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For Prelim

A. Analysis
1. When you gave your own predictions as to the kind of child, adolescent and adult
Naschielle and Kenn may become and hypothesized on who they once were, you were
referring to human development. What then is development?
2. Will there be anything in common in the pattern of development of Naschielle and Kenn?
If yes, what?
3. Will there be differences in their development, e.g. pace or rate of development? What
and why?
4. Will the process of development take place very fast or gradually? Expound your answer.
5. Do you believe that Naschielle and Kenn will continue to develop even in adulthood? Or
they will stop developing in adulthood?


1. “Growth is an evidence of life.” What does it mean?

2. Define development in your own words. Translate the meaning of development in
Filipino and in your local dialect.
3. State the 5 major principles of human development from a life-span perspective.
Give atleast one application of each principle in the teaching-learning process. What
have these principles to do with you as you teach learners?
4. Research further on the cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns of development.
a. Illustrate both patterns by a drawing or diagram.
b. How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns of
development in your teaching? Hint: The pencils of pre-K, Kindergartens and
Grade 1 pupils are bigger than those of pupils in the higher-Grade levels. Does this
practice have something to do with proximodistal patterns of development?
5. Interpret the following quotations in relation to the human development:
a. “Every man is in certain respects like all other men, like some other men, no other
man.” (Murray, H.A. & C. Kluckhohn)
b. “Man is an unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming”
6. In the light of researches on human development, which of the two approaches is
closer to the truth, traditional or lifespan? Why?

7. If your approach to human development is traditional, are the characteristics of

human development from a life-span perspective acceptable? Explain your answer.

Big Ideas

Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this chapter.

1. Meaning of human development

2. Four principles of human development and their educational implications.
3. Patterns of development
a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from
b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from
4. Two approaches to human development
B. Analysis

1. How many developmental stages were described? How do these stages compare to
Havighurst’s developmental stages given below?
2. What is an outstanding trait or behavior of each stage?
3. What task/s is/are expected of each developmental stage?
4. Does a developmental task in a higher level require accomplishment of the lower level
developmental tasks?
5. Refer to Havighurst’s Developmental Tasks given in the table. Match the descriptions
given by Santrock. Are Havighurst and Santrock saying the same things?


1. Answer this question with a learning partner. What are the implications of these
developmental task to your role as a facilitator of learning? Let’s pay particular
attention to the stages that correspond to schooling – early childhood, middle and
late childhood and adolescence.
Let’s do #1. Early Childhood – What are preschool teachers supposed to do with
preschoolers? Help them develop readiness for school and not to be too academic in
teaching approach. They ought to give much time for preschoolers to play. Or
perhaps help preschoolers develop school readiness by integrating children’s games
in school activities.
#2. Middle and Late Childhood
#3. Adolescence
2. Allow small groups to do each of the following:
a. Come up with an object to symbolize each period or stage of development.
b. Do a multimedia presentation of the outstanding characteristics and developmental
tasks of each developmental stage. You may use the test of Santrock found under
each collage of pictures in the ACTIVITY PHASE of this lesson.
c. Sing an appropriate song for each developmental stage.
3. Discuss the meaning of the quotation beneath the title of the lesson. Relate it to the
stages of development.

Big Ideas

1. Complete this unfinished sentence.

2. Show the developmental stages by means of a diagram inclusive of the ages. Write
also the outstanding characteristic trait and developmental task of each
developmental stage.

Test Your Understanding

Put a check () beside those statements that are correct and a cross mark () beside those
that are wrong. If your answer is () explain why.

1. Developmental task is only for the first three (3) stages of human development.
2. Failure of achieving developmental task in an earlier stage also means failure for the
learner to master the developmental task in the next stage.
3. Preschool age corresponds to early childhood stage.
4. Adolescence is middle and late childhood stage.
5. Teenage is middle childhood.
6. Mastery of fundamental skills is a major concern during early childhood.
7. Play is a great need of children in middle childhood.
8. Preparing children for school is the major concern of middle childhood.


