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Physical and cognitive development in early childhood o Gross motor skills

 Running and jumping are ways in which a 3 year old

Reggio Emilia approach child can acquire pride and accomplishment
 Educational program for young children that was developed n the o Fine motor skills
northern Italian city of Reggio Emilia  Children developed their fine motor skills, especially
 Children of single parents and children with disabilities have priority their pincer grasp but they are still clumsy
in admission  Sleep
 Children are encouraged to learn by investigating and exploring o Young children should get 11 - 13 hours of sleep each night
topics that interest them o Children who had sleeping problems are more prone to
 At the core of Reggio Emilia approach is the image of children who developing depression + other related problems
are competent and have rights, especially right to outstanding care  Nutrition and exercise
and education A sensitive/responsive caregiver feeding style in which the
caregiver is nurturant, provides clear information about what is
Changes expected, and appropriately responds to children's cues is
1. Physical Changes o Forceful and restrictive caregiver behaviors are not
 Body Growth and Change recommended .
 Motor development o Guidelines recommend that preschool children engage in two
 Sleep hours of physical activity per day, one hour of structured activity
 Nutrition and Exercise and one hour of unstructured free play
 Illness and Death o Iron deficiency anemia - chronic fatigue - most common
nutritional problems
 Body Growth and Change  This problem results from the failure to eat adequate
 Child grows 2 1/2 inches in height and gains 5-7 pounds a year amounts of quality meats and dark green
during early childhood vegetables.
 By the end of preschool years, most children have lost their top-  Illness and death
heavy look o Vehicular accidents is the leading cause of death
among children
 Brain
o Parental smoking is another major danger
o By the time children reach 3 years of age, the brain is three- o Lead poisoning - lower intelligence, lower
quarters of its adult size. By age 6, the brain has reached achievement, ADHD, elevated blood pressure
about 95 percent of its adult size
o Continued myelination in early childhood provides children
with much better hand-eye coordination
o Dramatical change of local patterns within the brain. 2. Cognitive Changes
o Middle and late childhood, thickening occurs in the frontal  Piaget's Preoperational Stage
lobes which may be linked to improvements in language and  Vygotsky's theory
abilities such as reading, planning, organizing new actions,  Information Processing
maintaining attention to tasks
 Motor development  Piaget's Preoperational Stage
o Preoperational stage - lasts from approximately 2-7 years of  the awareness that altering an object’s
age, is the second Piagetian stage. or a sub- stance’s appearance does not
change its basic properties.
 children begin to represent the world with
words, images, and drawings.  In addition to failing to conserve
volume, preoperational children also fail to
 They form stable concepts and begin to
conserve number, matter, length, and area.
 Vygotsky's Theory
 the young child’s cognitive world is dominated
o In Piaget’s theory, children develop ways of thinking
by egocentrism and magical beliefs
and understanding by their actions and interactions with
 is the beginning of the ability to reconstruct in
the physical world. In Vygotsky’s theory, children are
thought what has been established in behavior more often described as social creatures than in Piaget’s
 Operations - reversible mental action theory. They develop their ways of thinking and
 divided into two substages: the symbolic understanding primarily through social interaction.
function substage and the intuitive thought o Zone of Proximal Development
substage.  is Vygotsky’s term for the range of tasks that
o Symbolic function substage are too difficult for the child to master alone but
 first substage of preoperational thought, that can be learned with guidance and assistance
occurring roughly between the ages of 2 and 4 of adults or more-skilled children.
 the young child gains the ability to mentally  Thus, the lower limit of the ZPD is the level of
represent an object that is not present. skill reached by the child working independently.
 Scribbles that represent people, houses, cars The upper limit is the level of additional
 Egocentrism responsibility the child can accept with the
 is the inability to distinguish between assistance of an able instructor
one’s own perspective and someone else’s
 Animism
 is the belief that inanimate objects
have lifelike qualities and are capable of
o Intuitive thought substage
 is the second substage of preoperational
thought, occurring between approximately 4 and 7
years of age.
 Children begin to use primitive reasoning and
want to know the answers to all sorts of questions
 The child’s questions signal the emergence of
interest in reasoning and in figuring out why things
are the way they are
o Centration and the limits of preoperational thought
 Centration
 a centering of attention on one
characteristic to the exclusion of all others
 Conservation
o Scaffolding
 means changing the level of support.
 Over the course of a teaching ses- sion, a more-
skilled person (a teacher or advanced peer) adjusts
the amount of guidance to fit the child’s current
o Language and thought
 children use speech not only to communicate socially
but also to help them solve tasks
 is further believed that young children use
language to plan, guide, and monitor their behavior
 This use of language for self-regulation is
called private speech.
