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This quest has a quick guide found here.
It briefly summarises the steps needed to complete the quest.

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Biohazard continues the storyline after the Plague City quest. The
Biohazard (#38)
plot deepens as Elena nally gets a chance to process her plague
samples. Buried under these samples lies a well-hidden secret.




Sneaking back Release date 23 October 2002 (Update)

Infiltrating the Mourner HQ Members Yes

Getting the touch paper Quest series Elf

Foresight Official difficulty Novice

So far, so good Developer Tom W


Return to Ardougne



Required for completing

Talk to Elena in her house in East Ardougne. She lives right across the road
Start point
from where you started Plague City.

Official difficulty Novice

This is the second part of an ongoing adventure. Help Elena discover the truth
Description about the infamous Ardougne plague. Smuggle test samples across Ardougne
to Elena's old mentor.

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Official length Medium

Requirements Completion of Plague City

A Priest gown top and bottom (can be obtained during the quest for 12

Gas Mask (can be obtained for free from the cupboard in Edmond and

Items required Alrena's house in East Ardougne)


Teleports to Falador/Draynor Village/cabbage patch, Varrock, and Ardougne

A few energy or stamina potions

Enemies to defeat Mourner (level 13)


Con scated

Items required: None.

To begin, talk to Elena in East Ardougne, directly west of the shortcut log.
She suggests talking to her father's friend, Jerico, who keeps communication
with West Ardougne via his pigeons.

Sneaking back

Items required: Pigeon cage, bird feed, Gas Mask

Speak to Jerico, who lives in a house just south of the northern bank in
Ardougne and just north of the chapel.

Grab a bird cage from behind Jerico's house.

Walk into Jerico's home and click on the rst cupboard on the north wall.
Elena's location.
Search it and you will nd the required bird feed, then head to the back of
the house to grab a Pigeon cage. (you can take multiple cages.) (note: if you
are planning on doing One Small Favour, grab an extra 5 pigeon cages, You must speak with Jerico before you will be
allowed to get the bird feed.)

Speak to Omart, who can be found west of Ceril Carnillean's house in East Ardougne, just south-west of the castle. When you
talk to him, he says that although he can move you over the wall, it is too risky as the watchtower guards are too close to the
wall. The guards need to be distracted so that you can nd an opportunity to enter the city.

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Head to the small

watchtower along the wall,
directly north of Omart.
Stand in the corner where
the two spiked fences meet,
use the bird feed on the
watchtower fence, then click
the cage in your inventory. It
can be tricky to click the
correct area to use the bird
feed on, aiming the mouse
toward the end of the spiked
wooden fence should be
Omart's location. Jerico's house with pigeon cages and bird
close enough to click. food.
Go back and talk to Omart, who will call out to his assistant, Kilron, to throw
over the rope ladder. Climb over the ladder into West Ardougne (you must have the gas
mask equipped otherwise you will not be able to progress any further with the storyline).

In ltrating the Mourner HQ

Head to the Mourners' headquarters located in the north-eastern corner of the city. Try
to enter, but you will not be allowed in due to the mourners eating their stew, you need
Creating a distraction.
to nd a way to distract them. Go around the headquarters to the northern part, where
you can see a cauldron being cooked in the backyard. Squeeze through a gap in the
fence into the backyard, and pick up the rotten apple laying on the ground just to the

Right click on the rotten apple and use it on the stew that is brewing in the
cauldron, otherwise you will eat it. Squeeze back through the fence and walk
around to the front of the building, and attempt to go inside again. One of the
mourners will tell you that you're not permitted inside because several mourners are
ill with food poisoning and are waiting for a doctor.

Head to nurse Sarah's house - the large building south-west of the West Ardougne
church. Search the cupboard in the northern part of her house to obtain a medical Mourner HQ is due north-east of
gown. Equip the gown, and go back to the headquarters. The professional attire will West Ardougne.
easily fool the mourners into letting you into their base. For all subsequent visits to
the headquarters during the quest, the gown must be worn at all times.

Go upstairs and kill a mourner. A key will automatically be placed in the player's inventory. Use the
key on the gate to get inside the caged room. Search the crates to nd Elena's distillator.

Exit the headquarters, and head back to Kilron at the south-eastern corner of West Ardougne. He
will help the player get back over into East Ardougne. Alternatively, players can head through the
sewers as they are no longer blocked. Go to Elena and give her the distillator. Nurse Sarah's

Getting the touch paper

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Items required: Falador teleport or amulet of glory (optional), brown apron (optional) or House teleport if your house is located
in Rimmington

Elena gives you 4 samples, all of which are fragile however with a recent update
these samples will NOT break upon teleporting. Therefore you can make your way to
Rimmington via teleportation. Teleport to your player owned house in Rimmington or
Falador or Draynor Village, or the cabbage patch. Travelling in a ship will not
damage the samples either. Therefore a budget option is to use the single, south-
eastern dock in Ardougne and pay 30gp with Captain Barnaby to travel directly to
Rimmington. Go to the Chemist in the south-western corner of Rimmington. He will
then give you the touch paper needed to continue the quest.

The chemist's location.
Items required: Liquid honey, ethenea, sulphuric broline, and the plague sample.

The chemist states that the Varrock guards are looking out for someone carrying suspicious materials. He recommends using
his 3 errands runners to smuggle the items into Varrock.

Chancy the gambler, Da Vinci the artist, and Hops the drinker are located right outside the chemist's house crowding around
a re. Talk to each of them to give them their respective vials. Make sure to give each bottle to the right person, or you will
have to navigate to the Dancing Donkey Inn in Varrock, acquire more chemicals from Elena, and return to Rimmington to
repeat the step over.

