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Tabloid: a front page more casual. That talks about entertainment news; it talks about
news, but not in the way that broadsheets do.

3 of the best... trench coats

Face winter with a
classic trench coat.

One of the Harry Potters’

protagonists, Emma Watson, has
been seen on a Burberry coat.

She wears a nice coat; a bring

colour that gives another vision to
winter. A fresh look.

Emma Watson
From The Sun
Quality newspaper: It talks about serious news; what is happening in the world and in
our country. It talks about politic, economic, society...issues. It’s a more explained

Confusion about Pope’s opinion

on condoms.
Pope said that condoms are acceptable in certain cases.

Benedict XVI said, on a book, that in certain cases it can be a

good solution. In justified cases it can save lives. On that point
he seems to relax the controversial issue of contraceptives in the
view of Catholicism.

In some cases where the intention is to reduce the infections.

But he didn’t talk about the main issue: in a catholic married
couple, can or can’t use a condom.

From Daily Telegraph


The Press in Britain

1. Do you know any other names to refer to quality press and popular press in

The quality press is also known as quality broadsheet; the popular press can be known
as mass market tabloids or “red-tops”.

2. Give two characteristics of "popular newspapers"

They have short articles and lots of pictures.

3. Which of the current newspapers is the oldest?

The oldest is Daily Mirror, founded in 1903.

4. Which is the most conservative quality paper?

The most conservative quality paper is Daily Telegraph.

5. Which of all newspapers sells best?

The one’s that sells best are the tabloids or mass-market tabloids.

6. Which is typical for the Sun newspaper?

7. Which newspaper supports the labour party?

The Daily Mirror supports the labour party or left-wing.

8. Are there any daily newspapers similar to the Spanish "Marca" containing only
sport news?

No, there are no daily sports newspapers.

9. What is Fleet Street famous for?

It’s famous for being the “home” of the British Press for many years.

10. Can you explain what the phenomenon in the second article "free morning
papers" is?

5Ws and the H

Advertising  publicitat
agony aunt  consells sentimentals
angles  àngle
bias  ser partidari; no ser imparcial
bingo  loteria
bizarre  extrany
bold type  lletra en negreta
boxes  casella, caixa
breaking news  notícies d’última hora
broadsheets  diari en format gran, que es concidera més serios que els tabloid.
business  negoci
byline  autor de l’escrit que llegeixes.
caption peu de foto
classified ads  anuncis que pot posar qualsevol persona quan vol vendre o adquirir
alguna cosa; es paga per cada paraula.
columns  columna
crosshead  seria com el títol de l’article, dins de “headline”
dateline  lloc i data
dating  datar
fashion and travel  moda i viatges
feature stories  informes especials
film reviews  crítica de la pel·lícula
foreign news  notícies internacionals (no locals)
front page feature  esquema de la portada
games  jocs
headline  titular
home news  notícies sobre la “regió” del diari
infographics  com unes imatges on et donen bastanta informació sobre el que ha
inverted pyramid style  firstly you write the essential information and then the less
job advertisements  ofertes de treball
layout  diseny
lead paragraph  el paragraph més important.
lead story  la història més relevant.
leading articles  editorial
lotteries  lotería
mass market tabloids  diaris més “vulgars” que els diaris seriosos; per a tothom.
masthead  el nom del diari, impres a la pàgina principal.
middle-market tabloids  diari que inclou entreteniment i notícies.
murders  (assassí)
nationwide press  prensa nacional
obituaries  esquela
overseas  de l’extranger
page three girl  una noia que possa en topless per a ser fotografiada i sortir en els
popular press  prensa populista.
quality press  prensa de qualitat.
radio and TV schedules  programari de radio i television.
regional daily papers  diaris regionals publicats diàriament.
reports  reportatge, crònica.
reports of crime  crònica d’un assassinat
sex stories  histories sexuals
sports news review  noticies esportives
stock market report  reportatge sobre la borsa de valors.
stock prices  preu de les accions
the arts  ensenyar obres d’art (música, pintura...)
the intro  la part introductiva
typography  tipografía
weather forecast  previsió del temps
weekend supplement  suplement de cap de setmana
weekly papers  diari setmanal

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