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OLD HUTTON & HOLMESCALES PC 2019/20 2019/20 2019/20 BUDGET

BUDGET ACTUAL Projected 2020-2021

Community Account balance on 1st April 1601.95 1601.95 2300
INCOME £ £ £ £
SLDC Parish Precept 2500 2443.62 2500
SLDC precept - parish grant 56.38
VAT refund 1247.60 84
Greaves Solar Farm Community Fund
Armistead Wind Farm Community Fund
Total income 3747.60 2500.00 84.00 2500.00

Insurance 01-06-2018 to 31-05-2019 280 210.00 210
CALC annual subscription 140 141.98 145
Public Hall hire (9 meetings assumed@£5/hour) 100 100 100
GDPR registration 35 35.00 35
General expenses/paper/ink/postage/etc 120 1.30 118.70 120
Internal Audit 70 90.00 90
Election Costs 0 0 537.03
Grass cutting in graveyard (& painting of railings) 230 230 235
Hedge cutting 300 300 310
Training courses/expenses for meetings 100 0 100
Small items for broadband installation 0 111.53 0
Two speed indicator devices 7485.60 0 0
Contingency - plastic planks 500 373.32 500
Contingency - bolts for plastic planks 40.73 0
Contingency - stain and preserver for notice board 19.00 0
Contingency - s137 grant to Helm Youth Group 100.00
Replacement of two notice boards 1908
Parking at the school ?
Section 137 grant to Helm Youth Group 100
Total Expenditure 9360.60 976.33 895.23 4390.03

Community Account balance -4011.05 3125.62 2314.39 409.97

Budget should have a contingency fund of 25-100% of the annual gross
budget. If the reserves are more than 2.0x the precept, the external
auditors will require an explanation.

Business Saver Account balance = £641.23

2019 OH electors = 351 Jan 2019

S137 rate = £8.12 in 2018/19
Maximum = £2850.12

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