Give Chancy the liquid honey, Da Vinci the ethenea, and Hops the sulphuric broline. Once you have given the vials, they will
tell you to meet at the Dancing Donkey Inn in Varrock.

Helper Sample Vial Reason

Chancy Liquid honey Owing to its low value, Chancy cannot wager the liquid honey in a gamble.

Da Vinci Ethenea Da Vinci cannot use the ethenea to create a "work of art".

Hops Sulphuric broline Hops will not drink it because of its poisonous nature.

So far, so good

Items required: 10 coins or a priest gown top and bottom, the plague sample and touch paper.

ANTES de teletransportarse a Varrock, deposite la muestra de la peste y toque el papel en un banco (hay una caja de
depósito en el noreste de Port Sarim por los monjes de Entrana). Equipa un conjunto de bata de sacerdote (puedes comprar
uno del dueño de la tienda de ropa na o de disfraces de Thessalia al norte de Guidor), retira la muestra de la peste y toca
papel del banco este de Varrock y continúa hacia el área cercada al sureste.

Dirígete al recinto cercado en el sudeste de Varrock. El guardia te buscará cuando intentes pasar la puerta. El guardia
con scará los viales si intentas pasar con ellos, pero la muestra de la peste es segura . Ve al Dancing Donkey Inn con la
muestra de la peste y habla con Hops, Da Vinci y Chancy para recuperar los viales. Tener un inventario completo requerirá

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que obtengas un nuevo conjunto de Elena. ¡No pase por la puerta en este
momento o sus viales serán con scados a su regreso!

Si no trae la muestra o los documentos de la peste, puede ir a la orilla

este de Varrock y recuperarlos, dejar caer los viales en la puerta, correr
rápidamente a la orilla este de Varrock por los artículos y regresar
rápidamente para recoger los viales. .

La captura telequinética ya no funciona para capturar el contenido, si lo

intentas te dicen que no puedes lanzar este hechizo sobre ese objeto. Así
que asegúrate de tener los dos elementos de la vestimenta del sacerdote
antes de entrar.

Secretos La ubicación del Dancing Donkey Inn.

Artículos necesarios: la muestra de la peste , papel de tacto , una bata de

sacerdote .

Equipa tu bata de sacerdote y dirígete a la casa de Guidor en la esquina sureste de la zona cerrada. Hable con Guidor para
darle los viales y la muestra, y dígale que Elena ha enviado una muestra que necesita ser procesada. Después de analizarlo,
llegará a una conclusión sorprendente. Él te dice que la peste es solo una mentira.

Regreso a Ardougne

Regresa a Ardougne y habla con Elena. Cuando le dices que Guidor no encontró nada en sus resultados, ella sugiere que la
plaga debe ser un engaño y que debes hablar con la persona que está encima de esto: el Rey Lathas de Ardougne Oriental .
er [ ]
King Lathas se encuentra justo al sur de la casa de Elena, en su trono piezas en el 1  piso Reino Unido del Este Castillo
Ardougne .

Cuando se le dice que la peste es en realidad un engaño, el Rey responde que lo hizo por lo mejor de su pueblo, y que los
protege de un "peligro mucho mayor". Luego le cuenta al jugador sobre el viaje del rey Tyras , el rey del oeste de Ardougne y
el hermano del rey Lathas, hacia el oeste y que el señor oscuro lo corrompió después de beber del Cáliz de la Eternidad. Por
lo tanto, el muro se ha erigido entre las ciudades para proteger el este de Ardougne y, a su vez, todo RuneScape .

¡Felicidades! ¡Misión completada!


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3 puntos de Quest

1,250 experiencia de ladrón

Uso del campo de entrenamiento de combate al norte de la ciudad.

La capacidad de viajar libremente a través de la puerta de West Ardougne .

La capacidad de usar el Telepuerto de West Ardougne en el libro de hechizos de Arceuus .

Da Vinci es una referencia al famoso y talentoso italiano Leonardo da Vinci .

El nombre del hombre que te ayuda a superar el muro, Jerico , podría ser una referencia al muro de Jericho .

El Dancing Donkey Inn es probablemente una alusión al Inn of the Prancing Pony, donde Frodo y Sam van a
encontrarse con Gandalf en El Señor de los Anillos : La Comunidad del Anillo .

Si obtienes dos copias de los ingredientes requeridos, el guardia solo tomará un juego.

La búsqueda había cambiado desde el lanzamiento de Song of the Elves. No puede perder sus viales o muestras
hablando con el químico o el guidor. Los tres hombres perezosos te dan los viales más rápido que antes de los

Necesario para completar

Se requiere completar Biohazard para lo siguiente:

Receta para el desastre : liberando la guía Lumbridge

Pase subterráneo

Diario de Ardougne (Fácil)

Biohazard [esconder]

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NPCs Elena • Jerico • Mourner • Omart • Kilron • Nurse Sarah

• Chemist • Guidor • Julie • King Lathas • Guard

Helpers Da Vinci • Hops • Chancy

Bird feed • Pigeon cage • Rotten apple • Medical gown • Key • Distillator

• Plague sample • Touch paper

Priest gown Top • Bottom

Chemicals Liquid honey • Sulphuric broline • Ethenea

Locations West Ardougne • Rimmington • Dancing Donkey Inn • Combat Training Camp

Miscellaneous Quick Guide

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This page was last modified on 10 November 2019, at 18:48.

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