 When children talk to themselves, they are using
language to govern their behavior and guide
o Tools of the Mind is an early childhood education curriculum
that emphasizes children’s development of self-regulation and
the cognitive foundations of literacy.
o Takes a social constructivist approach
 which emphasizes the social con- texts of learning
and the construction of knowledge through social
 Information processing
o Attention
 focusing of mental resources on select
 Executive attention
 involves action planning, allocating
attention to goals, error detection and
compensation, monitoring progress on tasks,
and dealing with novel or difficult
 Sustained attention
 is focused and extended engagement
with an object, task, event, or other aspect of
the environment.
 Preschool children are likely to pay attention
to stimuli that stand out, or are salient, even when
those stimuli are not rele- vant to solving a problem
or performing a task. After the age of 6 or 7,
children attend more efficiently to the dimensions
of the task that are relevant, such as the directions
for solving a problem.
 By com- parison, elementary school age  refers to awareness of one’s
children are more likely to systematically com- pare own mental processes and the mental
the details across the pictures, one detail at a time processes of others. Studies of theory of
o Memory mind view the child as “a thinker who is
 Retention of information over time trying to explain, predict, and
 Central process in children's cognitive understand people’s thoughts, feelings,
development and utterances”
 Developmental changes
 short-term memory
 individuals retain information for up to  Perceptions
30 seconds if there is no rehearsal of the  a 2 y.o. child will
information. recognize that another person will
 2 digits in 2- to 3-year-old children to see what's in front of her own eyes
about 5 digits in 7-year-old chil- dren, yet instead of what's in front of the
between 7 and 13 years of age memory span child's eyes
increased only by 1 1⁄2 digit  by 3 years of age, the
 Preschoolers are the most suggestible child realizes that looking leads to
age group in comparison with older children knowing what’s inside a container
and adults  Emotions
 Some preschoolers are highly resistant  The child can distinguish
to interviewers’ suggestions, whereas others between positive (for example,
immediately succumb to the slightest happy) and negative (sad, for
suggestion. example) emotions.
 Children are suggestible not just about  Desires
peripheral details but also about the central  Children also refer to
aspects of an event desires earlier and more frequently
o Strategies of problem solving than they refer to cognitive states
 Strategies such as thinking and knowing
 consist of deliberate mental activities  Toddlers recognize that if
to improve the processing of information. people want something, they will
 . For example, rehearsing information try to get it.
and organizing it are two typical strategies  Between the ages of 3 to
that older children and adults use to 5, children come to understand
remember more effectively that the mind can represent objects
 During early childhood, the relatively and events accurately or
stimulus-driven toddler is transformed into a inaccurately.
child capable of flexible, goal-directed  The realization that
problem solving people can have false beliefs—
 Researchers have found that at about beliefs that are not true—develops
4 years of age, children acquire the concept of in a majority of children by the time
perspectives, which allows them to appreciate they are 5 years old
that a single stimulus can be described in two
 the false-belief task is a
different ways
complicated one that involves a
 The Children's Theory of Mind
number of factors such as the
 Theory of mind
characters in the story and all of o Gains in semantics also characterize early childhood.
their individual actions Vocabulary development is dramatic
 Not until middle and late  Advances in Pragmatics
childhood do children see the mind o Young children begin to engage in extended
as an active constructor of discourse
knowledge or processing center o they learn culturally specific rules of conversation
 Individual differences and polite- ness and become sensitive to the need to
 children who talk with adapt their speech in different settings.
their parents about feel- ings
frequently as 2-year-olds show 4. Early childhood education
better performance on theory of  Variations in Early Childhood Education
mind tasks  Education for Young Children Who Are Disadvantaged
 Executive function -  Controversies in Early Childhood Education
describes several functions (such as
inhibition and planning) that are  Variations in Early Childhood Education
important for flexible, future oriented o The Child-centered Kindergarten
behavior, also may be connected to  which emphasizes the education of the whole
theory o mind development. child and concern for his or her physical, cognitive,
 Children who and socioemotional development
perform better at exec- utive  Instruction is organized around the child’s
function tasks seem also to needs, interests, and learning styles
have a better understanding  Emphasis is on the process of learning,
of theory of mind rather than what is learned
 Each child follows a unique developmental
3. Language Development pattern; young children learn best through
 Understanding Phonology and Morphology firsthand experiences with people and materials;
 Changes in Syntax and Semantics and play is extremely important in the child’s
total development.
 Advances in Pragmatics
o The Montessori Approach
 Young Children's Literacy
 is a philosophy of education in which children
are given considerable freedom and
 Understanding phonology and morphology
spontaneity in choosing activities.
o By the time children move beyond two-word
 Montessori schools are patterned after the
utterances, they demonstrate a knowledge of educational philosophy of Maria Montessori, an
morphology rules Italian physician-turned-educator, who at the
o Children begin using the plural and possessive forms beginning of the 20th century crafted a
of nouns revolutionary approach to young children’s
o Overgeneralization of the rules, as when a preschool education
child says “foots” instead of “feet,” or “goed” instead of  “By encouraging children to make decisions
“went.” from an early age, Montessori programs seek to
 Changes in syntax and semantics develop self-regulated problem solvers who can
o Preschool children also learn and apply rules of make choices and manage their time effectively”
syntax o Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP)
 which is based on knowledge of the typical
development of children within an age span (age-
appropriateness), as well as the uniqueness of
the child (individual-appropriateness).
