next major Hubble discovery came in late 2003.
This telescope resembles a five-story cylindrical tower. This time, Hubble focused above the Northern Hemisphere
During normal tracking operation, it locks onto three again into a pinprick of sky. If you were to cut a hole 1
stars at a time, ensuring a precise fix on a distant star. One millimeter square in a piece of paper and hold it up 3 feet
nasa engineer equated the precision to spotting a firefly in away, you would be seeing slightly more “space” than what
Sydney, Australia, from Washington. It’s equal to firing a Hubble captured: one 12-millionth of the sky. To compose
laser beam from Washington at a dime 200 miles away in this view, Hubble made 400 orbits over 114 days, and took
Manhattan and being able to hold the position for 24 hours 800 exposures totaling 1 million seconds. The exposures
(Richard Doherty, Technology). ended on January 16, 2004.
Five years after Hubble launched, astronomers pointed it The Hubble Ultra Deep Field view shows a cosmic cross
at an empty, black speck of sky, the size of a dime about 75 section of galaxies ranging in age from a few hundred mil-
feet away. Over a period of 10 days in December 1995, they lion years old to over 13 billion light years. Again, each tiny
took 342 long exposures, capturing light emissions nearly 4 dot in this image is a galaxy—a collection of millions to
billion times fainter than the human eye can see—including hundreds of billions of stars.
objects as far away as what scientists estimate is 12 billion That miniscule patch of one 12-millionth of the sky
light years. That would mean it took light—traveling at over shows a stunning 10,000 galaxies!
186,000 miles per second—12 billion years to travel from its That means the observable universe must contain some-
distant source all the way to the lens of our telescope. thing near 120 billion galaxies.
Because the distances are so vast, we are literally looking If a medium-size galaxy contains 200 billion stars, that
back in time—seeing what the far distant galaxies looked computes to about 24 sextillion visible stars. That’s a 24
like billions of years ago, when scientists believe the uni- with 21 zeros: 24,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And if each
verse was near its infancy. galaxy houses 100 million planets, then here is how many
The resultant image showed that this black pinprick of planets the cosmos may hold: 12,000,000,000,000,000,000.
“empty” outer space—one 2-millionth of the sky—actually Twelve quintillion!
contained about 3,000 galaxies, each with an average of But consider: The universe today is quite different from
200 billion stars! the one in these pictures. Science has demonstrated that
This was Hubble Deep Field, one of the most jaw-drop- the universe is expanding. As it expands, more stars form.
ping pictures ever taken. Astronomers believe that the actual universe today must be
But wait—is the entire sky filled with galaxies like this, or at least 10 times larger than the universe they can see through
did the Hubble scientists happen to capture a zone particu- their telescopes.
larly dense with brilliant galaxies? In September and October Why are these cosmic regions so vast? Who needs that
of 1998, the telescope turned and pointed at a slice of sky much room? Why so many stars and planets? Science does
near the celestial South Pole. Its target was one 2-millionth of not and cannot answer these questions. But the Bible can!
the entire sky. Again, for 10 days it peered into the distance. Those answers lie in the chapters to follow.

36  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

c h a p t e r fou r

Why the
or what purpose did God create the vast
“Our solar system is certainly a prerequisite
for our existence,” wrote Stephen Hawking in
A Brief History of Time. “But there does not seem
to be any need for all these other galaxies.” That
encapsulates a lot of human reasoning It is a fitting analogy. Let’s exercise a
about God’s creation: If it doesn’t make little humility. Clearly God took great
sense to us, there must be no sense to it. pains to create the universe just so. He
A leading physicist and theoretical did so with deliberate intent and sound
cosmologist at Princeton University reasoning. GALAXY M81
named James Peebles has “compared The material universe itself does not This galaxy is one of the
scientists attempting to comprehend explain itself. We must consult God’s brightest galaxies visible
the universe with slightly befuddled scriptural revelation to see the purpose for from Earth. Similar to the
kindergarten children, while nature is which He created the universe as He did. Milky Way, spiral arms made
a patient teacher ‘who keeps presenting Once we do so, an awesome and of young, hot, blue stars
us with hints, we’re still not getting the inspiring dimension to our understand- only a few million years old
point, but at least we’re working toward ing of the cosmos opens up. It is so trail out from the nucleus,
it’” (Modern Maturity, October/Novem- magnificent, it strains the very limits of which consists of a bulge of
ber 1988). our imagination! older reddish stars.
OMEGA CENTAURI Incredible Human Potential Mr. Armstrong then looked at a paral-
A miniature galaxy of The late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote lel passage in Hebrews 2:
sorts, this star cluster extensively about the Bible’s answer to
holds millions of stars in this question. One of his most thorough In the book of Hebrews we read: “For
an opalescent orb and is scriptural explanations is found in The unto the angels hath he [God] not put in
visible to the naked eye in Incredible Human Potential. We will send subjection the world to come, whereof
the Southern Hemisphere. you a free copy of this extraordinary we speak” (Hebrews 2:5). The theme of
The formation is extremely book upon request. Here is an excerpt the context here is “the world to come.”
old and unique in that it that provides the basic scriptural outline. There is but one Earth, but the Bible
contains stars that differ In Psalm 8 King David looked at the speaks of three worlds, ages, or civili-
in their ages and metallic universe and asked the Creator, “What zations on the Earth—the “world that
composition. is man, that thou art mindful of him? … then was” (the antediluvian world from
Thou madest him to have dominion over Adam to Noah); this “present evil world”
the works of thy hands; thou hast put (from the Flood until Christ’s return, yet
all things under his feet: All sheep and future); and “the world to come” (which
oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; starts when Christ comes and sets up
The fowl of the air, and the fish of the the Kingdom of God). …
sea, and whatsoever passeth through the [B]ear in mind the general theme
paths of the seas” (verses 4, 6-8). here, or context, is “the world to come,
David marveled that God had given whereof we speak”—not this present
man this entire wonderful planet. age, now coming rapidly to its end!
“David here limits man’s dominion Continue on in verse 6: “But one in a
to the present—that which God gave certain place testified, saying ….” Then
mankind in the creation of man—the follows a quotation from the first six
solid earth, the Earth’s atmosphere, and verses only of the eighth Psalm.  
the waters and sea (as in Genesis 1:26- In this psalm, David continued show-
28),” Mr. Armstrong explained. “That is ing specifically that God has now placed
the dominion man has now. In the New in subjection under man the solid earth,
Testament, written much later, far more the Earth’s atmosphere or air, and the
is revealed.” It shows, in fact, that Earth sea. But now the writer of the book
isn’t even the start of it. of Hebrews is inspired to follow with

