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Robot with sensors

Robots use mechanical sesors to detect obstacles. When an object is detected, the Robot
inverts it’s movement , running backward for some seconds and then starts again running
forward but in a new direction.


 Build an autonomous robot using bumper sensors

 Program competetions with robots
 Learn how sensor operate
 Learn about robots
 Add new censrors and circuit to the original project

Fig.1.Basic mounting on the chassis

When any sensor is activated by an obstacle, a circuit formed by two mono-stable blocks is
triggered .The circuit s control the direction of the motors that move the Robot. So when the
motors are inverted, making the robot run backward, one of the motors is the first to invert
it’s direction again. The result is that the robot spins and when the two motors come back to
the normal forward operation.

The critical point for the project is simply to have a good adjustment for the times the relays
are activated by the sensors. The reader must make experience to develop the best robot
performance. The reader must make experiments to develop the best performance.

The mechanical part is not critical because two gear boxes and a free wheel are placed in a
small wooden or plastic chassis as shown in the Fig.1.

Gear boxes found through model dealers or in toys can be used. It is important that they are
equal so the robot will advance in a straight line.

Electronic circuit:-

The circuit can be powered by any 5 to 12 volt power supply. Choose according to the motor.
Remember that the size of the motors and the gear box will determine the power delivered by
the robot and what it can transport. The relays are the dual-in-line (DIL) type. If other types
are used, the builder must make changes in the printed circuit board (PCB) pattern. When
mounting it is necessary to take care with the position of polarised components such as
integrated circuits (IC.s), diodes, transistors, electrolytic capacitors and the power supply.
The sensors are made from microwave switches. Antennas, resembling the ones found on
insects can be crafted from bar wires. Equivalent replacements for the transistors can be used.
Any general purpose negative positive negative (NPN) silicon transistors can be used.

Verify that the sensors are okay. Place the batteries or cells in the holder and turn on the
circuit by S1. The robot should start running forward in a line. If one or both motors run
backward, invert the directions. When bumping in to an obstacle, the motor should invert
their directions, causing the robot to back up. Adjust P1 and P2 so this movement will last
only a short term. After the programmed time is exceeded, the robot will advance again.

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