 DAP emphasizes the importance of creating
settings that encourage children to be active
learners and reflect children’s interests and

Chapter 8: Socioemotional development in early childhood

1. Emotional and Personality Development
 Universal preschool education

 The self
 Emotional development
 Moral development

 The Self
o Initiative vs. guilt
 Erikson’s psychosocial stage associated with
early childhood is initiative versus guilt.
 By now, children have become convinced that
they are persons of their own; during early
childhood, they begin to discover what kind of
person they will become.
o Controversies in Early Childhood education
 They identify intensely with their parents, who
 Curriculum controversy most of the time appear to them to be powerful
and beautiful, although often unreasonable,
disagreeable, and sometimes even dangerous.
 The great governor of initiative is
conscience. Their initiative and enthusiasm may
bring them not only rewards but also guilt, which
lowers self-esteem.
o Self-understanding and understanding others
 Self understanding
 which is the representation of self, the  One important example is empathy, which is
substance and content of self-conceptions responding to another person’s feelings with an
 They expressed this optimism because emotion that echoes the other’s feelings.
they don’t yet distinguish between their  Infants have the capacity for some purely
desired competence and their actual empathic responses, but empathy often requires
competence, tend to confuse ability and effort the ability to discern another’s inner psychological
(thinking that differences in ability can be states, or what is called perspective taking.
changed as easily as can differences in effort), o Moral reasoning
 Understanding others  heteronomous morality
 Researchers have found that even 4-  4 to 7 years of age
year-olds under- stand that people may make
 Children think of justice and
statements that aren’t true to obtain what
rules as unchangeable properties of the
they want or to avoid trouble
world, removed from the control of
 Emotional development people.
o Expressing emotions  7 to 10 years of age
 self-conscious emotions  children are in a transition
 children must be able to refer to showing some features of the first stage
themselves and be aware of themselves as of moral reasoning and some stages of
distinct from other the second stage, autonomous morality.
o Regulating emotions  autonomous morality.
 Depending on how they talk with their  10 years of age and older
children about emotion, parents can be described  They become aware that rules
as taking an emotion-coaching or an emotion- and laws are created by people, and in
dismissing approach judging an action they consider the
 Emotion-coaching parents actor’s intentions as well as the
 monitor their children’s emotions, consequences.
view their children’s negative emotions as  Because young children are heteronomous
opportunities for teaching, assist them in moralists, they judge the rightness or goodness of
labeling emotions, and behavior by considering its consequences, not the
coach them in how to deal effectively with intentions of the actor
 The heteronomous thinker also believes that
 emotion-dismissing parents rules are unchangeable and are handed down by
 view their role as to deny, ignore, or change all-powerful authorities
negative emotions  The heteronomous thinker also believes in
 Moral development immanent justice, the concept that if a rule is
o involves the development of thoughts, feelings, and broken, punishment will be meted out immediately
behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what  also implies that if something
people should do in their interactions with other people. unfortunate happens to someone, the person
o Moral feelings must have transgressed earlier
 Feelings of anxiety and guilt are central to the  Moral behavior
account of moral development provided by Freud’s  When children are rewarded for
psychoanalytic theory behavior that is consistent with laws and
social conventions, they are likely to repeat
that behavior.
 In the moral behavior view, the  Three main social theories f gender have been
situation also influences behavior. proposed- social role theory, psychoanalytic
 Social cognitive theorists also stress theory, and social cognitive theory.
that the ability to resist temptation is closely  Social role theory
tied to the development of self-control. To  Gender differences result from the contrasting
achieve this self-control, children must learn roles of men and women
to delay gratification.  Psychoanalytic theory of gender
 Conscience  Stems from Freud's view that the pre-school
 refers to an internal regulation of child develops a sexual attraction to the
standards of right and wrong that involves an opposite-sex parent.