40  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

God has decreed the entire universe—
with all its galaxies, its countless suns and
planets—will be put under man’s subjection.

something radically different—some- same eighth verse: “But now we see

thing to happen in the world to come!   not yet all things [the endless universe]
This revealed knowledge of God’s put under him [man].” Remember
purpose for mankind—of man’s incred- (verse 5), this is speaking of the “world
ible, awesome potential—staggers the to come”—not today’s world. But
imagination. Science knows nothing what do we see now, today? “But
of it—no religion reveals it, so far as I we see Jesus, who was made a little
know—and certainly higher education lower than the angels [or, “for a little
is in utter ignorance of it.   while lower”] for the suffering of death,
Nevertheless, it is what God says crowned with glory and honour.” Man,
He has prepared for them that love other than Christ, is not yet “crowned
Him (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). … with glory and honour.”  
[L]et’s see what is said in this pas- But see how Christ is already
sage in Hebrews, beginning where crowned with glory and honor. Continue:
Hebrews leaves off quoting the eighth “For it became him, for whom are all
Psalm: “Thou hast put all things in things [the entire universe] and by whom
subjection under his [man’s] feet. For in are all things, in bringing many sons unto
that he [God] put all in subjection under glory, to make the captain of their sal-
him [man], he [God] left nothing that is vation perfect through sufferings … for
not put under him” (Hebrews 2:8).   which cause he [Christ] is not ashamed
Is it possible God could mean to call them brethren” (verses 10-11).  
what He says (“all things”)? Nothing In other words, Christians having
excluded?   God’s Spirit are joint-heirs with Christ
In the first chapter, the Moffatt to inherit all that Christ already has
translation of the Bible renders the inherited. He is now in glory! He has
Greek word translated “all things” as already inherited the entire universe.
“the universe.”   He sustains it by His power. Man, if he
In other words, for those willing to is converted, having God’s Holy Spirit
believe what God says, He says that (Romans 8:9), is now only an heir—not
He has decreed the entire universe— yet a possessor.  
with all its galaxies, its countless suns But see now how Christ already has
and planets—everything—will be put been crowned with glory and honor—
under man’s subjection.   and is already in possession—has
already inherited. Begin with Hebrews,
That’s not just Mr. Armstrong saying chapter 1:  
that. Your Bible says God has put man- “God … hath in these last days spo-
kind over the universe! ken unto us by his Son, whom he hath
appointed heir of all things [the entire
universe], by whom also he made the
Not Yet worlds; who being the brightness of
Mr. Armstrong continued: his glory, and the express image of his
person, and upholding [sustaining] all
But wait a moment! Before you things [the entire universe] by the word
disbelieve, read the next words in the of his power …” (Hebrews 1:1-3).  

Why the Universe? • 41

Planets, except for this Earth, are in a state
of death, decay and futility, waiting
until humans are born the children of God.

The living Christ already sustains the God’s Holy Spirit growing within and
entire universe by His limitless divine leading us we shall be raised from the
power. The passage continues to show dead by His Spirit (or if living when
His superiority over the angels: He is Christ comes we shall be changed
the begotten and born Son of God— from mortal to immortal).  
angels are merely individually created Now continue: “For as many as are
beings. Angels are now administering led by the Spirit of God, they are the
spirits (invisible to us), ministering to sons of God …. The Spirit itself beareth
us—to us who are now in lower status witness with our spirit, that we are the
than angels, but who are heirs of salva- children of God: and if children, then
tion, when we, like Christ, shall become heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
born sons of God (Hebrews 1:4-14). Christ, if so be that we [in this life] suffer
with him, that we may be also glorified
Do you see why God stretched together. For I reckon that the sufferings
out that vast—and presently of this present time are not worthy to be
unused—universe? compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us …” (Romans 8:14-18).  
Continue, Revised Standard Ver-
What Creation Is Waiting For sion: “For the creation waits with eager
Mr. Armstrong’s explanation continued: longing for the revealing of the sons
of God; for the creation [all the suns,
Now put this together with what planets, stars, moons] was subjected
is revealed in the eighth chapter of to futility, not of its own will but by the
Romans.   will of him who subjected it in hope;
Here it speaks of Christ as God’s because the creation itself will be set
Son: “… that he might be the firstborn free from its bondage to decay and
among many brethren” (Romans 8:29). obtain the glorious liberty of the chil-
Humans having God’s Holy Spirit are dren of God. We know that the whole
heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ— creation [stars, suns and moons now
who, alone of all humans, has already in decay and futility] has been groaning
been born as God’s Son by a resurrec- in travail together until now; and not
tion from the dead (Romans 1:4). He is only the creation but we ourselves [we
the first of the human family to be born Spirit-begotten humans], who have the
into the Family of God—the Kingdom of first fruits of the Spirit [the very few now
God. He is our pioneer who has gone being called to salvation—the “first-
on before. We shall follow at the resur- fruits”] groan inwardly as we wait for
rection of the just at Christ’s return to the [birth] as sons” (verses 19-23).  
Earth in supreme power and glory.   What an amazing marvelous revela-
This eighth chapter of Romans, tion of knowledge!  
verse 9, says if we have within us the No more amazing, awesome, eye-
Holy Spirit of God we are His begotten opening passage could be written!  
sons, but if we do not have His Spirit It is so astonishingly revealing,
we are none of His—not Christians at one doesn’t fully grasp it just reading
all. But verse 11 says that if we have quickly through.  