1. Reflect on your early childhood, middle and late childhood days. Were you able to
acquire the developmental task expected of early, middle, late childhood and
adolescence. What facilitated your acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks?
Write your reflections.
2. Having mastered the developmental tasks of early childhood, middle and late
childhood and adolescence, reflect on what you should do as a teacher to facilitate
your students’ acquisition of these developmental tasks. Write down your reflections.

C. Analysis

1. Who is pro-nature? Pro-nurture? Are the additional reasons you can give in favor of
nature/nurture? Who are neither for nature nor nurture? Why?
2. Who go for continuity? Discontinuity? Can you give additional arguments to defend
continuity/discontinuity? Who are in between continuity and discontinuity? Why?
3. Who claims stability is more correct than change? Change is more correct than

Big Ideas

1. With regard to the nurture-nature, continuity-discontinuity and change-stability

controversies, the wiser stand is,

Test Your Understanding

As far as our discussions are concerned, which statement is correct, and which one is
wrong? Put a check () before the correct statement and a cross mark () before that are
wrong. If your answer is () explain why.

1. Hereditary exerts a greater influence on human development than environment.

2. What has been experienced in the earlier stages of development can no longer be
3. From the perspective of life-span developmentalist, later experiences are the key
determinants of a person’s development.

D. Reflection

From the module on Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, I learned that,

E. Analysis

1. On situation 1: Why do you think did Karen prefer the 20-peso bills?
2. On situation 2: Why do you think Riel answered “Bears?” What does this say about
how she thought to answer the question?
3. On situation 3: Why do you think baby Liza appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons?


From the module on Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development. I learned that,


1. Plot your score for each stage.

2. What did you discover about yourself in this questionnaire?

F. Application

Identify the stage of moral development shown in the following:

1. Joy allows her classmates to copy her homework so that they will like her to be their
2. Ricky does everything to get passing grades because his Mom will take his
PlayStation away if he gets bad grades.
3. A civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning, saying that although
the government allows this, it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient
(causing abortion).
4. Jinky lets Hannah copy during their math test because Hannah agreed to let her copy
during their sibika test.
5. Karen decides to return the wallet she found in the canteen so that people will praise
her honesty and think she’s a nice girl.
6. John decides to return the wallet he found in the canteen because he believes it’s the
right thing to do.
7. Lyka wears her ID inside the campus because she likes to follow the school rules
and regulation.
8. A jeepney driver looks if there’s a policeman around before he U-turns in a no U-turn
9. Liza volunteers to tutor children at-risk children in her community for free so they will
learn to love school and stay in school.
10. Little Riel behaves so well to get a star stamp from her teacher.


1. As a child, recall a skill that you wanted to learn and eventually learned well., through
the help of another person. (like swimming, riding a bike, playing the piano, skating,
2. What made you interested to learn the skill?
3. Who taught or assisted you?
4. Describe how you went about learning the skill. Describe what steps or actions the
person did in order to help you learn.


1. Form groups of three members each. Share your answers in 1-4.

2. What factors in the environment influenced you to learn the skill?
3. Did the person who taught or assisted you make use of scaffolding? If yes, how?

G. Activity

“Looking Back”

Read the following questions. Recall your childhood. You may also ask your parents for
some information. Write your answers on the graphic organizer below.

Answer the following sentence completion items.

1. When I was 5 years old, my parents

2. As a child, my unforgettable playmates were
3. When I was in elementary, I regularly watched the television show
4. When I was growing up, we went to church in
5. I cannot forget my teacher who
6. When I was growing up, I was away from
7. When I was in high school, I was close to
8. As a child, I can recall this big news about
9. The most serious challenge our family experienced was
10. The most important thing that I learned from my elementary school was


Write each answer you gave in the Activity on the circle where it belongs.