integration of all three components of moral  Oedipus (boys)
development we have described so far—moral  Electra (girls)
thought, feeling, and behavior  5-6 years of age, child renounces this
 Parenting and young child's moral attraction because of anxious feelings
development  Social cognitive theory of gender
o Gender
 Children's gender development occurs
 Gender identity through observing and imitating what other
 involves a sense of one’s own gender, people say and do, though being rewarded
including knowledge, understanding, and and punished or gender-appropriate and
acceptance of being male or female gender-inappropriate behavior
 Gender roles  Parental influences
 are sets of expectations that prescribe  Parents, by actions, influence their children's
how females or males should think, act, and gender development
feel.  Mothers' socialization strategies -
 Gender typing influence their daughters to be more
 refers to acquisition of a traditional obedient and responsible than sons,
masculine or feminine role place restrictions on daughters
o Biological influences autonomy
The 23rd pair consists of a combina-  Fathers' socialization strategies -
tion of X and Y chromosomes, usually two X show more attention to sons, engage in
chromosomes in a female and an X and a Y in a actvities with sons, put more effort to
male. promote son's intellectual development
 Males start to differ from females when genes on  Peer influences
the Y chromosome in the male embryo trigger the  Peers extensively reward and punish gender
development of testes rather than ovaries; the
testes secrete copious amounts of the class of
hormones known as androgens  there is greater pressure for boys to conform
to a traditional male role than for girls to
 Estrogens, such as estradiol, influence the conform to a traditional female role
development of female physical sex characteristics.
 Tomboy - implies broad social acceptance of
Androgens, such as testosterone, promote the
girls' adopting traditional male behaviors
development of male physical sex characteristics.
 Gender composition
o Social influences
 3 y.o. - preference to spend time with
same-sex playmates
 4-12 y.o. - preference increases  is a restrictive, punitive style in
 Group size which parents exhort the child to follow
 5 y.o. - boys are more likely to their directions and respect their work
associate in larger clusters than girls are. and effort.
They also participate in organized group  places firm limits and controls on
games the child and allows little verbal
 Interaction exchange.
 might spank the child frequently,
 Boys - rough-and-tumble play,
enforce rules rigidly but not explain
competition, conflict, ego displays, risk them, and show rage toward the child.
taking, and seeking dominance
 Authoritative parenting
o Cognitive influences
 encourages children to be
 Observation, imitation, rewards and punishment— independent but still places limits and
these are the mechanisms by which gender controls on their actions.
develops according to social cognitive theory  Extensive verbal give-and-take is
 Interactions between the child and the social allowed, and parents are warm and
environment are the main keys to gender nurturant toward the child.
development in this view.  Authoritative parents show
 Gender schema theory, which states that gender- pleasure and support in response to
typing emerges as children gradually develop children’s constructive behavior.
gender schemas of what is gender-appropriate and  They also expect mature,
gender-inappropriate in their culture independent, and age-appropriate
 A schema is a cognitive structure, a network behavior by children.
of associations that guide an individual’s  Neglectful parenting
perceptions.  is a style in which the parent is
 A gender schema organizes the world in terms very uninvolved in the child’s life
of female and male  Indulgent parenting
 Children are internally motivated to perceive  is a style in which parents are
the world and to act in accordance with their highly involved with their children but
developing schemas. place few demands or controls on them.
Such parents let their children do what
2. Families they want.
 Parenting o Punishment
 Child maltreatment  Time out, in which the child is removed from a
 Sibling relationship and birth order setting that offers positive reinforce- ment, can also
be effective.
 The changing family in changing society
o Coparenting
 which is the support that parents provide one
another in jointly raising a child.
 Parenting
o o Child maltreatment
Baumrind's Parenting styles (Diana Baumrind,
1971)  Types of child maltreatment
 argues parents should be neither punitive nor  Physical abuse - characterized by the
aloof. infliction of physical injury as a result of
punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning,
 Authoritarian parenting
shaking, or otherwise harming a child
 Child neglect is characterized by internalized problems (such as anxiety and
failure to provide for the child’s basic needs depression)
 Sexual abuse includes fondling a  Children who are socially mature and
child’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, responsible, who show few behavioral problems,
sodomy, exhibitionism, and commercial and who have an easy temperament are better
exploitation through prostitution or the able to cope with their parents’ divorce.
production of pornographic materials  Children with a difficult temperament often
 Emotional abuse have problems in coping with their parents’ divorce
(psychological/verbal abuse/mental
injury) includes acts or omissions by parents 3. Peer Relations, Play, and Television
or other caregivers that have caused, or could  Peer relations
cause, serious behavioral, cognitive, or
 Play
emotional problems
o Developmental consequences of abuse  Television
 Among the consequences of child
maltreatment in childhood and adolescence are  Peer relations
poor emotion regulation, attach- ment problems, o Peer group functions
problems in peer relations, difficulty in adapting to  Source of information and comparison about
school, and other psychological problems such as the world outside the family
depression and delinquency.  Children receive feedback about their abilities
o Sibling relationships and birth order from their peer group
 3 important characteristics of sibling o Developmental changes
relationships (Judy Dunn, 2007)  Many preschool children spend considerable
 Emotional quality of the relationship time in peer interaction conversing with playmates
 Familiarty and intimacy of the about such matters as “negotiating roles and rules
relationship in play, arguing, and agreeing”
 Variation in sibling relationships  during early childhood children’s interactions
 Birth order with peers become more coordinated and involve
 Compared with later-born children, longer turns and sequences
firstborn children have also been described as o Friends
more adult-oriented, helpful, conforming, and  children distinguish between friends and
self-controlled nonfriends
 Only children often are achievement- o The connected worlds of parent-child and peer
oriented and display a desirable personality, relations
especially in comparison with later-borns and  Parents may influence their children’s peer
children from large families relations in many ways, both directly and indirectly
o Children in divorced families  Basic lifestyle decisions by parents—their
 children from divorced families show poorer choices of neighborhoods, churches, schools, and
adjustment than their counterparts in nondivorced their own friends—largely determine the pool from
families which their children select possible friends.