42  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

First I quoted from verse 29 of the revealing of the sons of God” (rsv). PHOBOS
Romans 8 stating Christ was the This shall happen at the time of the res- Mars has two moons,
firstborn of many brethren.   urrection, when those who are human of which this is the larger.
In Hebrews 1, we see that Christ, the actually become—by a resurrection or The illuminated part of
first human to be born by a resurrection instantaneous change from mortal flesh this irregularly shaped
from the dead, has been glorified and to spirit immortality—sons of God.   natural satellite is 13
now sustains the entire universe. He is Now understand please. Why should miles across, marked
our pioneer who has gone on ahead. At the whole universe—the creation—be with craters as large as
His return to Earth in power and glory waiting with eager longing for the actual 5.6 miles across, a
those who have been converted and birth and appearing of all these sons of desolate moon orbiting
received God’s Holy Spirit shall be born God, to be born into the Family of God? a desolate planet.
into the God Family by a resurrection. The following verses portray a universe
Then the entire universe will be put into filled with planets in decay and futil-
subjection under them!   ity—yet as if subjected now to this dead
Then, from Romans 8, if we have state in hope! “Because the creation
and are led by the Holy Spirit of God, itself [the universe not now capable of
we shall be raised to Spirit composi- sustaining life] will be set free from its
tion and immortality in the God Family bondage to decay and obtain the glori-
even as Christ was in a.d. 31 upon His ous liberty of the children of God.”
Now once again from verse 19, “For Look at the Hubble Space Telescope
the creation waits with eager longing for images. What do you see? Wonder and

Why the Universe? • 43

CAT’S EYE NEBULA beauty, yes. But also coldness and fire and entire universe becomes a bigger and
One of the first lifelessness. Mr. Armstrong concluded: more awesome job with each new rev-
planetary nebulae elation of just what is out there!
discovered ejects Could the whole universe have been
dust shells and 11 created capable of sustaining life? We
or more concentric are not told specifically by revelation in “That I May Plant the Heavens”
gas bubbles, jets of God’s Word whether it was or not, but One of the most inspiring verses in the
high-speed gases what we are told throws additional light Bible is Isaiah 45:18. “For thus saith
and unusual knots on why God decided to create man! …  the Lord that created the heavens; God
of gas caused by This passage indicates precisely himself that formed the earth and made
shockwaves. what all astronomers and scientific evi- it; he hath established it, he created it
dence indicates—the suns are as balls not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited:
of fire, giving out light and heat; but the I am the Lord; and there is none else.”
planets, except for this Earth, are in a Will you believe God? Put this verse
state of death, decay and futility—but together with Hebrews 1 and Romans 8.
not forever—waiting until converted God says that the universe—not just the
humans are born the children of God; Earth—was designed to be inhabited. It
born into the very divine Family of God, wasn’t created in vain, to be simply an
forming the Kingdom of God. … ornament. It was created for a purpose.
Put together all these scriptures The purpose for the vast, incredible
I have used in this chapter, and you universe is to be inhabited! God created it,
begin to grasp the incredible human like Earth, for mankind. Man’s ultimate
potential. Our potential is to be born destiny lies out in the stars.
into the God Family, receiving total In Isaiah 51:16, God says, “And I have
power! We are to be given jurisdiction put my words in thy mouth, and I have
over the entire universe!   covered thee in the shadow of mine
What are we going to do then? hand, that I may plant the heavens, and
These scriptures indicate we shall lay the foundations of the earth, and say
impart life to billions and billions of unto Zion, Thou art my people.”
dead planets, as life has been imparted God intends to “plant the heavens.”
to this Earth. We shall create, as God Think about what that is saying. When
directs and instructs. We shall rule you plant something, that means you
through all eternity! Revelation 21 and are laying down seeds that you expect
22 show there will then be no pain, to grow into a crop. This Hebrew word,
no suffering, no evil, because we shall nata, is the same word used in Genesis
have learned to choose God’s way of 2:8 to say that God planted a garden
good. It will be an eternal life of accom- in Eden. Noah planted a vineyard in
plishment, constantly looking forward Genesis 9:20. Abraham planted a tree in
in super-joyous anticipation to new Genesis 21:33. Isaiah 51:16 tells us that
creative projects, and still looking back God is going to plant the heavens—the
also on accomplishments with happi- abode of the stars—the universe! He is
ness and joy over what shall have been going to seed it with life, expecting that
already accomplished.   it will grow into a greater, more impres-
We shall never grow tired and weary. sive harvest in time!
Always alive—full of joyous energy, This represents God’s ultimate plan.
vitality, exuberant life and strength and He is using this Earth to prepare us for
power!   that future. Then, once we are ready, He
What a potential!   will plant the heavens. That is what He
created them for!
Mr. Armstrong wrote those stirring And this verse shows us—astound-
words back in 1978. ingly—that God is going to use human
In light of the Hubble telescope’s dis- beings to help accomplish this majestic
coveries since then, they are now more purpose. In the next chapter, we will
inspiring than ever. explore how.
To be given jurisdiction over the The universe is waiting for you.

