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The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to connect simple input and output devices to

an FPGA chip and implement a circuit via AMP and Nios2 assembly codes to instruct

these devices. We will use the 50 MHz on board clock and push buttons on the DE2-

series board as inputs and we will use light emitting diodes (LEDs) and 7-segment

displays as output devices.


The DE2-115 Media Computer includes a timer that can be used to measure various time

intervals. The interval timer is loaded with a preset value, and then counts down to zero using

the 50-MHz clock signal provided on the DE2-115 board. The programming interface for the

timer includes six 16-bit registers. The 16-bit register at address 0x10002000 provides status

information about the timer, and the register at address 0x10002004 allows control settings to be

made. The bit fields in these registers are described below:

 The TO (timeout) bit is set to 1 when the internal counter reaches zero.

Once set by a timeout event, the TO bit stays set until explicitly cleared by a master

peripheral. Write zero to the status register to clear the TO bit.

 RUN is set to 1 by the timer whenever it is currently counting. Write operations to the

status halfword do not affect the value of the RUN bit.

 ITO is used for generating Nios II interrupts, which are discussed in section 3.

 CONT affects the continuous operation of the timer. When the timer reaches a count

value of zero it automatically reloads the specified starting count value. If CONT is

set to 1, then the timer will continue counting down automatically. But if CONT = 0,
then the timer will stop after it has reached a count value of 0.

 (START/STOP) can be used to commence/suspend the operation of the timer by

writing a 1 into the respective bit.

The two 16-bit registers at addresses 0x10002008 and 0x1000200C allow the period of the

timer to be changed by setting the starting count value. The default setting provided in the

DE2-115 Media Computer gives a timer period of 125 msec. To achieve this period, the

starting value of the count is 50 MHz x 125 msec = 6.25x106. It is possible to capture a

snapshot of the counter value at any time by performing a write to address 0x10002010. This

write operation causes the current 32-bit counter value to be stored into the two 16-bit timer

registers at addresses 0x10002010 and 0x10002014. These registers can then be read to

obtain the count value.

Push button work base upon a pulse, hence the button/s are program so that when they are

push they perform a specific task. There are 4 push buttons labelled KEY[0] through KEY[3] on

the board, but in the DE2 Media and Basic Computers, only three of them are usable. KEY[0] is

used as a reset for the Nios II processor, and thus not available to user programs. KEY[1]

through KEY[3] can be simultaneously read as the bits 1 to 3 of a memory-mapped register, and

corresponding bits in the Interrupt Mask Register and Edge Capture Register support the use of

interrupts. They are active high, so when a button is pressed its value is 1, and it is 0 otherwise.

The push buttons are relatively clean but still require debouncing.

The LEDs are use as indicators in this case, there are 18 red LEDs which can be set by

writing directly to the 18 least significant bits of the red LED register at 0x10000000, and

similarly there are 9 green LEDs at 0x10000010. Both of those locations are in fact 32-bits wide,

the upper unused bits are don't cares.

The next indictor that was used in this lab is the 7- segment display. The 7-segment displays

are configured as a two 32-bit registers. Each byte of each register directly controls the segments
of the corresponding displays, turning them on and off. Thus, it is necessary to provide some

decoding to display hexadecimal values on the displays. A1 is used to turn on a segment; 0 turns

it off.


 Altera DE2-115 Development Board including download

 Power cable

 USB cable

 Free Altera Monitor Program (AMP) software


Task 1

The program below starts counting from 0 up to 232 – 1, when a pushbutton (except KEY0) is

pressed. The count is advanced every one hundredth of a second (1/100 sec) via the use of the

internal 50 MHz onboard clock. The count is displayed on the 18 red LEDs, LEDR0-17.

ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x4F5B063F, 0x077D6D66, 0x6F7F

.global _start


/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */

movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */

movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */

movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */

movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */

movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */

movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS

movui r10, 10

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x0007 /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */

movui r3, 0xA120 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */

sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */

stwio r2, 0(r19) /* write to green LEDs */

beq r2, r0, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */


ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */

andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */

beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

stwio r4, 0(r18) /* display count of timeouts on LEDR */

stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */


1. Modify the code so that the counter starts counting only when KEY3 is pressed.

2. Modify the code so that the green LED directly above each pushbutton illuminates

whenever the particular pushbutton is pressed.

3. Modify the code so that the counter advances every one second.
Task 2

1. Replace the instruction stwio r4, 0(r18) with the following lines of code and observe what

happens on the red LEDs.

divu r5, r4, r10

mul r5, r5, r10

sub r5, r4, r5

stwio r5, 0(r18)

Explain briefly what function is the four lines of code performing?