 Children in divorced families are more likely  Play
than children in nondivorced families to have o Play is a pleasurable activity in which children
academic problems, to show externalized problems engage
(such as acting out and delinquency) and for its own sake, and its functions and forms vary.
o According to Freud and Erikson, play helps children  The brain
master anxieties and conflicts.  Motor development
o Therapists use play therapy both to allow children to  Exercise
work off frustrations and to analyze children’s conflicts
and ways of coping with them
 Health, illness, and disease
o Play permits children to practice their competencies and
acquired skills in a relaxed, pleasurable way.
o Pre-school years are considered the "golden age" of  Body growth and change
symbolic pretense play that is dramatic or sociodramatic o Slow and consistent growth
in nature o Head circumference and waist circumference
o Types of play decrease in relation to body height
 Sensorimotor play is behavior by infants to derive o A less noticeable physical change is that bones
pleasure from exercising their sensorimotor continue to ossify during middle and late childhood but
schemes. yield to pressure and pull more than mature
 Practice play involves the repetition of behavior bones.
when new skills are being learned or when physical o The loose movements and knock- knees of early
or mental mastery and coordination of skills are childhood give way to
required for games or sports. o improved muscle tone.
 Pretense/symbolic play - occurs when the child o Because of their greater number of muscle cells, boys
trans- forms the physical environment into a are usually stronger than girls.
symbol.  The Brain
 Social play - is play that involves interaction with o Total brain volume stabilizes by the end of middle
peers. Social play increases dramatically during the and late childhood, but significant changes in various
preschool years. structures and regions of the brain continue to occur.
Constructive play - combines o brain pathways and circuitry involving the prefrontal
cortex, the highest level in the brain, continue to
sensorimotor/practice play with symbolic increase in middle and late childhood
representation o Cerebral cortex thickness also changes
 Occurs when children engage in self-regulated o As children develop, activation of some brain areas
creation of a product or a solution increases while others decrease
 Increases in the preschool years as symbolic o One shift in activa- tion that occurs as children
play increases increases and sensorimotor develop is from diffuse, larger areas to more focal,
play decreases smaller areas
o The activation change was accompanied by
increased efficiency in cognitive performance, especially
Middle and Late Childhood in cognitive control, which involves flexible and effective
control in a number of areas
Thursday, 17 October 2019  Motor Development
9:15 PM o During middle and late childhood, children’s motor
Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle and Late skills become much smoother and more coordinated
Childhood than they were in early childhood.
o Increased myelination of the central nervous system
1. Physical Changes and Health is reflected in the improve- ment of fine motor skills
 Body growth and change during middle and late childhood.
 Exercise and the difficulty can appear in listening, thinking,
o Elementary school children are far from physical reading, writing, and spelling.
maturity, so they need to be active  may involve difficulty in doing mathematic
o Researchers also are finding that exercise is linked to  is not primarily the result of visual, hearing, or
children’s cognitive development. motor disabilities; mental retardation; emotional
 Health, Illness, and Disease disorders; or due to environmental, cultural, or
o Accidents and injuries economic disadvantage.
 Injuries are the leading cause of death during  Dyslexia
middle and late childhood, and the most common  Is a category reserved for individuals
cause of severe injury and death in this period is who have a severe impairment in their ability
motor vehicle accidents, either as a pedestrian or to read and spell
as a passenger  Dysgraphia
o Overweight children  is a learning disability that involves
difficulty in handwriting
 Causes great concern because overweight
 inability to match up sounds and
children are at risk for developing pulmonary
problems, sleep apnea, hip problems, diabetes,
 writing products may be virtually
hypertension, elevated blood cholesterol levels
o Cardiovascular disease
 numerous spelling errors
 Uncommon  Dyscalculia
 Many elementary-school-aged children  also known as developmental
already possess one or more of the risk factors for arithmetic disorder, is a learning disability
cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension and that involves difficulty in math computation
obesity o ADHD
 metabolic syndrome—a constellation of  is a disability in which children consistently
factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, and show one or more of these characteristics over a
type 2 diabetes—placing indi- viduals at risk for period of time: (1) inattention, (2) hyperactivity,
developing cardiovascular disease in adulthood and (3) impulsivity.