44  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

Why Not Yet?
If God plans to give us the whole universe some day, why Why did God create us after His likeness—to look like
not now? Himself? (Genesis 1:26). Because He is actually fashioning
For the answer, just look around. How do people us into Spirit-born sons of God!  
treat each other? How do we treat this Earth? Violence, Those who are transformed into spirit essence will
selfishness, depression, arguing, greed, corruption, pollu- look like Christ. “For if we have been planted together in
tion—these evils define our world today. If we colonized the the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness
moon, we would bring our evil human nature right along of his resurrection” (Romans 6:5). “And as we have borne
with us. Before you know it, various groups would be war- the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the
ring over lunar real estate. heavenly” (1 Corinthians 15:49).
God knows we’re not ready!   A description of Jesus Christ in His glorified form is
That is why He made us physical, mortal beings.   given in Revelation 1:14-16. To be joint-heirs along with
The angels are immortal—they cannot die. Those Jesus Christ and to actually look as He does, with our faces
who failed at their responsibility are forever doomed to shining as bright as the sun, is difficult to comprehend. But
unhappiness.   this is exactly what God has promised to give His sons who
Unlike the angels, if we fail, we will simply die and overcome! (Revelation 21:7). And God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
return to the dust of the ground, from which we came God wants us to be in His Family—to have the same
(Genesis 3:19). But if, after a life of test and trial, we prove powers of thinking, planning, designing, creating and
ourselves, and God knows He can depend on us to obey traveling through the universe that He Himself has!
Him—then He will give us the gift of eternal life!   “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet
At that point, the training ground of our physical lives appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall
will have served its purpose, and we will be made into spirit appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see him as
beings. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, he is” (1 John 3:2).
but we shall all be changed … the dead shall be raised incor- It is when we have grown to possess the same perfect
ruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must character God has, and are trustworthy enough to begin
put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortal- expanding out into space with a constructive, peaceful,
ity” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). We will actually have the same law-abiding lifestyle of productivity and love, that God’s
glorious spirit body that God has (Philippians 3:21).   ambitious plans for populating the universe can be realized.

Why the Universe? • 45

c h a p t e r fiv e

and Infinity
f humans are to venture out from Earth and colo-
nize the cosmos, we need a space-travel revolu-
tion—and that is putting it mildly. The distances
involved are simply impossible to even begin to
bridge using present transportation technology.
Earth isn’t quite 8,000 miles wide. is especially true after you leave our
The sun is 864,300—and it is 93 mil- solar system.
lion miles away. If the sun were an Make an even smaller scale model—
8-inch bowling ball, the Earth would where the 93 million miles between
be a peppercorn 26 yards away. Pluto Earth and the sun is just under a quarter
would be the head of a pin over half a of an inch. At that scale, the orbits of
mile away. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would
In a spacecraft, man can only go as fit on a dime. Neptune, the outermost NEBULA IC 2118
far as the moon; humans cannot store large planet in our solar system, would A reflection nebula in the
vitamin D long enough to get to Mars. have an orbit 14 inches across. Keep constellation Orion. The
We are simply too finite, and our solar in mind, the Voyager 2 spacecraft, gaseous nebula glows blue
system too vast. Its voluminous depths launched in 1977, traveled 12 years from the reflected light of
contain pinpoint planets and deep, before it passed Neptune. the nearby star Rigel and
drastic distances. Set a random heading, On this model, the next nearest star from the fact that its dust
hit light speed, and you’ll still rarely would be located one mile away. That grains reflect blue wave-
encounter a particle of matter at all. This star is called Proxima Centauri, Proxima lengths most efficiently.
GALAXY FIELD meaning “close” (by astronomical Our Galactic Neighborhood
This Hubble image depicts standards). It would take Voyager more Stretching out in great glowing swaths
not a field of stars but a than 60,000 years to fly there. That’s 10 from the Milky Way’s bright, hot,
group of galaxies called times longer than the entire history of bulbous pinwheel center are spinning
Abell 1689. Each object in man. Even traveling at light speed—670 trailing arms, sparkling with stars of all
this image contains 1 billion million miles an hour—the journey types and stages, many of them forming
to hundreds of billions of would take more than four years and the cores of other solar systems.
stars. The gravity of the tril- two months. On our scale model, traveling to the
lion stars in these galaxies Yet reaching Proxima Centauri doesn’t center of our galaxy would require a trip
actually bends light, creat- even get us out of our celestial front of 6,000 miles—the distance from Los
ing a cosmic “zoom lens.” door. Our sun and Proxima Centauri Angeles to London. At the speed of light,
Faraway galaxies appear are just two of over 200 billion stars the trip would take you 26,000 years.
as arc-shaped objects in our galaxy. To grasp the size of the The entire galaxy would be 12½
around the cluster. universe beyond our sun, we have to try Earths wide. Try to comprehend it—and
first to wrap our minds around just how remember, within that vastness, our sun
immense the Milky Way truly is. and its four closest planets fit on a dime.

