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The Wonder of God's Love

It’s wonderful at
Christmas to think about
the manger, the angels,
and that night when
Jesus came to earth.

But that was only

part of a much bigger

Jesus didn’t just come down

to earth so the angels could
cheer Him on.
Jesus didn’t come here
to just live a life.

In fact, He didn’t even come here just

to be born, live a life on earth, die for
our sins, and rise from the dead.

I am

All those tremendously important things were only

a starting point in the immensity of eternity.
Since those few years that Jesus lived on earth, He has
been with every person who seeks to draw closer to Him;

Please help
me brother,
Lord Jesus, Sean, to come
Help! back to ye!

He is working day in and

day out, life by life, to
answer our heart cries.

God’s patience never

wears thin when we Sean...
fumble and stumble or Jesus...
wander off into troubles.

He is always ready to respond to our petitions as He

gently and steadily leads us back onto the path.

Jesus is in it for the long haul.

As God’s children, we can anticipate the joys and wonders of heaven
and experience the comfort of His Holy Spirit in times of struggle.


We have His unconditional love and our

connection with the source of all life.

A part of the wonder of Christmas is the magnitude What began with a

of what resulted from such small beginnings. tiny little babe in a
tiny little manger, in
a tiny little town in
a tiny little country,
became a vast and
unending gift to an
innumerable number
of people for an
length of time.

That’s the wonder of the love of God!

This article is excerpted from “In It for the Long Term.” Directors’ Corner. December 20th, 2014.
S&S link: A Personal Connection with Jesus: Jesus, Your Best Friend-1d
Authored by Maria Fontaine. Illustrated by Jeremy. Designed by Roy Evans.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2019 The Family International.

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