o Cancer  ADHD with predominantly inattention
 Cancer is the second leading cause of death  ADHD with predominantly hyperactivity/
in U.S. children 5 to 14 years of age impulsivity,
 Child cancers mainly attack the white blood  ADHD with both inattention and
cells (leukemia), brain, bone, lymph system, hyperactivity/impulsivity.
muscles, kidneys, and nervous system. All are  A recent study revealed that peak thickness of
characterized by an uncontrolled proliferation of the cerebral cortex occurred three years later (10.5
abnormal cells years) in children with ADHD than in children
 Leukemia - most common child cancer without ADHD (peak at 7.5 years)
 Intervention: Ritalin or Adderall (stimulant) -
2. Children with disabilities helps in attention
 The Scope of Disabilities o Emotional and behavioral disorders
o Learning disabilities  consist of serious, persistent problems that
 has difficulty in learning that involves involve relationships, aggression, depression, and
understanding or using spoken or written language, fears associated with personal or school matters, as
well as other inappropriate socioemotional  children can perform concrete operations,
characteristics. reason logically as long as reasoning can be applied
o Autism Spectrum Disorder to specific or concrete examples.
 pervasive developmental disorders, range  operations are mental actions that are
from the severe disorder labeled autistic disorder to reversible
the milder disorder called Asperger syndrome.  concrete operations are operations that are
 characterized by problems in social applied to real, concrete objects
interaction, problems in verbal and nonverbal  Concrete operations allow the child to
communication, and repetitive behaviors consider several characteristics rather than focus
 Mental retardation is present in some children on a single property of an object.
with autism; others show average or above-  The concrete operational child coordinates
average intelligence information about both dimensions.
 Autistic disorder is a severe developmental  seriation, which is the ability to order stimuli
autism spectrum disorder along a quantitative dimension
 restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped  transitivity, which is the ability to logically
patterns of behavior combine relations to understand certain
 Asperger syndrome is a relatively mild conclusions.
autism spectrum disorder in which the child has o Information Processing
relatively good verbal language  Memory
 engage in obsessive repetitive routines
 Long-term memory, a relatively
and preoccupations with a particular subject permanent and unlimited type of memory,
increases with age during middle and late
 Educational issues childhood
o An individualized education plan (IEP) is a  long-term memory depends on the
written statement that spells out a program that is learning activities individuals engage in when
specifically tailored for the student with a disability learning and remembering information
o The least restrictive environment (LRE) is a  Strategies for adults to use when
setting that is as similar as possible to the one in which attempting to improve children’s memory
children who do not have a disability are educated. skills:
o inclusion describes educating a child with special  Encourage children to engage
education needs full-time in the regular classroom in mental imagery.
 Motivate children to remember
3. Cognitive changes material by understanding it rather than
 Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory by memorizing it.
 Information Processing  Repeat with variation on the
 Intelligence instructional information and link early
 Extremes of Intelligence and often.
 Embed memory-relevant
language when instructing children
 Fuzzy trace theory states that
 Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory memory is best understood by considering
o The Concrete Operational stage two types of memory representations:
 7 to 11 years of age.
 (1) verbatim memory trace -  Individual differences are the stable, con-
consists of the precise details of the sistent ways in which people are different from
information each other
 (2) gist - refers to the central  Binet tests
idea of the information.  It consisted of 30 questions on topics
 Thinking ranging from the abil- ity to touch one’s ear to
 Three important aspects of thinking the ability to draw designs from memory and
are being able to think critically, creatively, define abstract concepts.
and scientifically.  Binet developed the concept of
 Critical thinking involves mental age (MA), an individual’s level of
thinking reflectively and productively, mental development relative to others
and evaluating evidence.  intelligence quotient (IQ), a
 mindfulness—being person’s mental age divided by chronological
alert, mentally present, and age (CA), multiplied by 100. MA/CA 3 100.
cognitively flexible while going  The Wechsler Scales
through life’s everyday activities  developed by psychologist David
and tasks—is an important aspect Wechsler. They include the Wechsler Preschool
of thinking critically. and Primary Scale of Intelligence—Third
 Creative thinking is the ability Edition (WPPSI-III) to test children from the
to think in novel and unusual ways to ages of 2 years 6 months to 7 years 3 months
come up with unique solutions to of age;
problems  The Wechsler scales not only provide
 Convergent thinking - an overall IQ score, but they also yield several
which produces one correct answer composite indexes (for example, the Verbal
and characterizes the kind of Comprehension Index, the Working Memory
thinking that is required on Index, and the Processing Speed Index) that
conventional tests of intelligence allow the examiner to quickly determine the
areas in which the child is strong or weak.