48  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

To fly from one edge of our galaxy to universe. Astronomers have no idea how
the other at light speed non-stop would much more is beyond.
take you 100,000 years. It would take Jeremiah 31:37 and other scriptures
the 35,000-mph Voyager more than 660 imply that the heavens cannot be
million years. measured. So perhaps we should take
Still, with respect to the universe, scientists’ estimates of the size and age
we’re still in our front yard. The Milky of the universe with a grain of salt.
Way, with its billions of stars and tril- Nevertheless, the incomprehensible
lions of planets, is just one of billions of vastness of the universe fills us with awe
other galaxies discovered so far. And it is as we say, like King David before us,
just above average in size. Some galaxies “The heavens declare the glory of God.”
are far bigger. Can you wrap your mind
around that? A 200-billion-star galaxy is
just run-of-the-mill. The Father of Lights
Now let’s use a different scale. Picture “Every good gift and every perfect gift
the Milky Way as a softball. Our solar is from above, and cometh down from
system is now more like a molecule. the Father of lights, with whom is no
Move 15 and 17 inches away to the Large variableness, neither shadow of turning”
and Small Magellanic Clouds, two of our (James 1:17).
closest neighboring galaxies. Now move The “lights” to which James refers are
15 feet away to our nearest large galaxy— those of the universe. God is the Father of
Andromeda. Astronomers think Androm- that vast material creation. He created all
eda contains 1 trillion stars. On this scale, those lights—every bit of everything we
it would be about the size of a beach ball. see in those Hubble pictures, so dazzling
Andromeda is considered to be in our in their brilliance—through Jesus Christ
neighborhood, yet is over 2 million light (e.g. Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16).
years away! The expression “with whom” in
The closest cluster of galaxies is the James 1:17 should read “in whom.” In
Virgo cluster. Virgo has over 1,000 galax- God is “no variableness, neither shadow
ies. By our scale, we would find this of turning.” This is referring to our
super cluster 150 feet away from our Father’s perfect character. He cannot sin.
softball. There isn’t even a speck of a shadow of
Thankfully, the properties and laws evil in His nature. God is 100 percent
of light enable us to see places we could love (1 John 4:8, 16). His love toward us
never go. Scientists can see far, far beyond is perfect and absolute. Everything He
Virgo and its hundreds of trillions of stars, does is for our ultimate good. His goal is
its thousands of trillions of planets and for us to become perfect as He is perfect
its virtually innumerable moons, comets (Matthew 5:48). He is totally focused on
and asteroids. They have uncovered, giving to us and opening up a wonderful
for example, the existence of the Great future for all mankind.
Wall—a huge conglomeration of galaxies Every good and perfect gift comes
that stretches across the universe for 500 from that illustrious God. Look at what
million light years. This wall is also 200 He created! Clearly, He has all kinds of
million light years wide and 15 million gifts to give!
light years thick. Wow! A wall of galaxies Hebrews 2:8 talks about God giving us
that would take 500 million years to travel the whole universe. When the Apostle Paul
from one end to the other—if we could wrote that, before modern telescopes,
move 186,000 miles per second. people could not see very much in the
If you were to carry the softball to the night sky. Their view of the heavens,
edge of the visible universe, you would impressive as it was, was quite limited.
have to walk for 31 miles! Remember: As The penetrating views of the cosmos
you walk that road, every 3.8 inches (the given to us by the Hubble telescope help
diameter of a softball), you are covering us understand more deeply how mean-
the distance light travels in 100,000 years. ingful and inspiring Hebrews 2:8 really
And that is just the edge of the known is! We have a much more complete

Forever and Infinity • 49

GROWING UNIVERSE understanding of just what is out there. His own time frame, when He will reach
As scientists focus on more And God says, I’m going to give it all to them, and teach them (request a free
distant galaxies, they are YOU! Nothing will be withheld! copy of The Wonderful World Tomor-
looking back in time at But how is that possible? The very row—What It Will Be Like).
cosmic objects whose light nature of human beings, with our physi- Can you even begin to imagine how
was emitted or reflected cal limitations, prevents us from even much real estate is out there? If someone
long ago. They have found being able to reach most places in the were to tell you he had 100,000 acres of
that the further back in depths of space, let alone populate them. prime real estate and he was going to
time they look, the more Remember the expression in Isaiah give it to you, you would probably faint.
closely packed together the 51:16: God is going to “plant the heav- But 100,000 acres is a mere postage
objects in the universe are. ens.” That implies a seeding with life. stamp compared to what God is offering.
Across the page, the pic- We can only see how this would Hebrews 2:8 ought to set our imagina-
ture on the left is of galaxies be possible when we understand the tions ablaze! Soon it will set the imagina-
as they appeared around “mystery” revealed in Scripture: that tion of the whole world on fire, when all
13 billion years ago; on the God is actually recreating Himself in man. people will begin to realize that God is
right are galaxies from only He is transforming human beings into offering them the whole sparkling uni-
50 million years ago. The spirit-composed God beings. verse. Then they will begin to see the size
older universe was far more God Himself is not bound by the limi- of the cosmos, and their hope will grow
crowded—evidence that it tations imposed by the laws of physics. and expand—just like that universe.
is expanding. He “inhabits eternity” (Isaiah 57:15). The
vastness of the cosmos and the limits of
time impose absolutely no constraints Infinite Increase
on Him whatsoever, as evidenced by His God simply wouldn’t have made the uni-
having named every star and His sustain- verse so great, so expansive, if He didn’t
ing the universe with His power. have astronomical plans for expand-
Those physical constraints will no ing His Family. Note this electrifying
longer bind us, either, once we “bear prophecy: “Of the increase of his [God’s]
the image of the heavenly” and “put on government and peace there shall be NO
incorruption” and “put on immortality”! END, upon the throne of David, and upon
(1 Corinthians 15:49, 53). his kingdom, to order it, and to establish
Thus, God will be able to plant the it with judgment and with justice from
heavens—seed the cosmos with life— henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the
using human beings who have been Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).  
transformed into Spirit-born members of There will be no end to the expansion
His Family. of the government and peace of God.
Try to wrap your mind around that It will flow out from the Earth to the
future. God wants to continue to extend whole universe and never end!
His building program forever. He wants What does that mean? The implica-
to make the entire universe exquisite— tions are tremendous.
beautiful beyond what our imaginations First, doesn’t that imply there is end-
can conceive! less space out there? Perhaps the Creator
The Bible says God left nothing not is in the process of making an endless
put under man. He is going to give it all universe. Perhaps He already has. Only
to mankind! That means everything we God knows for certain. But we do know
can see—all the Hubble telescope has that He has something in mind for us
photographed and a lot more. God is that goes on forever!
going to just give it to man. Of course, But how could there be “no end” to
as Hebrews 2:8 tells us, God also says, the increase of God’s government and
“not yet.” There is something we have peace? Spirit beings do not reproduce
to learn and understand before God can in the way human beings do. Angels
let us inherit the universe (inset, “Why cannot have children. And God can
Not Yet?”, page 45). And there are many, only have real sons through the process
many people today that God hasn’t we are undergoing now: living life as a
reached yet; however, the Bible explicitly human being and choosing God’s way
describes a time in the near future, in continued on page 52

