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Dynamics365 Configurations:

BATCH_PROCESSING_BATCH_SIZE: The number of signals to be sent to batch processing
in one go. This is usually much larger than NORMAL_PROCESSING_BATCH_SIZE.
BATCH_PROCESSING_THRESHOLD: The number of records after which async batch
processing is used to send the signals to engagement
DIMENSION_END_POINT: Engagement end point to fetch dimensions
FETCH_SIGNALS_BATCH_SIZE: The number of signal queue records fetched by the plugin
from Dynamics365 in one REST call. These fetched records are then sent in either
signal via REST api.
HISTORICAL_DATA_BATCH_SIZE: The number of target entity records fetched by the
plugin to generate historical signals. The signals are bundled in signal queue
records according to the da_jsontext field length (1000 characters).
INTERVENTIONS_END_POINT: Engagement end point to post interventions from
NORMAL_PROCESSING_BATCH_SIZE: The number of records sent to engagement by the
plugin for synchronous processing in one REST call.
PROJECT_NAME: The project name used in every REST call to engagement api
SERVICE_BASE_URL: The base url of the engagement REST api
SERVICE_AUTH_KEY: The auth key to be sent in authentication header as API-KEY for
every REST call to engagement api.
SIGNALS_END_POINT: Engagement end point to post signals from Dynamics365
USER_DATA_BATCH_SIZE: The number of user profiles being fetched by the plugin in
one REST call (of custom report).
USER_DATA_END_POINT: Engagement end point to fetch user profile, trends and
interventions along with clusters and segments (a custom report).

Engagement Configurations at Connector Side:

Global.ServiceToken: The api key to be used by external clients to connect to
engagement REST api. The same is used by Dynamics365 plugin and mentioned in
Dynamics365.DynamicsConnectionString: The connection string to Dynamics365
instance. This is required to connect to Dynamics365 instance and call the plugins
Send Signals Python Job: The job calls the Dynamics365 da_SendSignals plugin to
send signals from Dynamics365 to engagement's signals end point
api_token: Change the api key to connect to engagement REST api
api_url_base: Change the api base url for the job to connect to respective

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