 divergent thinking,
which pro- duces many different  Types of intelligence
answers to the same question and  triarchic theory of intelligence
characterizes creativity. (Robert J. Sternberg), states that intelligence
comes in three forms
 Scientific thinking - Like
scientists, children ask fundamental  Analytical intelligence -
questions about real- ity and seek ability to analyze, judge, evaluate,
answers to problems that seem utterly compare and contrast
trivial or unanswerable to other people  creative intelligence, which
 Metacognition is cognition about consists of the ability to cre- ate, design,
cognition, or knowing about knowing invent, originate, and imagine;
 Many studies classified as  practical intelligence, which
"metacognitive" have focused on involves the ability to use, apply,
metamemory or knowledge about memory implement, and put ideas into practice.
o Intelligence  Gardner's eight frames of mind
 Intelligence is the ability to solve problems and to
adapt and learn from experiences.
 Verbal: The ability to think in words  Avoid stereotyping and expectations.
and use language to express meaning.  Know that IQ is not a sole indicator of
Occupations: Authors, journalists, speakers. competence.
 Mathematical: The ability to carry out o Extremes of inelligence
mathematical operations. Occupations:  Mental retardation
Scientists, engineers, accountants.  is a condition of limited mental abil- ity
 Spatial: The ability to think three- in which an individual has a low IQ, usually
dimensionally. Occupations: Architects, artists, below 70 on a traditional intelligence test,
sailors. and has difficulty adapting to everyday life.
 Bodily-kinesthetic: The ability to  About 89% of those with mental
manipulate objects and be physically adept. retardation fall into the mild category, with Iqs
Occupations: Surgeons, craftspeople, dancers, of 55-70. most of them are able to live
athletes. independently as adults and work at a variety
 Musical: A sensitivity to pitch, of jobs.
melody, rhythm, and tone. Occupations:  About 6 percent are classified as
Composers, musicians, and sensitive listeners. having moderate mental retardation, with IQs
 Interpersonal: The ability to of 40 to 54;
understand and interact effectively with  About 3.5 percent of those with mental
others. Occupations: Successful teachers, retardation are in the severe category, with
mental health professionals. IQs of 25 to 39; these individuals learn to talk
 Intrapersonal: The ability to and accomplish very simple tasks but require
understand oneself. Occupations: extensive supervision.
Theologians, psychologists.  Less than 1 percent have IQs below 25;
 Naturalist: The ability to observe they fall into the profoundly mentally retarded
patterns in nature and understand natural and classification and need constant supervision.
human-made systems. Occupations: Farmers,  Causes of mental retardation
botanists, ecologists, landscapers.  Organic cause
 IQ
 Mental retardation that
 The worldwide increase in intelligence is caused by genetic disorder or by
test scores that has occurred over a short brain damage. Organic refers to the
time frame has been called the Flynn effect tissues or organs of the body,
after the researcher who discovered it, James indicating physical damage. IQs: 0-
Flynn. 50. Down syndrome - 50.
 Culture fair tests  Cultural-familial retardation
 Culture-fair tests are tests of
 mental deficit in which
intelligence that are intended to be free of
no evidence of organic brain
cultural bias
damage can be found. Individuals'
 The first includes items that are IQ generally range from 50-70
familiar to children from all
 Giftedness
socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds,
 People who are gifted have above-
or items that at least are familiar to the
average intelligence (IQ of 130 or higher and
children taking the test.
with a superior talent for something)
 The second type of culture-fair
test has no verbal questions.
 Using inelligence tests
 3 criteria that characterize gifted o Rich Mayer (2008) recently described three cognitive
children, whether in art, music, or academic pro- cesses involved in being able to read a printed
domains word:
 Precocity 1. Being aware of sound units in words, which consists of
 children begin to master recognizing phonemes.
an area earlier than their peers. 2. Decoding words, which involves converting printed
Learning in their domain is more words into sounds.
effortless for them than for 3. Accessing word meaning, which consists of finding a
ordinary children mental representation of a word’s meaning.
 Marching to their own  Bilingualism and second-language learning
drummer o children’s ability to pronounce words with a nativelike
 Gifted children learn in a accent in a second language typically decreases with
qualitatively different way than age, with an especially sharp drop occurring after the
ordinary children. They need age of about 10 to 12.