50  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

Our Expanding Universe
Born in 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri, Edwin Hubble came (shorter wavelength, higher frequency). But as the light
of age in a golden era of physical scientific discovery. This source passes and moves away, the color of the light shifts
was the age of Albert Einstein, Maxwell Planck, Alfred toward red. In astronomy, this is known as redshift.  
Wegener, Richard Feynman and Harlow Shapley. Mankind’s Coupling the Doppler effect with his observations,
understanding and explanation of the world was rapidly Edwin Hubble theorized the stars were traveling away from
transforming; new instruments were being designed that us because their light appeared red through the telescope.
would build the foundation of physical science today.   Hubble was right; every distant star he observed outside of
Hubble was able to join the prestigious staff of astrono- the Milky Way was red.  
mers at the Mount Wilson Observatory. It was an astrono- The implications were astounding. By 1929, Hubble
mer’s dream: Here was the world’s largest telescope—the had proved the universe was expanding into the unknown
100-inch Hooker Telescope. There Hubble worked with reaches of space. This idea revolutionized the way physi-
one of his senior colleagues, Harlow Shapley, whose work cists and astronomers explained the world around us.  
focused on estimating the dimension of the Milky Way. The launch of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990 has
Using bright stars, Shapley estimated the galaxy was resulted in discoveries that answer some long-standing
300,000 light years wide. His findings were astounding— questions—and raise many new questions. Not only did
the universe now had dimension well beyond previous it confirm that the universe is expanding, its findings sug-
estimates. Further, Shapley’s observations supported Albert gested that it is accelerating in its expansion! This discov-
Einstein’s theory of general relativity.  ery has since been confirmed using other telescopes.
Though Hubble assisted Shapley with his work, he was According to Hubble’s law, the farther away a galaxy
far more interested in the “hazy blobs” he saw, known as is from the Earth, the faster it is racing into the depths of
nebulae. These were thought to be gas clouds within the space. The expanding universe concept is now the founda-
Milky Way. It was only after Shapley’s departure to the tion for the field of modern cosmology.  
Harvard College Observatory that Hubble could finally Scientists’ understanding of why this is happening
focus on the hazy blobs. What he was to discover changed remains foggy. Known, observable, measurable laws of
our understanding of the universe. physics would suggest the universal expansion should be
In working to determine the distance between Earth and slowing because of gravity. Clearly, some other force is in
the hazy blobs, using the technique developed by Shapley, play to produce the opposite effect.
Hubble found that each blob was colored red. Though he It is likely God is using a type of physical energy that
wasn’t the first to note the red color of distant stars, Hubble functions according to a predictable law that He Himself
was the first to suggest a provable explanation.   established in order to accomplish universal expansion—
You know that the pitch of a police car’s siren changes perhaps dark energy or something very like it. We should
as it passes you. This is called the Doppler effect. Sound certainly view an accelerating expansion of the universe as
and light travel in wave motion, like ripples in water. As evidence both of God’s power as Sustainer and of God’s ambi-
a wave moves toward you, its wavelength gets shorter, tion for the endless expansion of His government and peace.
so the frequency increases—raising the pitch. When the Edwin Hubble never received the Nobel Prize for his
siren passes and moves away, the pitch drops because the research because astronomy was not recognized as a field
wavelength increases and the frequency drops.   of physics until after his death. Yet nasa honored Hubble by
Light waves behave the same way. If a light source is naming its greatest telescope after him. Surely, Hubble would
moving toward you, the color shifts more toward blue be honored by this distinction more than any other prize.