2. Modify the code so that output displayed on the red LEDs in 2.1 is also displayed on


3. Modify the code so that the count advances by one every second starting from 0000 up to

9999. Show the count on four 7-segment displays, HEX0-3.

Task 3

Use the pushbuttons to add control to the operation of the counter as described below:

 KEY3 - This button is used to trigger (start) the counter from an initial state of 0000,

resume counting after the counter has been paused and to restart the counter after a reset.

 KEY2 - This button is used to stop/pause the counter holding the count currently being

displayed. The counter stays paused until either KEY3 is pressed.

 KEY1 - This button is used to reset the counter display to 0000. When this button is

pressed, your counter is reset to zero, irrespective of its current state, and should hold this

zero value until the KEY3 button is pressed.

1. Modify the code to implement the pushbutton controls mentioned above.

5. Observations:

 When any of the push button are pressed the green LEDs directly above lit up.

 The greater the count value the longer the timer value and the slower the red leds


 When stwio r4, 0(r18) was replaced it was observed that a binary count of

0-9 was observed on the red LEDS.

 A different value of a multiple of 4 was observed each time a different push

button was pushed.


In this lab exercise the 50Mhz on the DE2-115 board was utilized. In manipulating the

clock on the board, the two 16-bit registers at addresses 0x10002008 and 0x1000200C

allow the period of the timer to be changed by setting the starting count value. The

starting count was calculated by finding the product of 50Mhz and 1sec which resulted in

a count of 50M

This value was then converted to two pairs of hexadecimal 02FA and F080 which

resulting in a 1 second transition of the timer. This count was then modified to counting

from 0-9 in binary which was then decoded to display on the hex display. This could then
be integrated to create so what of a stopwatch. This lab was a successful exercise as a full

understanding of how to utilize the 50Mhz on the DE2-115 board was obtain.


ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x4F5B063F, 0x077D6D66, 0x6F7F

.global _start


/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */

movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */

movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */

movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */

movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */

movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */

movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS

movui r10, 10

movia r6, 0x08

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x0007 /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */

movui r3, 0xA120 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */

sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */

bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays

lights on green LED

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */


ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */

andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */

beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

stwio r4, 0(r18) /* display count of timeouts on LEDR */

stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */


ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x4F5B063F, 0x077D6D66, 0x6F7F

.global _start


/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */

movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */

movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */

movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */

movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */

movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */

movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS

movui r10, 10

movia r6, 0x08

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x0007 /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */

movui r3, 0xA120 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */

sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */

sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */

stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays

lights on green LED

bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */


ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */

andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */

beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

stwio r4, 0(r18) /* display count of timeouts on LEDR */

stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */

ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x4F5B063F, 0x077D6D66, 0x6F7F
.global _start

/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */
movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */
movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */
movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */
movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */
movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */
movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS
movui r10, 10
movia r6, 0x08

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x02FA /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */
movui r3, 0xF080 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */
sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays
lights on green LED
bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to
PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */
ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */
andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */
beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

stwio r4, 0(r18) /* display count of timeouts on LEDR */
stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */
ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x4F5B063F, 0x077D6D66, 0x6F7F
.global _start

/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */
movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */
movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */
movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */
movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */
movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */
movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS
movui r10, 10
movia r6, 0x08

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x02FA /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */
movui r3, 0xF080 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */
sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays
lights on green LED
bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to
PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */
ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */
andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */
beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

divu r5, r4, r10 # register r10 is dividing register r4 and the result is
stored in r5
mul r5, r5, r10 # register r10 is multiplying register r5 and the result
stored in r5
sub r5, r4, r5 # register r5 is now subtracting from r5 and result stored
in r5
stwio r5, 0(r18) # this results in a binary count which is stored in the red
stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */
ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67,0x3f

.global _start

/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */
movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */
movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */
movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */
movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */
movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */
movia r17, ADDR_SSEGNUMS
movui r10, 10
movia r6, 0x08
movia r11,11

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x02FA /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */
movui r3, 0xF080 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */

/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */

movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */
sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays lights on green
bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to
PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */
ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */
andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */
beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */


addi r7,r7,1
add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */
divu r5, r4, r10 # register r10 is dividing register r4 and the result is stored in r5
mul r5, r5, r10 # register r10 is multiplying register r5 and the result stored in
sub r5, r4, r5 # register r5 is now subtracting from r5 and result stored in r5
stwio r5, 0(r18) # this results in a binary count which is stored in the red LEDs
ldw r5,0(r17) #the content of register r17 which are word is loaded into r5
stwio r5, 0(r20) #the content of register r5 is being displayed in the hex0-3 display
addi r17, r17,4 #this shift between the pair of hexadecimals that should be
displayed on hex0-3
stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */
beq r7,r11,reset
movia r7,0
br dis
ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67
Hex_2: .word
Hex_3: .word
Hex_4: .word
.global _start

/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */
movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */
movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */
movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */
movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */
movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r15,Hex_3
movia r14,Hex_4
movui r10, 10
movia r6, 0x08
movia r11,11
movia r13,10
movia r26,0
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
movia r25,0

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x02FA /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */
movui r3, 0xF080 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */
/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */
movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */
sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays
lights on green LED
bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to
PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */
ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */
andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */
beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */


add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

addi r7,r7,1
divu r5, r4, r10
mul r5, r5, r10
sub r5, r4, r5
stwio r5, 0(r18)

movia r9,0
movia r12,0
ldw r9,0(r17)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r16)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r15)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r14)
or r12,r12,r9
stwio r12, 0(r20)

addi r17, r17,4

stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */
beq r7,r11,reset

addi r24,r24,1
addi r16,r16,4
movia r7,0
beq r24,r13,billz
br dis

addi r25,r25,1
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
addi r15,r15,4
beq r25,r13,gran
br dis

addi r26,r26,1
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r15,Hex_3
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
movia r25,0
addi r14,r14,4
beq r26,r13,_start
br dis
ADDR_SSEGNUMS: .word 0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67
Hex_2: .word
Hex_3: .word
Hex_4: .word
.global _start

/* initialize base addresses of parallel ports */

movia r18, 0x10000000 /* red LED base address */
movia r19, 0x10000010 /* green LED base address */
movia r20, 0x10000020 /* HEX3_HEX0 base address */
movia r21, 0x10000030 /* HEX4_HEX7 base address */
movia r22, 0x10000050 /* pushbutton KEY base address */
movia r23, 0x10002000 /* interval timer (onboard 50 MHz clock) base address */
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r15,Hex_3
movia r14,Hex_4
movui r10, 10
movia r6, 0x08
movia r11,11
movia r13,10
movia r26,0
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
movia r25,0

movia r28,0x04
movia r29,0x02

/* load timer countdown value */

movui r3, 0x02FA /* upper 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 12(r23) /* write to timer start value (high) register */
movui r3, 0xF080 /* lower 16-bits of 500000 countdown value */
sthio r3, 8(r23) /* write to timer start value (low) register */
/* start and continue timer countdown with no interrupts */
movui r3, 0x6 /* load timer control value */
sthio r3, 4(r23) /* write to timer control register */

PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START: /* press a pushbutton to start counter */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
stwio r2, 0(r19) #store what is in register r2 to r19 and which displays
lights on green LED
bne r2,r6, PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START #checks push button 3 is pressed and moves on to
PRESS_A_KEY_TO_START is condition is met

/* monitor timeout signal to identify when the timer countdown ends (reach 0) */
ldhio r3, 0(r23) /* load status register */
andi r3, r3, 1 /* load timeout (TO) bit */
beq r3, r0, WAIT_FOR_TO_SIGNAL /* wait until timer timeout (TO is set to 1) */

ldwio r2, 0(r22) /* load input from pushbuttons */
beq r2,r29,Key1
beq r2,r28,Key2
movia r2,0

add r4, r4, r3 /* count number of timeouts */

addi r7,r7,1
divu r5, r4, r10
mul r5, r5, r10
sub r5, r4, r5
stwio r5, 0(r18)

movia r9,0
movia r12,0
ldw r9,0(r17)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r16)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r15)
or r12,r12,r9
ldw r9,0(r14)
or r12,r12,r9
stwio r12, 0(r20)

addi r17, r17,4

stwio r0, 0(r23) /* reset TO bit in status register */
beq r7,r11,reset

addi r24,r24,1
addi r16,r16,4
movia r7,0
beq r24,r13,billz
br dis

addi r25,r25,1
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
addi r15,r15,4
beq r25,r13,gran
br dis

addi r26,r26,1
movia r16,Hex_2
movia r15,Hex_3
movia r7,0
movia r24,0
movia r25,0
addi r14,r14,4
beq r26,r13,_start
br dis

movia r2,0
movia r5,0x3f3f3f3f
stwio r5,0(r20)
movia r2,0
br _start

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