minimal help, or scaffolding from
Chapter 10 Socioemotional Development in Middle and Late
 A passion to master
 Gifted children are
1. Emotional and personality development
driven to understand the domain in
 The self
which they have high ability
 Individuals who are highly gifted are  Emotional development
typically not gifted in many domains and  Moral development
research on giftedness is increasingly focused  Gender
on domain-specific developmental trajectories
 The self
4. Language development o In middle and late childhood, 8-11 y.o. children
 Vocabulary, grammar, and metalinguistic awareness describe themselves with psychological characteristics
 Reading and traits in contrast to concrete self-descriptions
 Writing o Recognizing the social aspects of the self, include
 Bilingualism and second-language learning references to social groups in their self-descriptions
o Increasing social comparison
o Understanding others
 Vocabulary, grammar, and metalinguistic awareness  Children increase in perspective taking or the
o metalinguistic awareness, which is knowledge ability to assume other people's perspectives and
about language, such as knowing what a preposition is understand their thoughts and feelings
or the abilty to discuss the sounds of a language.  Children with lower level of perspective taking
 Reading engage in more antisocial behavior
o The whole-language approach stresses that read- o Self-esteem and self-concept
ing instruction should parallel children’s natural lan-  Self-esteem - global evaluations of the self
guage learning. and is also called self-worth or self-image
o In contrast, the phonics approach emphasizes that  Self-concept - domain-specific evaluations of
read- ing instruction should teach basic rules for the self
translating written symbols into sounds.
 Self-efficacy - belief that one can master a  Protect from re-exposure to frightening
situation and produce favorable outcomes situations
 Belief that "I can"  Help make sense of what happened
 Self-regulation - deliberate efforts to manage  Moral development
one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts, leading to o Autonomous morality - children consider the
increased social competence and achievement intentions of the individual, believe that rules are subject
o Industry vs. inferiority to change and are aware that punishment does not
 Industry - when children are encouraged in always follow wrongdoing
their efforts to make, build, and work, their sense of
industry increases
 Emotional development
o Children further develop their understanding and
self-regulation of emotion
o Developmental changes
 Inproved emotional underrstanding. Improved
ability to understand complex emotions like pride
and shame
 Increased understanding that more than one
emotion can be experienced in a particular
 Increased tendency to be aware of the events
leading to emotional reactions
 Use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting o Kohlberg Stages
 Preconventional reasoning is the lowest level of
 Capacity for genuine empathy
moral reasoning, said Kohlberg. At this level, good
o Coping with stress and bad are interpreted in terms of external
 Older childen generate more coping rewards and punishments.
alternatives to stressful conditions and use more  Stage 1: Heteronomous morality
cognitive coping strategies  is the first stage of preconventional
 Better than younger children at intentionally reasoning.
shifting their thoughts to something that is less  Moral thinking is tied to punishment,
they must obey because they fear
 Recommendations for parents, teachers, and punishment
other caregivers  Stage 2: Individualism, instrumental purpose,
 Reassure children of their safety and and
security Exchange
 Allow children to retell events and be  At this stage, individuals reason that
patient in listening to them pursuing their own interests is the right
 Encourage children to talk about any thing to do but they let others do the
disturbing or confusing feelings, reassuring same
them that such feelings are normal after a
 Equal exchange
stressful event
 Conventional reasoning. At this level, individuals o Prosocial behavior
apply certain standards, but they are the standards  The study of prosocial moral behavior has placed
set by others, such as parents or the government. more emphasis on the behavioral aspects of moral
 Stage 3: Mutual interpersonal expectations, development
relationships, and interpersonal conformity o Moral personality
 Individuals value trust, caring, and  Children develop a moral personalty
loyalty to others as basis of moral  Components
judgments  Moral identity
 Children and adolescents adopt parents'  Individuals have a moral identity when
moral standards at this stage moral notions and moral commitments
 Stage 4: Social systems morality are central to their lives
 Moral judgments are based on  Moral character
understanding the social order, law,  Has willpower, desires, and integrity to
justice, and duty stand up to pressure, overcome
 Postconventional reasoning is the highest level distractions and disappointments, and
in Kohlberg's theory of moral development behave morally
 Stage 5 - social contract or utility and  Moral exemplars
individual rights  People who have lived exemplary
 At this stage, individuals reason that moral lives
values, rights, and principles undergird  Moral personality, identity, character,
or transcend the law. and set of virtues reflect moral
 person evaluates the validity of excellence and commitment
actual laws, and social systems can be  Gender
examined in terms of the degree to o Gender stereotypes
which they preserve and protect
fundamental human rights and values.
 which are broad categories that reflect
general impressions and beliefs about females and
 Stage 6 - universal ethical principles
 the person has developed a moral o Gender role classification
standard based on universal human
rights. When faced with a conflict  Androgyny - presence of positive masculine
between law and conscience, the person and feminine characteristics in the same person
reasons that conscience should be
followed, even though the decision
might bring risk.
o In contrast to Kohlberg's justice perspective, Gilligan
argues for a care perspective, which is a moral
perspective that views people in terms of their
connectedness with others and emphasizes
interpersonal communica tion, relationships with others,
and concern for others
o Social conventional reasoning
 Focuses on conventional rules that have been
established by social consensus in order to control
behavior and maintain social system

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