Forever and Infinity • 51

PLEIADES through the exercise of free will, before the beginning of the world hath been
The Seven Sisters is being given the gift of eternal life and hid in God, who created all things by
an open star cluster being born into His Family. Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 3:9). The word
located approximately Consider: Would there ever come fellowship really should be translated
400 light years away a point in the future when all human dispensation. This “mystery” is the truth
and is surrounded beings will be gone, either burned to ash that God is re-creating Himself in man-
by a nebulous blue or converted into spirit? If so, wouldn’t kind in order to expand His eternal Fam-
reflection of nearby that mean an end to the expansion of ily. God wants this truth dispensed to all
starlight. God’s government? How could God’s men. Even more, this verse says all men
government continually expand if there need to take on that desire to dispense
were a constant, finite number of God that wonderful truth even further! If
Family beings? all men are dispensing God’s wonderful
Consider further: God also says that truth, who are they dispensing it to? (For
there will be no end to the increase of more explanation of this truth, request
His peace. You don’t need to bring peace our free booklet The God Family Vision.)
to empty planets. Nor do you need “Ephesians 3:9 says that all men must
to bring peace to a Family of perfectly see that the mystery of God needs to be
righteous God beings. declared,” Gerald Flurry wrote in his
An endless increase in God’s govern- booklet Prophesy Again. “Think about
ment and peace seems to require the exis- that statement. God will give all the
tence of a race of beings made in God’s people of this world a vision like they
image and likeness that can reproduce have never, ever seen before! Perhaps He
and populate the way human beings do. wants to show them that they are going
Though the Bible doesn’t specifically to have to get that mystery out to the
reveal it, it appears God might populate universe—and perhaps to other men and
the universe—including a number of women that God will create on other plan-
the untold quadrillions or quintillions ets. Ephesians 3:9 certainly does allow
of planets it contains—with more human for that. Is God’s mystery going to be
beings! People who are made in the dispensed on and on and on—where men
image and likeness of God—people who elsewhere in the universe will have this
have the potential to be born into the mystery revealed to them after they go
God Family! through some experience like we have
Obviously there would have to be on Earth? I don’t know exactly what God
direct supernatural intervention to trans- has in mind. But the word dispensation
port or create such beings in areas of has mind-staggering implications! The
space so remotely distant from our home mystery must be dispensed, or declared,
here on Earth. That is hardly impossible, to every son who enters God’s Family.”
considering God did it once before. (Request a free copy of Prophesy Again.)  
The idea of using humans to seed the It’s possible the whole purpose of God’s
vast universe with life almost sounds plan for humans—“Operation Earth”—is
unbelievable. Yet consider: Why would not only to create an immediate Fam-
God have created such an enormous, ily of God. Maybe it is also designed so
empty physical universe and physical God can use mankind to spread an even
matter if there will not be more physi- greater, never-ending, always growing,
cal beings? Some people estimate that, God Family throughout the whole uni-
throughout its history, Earth has been verse—to perhaps trillions of galaxies.
home to some 110 billion humans—yet God’s family government will be
that’s not even one person for each galaxy. established on the whole Earth—and
from there eventually transferred
throughout the universe. Operation
All Men Venus and Operation Mars could be the
The Apostle Paul seemed to be thinking beginnings of the most amazing and
along these lines when he said that he wonderful plan ever: an infinite cycle of
wanted “to make all men see what is the births into the Family of God!
fellowship of the mystery, which from continued on page 54

52  •  Our Awesome Universe Potential

A Zillion Times
More Impressive
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and We were begotten by the Father!
cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no If He isn’t calling you or hasn’t begotten you with His
variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). Holy Spirit, you cannot truly understand this. If you do
The “lights” to which James refers are those of the uni- understand it, then you have received that unparalleled
verse. God is the Father of that vast material creation. He spiritual begettal from the Father of lights!
created all those lights through Jesus Christ. All of those What is it worth to be begotten by that Father who cre-
heavenly lights inspire God. They represent incredible ated all those lights? That magnificent Creator God made
promise and potential, just waiting to be realized! you a firstfruit—the highest, most wonderful calling you
This is an inspiring verse. But we can’t get distracted could ever have! That calling is a zillion times more impor-
by that massive universe because James just uses it as an tant than anything the Hubble telescope can show us.
introduction to set up what he is really getting at! No mat- Be in awe of the universe, but be a zillion times more in
ter how magnificent the universe may be, it is as nothing awe of your potential!
compared to what James is about to discuss. So let’s not be Consider it: What would all the universe out there be
distracted by the universe. worth without God beings to rule over it? What if, as a
Notice the very next verse: “Of his own will begat he us worst-case scenario, God had the universe, but no sons?
with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first- What would that be worth to Him? I don’t think God
fruits of his creatures” (verse 18). Here is where James—the would put much value on it.
brother of Christ—puts the emphasis! Really work to Sure the universe is magnificent and luminous—but it is
comprehend what he is saying here! just material stuff. It means nothing compared to a son of
The limitless stars are impressive to anyone—but all God! It’s not even worthy of comparison!
that is trivial compared to God begetting you! You have the The universe becomes much more impressive to behold
potential to become God—God’s son—with the capacity when you realize that God put it there in order for His sons
to even create a universe and animals, perhaps even create to rule over it.
more sons of God! Remember, God wants to recreate God’s supreme creation isn’t the universe—but His
Himself in you! masterpiece of recreating Himself in man.
That is what we must emphasize! That is where the real —Excerpted from The Epistle of James,
excitement is: your life! by Gerald Flurry; request a free copy.