For Midterm and Finals

A. Analysis
Here are questions for further discussion.
1. Is it more reasonable to believe that which is developing in the mother’s womb is
a human being?
2. What are proofs that which is developing in the mother’s womb is a living human
3. Has any realization from today’s discussion changed your stand on abortion?
Explain your answer.
4. What are the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine on the developing

B. Analysis
1. What do you notice about the size of the head in relation to the other parts of
the body as a person grows older?
2. Does physical development begin from the top or below? From the side to the
Explain your answer.

C. Reflection
1. Go back to the quotation from Kahlil Gibran beneath the title of this Module.
Reflect on it.
2. What struck you most in the cognitive development of infants and toddlers?
Remember cognitive development includes development of memory and
acquisition of language. Write your reflections here.

D. Analysis
1. Based on Nolte’s poem, which plays a very important role in the socio-emotional
development of children?
2. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most
probably come? What about maladjusted children?
3. State in a sentence what the poem is saying about a child’s socio-emotional

E. Reflection
1. Based on stories heard from your parents and grandparents about your first
three years in the world, reflect on the kind of home environment you have
had as an infant and as a child? How has it affected you?
2. One theme of Erickson’s basic philosophy is that failure is cumulative. True, in
many cases an individual who has to deal with horrendous circumstances as
a child may be unable to negotiate later stages as easily as someone who
didn’t have as many challenges early on. For example, we know that orphans
who weren’t held or stroked as infants have an extremely hard time
connecting with others when they become adults. Do you believe there are
exceptions? Reflect and, if you can, cite concrete examples. Don’t forget to
give yourself as an example if it can be!

F. Activity
Examine the pictures. Think about the physical characteristics of preschoolers.
Put a caption for the pictures.

G. Application
1. Describe the behaviors to illustrate the preschooler’s:
a) Animism
b) Egocentrism
c) Centration
d) Lack of conservation
e) Irreversibility
f) Transductive reasoning

2. Read the excerpt from Albert Einstein’s biography. Examine Albert Einstein’s
preschool development in the light of cognitive development in early childhood
as discussed. How different was his childhood from the average childhood?
(language development, Einstein’s lifelong memory of that compass, parents’
and teachers’ underestimation of his cognitive ability?)
3. To enhance the preschoolers’ development in his symbolic thinking, language
attention, memory function, and metacognition, what developmentally
appropriate practices would you recommend? What developmentally
inappropriate practices would you not recommend?
4. Critics argue that too many preschools are academically oriented and stressful
for young children. Do you agree? Explain.
5. Does preschool matters? Doesn’t preschool rob the child of his irretrievable
childhood? Defend your stand.
6. Explain the meaning of the quote beneath the title of this Module.

H. Application
1. The best caregiving style is the authoritative style. From all that you have
learned from this module, make a list of 10 qualities that an authoritative
preschool teacher should have:

I. Analysis
1. Based on the observations you have made, what can you conclude about the
general physical characteristics of children in their primary school years?
2. What are the necessary skills that will help them to be physically ready for
primary schooling?

J. Discussion
1. What were the common ideas regarding cognitive development?
2. Are there new ideas regarding cognitive development which you found
3. With the advent of the computer age, do you think cognitive development is
affected? Explain your answer.

K. Application
Study the given situations. If you were the teacher, how will you help these
learners cope with their socio-emotional difficulties?

L. Application

1. What are the definitions of the following words based on how you understood
a. Concrete operational thinkers
b. “Reading to Learn” Stage (in Reading Development)
c. Attention Span
d. Creativity
2. What can teachers do to help encourage creativity in children? Consider the
following areas in the teaching – learning process:

The Creative Teacher

The Learning The Planning of The Designing of

Environment Activities Instructional Materials

M. Reflection

Reflect on the practices of your past teachers. Which ones encourage your cognitive
development as an adolescent and which ones did not. As a future teacher, what
lessons have you learned from your past teachers regarding ways of enhancing
adolescents’ cognitive development?

N. Application

Implications for Teaching-Learning. Select only one implication.

1. The socio-emotional world of the adolescent learner is complex and needs to
be approached with care and understanding. Give concrete instances where
you can show care and understanding.

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