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Insert the appropriate collective noun:

1. Swimming in the shallow water was a ______ of herrings.

2. A ___________ of sheep was happily grazing in the field.

3. All night we could hear the _____________ of wolves howling.

4. Looking out to sea, we noticed a ___________ of dolphins swimming.

5. The _____________ of lions slept all day on the African plains.

6. A long ______________ of steps led to the top of the tower.

7. Our cat has just had a _______________ of seven kittens.

8. We each picked a _______________ of juicy grapes from the vine.

9.A ______________ of thieves stole the precious diamonds.

10.In the jungle, we could see a __________ of monkeys swinging in the trees.

11. The __________ of geese made a terrible squawking sound.

12. We were in awe as we watched the __________ of whales swimming.

 Answers

1. Swimming in the shallow water was an army/a shoal of herrings.

2. A flock of sheep was happily grazing in the field.

3. All night we could hear the pack of wolves howling.

4. Looking out to sea, we noticed a pod of dolphins swimming.

5. The pride of lions slept all day on the African plains.

6. A long flight of steps led to the top of the tower.

7. Our cat has just had a litter of seven kittens.

8. We each picked a bunch of juicy grapes from the vine.

9. A band of thieves stole the precious diamonds.

10. In the jungle, we could see a troop of monkeys swinging in the trees.

11. The gaggle of geese made a terrible squawking sound.

12. We were in awe as we watched the school of whales swimming.

Insert the appropriate collective noun:

1. A ________________ of people in 16. A ________________of ships

church 17. A ________________of grapes of
2. A ________________of people in a flowers
public square 18. A ________________of oxen for
3. An ________________at a concert ploughing
4. A________________ of sheep 19. A ________________of young
5. A ________________of cows, deer, chickens
goats, etc. 20. A ________________of whales
6. A ________________of stars 21. A ________________of Ministers
7. A ________________of wolves 22. A ________________of puppies
8. A ________________of thieves 23. A ________________of settlers
9. A ________________geese in a field 24. A ________________of footballers
10. A________________ of playing-cards 25. A ________________of lies
11. A________________ rioters 26. An________________ of soldiers
12. A________________ of flowers 27. A ________________of hounds for
13. A________________ of beautiful girls hunting
14. A________________ of sailors in a 28. A ________________of talented
ship actresses
15. The ________________of a hospital, 29. A ________________of robbers
school, business, etc. 30. A ________________of rooms

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