Forever and Infinity • 53

Universe Headquarters  
The last glimpses the Bible gives us into
the future are absolutely spectacular.
There is coming a time when our
beloved planet will be purified with
fire. “[T]he elements shall melt with
fervent heat, the earth also and the
works that are therein shall be burned
up” (2 Peter 3:10). All the incorrigibly
wicked who refused to submit to God’s
law will be completely consumed—
reduced to ash—in this “lake of fire”
(Malachi 4:1, 3; Revelation 20:13-15). The
Earth as we know it today will be passed
away (Revelation 21:1).
At that point, something extraordi-
nary and breathtaking will occur. A new
Earth and a new heaven will take the
place of this present Earth.
God the Father will descend to make
this new Earth His home (verses 2-3).
This will become His seat of govern-
ment over the entire cosmos. Universe
God’s headquarters city, new Jerusa-
lem, will be a cube or perhaps a pyramid
of something like 1,500 miles square at
the base—and 1,500 miles high! (verse
16). This is a city utterly unlike anything
that exists on our planet today.
That spirit-composed city will have
“no need of the sun, neither of the
moon, to shine in it: for the glory of
God [the Father] did lighten it, and the
Lamb [Jesus Christ] is the light thereof”
(verse 23). Science tells us that if our
sun fulfilled its normal lifespan as a
star, it would get hotter and hotter until
boiling away our oceans and incinerat-
ing life; eventually it would become a
red giant—growing so enormously large
and hot as to roast the Earth completely
if not actually envelop it—before
flaming out. But this scripture tells us
that we need not fear such fatalistic
scenarios. God will ensure that nothing
ever disturbs His eternal headquarters
In this remarkable city, we see total
union between these two God Family
members and those human beings who
have been born into that Family: “[T]he
throne of God and of the Lamb shall be
in it; and his servants shall serve him”
(Revelation 22:3). From that place, God
All around us, throughout the cosmos,
are places made to be governed, to be
nourished and to abound with life.

will direct His Family in an expanding who is literally opening up the universe EAGLE NEBULA A 57
array of beautification and population to us. trillion-mile-long structure
projects throughout the universe. of dust and gas extends
All around us, throughout the from a nebula contain-
cosmos, are places made to be governed, The Beginning ing a stellar nursery. This
to be nourished and to abound with life! The last book Herbert W. Armstrong tower of billowing matter
Those shining cosmic places are groan- wrote before his death was Mystery of is sculpted by ultravio-
ing for their future opportunity to be the Ages. This book clearly covers God’s let light from a group of
beautified and governed—by none other plan for this universe and the destiny massive, hot stars.
than the little human beings presently of man (we will send you a free copy of
treading this tiny speck in this vast place. it upon request). Here are the words he
Yes, today, there are people being used to close this inspiring book:
taught to qualify for that potential. They “How wonderful beyond the ability of
are doing so in the only way possible: words to express is the glory of God and
by starting small. But after they qualify, His wonderful purpose actually now in
they will hear those words: “Well done, progress. Praise, honor and glory be to God
thou good and faithful servant: thou and to Jesus Christ forever and forever.
hast been faithful over a few things, I “With God’s great master plan of
will make thee ruler over many things: 7,000 years finally completed—the mys-
enter thou into the joy of thy lord” tery of the ages finally revealed, and with
(Matthew 25:21). Their future is as big the re-creating of the vast universe and
as the universe itself. eternity lying ahead, we come finally to
Our human minds, no matter how … the beginning.”
impressive, can’t comprehend that As physical beings, we can only see
truth. It’s too big for the mind of man. this future as “through a glass, darkly”
The only way we can comprehend it is (1 Corinthians 13:12)—though new sci-
to let God give us another Spirit—the entific discoveries are certainly adding
Holy Spirit—to work with our human light. The universe is filled with incred-
spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-12). Scientists, ible mysteries waiting to be discovered.
physicists, astronomers and the inhabit- Is the universe really limitless? Does
ants of the world cannot even imagine “dark matter” really exist? How does
it today—but soon they will. Some God’s spiritual power work? What lies
day these very scientists who study beyond the edges of space?
the universe and puzzle over untold These are fantastic, mind-boggling
unanswered questions will qualify and questions. Draw close to the Designer,
become members of the Family of God. Creator and Sustainer of the universe,
They will then be able to travel to the and one day soon, you will be able to
outer edges of this vast universe and answer those questions from firsthand
observe the answers firsthand! experience. That is when the most excit-
We need to awaken ourselves to our ing phase of God’s plan will begin!
potential. Our future is truly something What wonders await!
to get stirred up about! It should fill us The heavens truly do declare the
with joy—so much so that we want to glory of God.
live by every word of the Creator God, Lift up your eyes! Behold your future.

Forever and Infinity • 55

Photo Credits
Credits describe photos as they appear from left to right

Cover: Nasa/ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team  Contents: NASA/ESA/M. Robberto, Hubble Space Telescope
Orion Treasury Project Team  4-5: NASA/JPL  7: iStockphoto; NASA/JPL-Caltech  8: NASA/Earth Sciences and
Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center  9: NASA  10-11: NASA/JPL/S. Stolovy and NASA/ESA/
D.Q. Wang (inset)  12:  NASA (2)  13: NASA/JPL-Caltech  14-15: NASA/ESA/Hubble Space Telescope  16: NASA/
JPL-Caltech/J. Hora  17: iStockphoto  19: NASA  20: NASA/ESA/NASA Johnson Space Center  22-23: NASA/
ESA/N.Smith et al., and the Hubble Heritage Team  25: iStockphoto/PCG  26-27: NASA/JPL-Caltech; CXC/Univ. of
Maryland/A.S. Wilson et al.; Pal.Obs. DSS; IR: VLA: NRAO/AUI/NSF  29: NASA/WMAP Science Team  30: NASA/
WMAP Science Team  33: NASA/ESA/M.J. Jee and H. Ford et al.  35: NASA/ESA  37: NASA/ESA and the Hubble
Heritage Team  38-39: NASA/ESA 40: NASA/JPL-Caltech  43: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona  45: NASA/
ESA/HEIC and the Hubble Heritage Team  46-47: NASA/STScI Digitized Sky Survey/Noel Carboni  48 NASA/ESA/
JPL-Caltech/STScI  51: NASA/ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (2)  53: iStockphoto  54: NASA/ESA and the
Hubble Heritage Team (STScI /AURA)

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